The laws of macro investing are being re-written, and investors who fail to adapt to the rapidly changing monetary environment will struggle to keep pace. Felix Jauvin interviews the brightest minds in finance about which asset classes they think will thrive in the financial future that they envision.
Il podcast rivolto a chi desidera restare aggiornato sulle ultime notizie dai mercati finanziari raccontate da Alberto Tocchio, Head of Global Equity and Thematics di Kairos.
Per non perdere tutti gli aggiornamenti di Kairos, iscriviti alla sezione Approfondimenti del sito -
Herzlich Willkommen in der Hydrogen Bar!
Macht es Euch mit uns am Tresen gemütlich und schnappt Euch einen Drink.
Wir plaudern über die aufregende Welt des Wasserstoffs, der Brennstoffzellen und der Batterien, reden über neue Arten der Mobilität, über saubere Energieversorgung, und träumen von einer besseren Zukunft.
Unser Podcast richtet sich an alle interessierten HörerInnen - egal ob fachfremd oder mit allen Wasser(stoffe)n gewaschen.
Kontakt zu uns: [email protected] -
Forget the status quo — Get Reworked. Join the editors of Reworked, your guide to the r/evolution of work, as they interview business leaders transforming the way work gets done today.
Have a question, comment, idea or guest suggestion? Drop us a line at [email protected]. -
Die Wochenvorschau der Börsen-Zeitung
7TageMärkte ist die akustische Wochenvorschau der Börsen-Zeitung. Immer freitags gibt es eine Einordnung zu den Themen, die den Kapitalmarkt bewegen. Wir schauen voraus auf die wichtigsten Termine und Ereignisse bei Unternehmen, Banken sowie an den Finanzmärkten in der folgenden Woche, hintergründig eingeordnet von den Redaktionsmitgliedern der Börsen-Zeitung.
Redaktion: Sabine Reifenberger und Franz Công Bùi.
Jeden Freitag ab 7.00 Uhr.
Feedback und Fragen sind willkommen: podcast[at]boersen-zeitung[dot]de
Sie interessieren sich für ein Sponsoring des Podcasts oder für die weiteren ESG-Produkte der Börsen-Zeitung? Dann tretet gern in den Austausch mit unserem Sales-Team.
Eva Kammler: E.Kammler[at]boersen-zeitung[dot]de -
Hosts Alex Steger, Frank Talbot, and Chris Sloley ask the best investors about their worst mistakes, and (crucially) what they learned from them.
We hear from some of the brightest minds in markets, advice, and analysis to glean their gravest errors and discover how they beat their blunders to become better investors today. -
Mathieu Lopez vous emmène sur La Route des Vins du Luxembourg pour un fabuleux voyage empreint de découvertes, le long de la Moselle luxembourgeoise. Chaque épisode est synonyme de rencontres au coeur des villages viticoles et hauts lieux de la gastronomie Grand-Ducale. Domaines, vins de saison et dégustations coups de coeur… Sans oublier les évènements viticoles et conseils oenologiques prodigués par les meilleurs spécialistes du vin au Luxembourg.
Foodtech Junkies is a deep dive podcast series for anyone who is passionate about food and ag innovation. Every week we take a 360-degree view of the latest developments and pick the brains of entrepreneurs, investors, chefs, authors, experts, advocates, visionaries, and troublemakers. These are the people paving the way for positive disruptions in our global food chain. Join us for laid-back, thought-provoking conversations about trends, investments, solutions, and our common good.
Becoming a Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA®) charterholder is a defining moment for any investment professional. But earning this distinction is no easy task. It takes true grit and determination to invest the time and dedication needed to succeed. What drives candidates to embark on this journey? We’re uncovering the inspirational stories that led people across the globe down the path to charterholder. This unique collection of personal experiences is intended to help inspire the investment professionals of the future to chart their own journey.
Tout commence par leurs mots. Une page de leur dernier livre, ou du précédent, pour entendre ce qui fait leur style. Puis l'écrivaine, l'écrivain, qu'elle ou il vienne du Sénégal, d'Haïti, de Beyrouth, de Paris ou Lyon, se raconte. Cela commence dans l'enfance, par un paysage, une lecture, une rencontre, la phrase d’un professeur, et ça ne s'arrête plus, les questions s'improvisent au cours du dialogue. Il semble que les invités venus « causer » au studio du Point, se réapproprient avec plaisir les nuances de ce verbe suranné ou familier, et s'y sentent à leur aise. Et les auditeurs aussi.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Die Wallonie, der frankophone Süden Belgiens, ist ein echter Geheimtipp. Wir reisen mit Euch in die Ardennen und an die Maas, entdecken die spannende Geschichte der Region, probieren die besten Fritten der Welt und geben Euch dabei jede Menge Reisetipps.
Konzeption: Barbara Buchholz, Eva Claushues, Françoise Hauser. Mitarbeit: Joana Ruthe. Musik: Giacomo Maillard -
Host "G3" discusses the impacts of technology & AI, crypto, health & longevity, and public policy on financial markets with Weiss partners and friends of the firm. Frequent guests include President and CIO, Jordi Visser, Deputy CIO, Michael Edwards and Senior Vice President, Lundy Wright.
Welcome to Smarter Lawcast, the official podcast of Hall & Wilcox, a leading independent Australian law firm. We pride ourselves on our Smarter Law approach, where we work with our clients to creatively solve their legal and business challenges. Tune in to be educated and entertained by our experts’ take on topical legal issues. LinkedIn:@Hall & WilcoxFacebook:@HallandWilcoxInstagram:@hallwilcox
Everything you want to know about France and more… in a free podcast. Janine Marsh, Editor of the Good Life France Magazine and website, award winning travel writer and author of several books about France, takes you to the heart of France, from French culture, history and heritage, gastronomy, wine, castles to monuments, fabulous destinations and much, much more – delivered with oodles of charm, a side of humour and a dash of unique French joie de vivre.
L’objectif du Podcast est d’ouvrir un terrain qui échappe aux polarisations les plus délétères pour penser le réel et contribuer à maintenir en vie un débat contradictoire. Il propose des réflexions brèves sur des sujets d’actualité et des thématiques plus intemporelles dans la perspective des sciences humaines. Il présente aussi des articles ou livres récents ou plus anciens qui permettent de contextualiser des débats courants.
Love Island contestant and investment analyst Jay Younger 'couples up' with Broadcast Specialist Kim McAllister to demystify investments and the world of finance in this informative money management podcast. Class Assets is a Connect production sponsored by Aubrey Capital Management and Aston Martin Edinburgh.
Bootie and Bossy are two sisters who share a love of cooking and crafting. Please join us in our adventures and misadventures! We'll share our best recipes and make you feel better about your craft projects. Whatever you do, don't knit like my sister! For show notes and more, please visit