Fakty, rozhovory a analýzy k aktuálnym témam. Spravodajský podcast Rádia Expres Dopodrobna vás zavedie ďalej, než ponúkajú stručné prehľady správ a pomôže vám pochopiť širší kontext udalostí a spoločenského diania.
BAUER MEDIA Slovakia, k.s., Vrútocká 48, 821 04 Bratislava
IČO: 357 92 094
Periodicita: občasná
EČP: EV 90/23/EPP -
Become a Paid Subscriber: podcast will cover many topics like sports, shows, movies, artist, etc.
Horúce informácie, novinky a aktuálne udalosti zo sveta celebrít, krimi, športu Slovenska a bulváru. Podcasty prinášajú do vašich uší všetko dôležité informácie z diania na červenom koberci, zo zákulisia a vzťahov celebrít, influencerov a športovcov. Ostante naladení a čítajte!
The latest in AI and Marketing - Hear Tomorrow’s Tech Today
AI in Marketing is a human-curated, AI-generated, Short-Form Podcast.
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"AI News Briefing" is a dynamic podcast dedicated to exploring the latest developments and trends in artificial intelligence. Each episode dives into recent news, breakthroughs, and advancements in AI, offering listeners a comprehensive understanding of this rapidly evolving field. Our engaging discussions cover a wide range of topics, from ethical implications and technological innovations to impacts on various industries. Tune in to stay informed and gain insights into the future of AI, as we navigate through the most fascinating and significant aspects of this technological revolution.