Podcast o dění na mediální scéně. Marie Bastlová si zve novinářské kolegy/ně k rozhovorům o roli a fungování médií, novinářů a žurnalistice jako takové v prudce se měnícím světě. Zajímá nás pohled do redakcí, za kulisy novinářské práce i to, jak se novináři potýkají s nejaktuálnějšími výzvami včetně třeba dezinformačních válek či umělé inteligence.
Orbition Group is delighted to bring you this podcast series, which is designed for Data Enthusiasts, to hear from some of the most high-profile Data, Analytics and AI thought leaders from around the globe.Each episode will detail the guests journey to the top while bringing unique insights, drawn from first-hand experience on the industry’s most trending topics. This podcast was created as a way for our industry's most respected leadership figures from across the world to give back to the Data & Analytics community, by sharing; knowledge, experiences and ideas, to inspire, innovate and provide real-life use cases on the industries most pressing topics/challenges.
AzureTalks is your source for the latest on Microsoft Azure, with updates on new features, services, expert insights, and more. Enjoy our unscripted discussions with experts from around the globe, covering a wide range of topics like automation, strategy, security, career growth, architecture, real-world scenarios, and more. Stay up-to-date with Azure, ensuring you're primed for the future of cloud computing.