Investment decisions have centred on growth for years, but the current setting of uncertainty, geopolitical turmoil and high volatility argues for a renewed focus on ‘value’. Carmine tells Chief Market Strategist Daniel Morris that in value investing, investors should take into account both the market's overall risk appetite and trends.
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After rising in the wake of the US election, valuations of US small-cap stocks have marked a pause. Geoff Dailey, Head of US Equities, tells Chief Market Strategist Daniel Morris he expects the new US administration's focus on manufacturing in the US to boost market sentiment.
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Head of ETF Research Daniel Dornel discusses recent trends in investing through exchange-traded funds, including investors moving from ETFs with very selective ESG criteria to less selective ones to limit return deviations from the market index. He also tells Daniel Morris, Chief Market Strategist, that demand for ‘active’ ETFs is picking up given they are an efficient way to integrate environmental, social and governance considerations into a portfolio.
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There is always uncertainty, particularly when it comes to the direction of bond markets in an uncertain world. James McAlevey, Head of Global Aggregate and Absolute Return explains the merits of absolute return fixed income investing in the current environment. James and Chief Market Strategist Daniel Morris discuss the dispersion market volatility creates, resulting in ‘rich’ opportunity sets for an active, asymmetric approach to fixed income investing.
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The top-down view in the US on the need for a sustainable approach to business and government has shifted, but there are still signs that initiatives on greater diversity, equity and inclusion can persist. Alex tells Chief Market Strategist Daniel Morris that talk of the end of sustainable investing is premature: New solutions will be developed and existing processes refined.
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Recent stock market movements have focused attention on the risks of over allocating to an equity index dominated a small group of companies in the same sector. This is currently the case with the preponderance of 10 (tech) behemoths in the US S&P500. Raul Leote de Carvalho, Deputy Head of the Quant Research Group, and Chief Market Strategist Daniel Morris put this concentration into context. They conclude that as long as market valuations rise in synch with profitability, the companies’ index dominance can be justified, but there's no margin for error. Raul suggests two ways of managing the related risk of high volatility.
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Demand for power in Asia could expand rapidly in the next few years as incomes rise, temperatures soar further, and calls for air quality improvements grow louder. Local phenomena including the rapid adoption of electric vehicles, electrifying India’s prolific two-wheelers and building out its urban metro networks look set to boost demand, Manish Bishnoi, Portfolio Manager for Asian environmental strategies at Impax Asset Management, tells Chief Market Strategist Daniel Morris. Equally, the rise of AI and the resulting structural change of power market dynamics will be felt across Asia.
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This year’s unknowns may look daunting. However, money still needs to be put to work. That will require strong convictions and portfolios constructed to weather whatever may happen. Here, Claire Mehu, Team Head for Balanced Solutions, and Andy Craig, Co-head of the Investment Insights Centre, discuss the prospects for multi-asset portfolios.
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Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
Investing in private credit – loans provided by institutions other than banks – is gaining ground as regulatory changes create opportunities. Listen to this episode. Stephane Blanchoz, Head of Alternative Solutions, and Andrew Craig, Co-head of Investment Insights Centre, discuss the mature US market and the opportunity-rich European market for private credit. They also go into the benefits of investing through an asset manager and the outlook for 2025.
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Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
Will the expression “May you live in interesting times” apply to 2025? How many ‘tugs of war’ will investors face? Kicking off our 2025 podcast series, Andrew Craig, Co-head of the Investment Insights Centre, and Chief Market Strategist Daniel Morris revisit our investment outlook – Opportunities in a volatile world. They discuss US Treasury and corporate bonds, US, European and emerging market equities, and – a barbarous relic – gold.
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Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
What are exchange-traded funds (ETFs)? How do they work and what are advantages do they offer? What's behind the new trend in Active ETFs? Why are they becoming so popular? We have the answers! Listen to our last podcast of 2024 with Marie-Sophie Pastant, Head of the Portfolio Management team for ETF, Index and Synthetic Strategies, and Andrew Craig, Co-head of the Investment Insights Centre.
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Robert Alexandre Poujade, Biodiversity Lead, updates Andrew Craig, Co-head of the Investment Insights Centre, on the latest developments, including takeaways from the recent multilateral COP16 meeting and the importance of heading off systemic risks such as even partial ecosystem collapse. Robert Alexandre also discusses how BNP Paribas Asset Management is taking biodiversity into account, the recent update of our biodiversity roadmap and next steps in the fight to tackle biodiversity loss.
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Reviewing the outcome of the recent UN Climate Summit, Climate Change Lead Thibaud Clisson tells Andrew Craig, Co-head of the Investment Insights Centre, that amid the mixed results, there was progress on greater transparency in carbon markets and measures to tackle climate change fallout in developing countries. They also discuss hopes that next year’s COP conference can make progress on commitments to transitioning away from fossil fuels.
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The arrival of a more protectionist US administration favouring deregulation and fossil fuels may be seen as hindering the energy transition and climate action. Ed Lees, Co-head of our Environmental Strategies group, explains why it is not that simple. He talks to Chief Market Strategist Daniel Morris about the countervailing forces such as state-level – not federal – environmental standards, the hard-to-dispute economics of green energy, and the jobs that current policies have created.
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What are the implications of Donald Trump re-entering the White House with his Republican party in control of both chambers of the US Congress? Listen to this Talking Heads podcast on these questions with Chief Market Strategist Daniel Morris and Andrew Craig, Co-head of the Investment Insights Centre.
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Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
With the end of 2024 six weeks away and 2025 dawning with the promise of wide-ranging changes under a new US administration as well as further key interest rate cuts, what are the chances that US equities will continue to stand out? Andrew Craig, Co-head of the Investment Insights Centre, and Christian Fay, Senior Portfolio Manager for US and Global Equities in Boston, discuss these and other questions in this week’s edition.
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While debate may rage over the feasibility of the Paris Agreement goals on containing climate change, it is clear to many investors that economies are inevitably moving towards net zero emissions and many policymakers are legislating in the realisation that the transition is coming. Jakob Thomä, Research Director at the Inevitable Policy Response, tells Andrew Craig, Co-head of the Investment Insights Centre, that investors are taking the view climate change is a risk factor to be tackled now.
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Cedric Scholtes, Head of Sovereign Bonds, Inflation & Rates talks with Daniel Morris, Chief Market Strategist, about the factors that have led to the recent rise in yields of US Treasuries and what may happen next. At a time of multiple possible paths for US policy rates they discuss the state of the US labour market, how markets are evaluating future fiscal policy and the outlook for inflation.
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Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
Capturing drivers of stock performance via ‘factors’ such as value or low volatility and investing in them systematically continues to gain ground among investors. Carmine De Franco, Head of Quantitative Equity Portfolio Management, and Andrew Craig, Co-head of the Investment Insights Centre, explore the advantages of quantitative investing as a source of diverse elements of performance.
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Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
Markets are focused on the resilience of the US economy, the scope for post-election policymaking in the US and recent developments in China when reviewing the near and medium-term outlook for developed market equities. Chief Market Strategist Daniel Morris and Andrew Craig, Co-head of the Investment Insights Centre, discuss our latest equity update.
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Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
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