Hello my beautiful friends,
In today's episode I am talking about a huge milestone and anniversary - roughly 4 years of living radically through the guidance of my intuition. Some of the topics I cover in my reflections are:
- Money
- Work/Career
- Mindset
& a bit more.
This was a really fun episode to record. If you've been interested in potentially living in this "radical" way, then this episode may be helpful for you to tune into.
If you have any questions or want deeper clarity on what I've discussed in this or any previous or future episode, my inbox is open for invitations and questions.
If you desire deeper support on these topics, fill out the work with me questionnaire and I will get back to you in the next 2 business days to setup an introduction call
Donations are also always appreciated as I continue developing the podcast
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Email --> kailamcorsiglia@gmail.com
Instagram --> @kailacorsiglia
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Hello my beautiful friends,
This episode is raw - a compilation of things that I've been realizing and working through over the past month while back in Indiana. I won't lie - there is very little "purpose" to today's episode, I'm not teaching anything, there's no deeper wisdom I felt inspired to instill within my listeners, I just wanted to talk through some aha's I've experienced over the past month. I dig into the topic of Human Design as it has been influencing my life a lot and I talk about the spiritual communities tendency to want to monetize their spiritual practices and why I think there may be some deeper knowledge for us to tap into there. If you're interested in hearing more, then this episode is for you!
If you have any questions or want deeper clarity on what I've discussed in this or any previous or future episode, my inbox is open for invitations and questions.
If you desire deeper support on these topics, fill out the work with me questionnaire and I will get back to you in the next 2 business days to setup a free introduction call; I charge $250/session after the introduction call
Donations are also always appreciated as I continue developing the podcast
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Email --> kailamcorsiglia@gmail.com
Instagram --> @kailacorsiglia
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Saknas det avsnitt?
Hello my beautiful friends,
If you are interested in hearing what I am up to in my everyday life, then this episode is for you. Today I dive into my reflections after a year of living in Ubud, Bali, Indonesia and how I'm feeling at the closing of that year. I also spend some time reflecting on how this chapter ending feelings so much different than any other chapter ending in the past. I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed recording!
If you have any questions or want deeper clarity on what I've discussed in this or any previous or future episode, feel free to email me or DM me on Instagram, all links are below.
If you desire deeper support on these topics, fill out the work with me questionnaire and I will get back to you in the next 2 business days to setup a free introduction call; I list prices on my sales page.
Donations are also always appreciated as I continue developing the podcast
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Email --> kailamcorsiglia@gmail.com
Instagram --> @kailacorsiglia
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Hello my beautiful friends,
Today I'm excited to share a bit of a story time; I am talking about my most prominent and disruptive money theme.
My money themes have always been centered around a feeling of being trapped and restricted. I never felt that money was unavailable, in fact I always knew that it was there. But if I was asking for something that wasn't deemed traditional and acceptable, it was withheld and money would stand on the other side of the glass, visible and taunting me.
I go through the story of how I tried to take action in order to stop the flow of restriction; cutting chords left and right frantically, thinking that this would result in a feeling of freedom - but we know the Law of Attraction better than that! (now lol)
Even though I thought all that I was doing was setting me free, I was actually just creating/attracting new ways to restrict myself.
Thankfully I am older and wiser now and I can see the error in my ways and I have spent the last year progressively embodying a new feeling; a feeling of freedom. Rather than trying to run from restriction or to free myself from it, I started seeking evidence that I already had it and finding ways to feel it now, even while circumstantially nothing had changed and the results have been new, fresh, and exciting to me.
Tune in to hear more!
If you have any questions or want deeper clarity on what I've discussed in this or any previous or future episode, feel free to email me or DM me on Instagram, all links are below.
If you desire deeper support on these topics, fill out the work with me questionnaire and I will get back to you in the next 2 business days to setup a free introduction call; I do not list prices because I currently price my services depending on a client's personal feelings of abundance.
Donations are also always appreciated as I continue developing the podcast
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Email --> kailamcorsiglia@gmail.com
Instagram --> @kailacorsiglia
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Hello my beautiful friends, thank you as always for tuning in. Today I am sharing a story about taking action within an old habit of thought and the results that followed. Let's just say, it wasn't my favorite evening, but I did learn a lot and it helped me get even more clear on what I really want.
If you're interested in what I would consider is the opposite of a flow story, then this one's for you! Don't worry, I walk through exactly what I did to get myself out of it.
If you have any questions or want deeper clarity on what I've discussed in this or any previous or future episode, feel free to email me or DM me on Instagram, all links are below.
If you desire deeper support on these topics, fill out the work with me questionnaire and I will get back to you in the next 2 business days to setup a free introduction call; I do not list prices because I currently price my services depending on a client's personal feelings of abundance.
Donations are also always appreciated as I continue developing the podcast
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Email --> kailamcorsiglia@gmail.com
Instagram --> @kailacorsiglia
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Today I am dropping in with a quick little nugget of law of attraction wisdom to allow the flow of more money into your life; hint - it's most likely nothing new to you avid LOA & manifestation beauties out there but I'm here today to explain to you why it's so powerful in a way you may have never heard before. Maybe I will even influence you to give it another try!
If you have any questions or want deeper clarity on what I've discussed in this or any previous or future episode, feel free to email me or DM me on Instagram, all links are below.
If you desire deeper support on these topics, fill out the work with me questionnaire and I will get back to you in the next 2 business days to setup a free introduction call; I do not list prices because I currently price my services depending on a client's personal feelings of abundance.
Donations are also always appreciated as I continue developing the podcast
Work with me --> Work with me
Email --> kailamcorsiglia@gmail.com
Instagram --> @kailacorsiglia
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Hello my beautiful friends,
On today's episode of Messaging a Friend I am talking about a realization I had about my bucket list; at first glance it seemed like I hadn't accomplished anything on that list but as I dove in deeper I realized I actually had.
I also talk about what my next bucket list item is and how my bucket list looks much different today than it did before I began understanding the law of attraction and manifestation. I hope you enjoy listening as much I enjoyed recording this one!
If you have any questions or want deeper clarity on what I've discussed in this or any previous or future episode, feel free to email me or DM on Instagram, all links are below.
If you desire deeper support on these topics, fill out the work with me questionnaire and I will get back to you in the next 2 business days to setup a free introduction call; I do not list prices because I currently price my services depending on a client's personal feelings of abundance.
Donations are also always appreciated as I continue developing the podcast
Work with me --> Work with me
Email --> kailamcorsiglia@gmail.com
Instagram --> @kailacorsiglia
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Hello my beautiful friends,
Today we are talking about how to know when you are in the receiving mode. This is a topic I'm really excited to cover because it used to dry my crazy trying to understand this concept when listening to the amazing Abraham Hicks.
I genuinely thought being in the receiving mode was the same as being in a delusional state, as if I believed I already had what I desired. My understanding now is much more simple.
To put it simply, being in the receiving mode is the same as being able to think good feeling thoughts about something that you do not have yet and being able to maintain that good feeling until the physical manifestation comes. I dig into this way more deeply in the episode, so tune in for more!
If you have any questions or want deeper clarity on what I've discussed in this or any previous or future episode, feel free to email me or DM on Instagram, all links are below.
If you desire deeper support on these topics, fill out the work with me questionnaire and I will get back to you in the next 2 business days to setup a free introduction call; I do not list prices because I currently price my services depending on a client's personal feelings of abundance.
If you feel called, I also have a donation link down below. This is really, deeply appreciated as I continue developing the podcast and writing my books. <3
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Email --> kailamcorsiglia@gmail.com
Instagram --> @kailacorsiglia
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Hello my beautiful friends and welcome back to the second episode of my series Messaging a Friend
I had the most incredible day of flow yesterday, following a feeling of satisfaction, and I felt really inspired to share how the day unfolded as I consciously chose to focus on feelings and thoughts of satisfaction before taking action. It felt like a really good follow up to yesterday's episode - showing it in practice.
To set the scene for the moment where I described me dancing in candle light feeling deeply satisfied, I have listed the songs I was listening to below:
Back to My Ways by John Vincent III (BTW he is coming out with a new album soon after almost 4 years without releasing music; screaming with excitement)
Maine by Noah Kahan (he is my current musical obsession, his lyrical abilities are...just listen and prepare for goose bumps and tears, he also just collaborated with Post Malone who gave a sample on one of his most popular songs SO GOOD, and his new album Stick Season (We'll All Be Here Forever) is scream in your car at the top of your lungs worthy)
The entire Circles album by Mac Miller (truly an incredible stand alone album but even better once you realize this was mostly recorded right before he left this world and was completed and released after his passing)
The cover art for this episode is one of the pictures I was inspired to take while following that feeling of satisfaction
If you have any questions or want deeper clarity on what I've discussed in this or any previous or future episode, feel free to email me or DM on Instagram, all links are below.
If you desire deeper support on these topics, fill out the work with me questionnaire and I will get back to you in the next 2 business days to setup a free introduction call; I do not list prices because I currently price my services depending on a client's personal feelings of abundance.
Donations are also always appreciated as I continue developing the podcast
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Email --> kailamcorsiglia@gmail.com
Instagram --> @kailacorsiglia
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In today's episode I talk about a really fun topic - inspired action
Spoiler; you are literally always taking inspired action.
What really matters is whether you are inspired to take action because you believe you have access to what you want, or because you do not believe you have access to what you want
Tune in for more!
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Email --> kailamcorsiglia@gmail.com
Instagram --> @kailacorsiglia
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In today's episode, we are going to be talking about the energetics of relationships and how to stay in alignment while seeking a relationship or being in one; we will also be covering why you may be stuck searching for one or in a place of dissatisfaction within the one that you have.
In my experience, these are a few common reason why you may feel “stuck” in a place of not having what you want related to relationships:
You haven’t completed the process of learning what you really want in a relationship just yet You haven’t allowed yourself to look at the dissatisfaction in your relationships, current or in the past, long enough to gain clarity on what it is that you really want You are stuck in a place of contrast, feeling like what you want isn’t accessibleThe key point to remember from this episode; we are all seeking satisfaction in our relationships and until we get that, we are going to be faced with contrast because contrast helps us clarify what it is that we really want. We have to be able to be honest with ourselves when we are dissatisfied and dig deep to understand what we actually want instead, then we have to get to a place of believing that we can have this new desire and live in the world knowing that.
I give a few key examples on how I did this in my own life as I have spent many years fine tuning my desires for a relationship, some desire being a little less common which is also what could happen for you on this journey of fine-tuning as well.
As always, I like to let everyone know that this has been my experience with my own desires that are unique to me. I am by no means saying this is the end all be all that every once needs to believe or practice. If none of what I share resonates, then no hard feelings! The solution you seek is out there and I appreciate you listening nonetheless.
If you have any questions or want deeper clarity on what I've discussed in this or any previous or future episode, feel free to email me or DM on Instagram, all links are below.
If you desire deeper support on these topics, fill out the work with me questionnaire below and I will get back to you in the next 2 business days to setup a free call.
Donations are also always appreciated as I continue developing the podcast!
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Email --> kailamcorsiglia@gmail.com
Instagram --> @kailacorsiglia
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Hello my beautiful friends,
This episode to begin focuses on a fallacy that so many of us fall into when it comes to the work that we perform and it's correlation with the money that we earn.
Today I want to bust that fallacy and talk about money as a standalone topic, more specifically I want to talk about money as a vibration.
Most of us, when we're really honest with ourselves, are already vibrating at an energy that feels like success when we look at the work that we are performing, with maybe some light resistances - but the true resistance seems to be on the topic of money as a whole, as a standalone topic, and help separate from the work itself.
This episode is for you if the topic of money sets your teeth on edge immediately as it arises, in whatever way you are talking about it, thinking about it, or taking action on it. That feeling is your dominant vibration and what you are attracting more of as a result on the topic of money.
In this episode we are deep diving into the topics of work, money, and success, finding deeper clarity and finding the real "problem" - hint, it's most likely not the amount of work that you are doing.
If you have any questions or want deeper clarity on what I've discussed in this or any previous or future episode, feel free to email me or DM on Instagram, all links are below.
If you desire deeper support on these topics, fill out the work with me questionnaire below and I will get back to you in the next 2 business days to setup a free call.
Donations are also always appreciated as I continue developing the podcast!
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Email --> kailamcorsiglia@gmail.com
Instagram --> @kailacorsiglia
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Hello my beautiful friends and welcome to a new series I am calling Messaging a Friend.
One of my favorite things to do is to send voice notes to my friends in my friend group who are aligned with the beliefs system that I hold in relation to manifestation and spirituality. I thought it would be fun to record occasional episodes, on Thursdays, in the same sort of format as I would while messaging a friend about the same topics.
It's rough, it's raw, it's based on the flow I'm experiencing on the topic in current time, and I hope it brings as much joy and inspiration to each of you as it brings my friends and myself.
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Email --> kailamcorsiglia@gmail.com
Instagram --> @kailacorsiglia
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Hello beautiful friends!
I'm so excited to talk about today's topic - manifesting and law of attraction at the expert level. This is a topic near and dear to my heart as a long term listener to those coaches who are what Abraham Hicks would call "at the leading edge" of this work.
As a simple break down, here are the steps that make this work the most easily understandable to me and my hope that it helps you understand it more deeply as well. Listen to the entire episode for the breakdown of what each step truly entails, from my perspective.
Allow yourself to let joy, in its purest form, be your intent or goal post that you are reaching for each and every day. Joy for joy’s sake Allow yourself to experience each day as they naturally unfold; go to work, spend time with your kids, go to the park, just do what you would typically do. But while you are experiencing your day allow yourself to be aware of any contrast that arises. There is no need to wake up and visualize the thing you’re trying to manifest, or affirm to yourself that it’s done. Just naturally move through the day Allow contrast to naturally occur throughout your day; meaning notice the thoughts, notice the circumstances, and notice the interactions that all cause you to separate from that natural joy that you committed to experiencing that day Allow yourself to fixate on the contrast only as long as it takes to gain clarity on what your desire is in that moment. Then shift your perspective to the desire and fixate there until you feel a vibrational shift in the body; meaning you feel better than you did when the contrast presented itself to you Once you have shifted the energy on the topic, move back into your day fixating on joy for joy’s sake Continue doing this all day every day.SHOWNOTES
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Email --> kailamcorsiglia@gmail.com
Instagram --> @kailacorsiglia
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Welcome back my beautiful friends!
Please remember to follow, share, leave me a review, or even send me a small donation if that feels aligning; all info can be found in the shownotes.
If you haven’t listened to last week's episode I would suggest going back and starting there.
As a quick recap, last week I had talked about a commonly overlooked variation of spiritual bypassing which takes place entirely within our own psyche, which I referred to as the misinterpretation of surrender;
When we spiritually bypass in this way we typically find ourselves in a situation where we want something, we aren’t seeing results, and we take that as a sign from the universe that we need to just let it go.
Surrender, however, is what comes after we discover a new desire, and it comes again every time we become aware that we haven’t received it yet, and we repeat this process until we find ourselves with a solution
Rather than using surrender as a means to tap into deeper belief, we use it as a means to hammer into the belief that we cannot have what we want, and we point the finger directly at the universe.
We create entire narratives about the universe’s intentions, and the universe is back there like “uh I never said that."
We put all this weight on the universe, and we use that weight as means to bypass reality, bypass what is actually working for us, while also bypassing what isn’t, and we unknowingly cut ourselves off from receiving what we asked for in the first place.
Do you see how this focuses on the lack of solution, the problem, rather than being open to receiving the solution?
So typically in these situations we get so frustrated that we convince ourselves that we do not want our desire anymore and we use the universe as the excuse for why we can’t have it.
We say things like “I’m going to completely surrender and if it happens then it was meant for me, if it doesn’t happen or doesn’t come easily then that’s the universe telling me it’s not meant for me.”
But desire doesn’t cease to exist just because it hasn’t been received in our physical reality yet.
Surrender doesn’t mean, do nothing; it means allow your desire to exist and let go of needing to know how it will be received until you receive inspiration to take action.
1st comes a desire, we want something, typically as it’s born out of contrast.
2nd we surrender to how we will receive it, but we trust that the universe will guide us there because the universe is already holding us there. All we need to do in this step is allow ourselves to want what we want and let go of needing to know how we will get it.
3rd, we allow the doors to open to inspired potential, inspired thought, synchronicities, and action steps that will eventually lead us there.
Layer surrender on top of desires, then layer action on top of desire and surrender, and finally continue layering desire, surrender, action, desire, surrender, action, until you end up with exactly what you’ve been asking for.
I hope you found this helpful, if you have any questions feel free to message me on instagram or send me an email and if you’re interested in working with me you can do the same. Thank you so much for tuning in!
Email --> kailamcorsiglia@gmail.com
Instagram --> @kailacorsiglia
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Why do I call this spiritual bypassing?
I call this spiritual bypassing because desires are valid, 100% of the time, in my perspective. We are fucking human beings, if we wanted to want nothing and to live in complete surrender and to not ask for things, we wouldn’t have incarnated into human bodies that want things and have preferences. What would the point have been? Even Eckhart Tolle decided after being in almost complete surrender for years, living mostly on park benches in complete bliss, woke up one day and was like “hm, maybe I should go join society again.”
Because we aren’t meant to live entirely in surrender without a single desire.
This is like, the inception of spiritual bypassing because really the only person it’s affecting is yourself. It’s all happening internally and we don’t realize that it has potential to have huge impact on our external reality.
When we say something like “I just need to surrender and stop wanting this thing at all.” Or we use spirituality as an excuse for why we don’t have it yet, we are basically invalidating our own desires. It’s one thing to say “I lived, I learned, I realized through lived experience that I don’t actually want that thing.” But to sit around and act like you don’t want something because the universe is sending you a direct message that says “this thing isn’t meant for you" is, in my opinion, not rooted in reality.
If the universe is rooted in complete non judgment, unbiased opinion, unconditional love, and has no desire to put a hand in impacting our freewill, then the universe is never trying to tell us something isn’t meant for us because that would require judgment.
In my own life I realized recently that I have been running my business for the past couple years now rooted within a lot of spiritual bypassing. I wanted to completely surrender my business, which looking back I can see meant that I basically wanted to do nothing and have it all delivered to me on a silver platter. & in doing so I ignored the parts of my business and my habits, that weren’t serving it positively. I had to stop believing that the universe wasn’t supporting my actions or the work I’d been led to do in the first place.
Once I admitted that I was spiritually bypassing by attempting to stay in complete surrender with little to no action, I could admit that I was actually leading my business to a potentially dangerous place.
& if you’d like to know what to do if you recognize this within yourself, I will be back with a part two next week because I don’t want to leave you all hanging with a problem and no solution.
I record episodes every Monday here in Bali.
If you’re interested in working with me you can email me or DM with the links below
If you want to chat about something you heard in the episode feel free to DM me or email me
If you want to donate to the podcast you can follow my Paypal link
Please subscribe and leave reviews! It makes a world of a difference
Email --> kailamcorsiglia@gmail.com
Instagram --> @kailacorsiglia
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Today we are going to be talking about the gift of scarcity
What is scarcity? A definition that comes to mind for me is, anything that we feel we are lacking for an extended period of time; something we don’t have access to.
This could be money, love, housing, self-confidence, etc.
But what I want to talk about today is not about making scarcity a problem, but rather how to find the gift within it.
I want to reassure you that exploring acceptance of this topic has the potential of guiding you directly to a unique solution. But the only way is through understanding of it and coming out the other side with a fresh perspective.
If you’ve been a part of the LOA or Abraham Hicks community for a long time then you’re probably familiar with the topic of contrast. Contrast and scarcity are one and the same. Whatever contrast you face in any given moment is rooted in scarcity, whatever scarcity you face in any given moment is rooted in contrast.
The contrast or the scarcity one faces at any given time can be seen as a compass which can guide you directly to what it is that you are truly wanting and asking the universe for. But most of us rarely dive into it deeply enough to understand why it’s there.
You see this happening in the world currently surrounding money and finances, because the world is being triggered into what Eckhart Tolle has called “a collective pain body”.
The problem with large pain points like this is how easy it is to feed into them because there is so much evidence to support it. It would be out of touch to say otherwise.
But the gift of scarcity is not in making a home within it. It is using it as a guiding light to deeper clarity and finding balance between scarcity and abundance.
The trick here is about overcoming avoidance. Most of us don’t realize that in avoiding understanding our scarcity mindsets, or any topic that feels difficult or uncomfortable, we are also rejecting and avoiding its opposite as well.
Why is that? Because we came here to experience everything. Any given topic always has 2 ends of the spectrum. The negative end of the spectrum and the positive end of the spectrum.
Think of it like breathing, we wouldn’t be breathing without the exhale but we would panic if that's all we believed existed.
When it comes to the things that feel scarce to us, it is only because we are focusing on 1 end of the spectrum and feeling completely detached from the other.
The anger, the rage, the anxiety, the sadness, or anything else that comes with the scarcity, the contrast, the dissatisfaction, it’s all valid, allowed, and dare I say necessary. It's just not meant to be the only thing we experience.
We have been told for far too long that avoiding our negative emotions is the way to manifest.
But we didn’t come here to dissociate from emotions that feel unpleasant, we came here for the human experience and that means both ends of the stick exist at the same time.
When we accept that scarcity exists, we are better prepared to accept that abundance exists as well and even simultaneously and when we can accept both we can then consciously move into a place where balance can be created.
This is the gift of scarcity.
In terms of money we can see what happens when we lean too far to the end which is abundance while avoiding scarcity - we end up with greed, billionaires, a housing market rooted in complete selfishness and lack of care for the people it hurts the most.
Or when scarcity is leaned on too much while abundance feels out of touch, we end up with poverty, job shortages, and allowing people on the other end of the spectrum to drain our resources while feeling powerless to do anything about it.
Until we accept that both ends can exist and MUST exist simultaneously, there can be no balance.
Most people become trapped within scarcity but all that's happening in these moment is we are actually believing more in scarcity than we are in abundance. We’re simply out of balance.
The mind has a tricky way of preventing us from seeking solution when we’re stuck in these places, typically by making us believe that there is no solution or that the solution will fail. We then either ignore our desires all together or have a hopelessness attached to them.
What if I told you that I believe that a solution can only come for solving dissatisfaction by wanting our desire even in the face of evidence that says it's not possible.
Change can only come when we allow scarcity or the lack of something to exist without allowing lack to serve as a desire smothering aspect.
This isn’t delusion, this is creation.
Creation always begins with lack.
There is a lack of solution because there is a lack of people who are letting themselves desire anyway.
The gift of scarcity is the gift of innovation, the gift to desire something new, something that we haven’t seen before, or that we never thought was possible.
& innovation can only be born through allowing desire to exist, even while the world around us is screaming that it’s not possible.
It is, we just haven’t allowed ourselves to open to the solution yet.
Email --> kailamcorsiglia@gmail.com
Instagram --> @kailacorsiglia
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Hello, and welcome back to Intuition Academy!
If you’ve been here for a while, you will probably notice that the podcast looks a little different than it has for the past two years.
I have been recording Intuition Academy since the Summer of 2021 at the very early stages of my business. I was deep in the trial and error process of the work while recording then. Most of my episodes were off the cuff and had little structure and I had a tendency to use the podcast as more of a journal than a teaching opportunity or a way to showcase my creations
Which leads to where we are now.
I found that my previous episodes were completely unrelated to the work that I do now within my business. It felt messy, unorganized, and like it didn’t showcase my work. That led me to desiring a complete rebrand, if you will.
I actually thought for a time that I would delete this podcast all together and I would focus my energy somewhere else, but the only thing that flowed with ease was deleting every episode, not deleting the podcast all together.
Before moving on, I do want to say that if you’re interested in Intuition Academy's old, original episodes, you are free to purchase them in bulk. Check the show notes down below for my email address or send me a DM on Instagram if you’re interested in purchasing the old episodes; the bulk purchase will not include any client sessions that I had previously recorded.
So, here we are. A new chapter in my professional life is unfolding before my eyes. I feel that I am no longer in the discovery or trial and error phase within my business, at least around the conceptualization of my specialties. I have deep clarity on the work that I am meant to teach and I feel very motivated to share it.
The new phase of Intuition Academy is going to be based on integration, alchemy, emotional regulation, manifestation techniques from a fresh, more practical perspective, we’re going to look at the marriage of self-discipline and surrender and how to find a balance between the two, we’re going to talk about the importance of presence, inspired action, how to tap into creative energy, and more than anything - we’ll be talking about desire. If these topics sound interesting to you, then you my friend are in the right place.
I am also currently writing a book proposal and I am hoping to be published soon. The book is all about the topics that I will be covering in this podcast.
Thank you so much for being here, I am so excited to be back in a more structured and consistent way. If you have any questions or topics that you’re interested in hearing from, feel free to reach out and I will gladly take your requests into consideration.
If you are interested in showing me support in the writing of my book or in the recording of this podcast please subscribe, leave a review, or contribute financially. You can follow the link in the show notes to send me a donation.
Email --> kailamcorsiglia@gmail.com
Instagram --> @kailacorsiglia
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