In this episode, we explore the link between how you manage your energy and how you manage your money and the impactful role self-worth plays in the exchange. You will start to see how money really is energy. Scarcity mindset and self- worth play a role in our energy debt as well as our money debt. Is it time for you to start investing wisely? Listen in and learn how you can do that!
Don't Miss Your FREE Masterclass Tonight 3/18 7pm EST🚀 🚀 🚀
The Self-Sabotage Trap: 4 Secrets To Staying Soulfully Aligned While Achieving More. Learn the 4 tried and true strategies I have used for years to kick self-sabotage to the curb while getting soulfully lit up and ready for action.
➡️ Check Out The Free Masterclass Here
The Doors Are Open To The Modern Empath's Boundary Mastery!🎉
This is a 12-week deeply healing and immersive program with weekly dripped course , group coaching, monthly group healings, activations, powerful meditations, and all that you need to step into the next level of your becoming.
➡️ Check Out The Modern Empath's Boundary Mastery Here
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Other Ways I Can Support You:
💝 Grab my Free Gift to you: Your Shadow Work Bundle that is like therapy from home! Included inside is a very brief video letting you know the important steps to take for bigger results (like radical self love and significantly less anxiety and stuck progress.)
Also, A Deep transformational Shadow Work Meditation and brief Shadow Work Guide with journal prompts and suggestions.
Sign Up For Your Free Gift Here : The Shadow Work Transformation Bundle
🎁 BONUS when you sign up for the Shadow Work Bundle ⬆️ ⬆️ You will receive an invite from yours truly, inviting you to join my new Inspiration Hub! This is where all my free content goes to live on and inspire. You’ll find Healing Meditations and Inspiring videos and checklists to up level your expansion goals!
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Go to www. michellepoverman.com for more options to work with Michelle.
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In this episode we dive into part 2 of the Series Why Boundaries Are Hard. This is the episode where we will get crystal clear on the one critical change necessary for you to have solid boundaries that support the life you crave. This is the most important mindset shift you can make to change how you show up for yourself and create relationships that are honest and deep.
The Over-Asker VS The Overgiver
Common Problems
The Critical Shift in Setting Boundaries
Work and Relationship Dynamics
Next Steps
Don't Miss Your FREE Masterclass 🚀 🚀 🚀
The Self-Sabotage Trap: 4 Secrets To Staying Soulfully Aligned While Achieving More. Learn the 4 tried and true strategies I have used for years to kick self-sabotage to the curb while getting soulfully lit up and ready for action.
➡️ Check Out The Free Masterclass Here
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Other Ways I Can Support You:
💝 Grab my Free Gift to you: Your Shadow Work Bundle that is like therapy from home! Included inside is a very brief video letting you know the important steps to take for bigger results (like radical self love and significantly less anxiety and stuck progress.)
Also, A Deep transformational Shadow Work Meditation and brief Shadow Work Guide with journal prompts and suggestions.
Sign Up For Your Free Gift Here : The Shadow Work Transformation Bundle
🎁 BONUS when you sign up for the Shadow Work Bundle ⬆️ ⬆️ You will receive an invite from yours truly, inviting you to join my new Inspiration Hub! This is where all my free content goes to live on and inspire. You’ll find Healing Meditations and Inspiring videos and checklists to up level your expansion goals!
🦋 Follow on socials: Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Go to www. michellepoverman.com for more options to work with Michelle.
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Saknas det avsnitt?
This episode is Part 1 of a 3-part series; Why You Struggle With Boundaries.
Today we discuss two reasons you likely self-sabotage and break promises to yourself. Don't miss this episode! We dive into some really important issues that fly under the radar and sabotage your efforts. You will have clarity on where to focus right now and heal what is getting in the way of your greatness!
Understanding Self-SabotageValidation Programming Prioritizing Short-Term Comfort Over Long-Term Growth Building Emotional Resilience and Small HabitsDon't Miss Your FREE Masterclass 🚀 🚀 🚀
The Self-Sabotage Trap: 4 Secrets To Staying Soulfully Aligned While Achieving More. Learn the 4 tried and true strategies I have used for years to kick self-sabotage to the curb while getting soulfully lit up and ready for action.
➡️ Check Out The Free Masterclass Here
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Other Ways I Can Support You:
💝 Grab my Free Gift to you: Your Shadow Work Bundle that is like therapy from home! Included inside is a very brief video letting you know the important steps to take for bigger results (like radical self love and significantly less anxiety and stuck progress.)
Also, A Deep transformational Shadow Work Meditation and brief Shadow Work Guide with journal prompts and suggestions.
Sign Up For Your Free Gift Here : The Shadow Work Transformation Bundle
🎁 BONUS when you sign up for the Shadow Work Bundle ⬆️ ⬆️ You will receive an invite from yours truly, inviting you to join my new Inspiration Hub! This is where all my free content goes to live on and inspire. You’ll find Healing Meditations and Inspiring videos and checklists to up level your expansion goals!
🦋 Follow on socials: Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Go to www. michellepoverman.com for more options to work with Michelle.
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Are you being called to do something different? How do you know when it is time to leap into action and when it is time to slow down and pause?
After sharing her own experiences of navigating this dilemma, Michelle shares a strategy that will help you to collect the information you need- in order to move forward. By the end of this episode, you will have a greater understanding of what you need to consider when making this decision and how to step into the power of trusting yourself.
Is It A Calling?Recognizing The SignsThe Strategy of Learning From Both SidesWhen to Take A LeapWhen to Play It SafeImpulsivity Red FlagsTrusting Your PathSupport the show
Thank you for listening!
Other Ways I Can Support You:
💝 Grab my Free Gift to you: Your Shadow Work Bundle that is like therapy from home! Included inside is a very brief video letting you know the important steps to take for bigger results (like radical self love and significantly less anxiety and stuck progress.)
Also, A Deep transformational Shadow Work Meditation and brief Shadow Work Guide with journal prompts and suggestions.
Sign Up For Your Free Gift Here : The Shadow Work Transformation Bundle
🎁 BONUS when you sign up for the Shadow Work Bundle ⬆️ ⬆️ You will receive an invite from yours truly, inviting you to join my new Inspiration Hub! This is where all my free content goes to live on and inspire. You’ll find Healing Meditations and Inspiring videos and checklists to up level your expansion goals!
🦋 Follow on socials: Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Go to www. michellepoverman.com for more options to work with Michelle.
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In this episode, we explore the real-life consequences that arise when you are not able to decipher between fear and intuition. Many of these you will relate to as you consider your own history, for example, staying in toxic places (or relationships) too long. Your current relationship with fear could have widespread effects on your life and therefore it's an incredibly powerful skill to have.
The Impact Of Fear Over IntuitionWhy Trust MattersSigns You’re Operating from Fear Why the Brain Creates Fear When We Are At PeaceSigns It’s True IntuitionHow To Strengthen Your Intuitive Voice🌟Click Here For The FREE Guide: The Ask And Recieve Method For Releasing Trapped Emotions ( And Buidling Emotional Intuition)
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Other Ways I Can Support You:
💝 Grab my Free Gift to you: Your Shadow Work Bundle that is like therapy from home! Included inside is a very brief video letting you know the important steps to take for bigger results (like radical self love and significantly less anxiety and stuck progress.)
Also, A Deep transformational Shadow Work Meditation and brief Shadow Work Guide with journal prompts and suggestions.
Sign Up For Your Free Gift Here : The Shadow Work Transformation Bundle
🎁 BONUS when you sign up for the Shadow Work Bundle ⬆️ ⬆️ You will receive an invite from yours truly, inviting you to join my new Inspiration Hub! This is where all my free content goes to live on and inspire. You’ll find Healing Meditations and Inspiring videos and checklists to up level your expansion goals!
🦋 Follow on socials: Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Go to www. michellepoverman.com for more options to work with Michelle.
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In this episode, we delve into ways you may still be experiencing that old habit of people-pleasing. We highlight several ways you may be making yourself less than to make someone else feel more comfortable.
If you have a history of people pleasing, these old programmed responses can still be running in the background without you realizing it. This is an important episode because it is much more powerful to bring them to your awareness, so you can make a different choice instead of staying in the dark!
Shining Your Light LessBecoming Less SensitiveBecoming Less "Needy"Becoming Less of a Know-it-allTaking up Less Space around othersMichelle's experience starting a businessSign Up To Be Notified For Michelle's Modern Empath's Boundary Mastery
Just This week 2/10-2/14 I am opening the doors and letting in The First 10 people to the program at a discounted price! This is being offered to everyone on my email list first! So head on over and sign up to check it out!
This is a 12-week deeply healing and immersive program with weekly group coaching, monthly group healings, activations, powerful meditations, and all that you need to step into the next level of your becoming.
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Other Ways I Can Support You:
💝 Grab my Free Gift to you: Your Shadow Work Bundle that is like therapy from home! Included inside is a very brief video letting you know the important steps to take for bigger results (like radical self love and significantly less anxiety and stuck progress.)
Also, A Deep transformational Shadow Work Meditation and brief Shadow Work Guide with journal prompts and suggestions.
Sign Up For Your Free Gift Here : The Shadow Work Transformation Bundle
🎁 BONUS when you sign up for the Shadow Work Bundle ⬆️ ⬆️ You will receive an invite from yours truly, inviting you to join my new Inspiration Hub! This is where all my free content goes to live on and inspire. You’ll find Healing Meditations and Inspiring videos and checklists to up level your expansion goals!
🦋 Follow on socials: Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Go to www. michellepoverman.com for more options to work with Michelle.
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Amy Robeson joins the show today to talk about the Akashic Records!
Amy is the host of the Awakening with Amy Robeson Podcast, and she is a Master of The Akashic records, as well as a Reiki Master, life coach, crystal teacher, tantra and Aryuveda yoga teacher. During the episode, Amy teaches us that we can all access the Akashic Records for intuitive guidance no matter how big or small the ask. She also is kind enough to demonstrate a reading and a healing which includes Light language, a tool that she uses for deeper healing and consciousness work.
What are the Akashic Records How they can help you navigate lifeThe difference between general intutive guidance and guidance From The RecordsWhat is Light Language Mini reading and healing using light languageImportant links:
Sign Up To Be Notified For Michelle's Modern Empath's Boundary Mastery
This is a 12 week deeply healing and immersive program with weekly group coaching, monthly group healings, activations, powerful meditations and all that you need to step into the next level of your becoming.
Amy Robeson's links:
Amy's Website Here
Amy's Free 10 Day Soul Evolution Master Class Series Extravaganza!
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Other Ways I Can Support You:
💝 Grab my Free Gift to you: Your Shadow Work Bundle that is like therapy from home! Included inside is a very brief video letting you know the important steps to take for bigger results (like radical self love and significantly less anxiety and stuck progress.)
Also, A Deep transformational Shadow Work Meditation and brief Shadow Work Guide with journal prompts and suggestions.
Sign Up For Your Free Gift Here : The Shadow Work Transformation Bundle
🎁 BONUS when you sign up for the Shadow Work Bundle ⬆️ ⬆️ You will receive an invite from yours truly, inviting you to join my new Inspiration Hub! This is where all my free content goes to live on and inspire. You’ll find Healing Meditations and Inspiring videos and checklists to up level your expansion goals!
🦋 Follow on socials: Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Go to www. michellepoverman.com for more options to work with Michelle.
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Have you ever wondered if this whole Empath thing is a sham, and your just experiencing a heightened vigilance due to past traumas?
Definition of EmpathScience Behind Empathy And Being An EmpathHow Highly Sensitive People DifferHow Trauma Amplifies Empathic TraitsThe Empath's Experience VS Trauma ResponseThe One True Way To Know The Difference
Well, you are not alone. This can be confusing for many of us because most people have experienced some kind of trauma response in life and it may seem difficult to differentiate your sensitivities.
In this brief episode we will clear up the confusion and highlight how you can know if your experience is a programmed trauma response that may be overwhelming your system or if you are actually an empath.
The discussion includes:Support the show
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Other Ways I Can Support You:
💝 Grab my Free Gift to you: Your Shadow Work Bundle that is like therapy from home! Included inside is a very brief video letting you know the important steps to take for bigger results (like radical self love and significantly less anxiety and stuck progress.)
Also, A Deep transformational Shadow Work Meditation and brief Shadow Work Guide with journal prompts and suggestions.
Sign Up For Your Free Gift Here : The Shadow Work Transformation Bundle
🎁 BONUS when you sign up for the Shadow Work Bundle ⬆️ ⬆️ You will receive an invite from yours truly, inviting you to join my new Inspiration Hub! This is where all my free content goes to live on and inspire. You’ll find Healing Meditations and Inspiring videos and checklists to up level your expansion goals!
🦋 Follow on socials: Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Go to www. michellepoverman.com for more options to work with Michelle.
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Understanding Your Conflict StyleTrauma Responses And How They Impact You In ConflictPersonal Story Of The Moment I Knew I Had A ProblemLessons Learned and Self-ReflectionWhat You Are Responsible For During ConflictWhen To Set Boundaries and Walking Away
In this episode, we are going to explore how you show up in conflict and which old trauma response is your go to response. This is so important for you to bring into awareness so that you can actually make a change in your old protective habits and start moving through conflict from a heart centered approach, vs. fear and anxiety.
We are also going to identify two really important questions for you to ask yourself when you are experiencing conflict with others. These questions will help you unlock your personal power and identify the real source of your pain. They can be game changing if you actually use them!
I get vulnerable here and share my own crazy people pleaser past and the moment that woke me up that it was time to get some boundaries! Trust me, there was no turning back after that!
What's in store:Support the show
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Other Ways I Can Support You:
💝 Grab my Free Gift to you: Your Shadow Work Bundle that is like therapy from home! Included inside is a very brief video letting you know the important steps to take for bigger results (like radical self love and significantly less anxiety and stuck progress.)
Also, A Deep transformational Shadow Work Meditation and brief Shadow Work Guide with journal prompts and suggestions.
Sign Up For Your Free Gift Here : The Shadow Work Transformation Bundle
🎁 BONUS when you sign up for the Shadow Work Bundle ⬆️ ⬆️ You will receive an invite from yours truly, inviting you to join my new Inspiration Hub! This is where all my free content goes to live on and inspire. You’ll find Healing Meditations and Inspiring videos and checklists to up level your expansion goals!
🦋 Follow on socials: Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Go to www. michellepoverman.com for more options to work with Michelle.
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Have you ever felt like you had to choose between loving and accepting yourself, as is, OR dieting? Like it's one or the other?
Let's Redefine LoveThe Concept OF Body ObjectificationNavigating Love and FearWhat's Play Got To Do With It?Shifting from Against Energy To Being Totally 'For' YouThe Cycle of Self-Loathing Breaking Free from Objectification in all areas of lifeFrom Being An Ornament To A UtilitySetting Boundaries and Knowing Your WorthVisualization and Scripting for deeper impact
Well, grab your notebook and get comfy because Jess Reid and I are going to open up a discussion about some really old unconscious drives you likely have around Weightloss and Body Image. Jess is a Wild Wellness Coach and the host of the WildWellness With Jess Podcast. You may remember Jess, from a previous popular episode #2 Weight Loss Is Spiritual Work, How Most Of Us Are Getting It Wrong. Link is below if you want to listen to that episode when you finish this one!
This episode is rich with inspiration and mindset shifts as you approach your own 'becoming' this year and what to do when you fall off track. This is soul work for all of us as we step into a year of radical love and acceptance with massive reward and tons of beautiful growth.DDon't forget to like, review and follow!! I appreciate this more than you know!
Episode #2 Weight Loss As Spiritual Work, How Most Of Us Are Getting It Wrong.
Jess Reid's info:
Discover Your Spiritual Gifts masterclass - step into being the subject of your life by knowing yourself and liking yourself
Create the Life You Want with Desire Mapping - know what you are FOR and how you actually want to FEEL
Check out the Wild Wellness with Jess podcast
Ways to Work With Jess:
- Request a free curiosity call to learn more about 1:1 coaching
- Join the Wild Wellness Women's Circle (monthly membership)
- Enroll in Rewild Your WellnesSupport the show
Thank you for listening!
Other Ways I Can Support You:
💝 Grab my Free Gift to you: Your Shadow Work Bundle that is like therapy from home! Included inside is a very brief video letting you know the important steps to take for bigger results (like radical self love and significantly less anxiety and stuck progress.)
Also, A Deep transformational Shadow Work Meditation and brief Shadow Work Guide with journal prompts and suggestions.
Sign Up For Your Free Gift Here : The Shadow Work Transformation Bundle
🎁 BONUS when you sign up for the Shadow Work Bundle ⬆️ ⬆️ You will receive an invite from yours truly, inviting you to join my new Inspiration Hub! This is where all my free content goes to live on and inspire. You’ll find Healing Meditations and Inspiring videos and checklists to up level your expansion goals!
🦋 Follow on socials: Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Go to www. michellepoverman.com for more options to work with Michelle.
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Are your goals soul aligned or ego driven? Do you think you know the difference?
What is A Soul Aligned GoalsThe Intuitive Experience Of Goal Setting Common Pitfalls To AvoidRed Flags and Reevaluations Tips And Questions To Support YouThe role of Visualization
In this episode, we're diving into the art of setting soul aligned goals as we kick off the new year. We discuss the importance of creating goals that resonate deeply with your values and intuition, rather than succumbing to societal pressures or external validations.
Here's a hint: soul aligned goals feel amazing when we achieve them but Ego driven goals tend to leave us wanting more.
Listen in as we explore the pitfalls of self-sabotage and burnout, and how to identify whether your goals are in alignment with your purpose. We'll also discuss common hurdles such as imposter syndrome, fear of failure, and how to transform these obstacles into opportunities for growth.Support the show
Thank you for listening!
Other Ways I Can Support You:
💝 Grab my Free Gift to you: Your Shadow Work Bundle that is like therapy from home! Included inside is a very brief video letting you know the important steps to take for bigger results (like radical self love and significantly less anxiety and stuck progress.)
Also, A Deep transformational Shadow Work Meditation and brief Shadow Work Guide with journal prompts and suggestions.
Sign Up For Your Free Gift Here : The Shadow Work Transformation Bundle
🎁 BONUS when you sign up for the Shadow Work Bundle ⬆️ ⬆️ You will receive an invite from yours truly, inviting you to join my new Inspiration Hub! This is where all my free content goes to live on and inspire. You’ll find Healing Meditations and Inspiring videos and checklists to up level your expansion goals!
🦋 Follow on socials: Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Go to www. michellepoverman.com for more options to work with Michelle.
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Have you noticed that as you change and grow on your own spiritual path, some of your relationships no longer feel the same? In fact, as you shift to a higher vibration, some of your relationships may just vibrate right out of your life! Sometimes it seems sudden and sometimes its a slow evolution that becomes more and more clear. Bottom line is you no longer feel good in the relationship. In this episode we'll explore how to know when it's time to leave a relationship and when it's time to simply adjust. And how to do both with grace and compassion for all involved.
Signs a Relationship is No longer AlignedKey Indicators of Relationship StrainHow to Know When to End a Relationship/Friendship Handling Toxic Dynamics Navigating Energy Drains and NegativityIncompatibility of Core ValuesMaking Adjustments in RelationshipsNavigating The In Between StageApproaching Endings and Adjustments with GraceSupport the show
Thank you for listening!
Other Ways I Can Support You:
💝 Grab my Free Gift to you: Your Shadow Work Bundle that is like therapy from home! Included inside is a very brief video letting you know the important steps to take for bigger results (like radical self love and significantly less anxiety and stuck progress.)
Also, A Deep transformational Shadow Work Meditation and brief Shadow Work Guide with journal prompts and suggestions.
Sign Up For Your Free Gift Here : The Shadow Work Transformation Bundle
🎁 BONUS when you sign up for the Shadow Work Bundle ⬆️ ⬆️ You will receive an invite from yours truly, inviting you to join my new Inspiration Hub! This is where all my free content goes to live on and inspire. You’ll find Healing Meditations and Inspiring videos and checklists to up level your expansion goals!
🦋 Follow on socials: Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Go to www. michellepoverman.com for more options to work with Michelle.
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Happy Holidays! In this episode we are talking about why it is so important for you to become a good receiver in all areas of your life. We will explore how this is tied into your capacity for success in life and how your current tactics may be getting in the way of intimacy in your relationships. You will have a greater understanding of why being open to receiving is linked to your ability to hold abundance, vulnerability as well as a deeper trust in your self worth. So if your someone one that typically says, "That's okay, Im fine" when offered help or perhaps you are someone who is cringing this holiday when receiving gifts (especially when you do not have one to exchange!) This one's for you!
Receiving as food for the soul The level of abundance you are willing to receiveReceiving is crucial for a balanced relationship and intimacyPracticing TrustKnowing you are enough and worthy
Highlights:Support the show
Thank you for listening!
Other Ways I Can Support You:
💝 Grab my Free Gift to you: Your Shadow Work Bundle that is like therapy from home! Included inside is a very brief video letting you know the important steps to take for bigger results (like radical self love and significantly less anxiety and stuck progress.)
Also, A Deep transformational Shadow Work Meditation and brief Shadow Work Guide with journal prompts and suggestions.
Sign Up For Your Free Gift Here : The Shadow Work Transformation Bundle
🎁 BONUS when you sign up for the Shadow Work Bundle ⬆️ ⬆️ You will receive an invite from yours truly, inviting you to join my new Inspiration Hub! This is where all my free content goes to live on and inspire. You’ll find Healing Meditations and Inspiring videos and checklists to up level your expansion goals!
🦋 Follow on socials: Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Go to www. michellepoverman.com for more options to work with Michelle.
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Feeling frazzled by the festive chaos? You're not alone! Holidays can be an emotional rollercoaster for empaths—especially when it feels like everyone’s energy is demanding a piece of you. But guess what? You can navigate the season without losing your sparkle. ✨
In this episode, we’re diving into holiday survival strategies just for empaths—because your peace matters too. We'll talk about:
🌟 The magic of saying no—without the guilt.
🌟 The Language You NEED to protect from holiday drama and overstimulation.
🌟 How to reframe how you deal with obligation and people-pleasing moments.
🌟 Practical tips to maintain balanced boundaries and still enjoy the season.Imagine walking into holiday gatherings feeling grounded, calm, and actually excited—not overwhelmed or drained. Sounds dreamy, right? Well, it’s possible when you use these soulful boundary-setting tips!
Tune in now and learn how to embrace the holidays without losing your tinsel, your joy, or your sanity. 🎁
🎧 Hit play and let’s make this your most peaceful, soul-aligned holiday season yet!
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Other Ways I Can Support You:
💝 Grab my Free Gift to you: Your Shadow Work Bundle that is like therapy from home! Included inside is a very brief video letting you know the important steps to take for bigger results (like radical self love and significantly less anxiety and stuck progress.)
Also, A Deep transformational Shadow Work Meditation and brief Shadow Work Guide with journal prompts and suggestions.
Sign Up For Your Free Gift Here : The Shadow Work Transformation Bundle
🎁 BONUS when you sign up for the Shadow Work Bundle ⬆️ ⬆️ You will receive an invite from yours truly, inviting you to join my new Inspiration Hub! This is where all my free content goes to live on and inspire. You’ll find Healing Meditations and Inspiring videos and checklists to up level your expansion goals!
🦋 Follow on socials: Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Go to www. michellepoverman.com for more options to work with Michelle.
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Jennifer O'Neill joins the show today. Jennifer is an internationally recognized psychic medium, bestselling author, and host of the Empowered Empath podcast. Jennifer has over 30 years of experience in spiritual health and wellness, specializing in empaths. Together, we cover a lot of ground as we explore super relevant information from her new book 'Empowered Empath: Navigating the Seven Stages of an Empath Awakening'. We examine common misunderstandings of being an empath, the importance of recognizing that being an empath is actually a spiritual gift, as well as, how empaths are wired to process energy very differently.
Differentiating Empathy and EmpathsUnderstanding Empath WiringThe Chosen Healers Empaths in Everyday LifeHealth and Energy Management for Empaths Empaths and Relationships Health Issues As A Calling For Change Understanding the Impact of Spiritual Health Stages of Spiritual Awakening
Jennifer also outlines the seven stages of empath awakening and we explore how our health issues can serve as a catalyst for getting honest and creating change in our lives.
Highlights:Learn More From Jennifer:
Book: Empowered Empath: Navigating the Seven Stages of an Empath Awakening which provides valuable insights for Empaths seeking to navigate their unique experiences. Here
She's also the host of The Empowered Empath Podcast with over 20k subscribers on YouTube. You can find it here.
Jennifer's Website: Keys to the Spirit World
Jennifer's Classes: Empath UniversitySupport the show
Thank you for listening!
Other Ways I Can Support You:
💝 Grab my Free Gift to you: Your Shadow Work Bundle that is like therapy from home! Included inside is a very brief video letting you know the important steps to take for bigger results (like radical self love and significantly less anxiety and stuck progress.)
Also, A Deep transformational Shadow Work Meditation and brief Shadow Work Guide with journal prompts and suggestions.
Sign Up For Your Free Gift Here : The Shadow Work Transformation Bundle
🎁 BONUS when you sign up for the Shadow Work Bundle ⬆️ ⬆️ You will receive an invite from yours truly, inviting you to join my new Inspiration Hub! This is where all my free content goes to live on and inspire. You’ll find Healing Meditations and Inspiring videos and checklists to up level your expansion goals!
🦋 Follow on socials: Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Go to www. michellepoverman.com for more options to work with Michelle.
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In this final episode of our three-part series on raising your vibration, we dive into actionable ways to create big, magical changes in your life. We explore two essential types of boundaries and Learn how to set these boundaries effectively to strengthen your manifesting abilities. We'll also discuss embracing magical thinking and higher frequency emotions to expand your energy and bring more joy and abundance into your life.
You'll hear about the power of reframing negative thoughts, and why practicing new, positive beliefs is crucial for your vibrational alignment. Tune in for insightful examples and practical advice to help you on your journey to becoming a more powerful attractor of all things magical.Highlights:
The Importance of Raising Your VibrationYour Physical and Non-Physical SelfHow To Choose Your Boundary with OthersHow To Choose Your Boundary with SelfBeliefs as a Practiced VibrationThe Yogurt Experiment🌟 Additional Episodes For An Even Bigger Impact Today: (Even if you've already listened. I promise, something new will inspire you!) 💫
#21 How To Develop A Magical Perspective: Mindset Work For Manifesting Empaths
#20 Hey Empath: Stop Repeating These Words! So You Can Stop Summoning Your Inner Victim And Start Feeling Like A Powerful ManifestorSupport the show
Thank you for listening!
Other Ways I Can Support You:
💝 Grab my Free Gift to you: Your Shadow Work Bundle that is like therapy from home! Included inside is a very brief video letting you know the important steps to take for bigger results (like radical self love and significantly less anxiety and stuck progress.)
Also, A Deep transformational Shadow Work Meditation and brief Shadow Work Guide with journal prompts and suggestions.
Sign Up For Your Free Gift Here : The Shadow Work Transformation Bundle
🎁 BONUS when you sign up for the Shadow Work Bundle ⬆️ ⬆️ You will receive an invite from yours truly, inviting you to join my new Inspiration Hub! This is where all my free content goes to live on and inspire. You’ll find Healing Meditations and Inspiring videos and checklists to up level your expansion goals!
🦋 Follow on socials: Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Go to www. michellepoverman.com for more options to work with Michelle.
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What is the Empath's gift? Today we are going to clarify your psychic gift as an Empath and focus on how you can work with energy to raise your vibration.
Understanding Your Empath Gift Recognizing Constriction in Your Energy Embracing Expansion and Raising Your Vibration Daily Practices for Energy Management Grounding Techniques for Empaths Creating Sacred Spaces for HealingThe Power of Healing Work Cultivating Awareness of Your Energy Patterns
This is Part Two of this Three Part Series on raising your vibration so you can get back to feeling magical! By the end of this episode, you will have some clear action items to make sure you are tapping into your gifts to raise your vibration and to be more intentional about working with energy. This can be life changing.
Additionally, you're going to have a greater understanding of your gift as an empath and a new lens with which to view your energy system. Actually, this perspective is an important foundation with which you can make a change from how you're feeling right now, to how you really want to feel. Asking a simple question can help steer you in the right direction!Support the show
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Other Ways I Can Support You:
💝 Grab my Free Gift to you: Your Shadow Work Bundle that is like therapy from home! Included inside is a very brief video letting you know the important steps to take for bigger results (like radical self love and significantly less anxiety and stuck progress.)
Also, A Deep transformational Shadow Work Meditation and brief Shadow Work Guide with journal prompts and suggestions.
Sign Up For Your Free Gift Here : The Shadow Work Transformation Bundle
🎁 BONUS when you sign up for the Shadow Work Bundle ⬆️ ⬆️ You will receive an invite from yours truly, inviting you to join my new Inspiration Hub! This is where all my free content goes to live on and inspire. You’ll find Healing Meditations and Inspiring videos and checklists to up level your expansion goals!
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Go to www. michellepoverman.com for more options to work with Michelle.
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There are so many things you can do to raise your vibration and get back to your magical parts of being an Empath and Spiritual Seeker.
In this episode we are going to tap back into your intuition and your psychic gifts as an Empath. Remember, being an Empath is a psychic gift all on its own. But to charge yourself back up, it's time to tap back into all things "Woo" and get out of that low energy rut you might find yourself in right now.So here's the scoop:
In this episode, Part 1 : We are going to explore Tapping back into your intuition, and incorporating the three C’s (Utilizing Your Clairs, Crystals & Cards) And practicing how to take actions that replicate joy.Next week, Part 2: We will explore how YOU can work with energy more often (The Empath's Gift), Identify Boundaries that will multiply your joy and Embrace Magical Thinking- the best kind of thinking💫
Interwoven into these episodes are a few bits of science from the book Why Woo Woo Works by Dr. David R Hamiliton.
So get ready to wake up your own magic and woo happenings. Because you are a spiritual being, you are here to radiate and create as much as possible. You literally have free will on how you choose to show up in this life. So let's jump in on some choices you can start making today to feel better!Highlights: Raising Your Vibration
Connecting with Your IntuitionThree C's: Crystals, Cards, and ClairsExploring the ClairsThe Power of CrystalsUsing Oracle and Tarot Cards Actions You Can Take To Replicate More JoySupport the show
Thank you for listening!
Other Ways I Can Support You:
💝 Grab my Free Gift to you: Your Shadow Work Bundle that is like therapy from home! Included inside is a very brief video letting you know the important steps to take for bigger results (like radical self love and significantly less anxiety and stuck progress.)
Also, A Deep transformational Shadow Work Meditation and brief Shadow Work Guide with journal prompts and suggestions.
Sign Up For Your Free Gift Here : The Shadow Work Transformation Bundle
🎁 BONUS when you sign up for the Shadow Work Bundle ⬆️ ⬆️ You will receive an invite from yours truly, inviting you to join my new Inspiration Hub! This is where all my free content goes to live on and inspire. You’ll find Healing Meditations and Inspiring videos and checklists to up level your expansion goals!
🦋 Follow on socials: Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Go to www. michellepoverman.com for more options to work with Michelle.
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In this episode, we explore the journey of empaths and spiritually conscious individuals through challenging times. The discussion focuses on how you can realign with love, even amidst pain and conflict.
When you are done with this episode you will understand what your "job" is now and the importance of your healing work on the planet. This is why you signed up to be an empath or spiritual seeker!
Bonus! You will be guided through a very brief visualization to expand your awareness and understand of the pervasive energy of love. "Love" is actually much more of an essential nutrient then many of us realize.
Techniques such as meditation, breathwork, and grounding are recommended to help manage sensitivities and foster personal growth.
The episode serves as a call to action for empaths to embrace their role, heal from within, and contribute to the collective well-being.Highlights:
Challenges Faced by Empaths
Your Journey to Higher Awareness
Shift Your Understanding Love and Pain
Aligning with Source Energy
Impact of Raising Vibrations
Maintaining Energetic Boundaries
Practical Steps for Healing
The Inspiration Hub Where all my Free Stuff lives on to inspire!
The HeartMath Institute WebsiteSupport the show
Thank you for listening!
Other Ways I Can Support You:
💝 Grab my Free Gift to you: Your Shadow Work Bundle that is like therapy from home! Included inside is a very brief video letting you know the important steps to take for bigger results (like radical self love and significantly less anxiety and stuck progress.)
Also, A Deep transformational Shadow Work Meditation and brief Shadow Work Guide with journal prompts and suggestions.
Sign Up For Your Free Gift Here : The Shadow Work Transformation Bundle
🎁 BONUS when you sign up for the Shadow Work Bundle ⬆️ ⬆️ You will receive an invite from yours truly, inviting you to join my new Inspiration Hub! This is where all my free content goes to live on and inspire. You’ll find Healing Meditations and Inspiring videos and checklists to up level your expansion goals!
🦋 Follow on socials: Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Go to www. michellepoverman.com for more options to work with Michelle.
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In this episode, we dive deep into overcoming self-sabotage and emotional self-abuse. Gaslighting—often associated with narcissism and emotional abuse—can manifest within ourselves, resulting in an 'inner bully' that belittles, criticizes, and invalidates our feelings. The episode details five ways to recognize and stop this self-gaslighting behavior, emphasizing the importance of becoming your own best advocate. We'll explore reconstructing negative self-talk, establishing healthy boundaries, and fostering radical self-love and acceptance to transform your inner world and, subsequently, your life.
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Thank you for listening!
Other Ways I Can Support You:
💝 Grab my Free Gift to you: Your Shadow Work Bundle that is like therapy from home! Included inside is a very brief video letting you know the important steps to take for bigger results (like radical self love and significantly less anxiety and stuck progress.)
Also, A Deep transformational Shadow Work Meditation and brief Shadow Work Guide with journal prompts and suggestions.
Sign Up For Your Free Gift Here : The Shadow Work Transformation Bundle
🎁 BONUS when you sign up for the Shadow Work Bundle ⬆️ ⬆️ You will receive an invite from yours truly, inviting you to join my new Inspiration Hub! This is where all my free content goes to live on and inspire. You’ll find Healing Meditations and Inspiring videos and checklists to up level your expansion goals!
🦋 Follow on socials: Instagram Facebook LinkedIn
Go to www. michellepoverman.com for more options to work with Michelle.
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