Ein ‚zu Hause‘ zu erschaffen ist eine wundervolle und oftmals herausfordernde Aufgabe! Wir möchten Müttern mit unserem Podcast einen ‚Platz zum Auftanken‘ schenken. Mutmachende Inputs und inspirierende Lebensgeschichten aus dem Familien- und Glaubensleben lassen dich wissen, dass du mit deinen Alltagsthemen nicht alleine bist!
Ein Podcast von Mamas für Mamas! :) -
Herzlich willkommen bei meinem Podcast: Elternzeit mit Jenny Gondolf!
Dies soll ein friedvoller und inspirierender Raum für alle Eltern sein, die sich eine kleine Auszeit gönnen wollen.
Ich bin Jenny Gondolf glücklich verheiratet, dreifache Jungsmama & Soulguide für Eltern.
Ich begleite dich sehr gerne ganzheitlich auf deinem individuellen Weg raus aus dem daily Hustle, rein in dein wahrhaftiges, seelengeführtes Leben.
Für mehr Leichtigkeit, Lebensfreude, Fülle und innerem Frieden im Familienalltag.
Mein Herzensanliegen ist es, dir zu zeigen, dass Stress und Anstrengung im Alltag nicht sein müssen und alles im Leben möglich ist. Wir kreieren dein New Normal, kein 0815 mehr. Da wartet so viel mehr auf dich.
Höre gerne rein und starte in dein bewusstes Leben mit mir.
Deine Jenny -
Join clinical psychologist and mom of three Dr. Becky Kennedy on her weekly podcast, as she takes on tough parenting questions and delivers actionable guidance—all in short episodes, because we know time is hard to find as a parent. Her breakthrough approach has enabled thousands of people to get more comfortable in discomfort, make repairs after mistakes, and always see the good inside. You'll gain the tools to embody your authority while developing a stronger parent-child connection, helping you become the parent you want to be and helping your child develop the skills necessary for life success.
Lorin Krenn is a globally recognized teacher in relationships, guiding individuals to embody their awakened masculine or feminine essence in both love and life. Through the Masculine & Feminine Dynamics Podcast, Lorin explores the profound interplay of masculine and feminine energies, helping you unlock the deepest intimacy possible while living in alignment with your true self. This is your space to transform relationship dynamics, deepen connection, and embody your most authentic nature. Subscribe now and start transforming your relationships today!
💗Welcome ~ I’ve missed sharing time with you. I am going through a period of transition and have decided to continue to put this show on a temporary hiatus. Between the experience of Covid and other personal matters, this has been a much needed time of self reflection and healing. Please opt into my email list to find out when we will begin again with this show.
Feel free to listen to any of 100’s of archived shows if you are looking for a little wisdom and inspiration! Surrounding you all with love 💗 Ilene ~ The Heart Healer 💗
The Heart Healer Radio Network, founded by Ilene Gottlieb ~ The Heart Healer, hosts shows that focus on spirituality, metaphysics, holistic health, aromatherapy, empowerment and conscious living. Join us every Sunday at 7pm Eastern Time for "Live with Ilene Gottlieb ~ The Heart Healer". Ilene shares spiritual insights and offers heart-centered wisdom from the Akashic Records in response to callers' questions. If you are confused, need clarity on an issue you've been dealing, have a medical intuitive question or are looking for guidance about your relationships or business then this show is for you!
Ilene combines over 50 years in Nursing and 29 years in Vibrational Healing and as a Conscious Channel to create a personalized holistic approach to healing. As your Guide To Conscious Heart Connection, her passion is to guide and support you in remembering that creating health, wealth and wellness all begins with a loving relationship with yourself. When we are consciously connected to our Hearts, abundance in all forms flows to us effortlessly. This is the key that Ilene will help you unlock, to create and receive all of your heart’s desires. We look forward to serving your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual growth so stay tuned and follow us here on The Heart Healer Network.
Ho'oponopono ~ I Love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you
Click & -
HEY Familie! Das ist dein Podcast von glückskind für mehr Realität im Elternleben. Hier sprechen Hebamme & siebenfache Mama Kerstin Lüking und (TV-)Journalistin Dorothee Dahinden über Themen, die uns als Eltern wirklich bewegen: ungeschminkt und informativ. Du bekommst wertvolle Tipps für euren Familienalltag, ehrliche Gespräche mit tollen Persönlichkeiten und Geschichten, die unter die Haut gehen.
The Gems of Motherhood podcast features amazing gems of mothers from all walks of life. Each week you’ll hear interviews, stories, as well as resources and actionable tips that you can implement in your daily life to be the best gem God has called you to be. I look forward to walking this journey with you. Visit our website at for more information.
Welcome to the KidzDocTalk Podcast!
Hosted by Dr. Jennie Berkovich, a board-certified pediatrician who is also Pediatric Associates' Director of Telehealth. Dr. Jennie provides helpful advice and insight as both a mother and a pediatrician.
Episodes include educating listeners on navigating parenthood as a modern-day parent, answering fellow parent’s questions and interviewing special guests that are experts in the medical field or similar.
Dr. Berkovich attended Nova Southeastern University in Davie, FL for medical school and completed her residency at Miami Children's Hospital.
Follow us on Instagram @pedassociates for more educational information and Q&A's with some of Pediatric Associates' doctors. -
Warum Erziehung von Kindern Unsinn ist und was du besser machen kannst – der Podcast für Eltern die keinen Bock darauf haben, den Kram ihrer Eltern weiterzugeben. Wir schauen auf Kindererziehung, auf generationale Traumata und Attachment Parenting ohne Zwang und mit viel Humor. Wie krieg ich mein Kind dazu, sich die Zähne zu putzen? Was tun, wenn Geschwister sich streiten? Und wie höre ich endlich auf, zu schimpfen? All dies und mehr gibt es hier bei „Schrecklich nett“.
Hallo ich bin Kathrin, ich bin Mama, Kinderosteopathin und Physiotherapeutin. Hey, mein Name ist Peter, ich bin Papa, Heilmasseur und Gesundheitscoach und gemeinsam unterstützen wir dich mit unseren Podcasts in deinem Mama-Sein und Papa-Sein! Unsere Erfahrungen als Eltern gemischt mit unserer Expertise aus unseren Berufen bieten dir einiges an Geschichten, von nachdenklich bis lustig😊. Wir freuen uns, dass du uns zuhörst! Wenn dir unsere Beiträge gefallen, gib uns gerne eine 5Sterne Bewertung, lass ein Abo da, gib uns ein Like und teil den Podcast mit deinen Freunden! Alles Liebe, Kathrin und Peter
Are you ready to upgrade your reality?
Unlock God Mode is a transformative 30-day course designed to accelerate your journey towards greater wealth, love, and success through a deeper understanding and manipulation of your reality.
Comprising of 30 audio lessons, this course unfolds as a self-paced, introspective expedition into reality creation, aiding you in elevating your consciousness to what's referred to as the God Mode.
Throughout this journey, practical tools will be provided daily to help enrich your life with more love, money, and success by altering your mental models and perceptions.
This course combines theory and hands-on experience to create a unique deep dive into manifestation, consciousness, and reality creation. Join me on an extraordinary, 30-day adventure (1 lesson per day) and watch your reality transform.
Begin the Unlock God Mode experience today – go to -
The mission of this church is to serve those English-speaking Coptic individuals and families, as well as serve those who have converted to Coptic Christianity by offering only English and Coptic service. By God’s hand, we strive for an organized and thriving church that will nurture a sense of fellowship within its congregation, and focus on raising its youth with diligence, so that future generations may understand and fully appreciate the beauty of the holy sacraments and enjoy an intimate relationship with God.
Thousand First Steps – Dein Podcast für das Größte in Dir soll dir Mut machen, dich selbst zu entdecken und dein Potential zu entfalten. Hol dir frische Inspirationen von Abenteurern, Coaches und anderen Menschen, die auf ansteckende Art und Weise ihren Traum leben. Thousand First Steps steht für Interviews, Talks und Tipps mit High Vibes und Tiefgang. Und bringt dich mit jeder Folge einen Schritt weiter in deine Kraft.
Jakob Horvat ist ehemaliger ORF-Journalist, Abenteurer, Buchautor und Yogalehrer. Seine Reise um die Welt wurde ungeplant zu einer Reise zu sich selbst. Das Leben mit Mut und Neugierde zu entdecken ist seine Leidenschaft, die er von Herzen gerne teilt. Sein Buch WELTNAH – Raus aus der Komfortzone, rein ins Leben ist im März 2019 bei Kremayr & Scheriau erschienen.
Nähere Infos findest du auf:
Lass mir auch gerne deine Gedanken auf Instagram da unter dem jeweiligen Post zur aktuellen Folge (@jakob.horvat) -
Kara Johnstad knows that if we wish to transform our relationship with ourselves, each other and our planet, we need to understand the role that our voice plays in shifting old paradigms and awakening to a vibrant life of pure presence. Enjoy weekly conversations with leading luminaries, pioneering visionaries, poets, musicians, authors and sound healers on the big questions of meaning and how we as a humanity can heal through sound consciousness and create harmony in our world.
Interviews with:
Spoken Word Artists
Visionary artists
Artist activists
All conscious creatives using their VOICE to create a wave of change and committed to actively influencing humanity in a positive way. -
“Honey, we need to talk.” Haunting words no one wants to hear. Your spouse has a problem with pornography. If that’s you, you’re not alone. Join marriage experts Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley for six episodes in this Christian podcast series about pornography addiction from Focus on the Family. You’ll learn why pornography hurts a marriage, but there’s hope and freedom found in God’s grace. Whether you’ve struggled with pornography or been hurt by your spouse’s usage of it, this series will help you start a journey toward healing.