In "Mama, What's Next?", we dive into the stories of amazing humans who’ve taken the leap and changed their careers midlife. These are the women (and few men in between ;) who inspire me every day to dream bigger, be braver and live fully. We chat about the real struggles and the beautiful triumphs of finding our true path after having kids.
This podcast is our space to be real, to be bold, and to support each other on this incredible journey. Here we encourage you to be brave and have the courage to follow a path that truly lights you up. Because, mama, life is too short not to do what you love!
Join me every Wednesday for heartfelt conversations, bilingual in both German and English. Let’s take back control, make those career changes, and create the life we’ve always dreamed of. You’ve got this, and we’ve got each other.
PS. Even though I am not a trained career coach or counsellor (I am a marketing expert and exec recruiter) I can confidently say, I am someone who ALWAYS CARED DEEPLY about creating a work-life I love, that fills my soul with joy and lets me contribute to a bigger why in my life. And I love to talk to people and share their stories.
Der etwas andere (bilinguale) Karriere Podcast für Mamas, die neben der Familie auch beruflich aufblühen wollen. Wie finden wir als Mütter Erfüllung im Job und den für uns richtigen beruflichen Weg? Wie meistern wir den Balanceakt zwischen Familienalltag und Karriere, ohne uns selbst aus den Augen zu verlieren?
Let’s find ways to build careers we’re passionate about, while staying true to ourselves every step of the way.