Intake for Simply Happy & Healthy closes Saturday the 15th of March. Click here for more info. This is your last chance to sign up with a full money-back guarantee if you don't like it for any reason.
Want a hyper-personalised coaching program with weekly check-ins, customised nutrition and movement targets with specialised mindset coaching to help you break through your mental and emotional barriers?
Enquire for the Unf*ck Your Self program through my website here.
Do you feel like you're failing when you go off plan and believe the whole thing is ruined? This is often because you think your goals are extremely time-sensitive. Mix that with an overwhelming belief you'll never be good enough... It's the recipe for burn out.
Listen to this episode on why expanding your timeline and moving on from negative goals is key to improving your life and avoiding burnout.
Simply Happy & Healthy is currently 25% off thanks to an Early Bird Special!
Get personally coached by me through all of the mental and emotional blockages that constantly hold you back from achieving your goals.
More info here!
Or email me [email protected] if you'd like to have a chat and gain some clarity before joining us to see if it would be the right move for you.
Saknas det avsnitt?
When you self-sabotage, it's likely to protect yourself and stay safe.
Simply Happy & Healthy is live now, click here for more info.
Or find all my links here.
I've helped a lot of people in the last 10 days and the help was all around the same theme of giving yourself a chance to wake up.
At the gym and your body feeling tired? Give it a chance to wake up.
Not a breakfast person? Push the caffeine back, and give your gut a chance to wake up.
You can join the waitlist for Simply Happy & Healthy right now!
Limited to just 20 people.
This is (basically) a 12-week, group version of my massive 1:1 Unf*ck Your Self program.
It will challenge your belief systems and help you feel happier, healthier, understand what sustainable weight loss looks like, and how to create a lifestyle worth living.
It's also 50% off if you sign up from the waitlist!
Click here for more info!
Most people are very logically aware of their problems, why they exist, and how to move through them. So... why are so many people still stuck in the same cycle? Because their logic is broken and their emotions are keeping them from seeing it.
In this episode I run through why therapy is a superpower but why most people stay stuck because of therapy and how to move through that block.
Want to be coached by me? Find more info here!
Click here for coaching info
Click here to follow me on IG
I struggled with gym anxiety even 3 years into being a personal trainer.
It wasn't easy for me to become comfortable and confident in the gym, it only happened after around 12 months of starting back up. Oh, this was also after around 18 months of experience working out with a friend.
I understand gym anxiety and I know what it's like to be at the gym and not get the endorphin rush or 'feel goods' that most people talk about.
In this episode, I run through how to become comfortable, what I struggled with, and the overall story of how my gym life started.
Most people who enquire about coaching ask if it would still work for them given they have ADHD.
Most of my clients have ADHD and I have managed it naturally for years before being diagnosed with it in October 2023. My coaching works especially well if you have ADHD because I know what it's like to go through it and understand what the brain is looking for and how to work with it.
In this episode, I run through the 6 things that I leaned on pretty heavily before I started taking medication and I still use 4 of the 6 to this day.
6 Week Reset starts 27th of January and as long as you're signed up before Sunday midnight, you can still join us for less than $100/week!
Click here to get started and remove the "I know what I need to do I just don't do it" mindset and start crushing your goals in 2025!
I was feeling overwhelmed and anxious when I was setting my goals for the year on Monday, and it was because I felt I had to make my goals as perfect and pristine as what I had seen other coaches on Instagram do.
Then I realised, I don't really set goals. I've always helped people and made a living from being different and keeping things simple.
That's exactly what I run through in this episode.
Click here for more info on the 6-Week Reset Early Bird Special.
Click here for more info on my 1:1 Unf*ck Your Self program.
Everyone struggles with their nutrition around the holidays and most feel that they're just undoing all their hard work from the previous year. In this episode, I share the advice I give to my clients that helps them manage the fear of missing out, getting out of routines, over restricting or bingeing on foods.
Click here for more information on the 6-Week Reset coming January 2025.
Most clients feel like a hypocrite for wanting to lose weight. You'd know by now that I don't focus on, or really care about, the numbers or the weight. My biggest focus is making your life better, easier, and happier.
If you feel like a hypocrite for wanting to improve your life, this episode will be extremely valuable for you.
Want to work with me?
In her last call with me as her coach, a client asked three questions;
What should I do with my nutrition when I get my period back?What do I do to maintain the weight I lose?How should I tackle the situation when I notice I'm sliding back into old habits?By the end of our coaching call, she felt better knowing the answers and how to manage the situation for when we're finished with coaching.
Our Black Friday special, Yes-Vember, is LIVE!
Apply to work with me during November to save up to $2,000 on all coaching!
Tune in to hear Steph describe her 6-month experience on the Unf*ck Your Self Transformation Program. What were her biggest obstacles? Where was she before she signed-up? She was super hesitant to reach out, so what pushed her to take the leap of faith and eventually sign-up?
Coaching Info: www.thefitnessgenie.com.au/transformation-program (Limited Spots Available)
Code: FOUNDING100 for a lifetime discount:
The 8-Week Challenge Intake closes Sept 7th. Sign-up for just $59 per week and learn what our Unf*ck Your Self clients go through but for a fraction of the cost.
Press HERE for 8-week challenge info.
Follow me on Instagram @TheFitnessGenie for more tips on how to lose weight and FINALLY keep it off by removing self-sabotage.
I've been excited to turn 30 for a while. My twenties were for screwing around and finding out, dealing with my depression, anxiety, and mental illnesses, and trying to figure out what I'm meant to do in this life. All I hear from the older generation is how turning 30 is "All downhill from here." My best friend turns 30 in November, she's freaking out about it as well, and I don't get it.
In this episode, I run through the advice I give everyone for hitting a milestone age and also the comparisons between my 20th birthday of being homeless to where I am now just 10 years later at 30.
I'm damn excited for everything that's coming in my 30's I can't wait, but I'm willing to go slow to enjoy the process of being an adult.
Pre-sale (discounted prices) for our 8-week challenge goes live on Monday the 19th of August. We have limited spots available for the challenge starting the 9th of September.
Follow me on Instagram to keep up to date: @thefitnessgenie
I've spoken a lot about my recent breakthrough. It seemed to help a lot of clients so I thought a full podcast and breakdown of how I got there would help even more people.
I'm a classic all-or-nothing perfectionist, which probably explains why my client base resonates with my content and my story. This is how I used my brain, being wired the way it is, to go 100% all the time, to my advantage and learning to rest to become more productive over a longer period of time.
This breakthrough has already taken my energy, conversations, and engagement with people, to the next level and I know I'm onto something big here.
Follow along on Instagram @TheFitnessGenie and see all the behind-the-scenes stories I talk about.
If you enjoy the episode, it would mean the world to me if you liked, shared, or left a review to help me spread the word to help more people.
I recently took a 2-week break from my ADHD medication and posted about what I found interesting between being on or off medication. I didn't expect it to "go viral" but my inbox and comments were filled with questions that all sounded the same.
The biggest topic of discussion was the difference between food noise being on/off medication. People resonated with it in a massive way and asked for tips on how to decrease food noise without medication which I also answer and give my top tips for how to manage simpler and healthier nutrition without medication.
This podcast is filled with insights and tips for anyone who takes ADHD medication and wants to work on being healthier and quieting the food noise.
Want to be coached by me?
I recently took 2 weeks off for a mental health break and to turn 30, woo!
This is the second year I've intentionally scheduled this mid-year break and both times it coincided with amazing clarity and energy coming back into work. Though getting back into it and touching base with clients and graduates, I've found they're lacking some clarity and direction.
In this episode, I run over how to gain clarity and why it's so crucial if you want to be happy and stress-free. I also run through my clarity and vision for the last third of 2024 and what the future looks like for myself and why I decided to focus on these particular topics.
In exciting news, Simply Happy & Healthy's first intake is OPEN!
Use code: LAUNCH30 to save 30% on all payment options!
‘I just can’t stop eating, I just love food so much!’ it’s one of the most common phrases I hear when people explain why they binged or over-consumed. I wish it were that simple, but if you truly loved food you would learn to respect the power it has. Loving food is not the issue, we all love food, there’s a deeper lying issue at hand that a lot of people don’t want to face because they know it’ll open a can of worms. So how do you move through the ‘I just love food’ phrase and start to respect food and move toward a life you want to live instead of the binge-restrict cycle? Find out in this week’s episode and don’t forget about the EOFYS we’re running. Just submit a form via our website and you’re able to save up to $1,780 just by taking action now instead of in a few months time. www.thefitnessgenie.com.au
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