A.M.O.M. Podcast
This podcast aims to showcase and promote the work of up- and-coming musicians and artists from diverse musical genres all around the globe.
Join host Fx2, each week as he explores various platforms on social media along with music distribution sites to discover amazingly talented players involved in the game of independent publishing. Every conversation reveals the simple ways each artist used to grow followers organically without monetary backing from a record label.
During the last 2 and a half decades, Fx2 has seen what was previously considered "indie," slowly morph into semi-mainstream practices of marketing, promotion and media/press. He also has witnessed the reverse, noting that grass rooted campaigns once considered taboo for signed musicians to lose the attached stigma as more superstar talent utilized methods of what can only be called "Organic-Ish."
The podcast gives you an opportunity to hear how different musicians navigate their specific path as an independent artist. As social media platforms compete for ways to dominate one another, musicians are seeing the immense benefits of cooperation and collaboration instead.
The Official & Juliet Podcast breaks down everything you want to know about the hit Broadway Musical! This companion podcast features a series of artist-on-artist conversations about the creation & Juliet. Listen to discussions between longtime Stephen Sondheim collaborator James Lapine & book writer David West Read on writing. Hear Grammy winner Sara Bareilles & legendary songwriter/producer Max Martin discuss the intersection of pop and Broadway. Discover even more with choreographers Jerry Mitchell, and Jennifer Weber and directors Kenny Leon and Luke Sheppard. Follow the podcast to learn more throughout the season about the ROARing Broadway hit.
OnAir, il nuovo format radiofonico condotto da Daniele Dal Muto. Un palcoscenico radiofonico che seleziona le migliori novità discografiche emergenti presenti sul panorama italiano, analizza tutte le hit del momento, i brani più trasmessi dalle radio italiane, e cura una selezione di evergreen del passato avvolgendo l’ascoltatore in un viaggio musicale curato in ogni dettaglio. Collegamenti telefonici con artisti affermati e non, per un più profondo coinvolgimento sonoro.
The Aldeburgh Festival has been a pilgrimage for lovers of classical music and culture since 1948. Its brings together new commissions, world-premiers and international stars on the stretch of Suffolk Coast which so bewitched its founder, the composer Benjamin Britten. It runs for a fortnight each June. This podcast gets up close with some of the artists taking part in this year's Festival, in a mix of quick fire questions and in-depth discussions, hosted by BCC Radio Three DJ Tom McKinney and Dr Lucy Walker. If you want to know more about the Aldeburgh Festival, this podcast is a great place to start.
Смотрите и слушайте душевный разговор Юлии Барановской и DJ SMASH.
В этом выпуске диджей и композитор рассказал о «капкане популярности» и о странных предложениях Доминико Дольче. Вспомнил, как в детстве грыз пианино, «сдавал экзамены песнями» и как написал вирус, которым заразил всю компьютерную школу.
В финале музыкант устроил легкий батл с ведущей на тему «проверки жадностью», а также раскрыл закулисные секреты: что объединяет клип DJ Smash на песню «Самолет» и клип Lady Gaga «Alejandro» так, что вы точно захотите их пересмотреть.
Le podcast est le média de l’intime, du souvenir, de l’introspection. Il fait entendre des voix amies, des musiques qui comptent, les sons de la vie. Parfois dans une douce mélancolie.
C’est à travers la production d’un podcast que la 20e édition de Nuits sonores a assumé une dimension rétrospective, et une certaine nostalgie.
Dix épisodes thématiques centrés sur Nuits sonores, de « Lyon ville ouverte » à « l’aventure collective », du « dancefloor, ring politique » aux voyages ont été enregistrés et sont disponibles à l’écoute. Chaque fois, un enregistrement en studio réunissant des membres de l'équipe historique du festival et quelques invité.es sert de fil rouge au podcast. Cet enregistrement est complété par des archives, des interviews et bien sûr des tracks emblématiques et des live enregistrés à Nuits sonores, comme Blue monday de New Order ou He is the voice I hear de The Blessed Madonna.
Le casting de ces podcasts est ébouriffant : 69, dont les artistes Laurent Garnier, Ellen Allien, Chilly Gonzales, Flore et Jennifer Cardini, l’historien Patrick Boucheron, le député Raphaël Glucksmann et la journaliste Odile de Plas, partagent leurs souvenirs de lâcher prise sur le dancefloor et de petits matins blêmes, d’émotions partagées et d’engagement, témoignent de l’amour des friches, des métamorphoses de la cité ou du sens politique de la fête.
Un podcast produit par Arty Farty et réalisé par Cheese Naan
Écrit par Vincent Carry et Anne-Caroline Jambaud l Directeur de création : Loïc Mabily l Montage : Mathilde Tinet l Mixage : Julien Attal l Voix off : Laure Porthé l Attachée de production : Louise Delage l Enregistrements studio et ambiances : Loïc Mabily et Mathilde Tinet
Merci à Alexandra Jouclard, Marion Bal et Constance Duclos pour leur conseil juridique l Merci à l’équipe d’Arty Farty et spécialement à Théophile Demolin et Perrine Jouk) : Vincent Carry, Pierre-Marie Oullion, Fred Joly, Violaine Didier, Cyrille Bonin, Patrice Mourre, Cécile Chaffard, Cyrille Michaud, Laurent Garnier, Patrick Lallemand, Jennifer Cardini, Vincent Cavaroc, Valérie Paillé, Laurent Graber, Christophe Doucet, Nadège Lieggi, Georgia Taglietti, Odile de Plas, Didier Varrod, Jacky Berroyer, Pierrick Bailly, Damien Béguet, Baptiste Pinsard, Anetha, Raphaël Glucksmann, Romain Laleix, Chloé Krempf, Jean-Marie Durand, Michel Lussault, Ellen Allien, Pierre Zeimet, Éléonore Cziz, Chloé Ridel, Deena Abdelwahed, Deborah Mayer, Chilly Gonzales, Hyacinthe Pavlides, Anne-Caroline Jambaud, The blessed Madonna, Meryl Laurent, Jean-Olivier Arfeuillère, Julien de Lauzun, Philippe Chaslot, Laurent Bigarella, Edoardo Visconti, Mathilde Carry-Servais, Romane Corlin, Patrick Boucheron, François Pirola, Tiffany Fukuma, Cécile Revenu, Flore Morfin, Anne Grumet, The Hacker, Alexandre Didier, Fanny Crapanzano, Loïc Lemée, Carmen Higueras, Lucie James, Chantal la Nuit.
Archives de : Agoria, Patrice Béghain, Hervé Riesen, Roselyne Bachelot, Jean-Yves Leloup, Clarisse Ruiz-Correal, Mathias Morfin, José Lagarellos, Anthony Hawkins
Musique : Moderat, Abul Mogard, Camion Bazar, Red Axes, The Balek Band, Dame Area, Maquis Son Sistèm, Undo, Traumer, Ellen Allien, Anika, LB aka LaBat, Kraftwerk, Vitalic, Josh Wink, Underworld, Nathan Fake & James Holden, Laurent Garnier, Floating points, Rone, Islam Chipsy & Eek, MC Carol & Karol Conka, Ratatat, Sophie, New Order, The Hacker & Miss Kittin, Deena Abdelwahed & Matias Aguayo, The Blessed Madonna.
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
We chat with singer/songwriter Paloma Faith, plus I’ve been chatting with a man whose father is responsible for most of the best-loved vintage British sit coms and he’s proving that you’re never too old to cut your first album, we hear all about mask theatre coming to the New Wolsey and we’ve a round up of what’s on around the region
di Giulia Cavaliere
A cura di Sara Poma.
Romantic Italia è un podcast che nasce da un libro edito da minimum fax e che diventa oggi un racconto a puntate di alcuni episodi della discografia italiana che hanno esplorato, tra gli altri - in modi diversi, innovativi, sorprendenti e destinati alla classicità - il tema più ampio e indecifrabile di tutti: quello dell’amore. Qui parliamo di LP, di 33 giri della storia della musica italiana lontana e vicina. E in ogni caso, comunque, cantiamo d’amore.
Illustrazione di Agnese Pagliarini per Minimum Fax
Musiche di Mattia Del Moro -
You’re all invited as Gregory Porter hangs out with famous friends, old and new, to pull on the musical and creative threads that join us all together. From sharing the love of those songs that get right to your soul, to the joy and pain of parenthood and family, or facing down discrimination and channelling that energy into something good. Recorded on the road, or remotely from his home in Bakersfield, California, crossing time zones and continents, these are conversations to inspire. Join Gregory for The Hang. Bring it in!
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Norah Jones is a multi-GRAMMY winning singer and pianist who loves playing music with people, so she started her own podcast to do just that. Each episode, she sits down with a different guest for impromptu musical collaborations and candid conversation. Her guests come from all walks of life and every musical style and you never know where the songs will take them. So, come hang out in the studio. Norah Jones is Playing Along!
Molte delle discussioni sul design sono incentrate sulla bellezza, ma le storie più affascinanti del mondo costruito riguardano la risoluzione di problemi, i vincoli della storia e dello spazio e i drammi e le conquiste umane; adhoc voice scompone il paesaggio urbano e racconta storie di città, non luoghi e persone.
از آنجایی که خودمان خیلی خاطره بازیم، برای خاطره بازها برنامه ی جدیدی راه انداخته ایم؛ می خواهیم فصل های پیشین موسیقی ایرانی را از سنتی تا پاپ با شما ورق بزنیم. از سرعت ساعت ها کم کنیم، موسیقی های دیجیتال و افکت های صوتی را دقایقی بگذاریم به حال خودشان و گاهی به صداهایی که انگار با خونمان آمیخته اند گوش کنیم. «خاطره باز» گاهنامه وار منتشر خواهد شد و در هر فصل فهرست محدودی از پیشینه ی هنرمندانی را عرضه خواهد کرد. قطعاتی که در هر برنامه با هم مرور خواهیم کرد انتخاب های «رادیو شهرزاد» هستند. شما اما بعد از شنیدن هر برنامه به خاطره بازی ادامه دهید و یاد ما کنید.
Ogni venerdì (o quasi) vi racconto la co-evoluzione del mondo dell'architettura e della tecnologia informatica, seguendo lo sviluppo del moderno processo di progettazione architettonica: BIM, realtà aumentata, realtà virtuale, progettazione parametrica, algoritmica ed accelerata con IA.
Sono Roberto Marin, Architetto libero professionista e BIM specialist, dal 2018 vi accompagno nell'evoluzione tecnologica della nostra professione, condividendo conoscenze ed esperienze in modo informale ed in tinta grigio ciliegia.
Oltre a questo podcast puoi trovare altre risorse in Architetto Digitale.
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