Anonymität ist nicht etwa eine negative Begleiterscheinung moderner westlicher Gesellschaften, sondern Voraussetzung für Urbanität. Fremdheit sollte man daher als Ressource begreifen, die Chancen bietet. Doch das kostbare Gut Fremdheit ist gefährdet, sagt der Münchner Soziologe Armin Nassehi.
Im überwegs deep dive tauchen wir in die schillernden Untiefen der Welt innovativer Methoden, Entwicklungen und Trends ab. Mit einer kurzweiligen Mischung aus Neugier und journalistischer Sorgfalt nimmt er sich in den Folgen auch die Zeit, die Menschen hinter den Themen zu entdecken. think, learn, innovate – in Podcast-Form.
Folge 1 -
Paulo Moreira é um dos principais impulsionadores do conceito da Inteligência Emocional em Portugal.
É autor do best-seller "Inteligência Emocional - uma abordagem prática", CEO da empresa EQ-TRAINING, fundador da marca Treino Inteligência Emocional, Doutorando em Psicologia das Emoções e Bem-Estar, criador de Jogos e co-criador da Banda Desenhada Emoty, que fala sobre emoções.
Neste podcast, Paulo Moreira explora o mundo da Inteligência Emocional e também entrevista alguns convidados. -
5 minute summaries of The Jordan B. Peterson Podcast's episodes. Get the best insights and ideas in much less time, more at
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Join intellectual phenomenon Dr. Jordan Peterson and his daughter Mikhaila for enlightening discourse that will change the way you think. This podcast breaks down the dichotomy of life through interviews and lectures that explain how individuals and culture are shaped by values, music, religion, and beyond. It will give you a new perspective and a modern understanding of your creativity, competence, and personality. -
Podcast de filosofia, política e psicanálise. Produzido na Alemanha por Glauber Ataide, mestre e bacharel em Filosofia. Links para nossos cursos, livro e redes sociais:
The SciComm Toolkit podcast is the show for researchers and science communicators to get all the tools they need to communicate their science with confidence. Whether you are just starting out, want to learn a new skill or level up your scicomm confidence, this show will give you all you need to bring science stories to life. You will get insights and advice from award-winning science communicator Dr Soph from Soph talks science, as well as hearing from other expert communicators to help you build up all those tools in your own scicomm toolkit. Each episode will have actionable tips, resources or exercises that you can act on straight away. Tune in to learn how to educate, entertain and empower with your science communication.
Um podcast que pretende ser um lugar de diálogo sobre a vida e a morte e sobre as relações que criamos no intervalo. Falaremos sobre o luto, as perdas, a doença e a morte nas diferentes perspetivas ética, estética, clínica, cultural, filosófica, artística e as demais que a vida contém.
Promovido pelas Irmãs Hospitaleiras | Casa de Saúde da Idanha no âmbito Projeto de Intervenção Precoce e Apoio no Luto, com o apoio da Fundação La Caixa. -
APA’s Medical Mind Podcast covers the latest in psychiatric medicine and emerging trends in the field of mental health care. APA members and other health care professionals provide insight into the intersection between mind, brain and body. The Medical Mind is the home for all of APA’s podcast content, and features new series and as well as highlights from AJP Audio, Finding our Voice, Psychiatric Services from Pages to Practice, and more.
DISCLAIMER: This podcast is subject to the Terms of Use at The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the individual speakers only and do not necessarily represent the views of the American Psychiatric Association, its officers, trustees, or members. The content of this podcast is provided for general informational purposes only and is not intended as, and shall not be understood or construed as, medical or any other type of professional advice nor does it represent any statement of the standard of care. We strongly recommend that any listener follow the advice of physicians directly involved in their care and contact their local emergency response number for any medical emergency. The information within this podcast is provided as-is and is not guaranteed to be correct, complete, or accurate. -
What are the prospects for cooperation or cooperation in the international system? Will states always be primarily concerned with their own security or is progressive change possible in international politics? Does it matter to international politics if states are democratic or not? And what is the importance of economic change, or gender relations to international politics? In the following seven films, some of the world's leading experts on international relations explore what determines how states and their agents behave in a globalised world and the different theories and analyses that have been developed to make sense of today's international system.
The material in this collection relates to DD313 International relations: continuity and change in global politics -
São inúmeros os autores que a Universidade do Porto edita todos os anos. Obras que dão a conhecer o trabalho realizado por dezenas de docentes e investigadores dentro e fora da U.Porto.
Esta série de podcasts resulta de um conjunto de entrevistas com cada um dos autores, numa conversa onde as palavras nos guiam pelas folhas de cada livro, ajudando-nos desvendar ainda o pensamento de quem os escreve. -