7 Layers is a weekly podcast produced by SDxCentral, the leading media site for next-generation IT infrastructure. Whether you're a seasoned professional or someone just starting out in the field, 7 Layers covers everything from SDN to 5G to IoT to data security to get you up-to-speed and keep you informed on critic topics and technologies. Every topic is paired with an interview with an industry expert providing the unique insight SDxCentral is known for. Listen now and subscribe on your preferred podcast platform to never miss an episode. Want more? Subscribe to the SDxCentral Weekly Wrap for a weekly 5 minute summary of the weeks biggest technology news and visit for daily news, in-depth guides, and exclusive webinars.
Ob Tech-telmechtel, Angefressen oder Spoilerfabrik: Hier findest du alle Podcasts von Digitec. Im Tech-Telmechtel reden wir einmal pro Woche über alles, was die Techwelt bewegt. Bei Angefressen dreht sich alles um Apple. Hier erscheint eine Folge pro Monat. Bei der Spoilerfabrik besprechen wir Serien, Filme oder Games bis aufs letzte Detail - inklusive Spoiler. Hier peilen wir einen Zweimonatsrhythmus an.
Define your digital roadmap. Weekly podcasts featuring specialists from across the S&P Global Market Intelligence research team offer deep insights into what’s new and what’s next in technology, industries and companies as they design and implement digital infrastructure. To learn more, visit:
This podcast series brought to you by Microsoft and IDG, will explore the core components of a modern security strategy, with insights and tips from leading security experts. We’ll discuss how ongoing and ever-changing threats, a growing security stack, and a shift to remote work make it difficult for CISOs and their security teams to balance enterprise-grade security with end-user productivity.
Wöchentlicher Digital-Podcast von und mit Jörg Schieb.
Jede Woche die wichtigsten Digitalthemen: Wenn Ihr wissen wollt, was gerade los ist, welche Themen wichtig sind und wie ich sie einordne - dann seid Ihr hier genau richtig. Ein bisschen Service gibt es aber auch. Dinge, die Ihr wissen solltet, um in keine Fallen zu tappen und Euch sicher durch den digitalen Dschungel zu bewegen. -
New episodes every other Wednesday. Co-hosted by Carrie Nixon, Esq. & Rebecca E. Gwilt, Esq. Key topics center around healthcare law, policy, innovation, startups & digital health. Carrie Nixon and Rebecca Gwilt are partners at Nixon Gwilt Law, a healthcare innovation law firm exclusively serving Providers, Digital Health Companies, and Life Science Businesses seeking to transform the way we receive and experience healthcare. Find out more at