Tamara chats with Network Engineer Micah Simmler about his time with Burgess, tech-related hobbies, and what he'd like to see for the future of technology. Micah celebrates 10 Years with Team BTS in November of this year.
Find additional episodes at IT Sucks Podcast.com. Learn more about Burgess Technology Services at BTSMaine.com.
Mike and Matt share insights with regard to tools and discounts available to non-profits, (Microsoft, HP, Lenovo, Dell, Tech Soup, Quickbooks and others) and a few of our favorite non-profits share their tech wish lists and how our listeners can help!
For more information, visit:
Saknas det avsnitt?
Matt and Tamara talk about Hunting Technology.
Technology changes: https://community.legendarywhitetails.com/blog/3-technological-advances-that-changed-hunting-forever/
SpyPoint Cell Adapter: https://www.cabelas.com/shop/en/spypoint-cell-link-universal-cellular-adapter
Outdoor Hub – Deer Hunting Tech: https://www.outdoorhub.com/deer-hunting-technology/
Quiver App: https://www.quiverapp.co/
GhostStop: https://www.ghoststop.com/rem-pod-with-temp/
ANT scope: https://www.atncorp.com/smart-hd-weapon-sight
Hunt Stamp App: https://huntstand.com/
Trail Cams: https://www.digitalcameraworld.com/buying-guides/best-trail-cameras
Hunting GPS: https://outdoorwilds.com/best-hunting-gps-under-200/
Deer on the trail cam. (referenced by Matt)
For more information on Burgess Technology Services and Maine Business IT Support, visit www.btsmaine.com or email podcast@btsmaine.com
Dr. Frank Appunn, Professor of Information Technology Management speaks to BTS about the evolution of Cybersecurity, relevant degree programs at Thomas College in Waterville, and the vast career opportunities in the field.
For more information on topics referenced:
Security Awareness Training: https://www.burgesstechnologyservices.com/business-it-support-services/security-awareness-training
FireEye Breach: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-fireeye-cyber-idUSKBN28I31E
Huawei: https://www.forbes.com/sites/georgecalhoun/2021/09/27/the-huawei-hostage-crisis-is-not-over-it-has-escalated/?sh=537cd2af3e9f
To mark Cyber Security Awarness Month, Mike and Matt explain the tools of Burgess Technology Services IT Security Suite, how they work in practical terms, and how they benefit our clients' network security.
This includes not only standard network security, but specific protections and monitoring reports required in highly regulated industries, such as financial, medical and municipal.
For more information on how these tools can help your secure your business, email podcast@btsmaine.com or visit https://www.burgesstechnologyservices.com/business-it-support-services/bts-it-security-suite/
For previous episodes, visit www.itsuckspodcast.com
Tamara chats with BTS engineer Ben Weston, who shares about a day in the life of a tech, experiences from his 25 years in IT, how remote support tools have changed the industry, and what some geeks do in their downtime.
Ben and his Tech Desk co-pilot Gir.
Tamara chats with Steve Marson of Central Maine Pyrotechnics about how fireworks technology has evolved over his 50 years in the business.
For more information: www.centralmainepyrotechnics.com
Find previous episodes of the IT Sucks Podcast at www.itsuckspodcast.com
Mike, Matt and Tamara chat about fun and practical tech apps and products to enhance your summer outdoor adventures. Settle in for a listen, and enjoy exploring the links below! (you might want to pack a lunch and a compass app before falling down that rabbithole)
Mike and Tamara of Burgess Technology Services chat with Brenton Dinsmore of Duratherm Window about how they use technology in design, fabrication and conferencing as they go about their business. Duratherm is a Maine Business with a great reputation in the industry.
For more information on Duratherm, visit www.durathermwindow.com
Questions? Email podcast@btsmaine.com or visit www.btsmaine.com.
Tamara chats with Dr. Jessilin Quint from Smart Eye Care in Maine, about eye health technology and keeping your eyes healthy while using technology on the job! Dry eyes, blue light, eye strain, new products and more!
Dr. Quint performs IPL on a dry eye client.
Visit Burgess Technology Services at www.btsmaine.com
On Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/BurgessTechnologyServices
On Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/btsmaine/
Listen to all IT Sucks Podcast episodes at www.itsuckspodcast.com
Visit Smart Eye Care (in Augusta, Bangor and Farmindale), online at www.smarteyecare.com
On Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/smarteyecarecenter
On Instagram at: https://www.instagram.com/smarteyecarecenter/
Dr. Quint: https://www.instagram.com/smarteyecarecenter/
Matt and Tamara chat about the features and benefits of Microsoft Teams, included in the Microsoft 365 suite of apps and how all sizes of businesses can benefit from it.
For more information, visit www.BTSMaine.com or email podcast@btsmaine.com
For more episodes, visit www.itsuckspodcast.com
Follow us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/BurgessTechnologyServices
Mike and Tamara chat with Mark Anderson of Gowen Power systems about power industry technology and how the technology of generators has evolved over the years.
For more information, email podcast@btsmaine.com or visit Gowen at www.gowenpower.com
Matt, Mike and Tamara of Burgess Technology Services chat about geeky gifts and what's on their own wishlists for 2020. For more information, email podcast@btsmaine.com or visit www.btsmaine.com
Links to products referenced in the episode are below. But first - for those local to us in Midcoast Maine, check out www.visitbath.com for a list of local retailers which we encourage you to support this gift-giving season!
Star Wars Video Game Cabinet
Dungeon Master Screen Banana Phone Kinetic Gears Kit LED lights
Magnetic Levitating Bluetooth Speakers
Sanitizing Wand
Fitbit Roomba Remarkable https://youtu.be/SWY_bwFMxro Jabra Headphones Light Box Best Dog Ball Launchers Chicken Door Reolink Motion Sensor BTS Staff recommendations: Jess - Wicked Bone Logan - EVGA Fancy Gaming Fans Anthony - Starlink Internet Raspberry Pi Micah - Google Chromecast with Google TV Oculus Quest 2Cindy - www.meater.com
Tamara interviews Burgess Support Specialist Anthony Terrano about his experiences in the tech field, his blog, hobbies and more! Check out his blog at www.terratechblog.com !
For more information email podcast@btsmaine.com or visit Burgess Technology Services online at www.btsmaine.com
Mike, Matt and Tamara discuss a few annual "chores" related to the well-being of your computers and business network. Topics include battery backup testing, generators, data backup, disaster recovery, physical cleaning and security.
Burgess Technology Services is a Maine business.
For more information, visit www.btsmaine.com
Mike and Matt chat with Chris Martin from give IT. get IT. about computer recycling, certification and their mission to build computers for those who would not otherwise have access. Digital Inclusion. Their organization is one of only a handful in the country, and it's right here in Maine.
For the estimated 70,000 Maine households that don’t have a computer, this is a time of unprecedented isolation. At give IT. get IT., their mission to provide “digital inclusion” in the form of low or no-cost computers, training and support to people in need is more urgent than ever. Visit www.giveITgetIT.org to find out how you can help!
For more information on the podcast and Burgess Technology Services, visit BTSMaine.com or email podcast@btsmaine.com.
Mike, Matt and Tamara reflect on the 35th anniversary of the business. The discussion includes evolution of technology, business technology, tech support, dial-up, backups, long-term clients, managed services, IT recycling, our fabulous BTS staff and more!
Matt, Mike and Tamara talk about how business (BTS as well as clients') has been changed by the pandemic and remote working.
For more information email podcast@btsmaine.com or visit www.btsmaine.com
Tamara chats with Bath Middle School Science Teacher Monica Wright about STEM curriculum in classroom and beyond.
Bath Middle School: https://mhs.rsu1.org/o/bath-middle-school
Chewonki: https://chewonki.org
Ecology School: https://theecologyschool.org
KELT: https://www.kennebecestuary.org
Maine Career and Education: https://www.educatemaine.org/
IntWork: https://www.intwork.co
Monica Wright Award Article by Nathan Strout
BMS students during crab data collection on the coast of Maine.
Tamara and Maggie Cano, network engineer at BTS, chat about Maggie's history with technology, coding at 5 years old, women in STEM and recognizing biases.
Links to articles referenced:
- https://www.bizjournals.com/bizwomen/news/latest-news/2019/02/more-than-40-percent-of-women-leave-stem-jobs.html?page=all
- https://www.aauw.org/resources/research/the-stem-gap/ - https://hbr.org/2018/06/what-managers-can-do-to-keep-women-in-engineering- https://www.purdueglobal.edu/blog/information-technology/resources-women-computer-technology/
- Visa fler