Happy Stone Cold Day, the Day of The Texas Rattlesnake, the Day of asking what in your best Stone Cold voice, the Day of Flipping the Bird at anyone and everyone but especially your boss, the Day of Austin 3:16 not that other bullshit from some guy named John. The only true holiday we at IRMFT know, Stone Cold Day, so enjoy the best Wrestlemania there has ever been, enjoy the cumulation of the Attitude Era in the WWE, enjoy Wrestlemania X-7, and go stomp a mudhole in someone ass when they tell you wrestling is fake, because they haven't watched Wrestlemania X-7. Happy Stone Cold Day from IRMFT!
Will anyone ever be a guest more than Jacobs brother David? Probably not and why would they try at this point. This week is BJs favorite kind of movie, a heist movie, but it's also one of Jacob and David's favorite kind of movie, a stupid movie. Kevin Hart's Netflix original Lift. The movie was not fun so you know the podcast is gunna be fun, so press play on your commute or pick a chore to do and have fun with the guys at IRMFT
Join IRMFT as we celebrate Black History Month with Dolemite is My Name, chronicling the rise of a black cinema icon in Rudy Ray Moore. There is an all star cast, great script and Eddie Murphy regaining his star power as he turns in an Oscar worthy performance. Remember to celebrate Black History as it is American History!
February has been hard on IRMFT but here we are with our first ever Black History Month on IRMFT, with the classic White Men Can't Jump. If you haven't seen it, get ready for a refreshing angle at story telling and knock out performances of Westly Snipes, Woodly Harrelson, and the smoke show that is Rosie Perez. IRMFT wants everyone to know that Black History is American History.
It's our last week of "Hot Guy January" and we tried to end with a banger and do a male stripper movie. I mean what could go wrong? It's not like it could be boring or anything, except it surprisingly was! We do have a great Mt. Rushmore of scenes, and this movie has great trivia, so join us on IRMFT Pod for the last movie in "Hot Guy January" for Magic Mike. Plus you know you wanna see this cast pretty much naked haha.
Our second movie for Hot Guy January we have our first JCVD movie, a movie he trained for 10 hours a day only to be told he wasn't in good enough shape when showing up to filming. So yeah we've got a kung fu movie with rock hard chest and abs and JCVD doing the splits a stupid amount of times. So join us for Hot Guy January
It's 2025 and here at IRMFT we know the perfect way to help everyone get through the New Year. So welcome to the new way IRMFT will celebrate the New Year. Welcome to Hot Guy January on IRMFT, and for the inaugural Hot Guy January movie we have the 2024 disaster movie Twisters starring our own Texas native "Hot Guy" Glen Powell! Join us because you know you want too, plus what's funnier to listening to two heterosexual men flaunt over hot guys in a world rampant with homophobia?
IRMFTs classic Christmas movie this year is the Die Hard of Christmas movies for kids. Join us as we enjoy the absolute he!! out of one of the best kid performances in cinema history. And keep the change you filthy animal!
It's December, which means it's Christmas season, and for our favorite pagan holiday we do a couple of yearly things. We watch a cheesy Hallmark Xmas movie, a classic Xmas movie, and a violent Xmas movie. This year we are starting with the first American made movie from legendary action movie director John Woo!!! Can we get a Nature Boy WOOOOO? To bad it was no where that good, come with us as we $hi+ all over this movie and hope John Woo has more in store with us than this garbage.
We missed Jacobs favorite time of year because life can be a real bitch, meaning we didn't do a month of horror movies. We did do one though and we were starting the month of horror a little light did the first ever summer blockbuster by the great Stephen Spielberg. And if you don't think Jaws is a horror movie, what kind of horror movies do you watch? Or more importantly, what kind of horror movies are you missing out on? Join us for an all time great to start off spooky season the right way, with a PG movie that shows boobs within minutes of starting.
This week we have a live action Disney movie starring VD, not that VD but Vin 'Freakin" Diesel as Navy Seal Shane Wolfe. This time he is protecting the family he's always wanted in the Fast and Furious Franchise, can he do it? Of course he can it's a Disney movie, speaking of Disney, would it suprise you if we told you there are Nazis in it? Watch and listen, or just listen to find out.
It's 2024, The Swaze Man has been dead for 15 years. Is the world really ready for a remake of the 80s roundhouse kick, throat grabbing classic, action powerhouse, Road House? You bet your bottom dollar that we are! And even though we are a punny podcast, that is not an a$$ pun just because we get a glory shot of Connor McGregor bent over. So join IRMFT and our "favorite" guest in a movie bread out of straight unadulterated violence.... and maybe some homosexuality?
Do you like steroid addicted actors who were famous in the 80s and real bummer stories? If so The Wrestler with Mickey Rourke may be just what you are looking for. Listen to Jacob and BJ discuss this clear Oscar baity movie, which both had way more fun watching it the first time than on this re-watch.
Monkey Man.... no this is not a racist movie... this is a movie about.... oh I don't really know but its basically bare knuckle, Indian John Wick exact revenge on some really evil people. Sit back and enjoy some awesome action scene in this violent Dev Patel movie.
It is BJs Birthday episode! You know how it works, BJ picks a movie he doesn't think Jacob would watch on his own. This year BJ picked a basketball movie where one of the leads isn't even an actor, but future Hall of Fame NBA player Ray Allen. Tune in to see if the great Spike Lee can make Jacob enjoy, not only a basketball movie but a movie with someone who doesn't really know how to act in the lead role. Thank god it's a joint, a Spike Lee Joint.
An IRMFT favorite, this week we get our first go at a Robert Rodiguez film, and boy did we pick a good one for our first movie by a Hollywood legend in his own right. It's the story of El Mariachi, the sequal in a trilogy about a man who has a guitar case full of guns and goes looking for revenge, along with one of the best sex scenes in movie history. Even if you have seen this movie, watch it again, we promise you forgot how much fun you will have watching this movie.
Get ready for the first MCU movie to be featured on IRMFT, any avid First Timers knows why we picked The Winter Solider as our first one. A cool action movie with bada$$ fight scenes hidden in a cool a$$ espionage movie. This will not be our last MCU movie, we had too much fun, but do not expect another soon!
Yeah we did a movie with the controversial blackface, and that wasn't even the most controversial thing about this movie when it was released. Join IRMFT as we welcome a new guest on the pod, Jacobs highschool friend Jacob, as we talk about the Ben Stiller masterpiece Tropic Thunder. A movie we have decided everyone should be required to watch, so if you haven't seen, watch. If you have seen it watch it again because we promise it is better than you remember.
It's Stone Cold Day again, the only true holiday in the world. It trancends religion, humanity, spirtuality, morals, life, love, hate, it trancends it all. This year we decided against a movie to do the second time The Texas Rattlesnake won the Royal Rumble. The year is 1998 and what a wild time it was for professional wrestling. Enjoy a Stevester and pop a cold one for Austin 3:16 Stone Cold Day
Have you ever played any Nintendo game throughout your life? Do you like plumbers that don't show plumbers crack? Do you like colorful aninmated films with great voice acting? Do you think you could beat one of our host at Mario Cart? Maybe you should press play on this podcast and enjoy what IRMFT has to say abouta great animated movie full of nostaliga for you old geezers along great G-Rated humor for all kids. This won't be G-Rated though, any listener knows we shit on Michael Douglas for not showing his junk, and talking about a kids movie does not save Michael Douglas from the guys at IRMFT!
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