¿Qué pasa cuándo vivimos desde la curiosidad? Con cada episodio, exploramos juntos con amigos y personas expertas sobre las múltiples cosas que impactan nuestras vidas. Vivimos tan rápido y con tantos estímulos que a veces no asimilamos ni siquiera nuestro propio pensamiento. Este es un espacio para que entre tanto afán, todos tengamos un desahogo colectivo.
歡迎來到Aliens see the world,這頻道主要分享自己所見 所聞 所學 所感 以及一些自己的相關技能 催眠學 心理學 心靈成長 健身訓練 兩性話題 人際溝通關係 及一些你想的到你想不到的內容,以外星人的視野 想法 去感受發覺全新的世界升級妳的豆腐腦水,把你從三維空間帶到五維空間~
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We discuss anything related to relationships and dating. We go into great detail covering attachment styles, which is also known as attachment theory. We cover the attachment styles known as the secure attachment style, the preoccupied attachment style, the dismissive avoidant attachment style, and the fearful avoidant attachment style which is also known as the disorganized attachment style.
Si algo compartimos todos, es que siempre en algún momento de nuestra vida, ha existido el caos. Este es el podcast en el que compartimos de la forma más honesta y real cómo sobrevivir, sobrellevar y entender y sobre todo amar tu propio caos. Porque todos tenemos experiencias que nos han ayudado a crecer y en este podcast, la psicóloga Vi Morales, nos enseñará entre risas y anécdotas a ver la vida desde una nueva perspectiva, en la que aprenderás a amar el caos.
It's time to ChaseLife with Kelly! I am your host, Kelly Chase! I am a Business & Mindset Coach, Reality TV Celeb, and small town girl from "the 'Ville", who is on a mission, through vulnerability and raw storytelling, to inspire, motivate, and empower you to create the life you crave! Ya know, launch the business, become a boundaries setting badass, Be Do and Have what you desire!?! YAH, ALL THAT! On this show, you'll hear from incredible people who, like myself, have turned messes into successes; and who are also on a mission to ignite a flame within your soul! I am so grateful to have you here! If this show resonates with you, please rate, review, and subscribe! To connect further, follow me on IG at @chaselifewithkelly, at, and check out my YouTube channel! Love Always, Kelly xoxo
The Challenger Podcast helps you show up authentically and navigate modern dating where texting, social media and dating apps have become the way people connect and communicate.
Each week, I interview dating experts and real life daters is to share what authentic dating can look like for you in these modern times. New episodes and live recordings every other week to find your ideal relationship through the Enneagram, attachment theory and core energy dynamics. Subscribe and leave a rating and review today so that you never miss an episode and connect with me on Tiktok @dave.glaser for a candid look at modern dating. -
Why do people self-injure? And what is the best way to respond when someone tells us they self-injure? Dr. Nicholas Westers, a clinical psychologist at Children's Health and Associate Professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, collaborates with the International Society for the Study of Self-Injury (ISSS) to interview the leading experts in the field of self-injury and self-harm as well as individuals with lived experience of self-injury and parents and family members of those who have self-injured. This podcast is meant to be a resource for parents, professionals, and people with lived experience.
Un Podcast lleno de historias reales para; Parejas: Swingers: Solteros: OpenMinds: Bisexuales: y todo aquel que tenga curiosidad!. Para contarme tu historia o promo contactarme, Email [email protected] y por Instagram Temptationnena. No te olvide de suscribirte a mi canal de YouTube Abrete con nena.
This is your show to discuss open relationships, the swinger lifestyle, consensual non-monogamy - however you describe it, we’re here to talk about it. Your podcast is hosted by John and Jackie Melfi, the force behind the industry famous colette swingers clubs and the award-winning blog With over 20 years of combined experience in open relationships and coaching thousands of couples, they are here to share with you the trials, tribulations, passion, and positivity of love and the lifestyle.
Con María José Álvarez B. experta en autoestima, relaciones de pareja y felicidad, encontrarás un valioso regalo para tus oídos. Cada palabra dicha aquí activará nuevas redes neuronales en tu cerebro que te llevarán a verte a ti, a tu relación de pareja y a tu vida, desde una perspectiva increíble.
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Like all couples, NeuroDiverse (AS/NT) Christian couples face challenges with communication and connection. Those challenges are nuanced in a way that most couples, therapists, and clergy don't typically recognize. Often NeuroDiverse Couples have children on the spectrum (or or other differences), this podcast will dedicate topics to the NeuroDiverse Couple as well as issues that may arise in spectrum or special needs family systems. We invite you to learn about NeuroDiverse Christian couples to understand those aspects more fully.
An honest discussion of the human spirit, the value of a positive attitude, and how strength can be found in the weakest of places. This podcast journey will take you beyond your comfort zone to where you start to really learn about yourself and your ability to navigate seemingly impassable waters. We will discuss times where my disability (CMT) has empowered me to learn about strength. We will have guests on this podcast who are champions of overcoming adversity and making the world shine brighter. And, we will help you to start to see your challenges as your greatest gifts. Jonah Berger is a 48 year old youth director and motivational speaker. He works with kids and adults who deal with disabilities. He is a husband, a father, an author, a drummer, a leg brace wearer and an observer of life. Jonah uses his own disability to help listeners learn more about their own challenges and how to use them as strengths. Come take a walk with Jonah down the path of perspective that will leave you thinking and smiling.
En este podcast, Iker puede desahogarse y hablar sobre temas de los que no puede hablar en otras plataformas, conectando así más con su audiencia. En este podcast hablo sobre muchos temas, como: la salud mental, anécdotas, tips y muchas cosas más. Cada episodio es entretenido y en muchos de ellos hablo sobre temas que nunca menciono en otros sitios, siendo 100% yo sin filtros! Espero que os lo paséis bien escuchándolo y que os ayude! Grabo episodios cuando puedo!