
  • Today we share a real Spanish conversation on the power of walking to solve many of life’s problems!
    Get our newsletter and super, free ’How to get fluent in Spanish fast’ guide: https://www.notesinspanish.com/op/fluent/

    Listen to our real Spanish conversation podcasts for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced: https://www.notesinspanish.com/

    Learn more, faster, with the great supporting courses in our store: https://www.notesinspanish.com/store-home/

    Please share this video with Spanish-loving and Spanish-learning friends!
    Vocab from this video:
    Estuve de buen humor - I was in a good mood
    Estuve de mala leche - I was in a bad mood
    Una cena un poco tensa - A bit of a tense meal
    A todos nos sienta bien movernos - Moving makes all of us feel better
    Bueno, al grano - Right, let’s get to the point
    Agobiante - Worrying, overwhelming
    ¿Qué te resuena? - What resonates with you?
    Menudo poder que te da esto - This really empowers you
    Un día redondo - A great day
    Yo ni lo intento - I’m not even going to try

    Soren Kierkegaard Quote:

    Sobre todo, no pierdas el deseo de caminar: cada día camino hacia un estado de bienestar y me alejo de toda enfermedad; he caminado hacia mis mejores pensamientos, y no conozco ningún pensamiento tan agobiante que uno no pueda alejarse de él.

    Además, también es evidente que al caminar uno se acerca constantemente lo más posible al bienestar, aunque no lo alcance del todo.

    Por otro lado sentándose quieto, y cuanto más se está sentado quieto, más cerca se está de sentirse enfermo. La salud y la salvación sólo se encuentran en el movimiento... si uno sigue caminando, todo irá bien.

  • Enjoy the great Spanish we picked up in real Spanish situations, and try this top fluency tip!
    Get our newsletter and super, free ’How to get fluent in Spanish fast’ guide: https://www.notesinspanish.com/op/fluent/

    Listen to our real Spanish conversation podcasts for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced: https://www.notesinspanish.com/

    Learn more, faster, with the great supporting courses in our store: https://www.notesinspanish.com/store-home/

    Please share this video with Spanish-loving and Spanish-learning friends!
    Vocab from this video:
    ¡Te lo juro! - I swear it’s true!

    Me lo prometiste - You promised

    Mama me lo prometiste, que el lunes y el viernes puedo llevar algo dulce, te lo juro - Mum you promised I could take something sweet to school on Monday and Friday, I swear it’s true

    8000 metros de desnivel - 8000 metres of difference in altitude

    Avituallamiento - Refreshments

    Bullicio - Hustle and bustle, noisy atmosphere, hubbub

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  • Hola! Watch today’s real Spanish conversation about what we did this summer and how we feel about being back in Madrid and enjoy improving your Spanish!
    September Sale on Now in our Store - 25%-Off: https://www.notesinspanish.com/store-home/

    Get our newsletter and super, free ’How to get fluent in Spanish fast’ guide: https://www.notesinspanish.com/op/fluent/

    Listen to our real Spanish conversation podcasts for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced: https://www.notesinspanish.com/

    Please share this video with Spanish-loving and Spanish-learning friends!
    Vocab from this video:
    Lo bueno si breve dos veces bueno - Good things kept brief are twice as good (typical Spanish saying, similar to "brevity is best")

    ¿Cómo lo llevas? - How’s it going?

    Venimos con muchas ganas de reencontrarnos con nuestros amigos - We’ve come back really looking forward to seeing our friends again

    Contentos de las oportunidades que nos brinda la ciudad - Happy with the opportunities offered by the city

    ¡Cómo te lo montas! - You know how to live the good life/have a good time!

    Diluviaba - It was raining like crazy
    Remember, get fluent much faster with the learning packs in our store, September Sale on Now: https://www.notesinspanish.com/store-home/

  • Today we share once again an amazing walk up to 2200m/6600ft with half a village for an amazing experience! Get our newsletter and fluent fast report: https://www.notesinspanish.com/op/fluent/

    Listen to the Advanced Season 3 podcast that goes with this video here: https://www.notesinspanish.com/2020/03/24/advanced-season-3-ep-01-montana-arriba/

    Get ready for "Notes in Spanish Platinum Self-Study", our flagship video course for Intermediate and Advanced learners - coming this Thursday! https://www.notesinspanish.com/sp/notes-in-spanish-platinum-self-study/

  • Today we share all the craziness of a Spanish village fiesta - fireworks, foam parties, ’charangas’ ... Get our newsletter and fluent fast report: https://www.notesinspanish.com/op/fluent/

    Learn the real Spanish you’ll never find in a textbook or app with our Spanish learning/worksheet packs:

  • Hola! Enjoy today’s great Real Spanish conversation about Social life in Spain - can Ben now deal with it after 25 years in this amazing country?

    Get fluent much faster with the "Whole Enchilada" pack now with “Spanish Speaking Success” Masterclass video bonus (only til end of July!): https://www.notesinspanish.com/sp/the-whole-enchilada-special/

    Get our newsletter and super, free ’How to get fluent in Spanish fast’ guide: https://www.notesinspanish.com/op/fluent/

    Listen to our real Spanish conversation podcasts for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced: https://www.notesinspanish.com/

    Please share this video with Spanish-loving and Spanish-learning friends!
    Vocab from this video:
    Dimos un paseo de muchas horas en la montaña - We went for a walk for hours in the mountains

    ¡Qué pereza! - I can’t be bothered

    Enganchamos un cafe con el vino - The coffee turned into sharing a wine

    Atacar la despensa - Attack the store cupboard

    Mermelada de arándanos - Blueberry jam

    Haciendo malabares/apaños - Making do with what we had

    La tarde tranquila se fue al garete - Our quiet night went out of the window

    No se si esta transformación va a ser duradera - I don’t know if this transformation will last

    Si quieres hacer reír a Dios, cuéntale tus planes - If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans
    Remember, get fluent much faster with the "Whole Enchilada" pack now with Speaking Masterclass Video Bonus: https://www.notesinspanish.com/sp/the-whole-enchilada-special/

  • Hola! Enjoy another great, authentic conversation in Spanish, today about active vs lazy holidays - which do we prefer?

    Get fluent much faster with the "Whole Enchilada" pack now with Speaking and Fluency Masterclass Video Bonus: https://www.notesinspanish.com/sp/the-whole-enchilada-special/

    Get our newsletter and super, free ’How to get fluent in Spanish fast’ guide: https://www.notesinspanish.com/op/fluent/

    Listen to our real Spanish conversation podcasts for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced: https://www.notesinspanish.com/

    Please share this video with Spanish-loving and Spanish-learning friends!
    Vocab from this video:
    Torcerse el tobillo - Twist your ankle
    Tumbarse en la playa - Lie on a beach
    Hacer el vago - To be lazy
    Me cuesta ser vago - I find it really hard to be lazy
    El chiringuito - Beach bar, small bar in a park
    Ben es un culo inquieto - Ben is restless
    La cima - The peak
    Un esguince - A sprain (sprained ankle)
    Una guarreria - Processed food, or junk food. Also, big mess or something disgusting
    Remember, get fluent much faster with the "Whole Enchilada" pack now with Speaking Masterclass Video Bonus: https://www.notesinspanish.com/sp/the-whole-enchilada-special/

  • Listen to our conversation in Spanish about food, restaurants and travel - can you answer the challenge question?

    Get fluent much faster with the "Whole Enchilada" pack now with Speaking Masterclass Video Bonus: https://www.notesinspanish.com/sp/the-whole-enchilada-special/

    Get our newsletter and super, free ’How to get fluent in Spanish fast’ guide: https://www.notesinspanish.com/op/fluent/

    Listen to our real Spanish conversation podcasts for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced: https://www.notesinspanish.com/

    Please share this video with Spanish-loving and Spanish-learning friends!
    Vocab from this video:
    Londres - London
    La motivation principal de ir a Londres - The main reason for going to London
    Ha sido sido muy emocionante - It was really exciting
    Los decorados, los vestuarios, las barritas mágicas - The decoration, the costumes, the magic wands
    Lo que le mueve más a nuestro hijo mayor - What interests our older son more
    Una panadería - A bakery
    Panes rellenos de mil cosas - Bread stuffed with a thousand things
    El postre - The desert
    Un platazo de comida - A massive plate of food
    Caprichos/vicios - Things you love, can’t live without/guilty pleasures
    Yo soy muy quesera - I love cheese
    A nuestros hijos les encanta - Our kids love this
    Remember, get fluent much faster with the "Whole Enchilada" pack now with Speaking Masterclass Video Bonus: https://www.notesinspanish.com/sp/the-whole-enchilada-special/

  • Today we teach you how to pronounce some key words in Spanish so you get off on the right foot in any conversation!
    Get Our "Real Spanish Pronunciation Course" Here Now: https://www.notesinspanish.com/sp/real-spanish-pronunciation/

    Join our newsletter here: https://www.notesinspanish.com/newsletter/

    Vocab from this video:
    Me cuesta - It’s tough
    Nos vamos a asar - We’re going to roast (in this heat)
    Ben tiene mucho genio - Ben is a bit grumpy

    Get Our "Real Spanish Pronunciation Course" Here Now: https://www.notesinspanish.com/sp/real-spanish-pronunciation/

  • Today we teach you how to roll your R’s in Spanish even if you think you can’t! Plus a great student phrase for practicing. Get ready for our "Real Spanish Pronunciation" course coming this Thursday - Join our newsletter here: https://www.notesinspanish.com/newsletter/

    Vocab from this video:
    Doug’s Phrase:

    "Un perro marrón y un perrito negro están corriendo muy rápidamente alrededor del carro rojo. ¡Qué raro!"

    ¡Qué ilusión! - How exciting
    ¡Qué fácil! - How easy
    ¡Qué pasada! - How cool, how great
    ¡Qué guay! - How cool
    Una empollona - Someone who studies a lot
    Me quedé flipada - I was amazed

    Join our newsletter here: https://www.notesinspanish.com/newsletter/

  • Today we look at the ’e’ sound and how to say cool phrases with ’Que’ like a pro! Get ready for our "Real Spanish Pronunciation" course coming this Thursday - Join our newsletter here: https://www.notesinspanish.com/newsletter/

    Vocab from this video:
    Corre aquí una brisita maravillosa - There is a lovely breeze
    ¡Qué pasada! - How cool, how great
    ¡Qué ilusión! - How exciting
    ¡Qué guay! - How cool
    ¡Qué fácil! - How easy
    Join our newsletter here: https://www.notesinspanish.com/newsletter/

  • Today we share a host of wonderful new Spanish words and phrases and give an update on what’s going on this month.
    Join our Inner Circle Membership here today: https://www.notesinspanish.com/sp/inner-circle-join-here-now/

    Vocab from this video:
    Deslumbrado - Dazzled

    ¿A qué si? - Isn’t that right?

    Gazapo - Baby rabbit, a little mistake

    Tétrico - Dark, scary, gloomy

    La misa era muy tétrica - The mass was a bit dark/gloomy

    Perdido de la mano de Dios - In the middle of nowhere

    En el culo del mundo - In the middle of nowhere
    Join our Inner Circle Membership here today: https://www.notesinspanish.com/sp/inner-circle-join-here-now/

  • Today we share brilliant advice on how to get to the top with your Spanish!
    News: Special Spring Sale on our Best Selling Whole Enchilada Course (Until midnight May 1st!): https://www.notesinspanish.com/sp/the-whole-enchilada/

    Please share this video with Spanish-loving and Spanish-learning friends!
    Vocab from this video:
    Ben es un poco pesado con sus temas - Ben is a bit of a bore with his things

    ¡Qué pesado! - What a pain/bore!

    Está redondo - It’s spot on

    ¡Siente la alegría!- Feel the joy

    ¡No te rindas nunca! - Never give up!
    Special Spring Sale on our Best Selling Whole Enchilada Course (Until midnight May 1st!): https://www.notesinspanish.com/sp/the-whole-enchilada/

  • Today we head to Ocaña and ask, is it better to repeat your favourite travel destinations or always try somewhere new? Get our newsletter and super, free ’How to get fluent in Spanish fast’ guide: https://www.notesinspanish.com/op/fluent/

    Listen to our real Spanish conversation podcasts for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced: https://www.notesinspanish.com/

    Get fluent much faster with the learning packs in our store: https://www.notesinspanish.com/store-home/

    Please share this video with Spanish-loving and Spanish-learning friends!
    Vocab from this video:
    Nos sabíamos el menú de pe a pa - We new the menu backwards
    Entre col y col lechuga - Every now and again it’s good to have a change

  • Today we climb a massive Spanish mountain and share some important news - are you an Intermediate or Advanced Spanish learner and want to make massive progress? Join our Inner Circle Now! Only 100 spots available! https://www.notesinspanish.com/sp/inner-circle-join-here-now/

    Please share this video with Spanish-loving and Spanish-learning friends!

    Vocab from this video:
    Es maravilloso - It’s amazing

    La montaña siempre te transforma - The mountain always transforms you/changes the way you feel

    Ocurre algo mágico - Something magic happens

    ¡No te rindas nunca! - Never give up

    ¡A por ello! - Go for it

    Remember, if you are an Intermediate or Advanced Spanish learner and want to make massive progress with your Spanish, join our Inner Circle Now! Only 100 spots available! https://www.notesinspanish.com/sp/inner-circle-join-here-now/

  • Today we discuss an important part of getting fluent in Spanish - believing it! The Spanish segment is high-level, there are context notes below to help if you need them, and a summary in English at the end of the video. Get our newsletter and free ’How to get fluent in Spanish fast’ guide: https://www.notesinspanish.com/op/fluent/

    Listen to our real Spanish conversation podcasts for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced: https://www.notesinspanish.com/

    Get our best fluency-boosting Spanish courses in our store: https://www.notesinspanish.com/store-home/

    Please share this video with Spanish-loving and Spanish-learning friends!

    - Context notes for the Spanish conversation segment:

    We begin by talking about things that were easy for us to learn, then discuss other things that were hard for us to do at first, that we didn’t believe we’d ever do well, but with persistence we managed to get really good at in the end - Can you hear what these were?

    Finally, we encourage you to look at other things in your life that you do really well, or have had trouble with in the past and then were able to do well.

    (We summarise the important fluency concept at the end of the video in English).
    Vocab from this video:
    Submarinismo - Diving

    Profe de yoga - Yoga teacher

    Una prueba de nadar 200m en el mar - A 200m swimming test in the sea

    Ya me lo creía - I finally believed it

    Lo pude superar - I was able to get past it

    Es muy revelador - It’s very revealing

    ¡No te rindas nunca! - Never give up!

    Finally, remember, everyone watching this video can be amazingly good at Spanish - ¡Tu también! - You too!

  • What do we do to put balance in our busy lives? And do you know this cool phrase?
    Get our newsletter and super, free ’How to get fluent in Spanish fast’ guide: https://www.notesinspanish.com/op/fluent/

    Listen to our real Spanish conversation podcasts for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced: https://www.notesinspanish.com/

    Please share this video with Spanish-loving and Spanish-learning friends!
    Vocab from this video:
    En la gloria - In heaven
    En el solecito - In the sun
    No hay mal que por bien no venga - Every cloud has a silver lining
    El ruido es insoportable - The noise is unbearable
    Están tirando la casa entera - They are knocking the whole house down
    Equilibrio - Balance
    ¿Cómo ponemos el equilibrio en nuestras vidas? - How do we put balance in our lives?
    Esta mañana he jugado al pádel - This morning I played paddle
    Lo mejor es salir al aire libre - The best thing is getting out into the fresh air
    No te veo a ti echando mucho la siesta - I don’t see you having many siestas
    La bici - The bicycle
    Subiendo y bajando cuestas - Going up and down hills

  • Why did all the Spanish people think we were crazy on our trip to the Pyrenees? What would you have done?
    Homework: Listen to our Spanish podcasts and to learn more, faster, use the real-Spanish learning packs in our store: https://www.notesinspanish.com/store-home/

    Get our newsletter and super, free ’How to get fluent in Spanish fast’ guide: https://www.notesinspanish.com/op/fluent/

    Listen to our real Spanish conversation podcasts for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced: https://www.notesinspanish.com/

    Please share this video with Spanish-loving and Spanish-learning friends!

    Vocab from this video:
    Estación de esquí - Ski resort
    Cayó una nevada espectacular - It snowed an enormous amount
    Las masas - The hoards
    Era puente en Madrid - It was a long weekend/bank holiday in Madrid
    Colas - Queues
    Alquilar esquís - Hire skis
    Chimenea - Fireplace
    Los remontes - Ski lifts
    Me has pillado - You caught me out
    Don’t forget your Homework!
    Listen to our podcasts and to learn more, faster, use the real-Spanish learning packs in our store: https://www.notesinspanish.com/store-home/

  • We’re off on a long journey today but where are we going, and what is the best bit about the trip?
    Homework: Listen to our Spanish podcasts and to learn more, faster, use the real-Spanish learning packs in our store: https://www.notesinspanish.com/store-home/

    Get our newsletter and super, free ’How to get fluent in Spanish fast’ guide: https://www.notesinspanish.com/op/fluent/

    Listen to our real Spanish conversation podcasts for Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced: https://www.notesinspanish.com/

    Please share this video with Spanish-loving and Spanish-learning friends!

    Vocab from this video:
    Deslumbrado - Dazzled
    No nos podemos quejar - We can’t complain
    Están de obras - They’re redoing the house/doing work on the house
    Nos han dado una tregua - They’re giving us some peace
    Preparar la maleta - To pack the suitcase
    El viaje de ida - The trip there/outward journey
    El viaje de vuelta - The return journey
    Puro disfrute - Pure joy
    Cuando metemos el pie en el coche - When we step into the car
    Don’t forget your Homework!
    Listen to our podcasts and to learn more, faster, use the real-Spanish learning packs in our store: https://www.notesinspanish.com/store-home/

  • The story of our friend Gaspar is super-inspiring, full of the "Go for it!" attitude we love at Notes in Spanish!

    Join "Real Spanish Coaching Week" here: https://www.notesinspanish.com/sp/real-spanish-coaching-week-24/

    Vocab from this video:
    Mi abuelo postizo/adoptivo - My adoptive grandfather
    De la vieja escuela - Old school
    Le gustaba mucho jugar al tenis - He loved playing tennis
    Por su corazón, su médico le prohibió terminantemente jugar al tenis. - Because of his heart his doctor strictly forbade him from playing tennis
    Su corazón no lo aguanta - His heard couldn’t cope with it
    Se cambió de medico y seguía jugando al tenis - He changed doctor and kept playing tennis
    ¡No te rindas nunca! - Never give up!
    ¡A por ello! - Go for it!
    ¡Cuántos más mejor! - The more the merrier!
    Don’t forget, Join "Real Spanish Coaching Week" here, it’s going to be amazing! https://www.notesinspanish.com/sp/real-spanish-coaching-week-24/

    ¡Gracias a todos!