I Could Never Do That
Tjeckien · Carrie Barrett
- Samhälle och kultur
- Hälsa och motion
- Personliga dagböcker
"Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right."
How many times have you heard of a "dream job," an extraordinary athletic feat, or even a benevolent vocation that someone has and thought to yourself, "I Could NEVER Do That!" These people don't have superpowers, per se. These normal folks simply have a huge desire to do what it is they're doing and they ultimately have an unwavering faith that they can achieve their goals, no matter how big.
Remember, courage isn't the absence of fear. Courage is "going in" in spite of your fears. These are the stories of people who have gone in and fought hard to achieve the unthinkable in spite of the fact that, yes, sometimes they are scared and do have some insecurities. Are you ready to go in?
It's my hope that after hearing some of these interviews with thought leaders, artists, athletes, musicians and entrepreneurs that maybe you too will go from, "I Could Never Do That" to, "I Could Do That."