Thank you for finding Hymn Talk Twin Talk and joining us on the hymn journey surrounding this hymn treasure: Let the Lower Lights Be Burning. What a hymn!
Thank you to Ashley for suggesting this one for the podcast. It really has it all... a great hymn story, a legendary hymn writer, and effective metaphors for Christian living. We really appreciate the message behind this hymn. We want to be the lower lights!
Here are some of the things we talk about in this episode:
Let the Lower Lights Be Burning sheet music
Almost Persuaded sheet music
Pull for the Shore sheet music
Cleveland Harbor
National Museum of the Great Lakes
Great Lakes Shipwreck Museum
The Ashtabula Train Disaster
Jason Tonioli
@jasontoniolimusic on Instagram
Raluca Bojor
Piano Brains Online Course
Thank you for listening! If you have a suggestion for a future episode, please let us know. Find us on social media or email us at hymntalktwintalk@gmail.com.
Thank you and keep singing!
~Kerrie & Kellie
Psalm 104:33
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Twitter: @hymntalk
This hymn has it all! The hymn writers have a great story, the tune is so pretty, it's full of Biblical truth, and people love it. We are so excited to share Episode 96 with you - Jesus Paid It All. What a hymn!
Here are some of the things we talk about in this episode:
Jesus Paid It All sheet music
S and S Handiworks on Instagram
S and S Handiworks on YouTube
Jesus Loves Me merchandise
Joseph's Coat from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Whiter Than Snow on Hymn Talk Twin Talk
The Child's Prayer
Jesus Only Jesus sheet music
Our Young Hearts We're Early Bringing sheet music
Douglas Memorial Community Church, Baltimore
George's Creek Valley in Maryland
Raluca Bojor
Raluca Bojor on Instagram
Raluca Bojor on YouTube
Brice Davis on Instagram
Brice Davis on YouTube
This hymn came in as a request from not one, but TWO loyal listeners, and we love getting requests. Please let us know if you'd like to hear a particular hymn on the podcast. Find us on social media or send us an email! We'd love to hear from you!
See you in two weeks for Episode 97.
Keep singing!
~Kerrie & Kellie
Psalm 104:33
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Twitter: @hymntalk
Saknas det avsnitt?
"Blessed is he that cometh in the name of the Lord; Hosanna in the highest." - Matthew 21:9
Most people know this famous passage in the New Testament when Jesus is welcomed into Jerusalem with shouts of praise and palm branches waving. The very first Palm Sunday about two thousand years ago is commemorated each year in Christian churches and kicks off Holy Week. During this worship service, many churches will sing the famous Palm Sunday hymn, Hosanna, Loud Hosanna by Jeanette Threlfall.
In this special episode, we're diving deep into the Palm Sunday story, taking a close look at this hymn. We recorded this episode live at our home church, First Baptist Church in Reading, MA. The video is on our YouTube channel. Did you know we have a YouTube channel? Please LIKE and SUBSCRIBE!
We would love to bring Hymn Talk Twin Talk to your church event. We can speak about one of the hymns from our other live episodes, or you can choose the hymn and we can create something special for your sermon series or event theme. Please reach out to see how we can help!
We pray that this episode will be a blessing to you. Thanks for listening!
Love in Him,
Kerrie and Kellie
Things we talk about in the episode:
Hosanna, Loud Hosanna Sheet Music
Hosanna Praise Song by Brenton Brown and Paul Baloche
First Baptist Church, Reading, MA
Hymn Talk Twin Talk on YouTube
Psalm 104:33
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Twitter: @hymntalk
Thank you for finding Hymn Talk Twin Talk and THANK YOU for tuning in to Episode 94. We are so excited to be sharing this hymn with you. We pray that this episode will be a blessing, that eyes will be opened to the truth of who Jesus is.
We are releasing this episode during the Lent Season, anticipating the celebration of our risen Lord. Many churches will be talking about Jesus and the men on the road to Emmaus in the weeks following Easter. We pray that you will hear this passage in a new way, after listening to this episode.
Here are some of the things we talk about in the episode:
In the Breaking of the Bread sheet music
Michael Philip Ward
Chris Brunelle
Breaking Bread Catholic hymnal and Missal 2024
St. Gerald Parish Oak Lawn
St. Cecilia; Or, the Power of Music
This hymn came in as a request from a loyal listener, and we love getting requests. Please let us know if you'd like to hear a particular hymn on the podcast. Find us on social media or send us an email! We'd love to hear from you!
See you in two weeks for Episode 95.
Keep singing!
~Kerrie & Kellie
Psalm 104:33
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Twitter: @hymntalk
Happy New Year from Hymn Talk Twin Talk... a little late!
Thank you for waiting and being patient for Episode 93. We are thrilled to be devoting this comeback episode to such an amazing hymn. This hymn spans centuries, nations, time periods, and denominations. We can't wait to tell you everything we learned about it.
Here are some of the things we talk about in the episode:
All Creatures of Our God and King sheet music
Paul Tate's modern setting of the hymn
The Porziuncola
St. Francis of Assisi
St. John Vianney Church in Orlando, FL
Raluca Bojor
Raluca Bojor on YouTube
Richard Irwin's Hymn Without Words
All Creatures of Our God and King performed by Derek Sandstrom
THANK YOU for listening. Would you please be so kind as to leave us a rating and review on your podcasting app? This will help other hymn lovers find us.
See you in two weeks for Episode 94.
Keep singing!
~Kerrie & Kellie
Psalm 104:33
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Twitter: @hymntalk
Hymn Talk Twin Talk is back with another LIVE episode.
This episode was recorded on Sunday, September 17, 2023 at First Baptist Church in Reading, MA.
Please reach out if you'd like Hymn Talk Twin Talk to come to your church or event. We can talk about any hymn that would fit your theme or sermon series. We absolutely loving talking about God's Word in light of a much-loved hymn. Find us on social media or send us an email so we can plan something for 2024.
Performances of God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen featured in this episode:
The Barenaked Ladies
Neil Diamond
Kenny Rogers
Julie Andrews
Billy Idol
Maria Carey
Bing Crosby
Nat King Cole
Keith & Krystyn Getty
Randy Travis
Rascall Flatts
Thank you for supporting Hymn Talk Twin Talk. If you feel so inclined, would you please leave us a rating or a review on your podcast app? This is so important in helping others find us. Thank you so much!
In His Service,
Kerrie and Kellie
Psalm 104:33
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Twitter: @hymntalk
Thank you for finding Hymn Talk Twin Talk! We hope you like learning about Be Still My Soul and studying Jesus' words in Matthew 8:23-27.
This podcast episode will be available as a VIDEO podcast on YouTube on Tuesday, November 14. Did you know we had a YouTube channel? Many of our episodes are there and other fun videos too. Please check it out and subscribe!
This podcast episode was recorded live at First Baptist Church in Reading, Massachusetts. We would love to bring Hymn Talk Twin Talk to your church or worship event. Please send us an email or message us on social media to talk about how we can do this. We would love to meet you in person!
Here are some of the things we talk about in this episode:
Matthew 8:23-27
Mark 4:35-41
Be Still My Soul sheet music
Peace Be Still sheet music
Eternal Father Strong to Save sheet music
Because He Lives sheet music
The Return of the Prodigal Son by Rembrandt
Supper at Emmaus by Rembrandt
Doubting Thomas by Rembrandt
The Storm on the Sea of Galilee by Rembrandt
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Hymn Talk Twin Talk on YouTube
First Baptist Church, Reading, MA
Thank you for supporting Hymn Talk Twin Talk. If you feel so inclined, would you please leave us a rating or a review on your podcast app? This is so important in helping others find us. Thank you so much!
In His Service,
Kerrie and Kellie
Psalm 104:33
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Twitter: @hymntalk
Episode 90 is here and it is a BIG one!
We're so excited to be sharing this hymn with you all. It's an old one, it's traditional, it has made its crossover to many church denominations. We're pretty sure everyone knows this one!
This came as a request from a follower on Twitter (X). We really do love engaging with you on social media. Please find us and follow us! Let us know you listened to this episode, and put in a request for a future hymn!
Twitter: @hymntalk
Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
YouTube: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Here are some links to a few things we talk about in the episode:
Coronation Tune Sheet Music
Diadem Tune Sheet Music
Miles Lane Sheet Music
Massachusetts State House
Bunker Hill Monument
Warren Tavern
Raluca Bojor
@raluca.bojor.music on Instagram
The Sermon on the Mount
Canterbury Cathedral
Bunhill Fields, London
Matt Fouch
Matt Fouch on YouTube
Legacy 5
Thank you for listening and thank you for supporting Hymn Talk Twin Talk. We just love our community of hymn lovers. We pray these episodes are a blessing. Would you please consider leaving a review or a rating on your podcast app? This will help others find us.
Thank you and God bless you!
In His love and service,
Kerrie & Kellie
Psalm 104:33
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Twitter: @hymntalk
This wonderful gospel song is only published in 61 hymnals, but it has made its way into country, pop, rock, and right here on Hymn Talk Twin Talk. Farther Along came as a request from a loyal listener. She explained how comforting the song had been when she was going through a difficult time in her life. We pray that Farther Along and this whole episode will be a comfort and will bring joy to your day.
Here are some links to the some of the links we talk about in the episode:
Farther Along sheet music
Cheer Up Ye Saints of God sheet music
Jesus is Coming Again sheet music
Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt, Emmylou Harris Trio Documentary
Last Holiday starring Queen Latifah
Shadrach starring Andie McDowell and Harvey Keitel
Raluca Bojor
@raluca.bojor.music on Instagram
Raluca Bojor - Music on Facebook
Raluca on YouTube
Raluca's new CD Be Still on Amazon
Jami Smith
Jami Smith's Americana Hymns CD on Amazon
@jamismithworship on Instagram
Recordings of Farther Along on YouTube:
Brad Paisley
Dolly Parton, Linda Ronstadt, Emmylou Harris
Elvis Presley
Johnny Cash
Hank Williams
Tina and Ike Turner
Thank you for finding Hymn Talk Twin Talk and listening today. We really appreciate YOU! If you feel so inclined, would you please consider sharing this episode with a hymn-loving friend or leave us a review on your podcasting app? We would love for more hymn-lovers to join us.
Thank you and may God bless you today.
In His service,
Kerrie and Kellie
Psalm 104:33
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Twitter: @hymntalk
Thank you for finding Hymn Talk Twin Talk. If this is your first time with us, we pray that our love of the Lord and our love of hymns will be evident. This episode was prepared especially for today, September 11, 2023, on this the 22nd anniversary of the terrorist attacks on our country.
We asked our followers on social media to help us choose just the right hymn for this episode and YOU picked it. We are so happy to be diving into Abide With Me this week. What a hymn treasure!
Here are some of the things we talk about in the episode:
Abide With Me Sheet Music
Abide With Me with tune by Henry Francis Lyte
Abide With Me a novel by Elizabeth Strout
Olive Kittredge a novel by Elizabeth Strout
The Berry Head Hotel
St. Matthias Church
Rosemary Siemens
@rosemarysiemens on Instagram
Rosemary Siemens on Facebook
@rosemarysiemens on Twitter
28 Days Later
May today especially have you looking to Jesus as your only source of comfort, hope, and joy. God bless you.
Because of Him,
Kerrie and Kellie
Psalm 104:33
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Twitter: @hymntalk
This HEAVEN HYMN will be sure to make you smile. This song is just FULL of JOY and HOPE and PROMISE. We hope you'll be singing along!
In this episode, we're talking about some HYMN TREASURES! The hymn writer behind A New Name in Glory is also the hymn writer of some much-loved hymns. Do you love Dwelling in Beulah Land? Do you love In the Garden? Charles Austin Miles is a HYMN LEGEND!
Here are some of the things we talk about in the episode:
A New Name in Glory sheet music
Luke 15 (ESV)
Dwelling in Beulah Land sheet music
In the Garden sheet music
Raluca Bojor
@raluca.bojor.music on Instagram
Ben Everson
@realbeneverson on Instagram
Thank you for listening! Thank you for being on this hymn journey with us. This podcast - and connecting with so many Christians around the world - has become one our greatest joys! If you have a hymn suggestion for a future episode or any feedback whatsoever, please get in touch with us. We are on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and our email is hymntalktwintalk@gmail.com. Visit www.hymntalktwintalk.com to see some of the merchandise we have!
May your day be filled with praise to our loving Lord!
Kerrie + Kellie
Psalm 104:33
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Twitter: @hymntalk
When Jesus says these words in the New Testament commanding the winds and the waves to stop, the disciples on the boat were left in awe. We read the words today and are reminded of God's sovereignty that everything in Creation belongs to Him and He is in control.
We absolutely loved diving into this hymn. It's an old one, with some archaic language, but the message of this hymn is so important for us today. It is also called by the first line, Master, the Tempest is Raging. Do you know this one? Do you like to sing it?
Here are some of the things we talk about in the episode:
Sheet Music
Mark 4:36-41 KJV
No More the Empty Name
The Tares
Women's Christian Temperance Union
James A Garfield National Historic Site
The James A Garfield Memorial at Lake View Cemetery
Mary Baker Eddy of the Christian Science Church
Voice of Eden on YouTube
Voice of Eden on Instagram: @voice_of_eden
Voice of Eden on Facebook: Voice of Eden
Raluca Bojor
Thank YOU for finding Hymn Talk Twin Talk. Thank you for listening and supporting Hymn Talk Twin Talk. We still have some merch available for purchase on our web site: www.hymntalktwintalk.com . Just fill out the google form and let us know what you'd like!
Please follow us on social media and if you feel so inclined, please leave us a rating and a review on your podcast app. This will help other hymn-lovers find us.
Thank you and may God bless you today.
In His love and service,
Kerrie & Kellie
Psalm 104:33
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Twitter: @hymntalk
Thank you for finding Hymn Talk Twin Talk and tuning in to our EPIC milestone episode, #85 Haven of Rest.
We got this request from a follower on Twitter months ago and we had no idea that it would send us on this hymn journey. We loved learning about the hymn writer Henry Lake Gilmour (doesn't he sound dreamy?). We loved dreaming of someday traveling to the Jersey Shore with an excursion to the Cape May Lighthouse. We loved diving in to the words HAVEN and HARBOR. We LOVE so much about this episode!
But, the BIGGEST, most exciting thing to come out of this episode was Haven Today, the radio program out of California, originally named Haven of Rest after the hymn.
This episode is just FULL! We hope you love it. We hope you will sing along. We hope you will be drawn close to Jesus who is truly our haven of rest.
These are some of the things we talk about in the episode:
Haven of Rest Sheet Music
The Heavenly Pilot Sheet Music
Haven of Rest Missionary Baptist Church in Chicago, IL
Haven of Rest Bible Church
Haven Today radio program
Cape May Lighthouse
Ocean Grove Camp Meeting Association
Chicago Historical Society
Michael Lining
Michael Lining on YouTube
Raluca Bojor
Thank YOU for being on this hymn journey with us! We would LOVE to hear from you. What are your favorite hymns? What hymn would you like to see on the show? What hymns do you love that have already been on the show? Find us on social media or shoot us an email!
Kerrie and Kellie
Psalm 104:33
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Twitter: @hymntalk
We have the VICTORY through Jesus Christ! And if that isn't clear enough, the hymn writer continues and says, "my Savior forever!". We hope you enjoy listening to this fun-filled episode as we take a close-up look at this much-loved gospel song. This episode has it all: a bunch of Musical Nerd Moments, a movie recommendation, and more Victories in Jesussess than you ever knew about before!
Here are some of the things we talk about in the episode:
Victory In Jesus sheet music
Victory in Jesus by Eliza Edmunds Hewitt
Victory in Jesus by Ava Christiansen
Joe Renshaw
Joe Renshaw on Instagram: @joerenshawmusic
Joe Renshaw on Facebook: Joe Renshaw Music
Joe Renshaw on Twitter: @joerenshawmusic
From Care He Sets Me Free CD
Lockwood Community Church
Dearth Community Center
Branch County Fair in Coldwater, MI (mistakenly referred to as Dearth County Fair in the episode)
University of Arkansas
Brumley Music Company
Gospel Music Hall of Fame
S and S Handiworks
31 Hymn Cards by S and S Handiworks
Thank you for listening, thank you for supporting Hymn Talk Twin Talk, thank you for sharing our love of hymns!
Please share this episode and any others with all the hymn lovers that you know!
If you'd like to hear a certain hymn on a future episode, please reach out and let us know. We love getting requests from our listeners!
Kerrie and Kellie
Psalm 104:33
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Twitter: @hymntalk
Thank you for finding Hymn Talk Twin Talk! We pray that this podcast episode will be a blessing to you and will inspire you to live like Jesus, love like Jesus, and bless like Jesus.
This episode was recorded LIVE at the First Baptist Church in Reading, MA. Every once in a while, we get the opportunity to present a Hymn Talk Twin Talk message during a worship service. We are grateful for these opportunities.
The sermon text for this was from Jesus's Sermon on the Mount, Matthew 6:19-24. In this section, Jesus is teaching His followers a new way to live. His teachings are still applicable to us today!
Here are some of the things we mention in the episode:
Matthew 6:19-24
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
First Baptist Church of Reading in Reading, MA
@fbcreading on IG
We love hearing from you! Please reach out if you have a suggestion for a future episode or if you'd like to talk about having Hymn Talk Twin Talk come to your church or event. hymntalktwintalk@gmail.com
Our NEW merchandise is still available on our web site. You can get your own exclusive Jesus Loves Me items or Hymn Talk Twin Talk merch on www.hymntalktwintalk.com . Just fill out the form and we'll get you your items!
Thank you for supporting Hymn Talk Twin Talk!
Love in Him,
Kerrie and Kellie
Facebook: @hymntalktwintalk
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Twitter: @hymntalk
YouTube: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Happy Fathers Day to all the fathers out there! We love this day to celebrate our dad and our husbands.
This bonus episode is a re-release of Episode 30. We sat down with our dad and talked about the hymn Faith of Our Fathers.
Thank you for finding Hymn Talk Twin Talk! Thank you for giving this episode a listen. If it's your first time hearing it today, we're so glad and honored that you found us. If you'd like to request a hymn on a future episode, please let us know. You can find us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook. Plus, you can always send us an email!
We pray that this episode will be a blessing to you today.
In His service,
Kerrie & Kellie
Psalm 104:33
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Twitter: @hymntalk
Happy Trinity Sunday!
This episode is all about the Trinity Sunday hymn, I Bind Unto Myself Today. Many Anglican/Episcopalian churches sing this hymn on Trinity Sunday, and many churches in Ireland sing it on St. Patrick's Day.
It was a joy to research St. Patrick for this episode. His story is fascinating and we think we could devote an entire episode to him! Of course, we also talk about the hymn writers Cecil Frances Humphries and Charles Villers Stanford, and they're both wonderful!
Here are some of the things we talk about in the episode:
I Bind Unto Myself Today sheet music
St. Paul's Carroll Street
Kathleen Monson - Soprano
Kathleen Monson on YouTube
Kathleen Monson on Instagram
St. Patrick's of Armagh
Dublin Castle
RMS Leinster
Richard Irwin - Hymns Without Words
Rod Lewis
Church of the Apostles
Thank you for listening, thank you for supporting Hymn Talk Twin Talk, thank you for sharing our love of hymns!
Please share this episode and any others with all the hymn lovers that you know!
If you'd like to hear a certain hymn on a future episode, please reach out and let us know. We love getting requests from our listeners!
Kerrie and Kellie
Psalm 104:33
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Twitter: @hymntalk
Thank you for finding Hymn Talk Twin Talk and celebrating this milestone with us - our 80th episode!
We are just thrilled to be talking about this HYMN LEGEND this week: Charles Wesley. He wrote over 6,000 hymns, so we will definitely be hearing more from him on Hymn Talk Twin Talk.
Please visit these links to learn more about what we discuss in the episode:
Music to the hymn
In Age and Feebleness Extreme
S and S Handiworks
@sandiworks_bibleverseart on Instagram
Sneha's 31 Hymn Cards
Hymn Talk Twin Talk merchandise
Jesus Loves Me merchandise
Raluca Bojor
@raluca.bojor.music on Instagram
Dean Phelps
@deanphelps on Twitter
@deanphelpsmusic on Instagram
The Lowell Mason House in Medfield, MA
If you have a request for a future episode, we'd love to hear it! There are so many amazing hymns out there!
Thank you for listening and thank you for supporting Hymn Talk Twin Talk! If you feel so inclined, would you please consider leaving us a review or a rating? This helps other hymn lovers find the podcast!
God bless!
Love in Him,
Kerrie and Kellie
Psalm 104:33
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Twitter: @hymntalk
Thank you for finding Hymn Talk Twin Talk and this unique hymn for Episode 79.
Are you familiar with this one? Does your church sing it? Have you ever heard of it before?
This came to us from a listener in England and we're wondering if churches outside of the UK sing it! We loved learning about hymn writers Ellerton and Scholefield, and we especially loved thinking about Christians all over the world. The voice of prayer and praise is never silent!
Please visit these links to learn more about what we discuss in the episode:
Music to the hymn
Thus Far the Lord Has Led Me On
S and S Handiworks
@sandiworks_bibleverseart on Instagram
Sneha's 31 Hymn Cards
Hymn Talk Twin Talk merchandise
Jesus Loves Me merchandise
Chris Brunelle - @chrisbrunellemusic on Instagram
Alexandra Stevenson - @alexandrastevensonsoprano on Instagram
Washington National Cathedral
Eton College
Crewe Hall Hotel and Spa
If you have a request for a future episode, we'd love to hear it! There are so many amazing hymns out there!
Thank you for listening and thank you for supporting Hymn Talk Twin Talk! If you feel so inclined, would you please consider leaving us a review or a rating? This helps other hymn lovers find the podcast!
God bless!
Love in Him,
Kerrie and Kellie
Psalm 104:33
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Twitter: @hymntalk
Lead, Kindly Light - words by John Henry Newman and music by hymn legend John Bacchus Dykes.
We hope that you enjoy learning about this hymn... we certainly did! We had many questions about the hymn before we started our research, and after the research, we had MORE questions! We thoroughly enjoyed learning about how the hymn is tied to the Church of England AND the Roman Catholic Church.
Here are links to some of the things we talk about in the episode:
Lead, Kindly Light sheet music
Hymn Talk Twin Talk Merchandise
Jesus Loves Me Merchandise
S and S Handiworks
31 Days of Hymn Cards by S and S Handiworks
S and S Handiworks on Instagram
First Century Gospel Church
Newman University
National Institute for Newman Studies
Marion Wright: Titanic Survivor
Thank you for listening. Thank you for supporting Hymn Talk Twin Talk. Thank you for loving the hymns as much as we do! If you feel so inclined, would you please share a rating or a review of Hymn Talk Twin Talk? This helps other hymn lovers find us!
We'll be back on Monday, May 8 for our next episode.
Love in Him,
Kerrie and Kellie
Psalm 104:33
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Twitter: @hymntalk
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