Many people assume that you can’t transform a romantic relationship if both partners are codependent. It’s common to believe there are only 2 choices—break up, or stay and tolerate the drama. Reinventing an unhealthy relationship is possible, but it takes time and grueling work. Listen to this episode to learn 3 tips that helped me salvage my codependent relationship and restore connection.
This episode is part of Podcasthon, the global charity podcast event, and dedicated to the National Domestic Violence Hotline, a cause close to my heart. The hotline provides essential tools and free support 24/7 to help survivors of domestic violence, so they can live their lives free of abuse.
Blog article: https://www.hushyourmind.com/can-a-codependent-relationship-become-healthy/
Free EFT Session / Interview: https://www.hushyourmind.com/interview/
Free EFT Meditation & Guide for People-Pleasing: https://hushyourmind.com/newsletter/
Private sessions: https://hushyourmind.com/coaching/
National Domestic Violence Hotline: https://www.thehotline.org/
Telling our inner critic to shut up doesn't work. If we’ve learned that having unrealistic expectations fills our basic needs, our subconscious will ferociously hold on to this mindset. So how can we release perfectionism? We start by soothing our nervous system to build a sense of safety within ourselves. In this special episode, follow along to this free EFT Tapping session to release perfectionism and reclaim your innate self-worth.
Blog article: https://www.hushyourmind.com/releasing-perfectionism-eft-tapping/
Free EFT Session / Interview: https://www.hushyourmind.com/interview/
Free EFT Meditation & Guide for People-Pleasing: https://hushyourmind.com/newsletter/
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/hushyourmind/
Private sessions: https://hushyourmind.com/coaching/
Saknas det avsnitt?
At a certain point on the journey, you realize that fighting against reality gets tiring. You just want your life to glide smoothly. To attract the right relationships and opportunities. More ease and grace, even when things go awry. What I yearned for was that feeling of complete alignment with myself and the universe. But I couldn’t help trying to control the outcome. How do we actually relax into life’s arms, trusting that all our needs will be met? Listen to the episode to learn 3 tips to release control and experience more ease and grace.
Blog article: https://www.hushyourmind.com/surrender-to-the-flow-of-life/
Free EFT Session / Interview: https://www.hushyourmind.com/interview/
Free EFT Meditation & Guide for People-Pleasing: https://hushyourmind.com/newsletter/
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/hushyourmind/
Private sessions: https://hushyourmind.com/coaching/
Social gatherings used to always drain my energy. I'd get pulled into the drama and negativity. I'd always go home feeling muddled and sluggish. It'd take days to recuperate. Does this happen to you too? Listen to this episode to learn how to stay grounded while socializing and actually have a good time.
Blog article: https://www.hushyourmind.com/how-to-protect-your-energy-while-socializing/
Free EFT Session / Interview: https://www.hushyourmind.com/interview/
Free EFT Meditation & Guide for People-Pleasing: https://hushyourmind.com/newsletter/
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/hushyourmind/
Private sessions: https://hushyourmind.com/coaching/
Sexual energy is extraordinary. It's the creative life force, animating all that exists in the universe. Unfortunately, our society discourages women from enjoying sexual pleasure. Shame is rampant. Unresolved sexual trauma keeps us small. But valuing our sexuality is key to our individual and collective well-being. Listen to this episode to discover my erotic awakening, how our sexual energy can revitalize our life and 6 tips to celebrate your pleasure.
Blog article: https://www.hushyourmind.com/sexual-healing/
Free EFT Session / Interview: https://www.hushyourmind.com/interview/
Free EFT Meditation & Guide for People-Pleasing: https://hushyourmind.com/newsletter/
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/hushyourmind/
Private sessions: https://hushyourmind.com/coaching/
On my journey of reclaiming my power, I devoted lots of energy to learning how to speak my truth in personal relationships. I had no idea that these humbling lessons would also translate into public speaking skills years later! So when I recently met Soulful Speaking Coach Lauri Smith, we clicked immediately. Lauri treats speaking as a spiritual practice that raises consciousness by healing old wounds, guiding us home to our true selves. Join us in our conversation where we discuss her aha moments, integration process, vulnerability on and offstage and best tips for new and experienced speakers.
Blog article: https://www.hushyourmind.com/discovering-your-unique-voice-lauri-smith/
Watch this interview: https://youtu.be/as8OZlOdO3E
Connect with Lauri
Website: https://voice-matters.com/
Podcast: https://voice-matters.com/podast
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lauri-smith-voice-matters/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/voice_matters_llc/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCh91RFKkYB7WF83p4_DG9Ug
Linktree: https://linktr.ee/voicematters
Connect with Annie
Free EFT Session / Interview: https://www.hushyourmind.com/interview/
Free EFT Meditation & Guide for People-Pleasing: https://hushyourmind.com/newsletter/
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/hushyourmind/
Private sessions: https://hushyourmind.com/coaching/
Do you know that feeling of never quite “making it”? Many of us tend to fixate on achieving goals, always be in a rush and avoid taking breaks. Our days might be full. But when we look back, it’s like we weren’t there. We miss out on life when each moment is a means to the next. Tune in to learn 5 mindset shifts when you have too much to do to create more ease and flow.
Blog article: https://www.hushyourmind.com/too-much-to-do/
Free EFT Session / Interview: https://www.hushyourmind.com/interview/
Free EFT Meditation & Guide for People-Pleasing: https://hushyourmind.com/newsletter/
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/hushyourmind/
Private sessions: https://hushyourmind.com/coaching/
Loving ourselves makes us happier. We know we should eat healthy, take breaks, practice gratitude, set boundaries and forgive ourselves for mistakes. Then why is it so hard to love ourselves and do the things that make us feel good? Tune in to learn about 3 common reasons.
Blog article: https://www.hushyourmind.com/why-its-so-hard-to-love-yourself/
Free EFT Session / Interview: https://www.hushyourmind.com/interview/
Free EFT Meditation & Guide for People-Pleasing: https://hushyourmind.com/newsletter/
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/hushyourmind/
Private sessions: https://hushyourmind.com/coaching/
Have you ever thought, “When will I stop healing and finally live my life?” When our past creeps into our daily lives, it can be super frustrating. We may feel a near-constant sense of urgency, desperation and powerlessness. I remember feeling that way. You're putting in all the effort, becoming more aware of your patterns, reading all the self-help books… But life just keeps triggering you. Listen to these practical tips to create more ease on your healing journey.
Blog article: https://www.hushyourmind.com/do-we-ever-fully-heal-from-the-past/
Free EFT Session / Interview: https://www.hushyourmind.com/interview/
Free EFT Meditation & Guide for People-Pleasing: https://hushyourmind.com/newsletter/
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/hushyourmind/
Private sessions: https://hushyourmind.com/coaching/
Our society is steeped in the scarcity mindset. Though many people don’t realize it, they feel its soul-crushing effects—fear, guilt, shame, anxiety, depression and disconnection. In this episode, learn about common beliefs of lack, how they can show up in your life and tips to start cultivating sufficiency.
Blog article: https://www.hushyourmind.com/scarcity-mindset/
Free EFT Session / Interview: https://www.hushyourmind.com/interview/
Free EFT Meditation & Guide for People-Pleasing: https://hushyourmind.com/newsletter/
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/hushyourmind/
Private sessions: https://hushyourmind.com/coaching/
Sexual trauma is sadly common. Unhealed, it can show up in unexpected ways in different areas of our life even years later. So today, I’d like to dive into 3 surprising things I’ve learned about sexual trauma. Some of these things may or may not seem obvious, but learning about them helped me validate my experiences. I hope this information supports you in making sense of your own experience and making peace with the past.
Blog article: https://www.hushyourmind.com/surprising-things-about-sexual-trauma/
Free EFT Session / Interview: https://www.hushyourmind.com/interview/
Free EFT Meditation & Guide for People-Pleasing: https://hushyourmind.com/newsletter/
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/hushyourmind/
Private sessions: https://hushyourmind.com/coaching/
Mindfulness meditation was the first essential step on my journey that helped me heal from the ruthless grip of codependency. I’ve become acutely aware of my thoughts and emotions, so that I can choose how to show up in my relationships and all aspects of life. In this episode, I’ll share about my personal experience, the benefits of mindfulness meditation and tips on how to start cultivating daily peace and presence.
Blog article: https://www.hushyourmind.com/mindfulness-meditation/
Free EFT Session / Interview: https://www.hushyourmind.com/interview/
Free EFT Meditation & Guide for People-Pleasing: https://hushyourmind.com/newsletter/
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/hushyourmind/
Private sessions: https://hushyourmind.com/coaching/
You never know what someone’s going through… We’re each dealing with our own personal stories. And the collective stories can deeply affect us too. We constantly hear more news of injustice and violence, natural catastrophes, hatred and countless tragedies. The world can indeed seem like a somber place. We may feel a sense of hopelessness about the future of humanity. As an EFT Tapping Practitioner, I hear stories of abuse, neglect and trauma daily. Several clients have asked me, “How do you stay positive with all the bad things happening in the world?” So I thought I’d share my perspective from taking frequent walks through the fires of hell. May these tips help you maintain a positive and hopeful mindset amidst the chaos.
Blog article: https://www.hushyourmind.com/how-to-stay-positive-in-a-troubled-world/
Free EFT Session / Interview: https://www.hushyourmind.com/interview/
Free EFT Meditation & Guide for People-Pleasing: https://hushyourmind.com/newsletter/
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/hushyourmind/
Private sessions: https://hushyourmind.com/coaching/
Did you know perfectionism can show up in one life area and not another? I always thought it was a package deal. A tough weed that invades every inch of your garden. Then I stumbled on a study, where researchers reviewed perfectionism in 22 life areas, with work and studies being the most common among participants. Perfectionism was one of the main ways I protected myself from harassment at school and my father’s barrage of criticism. As an adult, it was eye-opening to see how this shame bled into every corner of my life. Listen to this episode to learn about 5 areas where perfectionism can manifest in your life.
Blog article: https://www.hushyourmind.com/5-life-areas-perfectionism-can-take-root/
Free EFT Session / Interview: https://www.hushyourmind.com/interview/
Free EFT Meditation & Guide for People-Pleasing: https://hushyourmind.com/newsletter/
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/hushyourmind/
Private sessions: https://hushyourmind.com/coaching/
How do you cope with death and grief? How do you deal with the changes after a loved one’s death? I used to fear not being able to cope with the death of loved ones. Eventually, I realized how futile it was to avoid the truth and began embracing this mysterious taboo called death. Reflecting on my mortality has been a liberating exercise that helps me cherish my relationships, connect with love and align with my purpose time and time again. Join me in this chat with death doula, Jen Wijnker, to embrace death, dying and grief a little bit more, so that you can truly appreciate the present moment.
Blog article: https://www.hushyourmind.com/coping-with-death-and-grief/
Watch this interview: https://youtu.be/f2pSpXbhdZM
Connect with Jen
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mortalityinc
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mortalityinc
Mentioned resources
Postal Service for the Dead: https://sleepysue.studio/postal-service-for-the-dead
Wind Phones Directory in North America: https://thetelephoneofthewind.com/location-directory/
Connect with Annie
Free EFT Session / Interview: https://www.hushyourmind.com/interview/
Free EFT Meditation & Guide for People-Pleasing: https://hushyourmind.com/newsletter/
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/hushyourmind/
Private sessions: https://hushyourmind.com/coaching/
We all embark on our own unique spiritual journey... Some people experience a sudden divine awakening. Others have always known there’s more to life. Like many people, my unsatisfying life caused intense suffering, which pushed me to seek relief. Some of these potent shifts have been joyful, but also confusing and even awful—far from popular images of enlightenment. Listen to this episode to learn 5 main ways the spiritual journey transforms us to more easily navigate the process.
Blog article: https://www.hushyourmind.com/spiritual-journey/
Free EFT Session / Interview: https://www.hushyourmind.com/interview/
Free EFT Meditation & Guide for People-Pleasing: https://hushyourmind.com/newsletter/
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/hushyourmind/
Private sessions: https://hushyourmind.com/coaching/
Many of us stress about money, no matter how much we have in our bank accounts. It keeps us from fully enjoying life and receiving the abundance that’s always present. Our early experiences heavily influence our current thoughts and feelings about money, how much we earn and how we spend. And in a society that equates success with a certain monetary amount, our self-worth can take a hit. But it doesn’t need to be that way. Join me in this chat with financial guide and mentor, Erin Gray, to learn why it’s vital to bring presence into our financial habits, so that we can feel empowered about our relationship with money.
Blog article: https://www.hushyourmind.com/bringing-presence-into-your-money/
Watch this interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKDJlN2ALOk
Connect with Erin
Website: https://generatealifewelllived.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theeringray
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChKO3IEZx_YxjONagdFKkKg
Free EFT Session / Interview: https://www.hushyourmind.com/interview/
Free EFT Meditation & Guide for People-Pleasing: https://hushyourmind.com/newsletter/
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/hushyourmind/
Private sessions: https://hushyourmind.com/coaching/
Get yourself a cup of tea and gather around… I'm going to tell you the story of how I became a lightworker! Though I tell many personal anecdotes on my blog and podcast, I thought it'd be fun to revisit and dive more deeply into my journey. I hope you get a better sense of where I'm coming from and why I'm passionate about supporting women with boundaries and relationships. Discover how I ended up in France, reunited with my twin flame, transformed my toxic marriage and my 3 key spiritual lessons from this 15-year adventure.
Blog article: https://www.hushyourmind.com/my-journey/
Free EFT Session / Interview: https://www.hushyourmind.com/interview/
Free EFT Meditation & Guide for People-Pleasing: https://hushyourmind.com/newsletter/
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/hushyourmind/
Private sessions: https://hushyourmind.com/coaching/
Tracy joins me for a live EFT Tapping session to soothe her inner critic and develop self-love. In this heartfelt session, we explore how Tracy’s inner critic recently showed up during a paddle tennis match. We identified and processed guilt about speaking her truth and making others feel bad, negative self-talk about her worthiness and resistance to loving and accepting herself despite 35 years of inner work. Watch or listen until the end for Tracy’s beautiful breakthroughs! And feel free to tap along with us.
Blog article & video: https://www.hushyourmind.com/soothing-your-inner-critic-eft-tapping/
Free EFT session (podcast guests): https://calendly.com/annie-moussu/guest
Free EFT session/interview: https://hushyourmind.com/interview/
Free EFT Meditation & Guide for People-Pleasing: https://hushyourmind.com/newsletter/
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/hushyourmind/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hush.yourmind/
EFT Tapping services: https://hushyourmind.com/coaching/
People often tell me they’re open to other ways of healing trauma than traditional talk therapy. EMDR and EFT Tapping are two popular options, both backed by science. So how does one choose? I’m grateful that my colleague Jennifer “Taz” Vazquez—my first guest expert ever—agreed to share her wisdom with us today! Listen to this episode to learn what inspired Taz to become an EMDR and EFT Tapping Practitioner, the difference between EMDR and EFT Tapping, when to pick one modality over the other and what we should look for in a Practitioner.
Blog article: https://www.hushyourmind.com/what-is-the-difference-between-emdr-and-eft-tapping/
Watch this interview: https://youtu.be/Hbfic9QgrsM?si=HvLmUaGgPQYztCXf
Connect with Jennifer “Taz” Vazquez:
Website: https://tazvazquez.com
Email: dancingdogs2@hotmail.com
Northwest EMDR Therapy Website: https://northwestemdr.com/
Northwest EMDR Therapy Email: jvazquez@northwestemdr.com
Free EFT Session / Interview: https://www.hushyourmind.com/interview/
Free EFT Meditation & Guide for People-Pleasing: https://hushyourmind.com/newsletter/
Insight Timer: https://insighttimer.com/hushyourmind/
Private sessions: https://hushyourmind.com/coaching/
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