Mangrove is an exploration of the experiences and issues facing the black community in the UK. In this series, our host, Jord Hailwood, will be uncovering the experiences of black men and boys in the UK today. We’ll be discussing everything from dating, to media representation, the black queer experience and mental health. And we’re featuring a range of voices, including public figures, activists, journalists, and more.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Marketing for community colleges is tough! But after 25 years of working solely with two-year, technical, and community colleges, we’ve learned a few things. Now, we want to share them with you! Join the Interact team as we discuss and share actionable, time-tested strategies on topics directly related to community college marketing, such as branding, leadership, career education, public relations, graphic design, enrollment pipelines, targeted campaigns, media buying, demographic research, student media preferences, social media, viral videos, and more! If you’re looking for expert insights from industry experts, you’ve come to the right place.
Youtube terus terusan meremove serial video Fkat Earth 101. Tampaknya Elite Global mulai gerah dieskpose perilakunya.
Mereka adalah segelintir elite yang menerapkan berbagai sistem - politik, militer, perbankan & moneter, sains, bisnis fiktif angkasa luar, dll - untuk menguntungkan diri mereka, dengan memiskinkan umat manusia lain di dunia.
Oleh sebab itu, saya memutuskan untuk membuat website pindahan dari Youtube ini. Semoga dapat menginspirasi kita semua - rakyat semesta - dalam melawan SISTEM GLOBAL yang zalim.
Salam People Power,
- BossDarling.
Jangan lupa check website dan youtube FE 101 dan ig @indonesian_flatearth_society
jangan lupa download Dengarkan:
#flatearth #society #conspiracy #bumidatar #earth #sains #konspirasi #theory #illuminati #teorikonspirasi #politik #politic #pengetahuan #society -
Seminggu sekali setelah pulang kantor, 3 litigators Brian Manuel (@kickinitreal), Hillman Sembiring (@hillsembiring), dan Kenny Macallo (@kmacallo) berkumpul di sebuah barbershop melepas lelah, ngobrol2 rileks soal hukum dan hal2 tak substantif lainnya.
taktis, praktis, realistis!
tarik kursi dan silahkan bergabung!
siapa tahu dapat sedikit manfaat.
kalo belom, dengerin terus tiap episode nya! Jangan menyerah! -
Budidjaja on Air is a podcast curated by Budidjaja International Lawyers, an international, independent law firm located at Jakarta, Indonesia. Budidjaja on Air will discuss the current and upcoming trending legal & amp; business issues, and so much more. All contents are not to be constituted as legal advices, and the laws and issues discussed are as per the time the episode was recorded.
Social Protection Podcast is brought to you by We’re a knowledge sharing and capacity building platform, open to social protection practitioners, policy-makers, and experts, as well as academics and students.
Social protection is a large and growing field, that has also achieved increased profile and salience since 2020 due to COVID-19. From building delivery systems and protecting People with Disabilities, to social protection financing and school feeding – there is no shortage of topics for Social Protection Podcast to tackle.
Each month we will aim to bring you rich, interesting and different content. Through interviews, discussions and debates with experts and practitioners, Social Protection Podcast will illuminate new research and bring a range of perspectives to debates and controversies as well as areas of growing consensus. -
For the world's best scuba diving you need to go to Asia - and there's so many amazing places to dive, it can be hard to know where to start. Each episode of Dive Happy helps you get acquainted with a particular dive hot spot, explaining what makes it so special, what you can hope to see and some practical notes on how to get there and what to think about when planning a trip. -
Small pelagic fish have been sustaining the communities of the Gambia and Senegal for centuries. But recently, foreign fleets have taken interest. China in particular has been processing large quantities of fish from the region into a product called fishmeal, to support animal feed and fish farms abroad. And as the fishmeal industry has grown, local communities’ food security has suffered, pushing many to migrate abroad. On season five of The Catch, host Ruxandra Guidi reports from the Gambia and Senegal to hear firsthand how the fishmeal plants are impacting these communities and whether the industry, which underpins much of aquaculture, can be turned sustainable for all.
Science was revolutionized by Newton’s laws of motion. But how can we revolutionize our ideas?
Laws of Notion is a podcast by the Institute for Science & Policy at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, where we push against our preconceived beliefs and think critically about the world around us.
Each season, we’ll tell a story about an issue facing a community, where there are no easy answers. Listen to explore the interconnections between science, policy, and our human nature.