From Charleston, SC it’s THE Dynasty Fantasy Football Podcast putting the Fun back in Fantasy For. Your. Pleasurrre. We bring an even keeled and well educated point of view to dynasty trades, roster construction, and overall player value. Be sure to check us out on the YouTubes for more content and head over to for our Rookie Draft Kit, ADP, Extra Shows, full discord channel access, and more
Data driven FPL podcast, brought to you by Luke and Sam.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The NCAA Podcasts channel uses multiple different shows (NCAA Social Series, Inside the NCAA, College Sports Conversations) to interview individuals who have unique insight into the world of college sports. Produced by the NCAA, episodes delve into the most pressing topics of the day and offer behind-the-scenes points of view from those who shape college athletics.
Former Arsenal and England National Team striker and BBC Match of the Day pundit Ian Wright is joined by a rotating panel of friends and special guests to discuss the latest football headlines, as well as the broader social issues impacting the sport and the world at large. Listeners can expect reminiscences from Ian’s playing days, his perspective as one of England’s leading sports pundits, as well as some chat about some of Ian’s cultural passions, especially music and film.
Verið hjartanlega velkomin í hlaðvarpsþáttinn “Hlaupalíf”. Við erum Elín Edda og Vilhjálmur Þór og við höfum ástríðu fyrir hlaupum. Hér verður fjallað um allt á milli himins og jarðar um hvað eina sem tengist hlaupum; æfingar, markmið, næring, keppnishlaup og almenningshlaup og auðvitað undirbúningur fyrir hlaup . Einnig verður fjallað almennt um líkamsrækt, æfingamagnið, þjálfun með púlsmæli, hlaupastíllinn(mikilvægt!), mataræði, meiðsli og fyrirbyggjandi aðgerðir og MARGT FLEIRA! Tune in!
Styrktarþjálfararnir Guðjón og Villi eru stjórnendur þáttarins. Þeir miðla þekkingu sinni og reynslu til hlustanda varðandi styrktarþjálfun íþróttamanna. Í hverjum þætti verður farið í hvernig skal auka afkastagetu hjá íþróttamönnum.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.