
  • Today Louise meets with Donna Gun from Unleash Your Warrior to discuss the brutal withdrawal that can be a breakup. NO its not in your head! Theres science behind it! We look at what's going on chemically in your body & ways to best support yourself as you navigate this time in your life

    You can access my self paced mini courses that walk you through the break up process here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/mini-courses/

    You can book a private coaching session (with a variety of pricing options as low as $25) here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/private-coaching/

    Check out my Heartbreak Merch Store! There's a breakup affirmation deck, T shirts with boss bitch energy, emergency breakup kits & downloadables as well! A little retail therapy never hurt anyone right? Add to cart here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/shop/

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  • Last week, we heard about the incredible Kayley Stead who, when stood up on the day of her wedding chose to go through with the reception.... making worldwide news. But what happens after the party is over?

    In this weeks episode we delve into the days & weeks after.... & how Kayley went about rebuilding her life.

    You can access my self paced mini courses that walk you through the break up process here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/mini-courses/

    You can book a private coaching session (with a variety of pricing options as low as $25) here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/private-coaching/

    Check out my Heartbreak Merch Store! There's a breakup affirmation deck, T shirts with boss bitch energy, emergency breakup kits & downloadables as well! A little retail therapy never hurt anyone right? Add to cart here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/shop/

    Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/howtohackyourheartbreak
    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtohackyourheartbreak/
    Follow on Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@howtohackyourheartbreak

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  • Today we meet Kayley Stead from Wales UK who's story of resilience, grit & self love in the face of the most horrific breakup you could ever imagine went global.

    In the first instalment this very special two part episode of Bitches Owning Breakups Kayley dives into the circumstances surrounding her traumatic breakup & how she made the choice to make lemonade out of lemons.

    This is a truly inspiring & raw story of how a regular girl became a viral sensation & a beacon for rising up after breakups for women everywhere.

    You can access my self paced mini courses that walk you through the break up process here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/mini-courses/

    You can book a private coaching session (with a variety of pricing options as low as $25) here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/private-coaching/

    Check out my Heartbreak Merch Store! There's a breakup affirmation deck, T shirts with boss bitch energy, emergency breakup kits & downloadables as well! A little retail therapy never hurt anyone right? Add to cart here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/shop/

    Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/howtohackyourheartbreak
    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtohackyourheartbreak/
    Follow on Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@howtohackyourheartbreak

  • Today Louise & relationships therapist Gabrielle Lawrie discuss how SOME attachment styles can make breakups tougher on some of us than others & how sometimes the most toxic relationships take the longest to get over.

    You can access my self paced mini courses that walk you through the break up process here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/mini-courses/

    You can book a private coaching session (with a variety of pricing options as low as $25) here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/private-coaching/

    Check out my Heartbreak Merch Store! There's a breakup affirmation deck, T shirts with boss bitch energy, emergency breakup kits & downloadables as well! A little retail therapy never hurt anyone right? Add to cart here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/shop/

    Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/howtohackyourheartbreak
    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtohackyourheartbreak/
    Follow on Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@howtohackyourheartbreak

  • Getting your support system right post breakup is CRUCIAL to your recovery & today Louise dives into the perfect mix of personalities to guide you through.
    We also chat "toxic jellyfish"- the people you need to avoid or list contact with while you're fragile.

    You can access my self paced mini courses that walk you through the break up process here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/mini-courses/

    You can book a private coaching session (with a variety of pricing options as low as $25) here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/private-coaching/

    Check out my Heartbreak Merch Store! There's a breakup affirmation deck, T shirts with boss bitch energy, emergency breakup kits & downloadables as well! A little retail therapy never hurt anyone right? Add to cart here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/shop/

    Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/howtohackyourheartbreak
    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtohackyourheartbreak/
    Follow on Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@howtohackyourheartbreak

  • Today Louise sends a shout out to anyone googling behaviours in an effort to understand them on this weeks PEP TALK.

    You can access my self paced mini courses that walk you through the break up process here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/mini-courses/

    You can book a private coaching session (with a variety of pricing options as low as $25) here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/private-coaching/

    Check out my Heartbreak Merch Store! There's a breakup affirmation deck, T shirts with boss bitch energy, emergency breakup kits & downloadables as well! A little retail therapy never hurt anyone right? Add to cart here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/shop/

    Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/howtohackyourheartbreak
    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtohackyourheartbreak/
    Follow on Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@howtohackyourheartbreak

  • On todays episode Louise dives into the importance of "ya gotta feel it to heal it" when it comes to breakups.

    That first week is in fact brutal but this your ultimate roadmap to how to support yourself in those first horrific few days.....

    You can access my self paced mini courses that walk you through the break up process here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/mini-courses/

    You can book a private coaching session (with a variety of pricing options as low as $25) here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/private-coaching/

    Check out my Heartbreak Merch Store! There's a breakup affirmation deck, T shirts with boss bitch energy, emergency breakup kits & downloadables as well! A little retail therapy never hurt anyone right? Add to cart here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/shop/

    Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/howtohackyourheartbreak
    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtohackyourheartbreak/
    Follow on Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@howtohackyourheartbreak

  • Are you anxious? Panicking? Depressed? Unable to eat? Traumatised?

    On todays episode we are going to be talking about the "Mean Girl" in your system- Cortisol that will ABSOLUTELY be centre stage in the days & weeks after your break up!

    Medical Herbalist Julianne Beeston joins Louise to chat about WHY we feel the way we do & what hacks we can use to stop the roller coaster.

    Lets kick Regina George's ass & get bodies back to base line together shall we?

    You can access my self paced mini courses that walk you through the break up process here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/mini-courses/

    You can book a private coaching session (with a variety of pricing options as low as $25) here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/private-coaching/

    Check out my Heartbreak Merch Store! There's a breakup affirmation deck, T shirts with boss bitch energy, emergency breakup kits & downloadables as well! A little retail therapy never hurt anyone right? Add to cart here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/shop/

    Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/howtohackyourheartbreak
    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtohackyourheartbreak/
    Follow on Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@howtohackyourheartbreak

  • In todays episode Louise breaks down the types of breakups. If we used a broken leg analogy..... was your breakup a hairline fracture or a compound break threatening a major artery?!

    We look at where your type of breakup sits on the trauma scale, what you're likely to have to navigate & what resources might be helpful in each circumstance.

    Its never fun to get the diagnosis but knowing where to look for your treatment plan is all important! Buckle up!

    You can access my self paced mini courses that walk you through the break up process here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/mini-courses/

    You can book a private coaching session (with a variety of pricing options as low as $25) here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/private-coaching/

    Check out my Heartbreak Merch Store! There's a breakup affirmation deck, T shirts with boss bitch energy, emergency breakup kits & downloadables as well! A little retail therapy never hurt anyone right? Add to cart here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/shop/

    Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/howtohackyourheartbreak
    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtohackyourheartbreak/
    Follow on Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@howtohackyourheartbreak

  • In this episode Louise chats to psychotherapist & EMDR practitioner Tracy Lynch about the fallout immediately after our break up & what our body needs in those first few hours & days

    You can access my self paced mini courses that walk you through the break up process here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/mini-courses/

    You can book a private coaching session (with a variety of pricing options as low as $25) here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/private-coaching/

    Check out my Heartbreak Merch Store! There's a breakup affirmation deck, T shirts with boss bitch energy, emergency breakup kits & downloadables as well! A little retail therapy never hurt anyone right? Add to cart here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/shop/

    Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/howtohackyourheartbreak
    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtohackyourheartbreak/
    Follow on Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@howtohackyourheartbreak

  • In todays episode Louise dives into the "moment of impact" when the breakup is.... well.... breaking! What is going on in our minds, hearts & bodies? What do we need? A hug? Tissues? A vomit bag? Maybe all of the above!

    Louise asks trauma therapist tracy Lynch for advice on the best things that can support us in the hours, days & weeks after our breakup.

    You can access my self paced mini courses that walk you through the break up process here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/mini-courses/

    You can book a private coaching session (with a variety of pricing options as low as $25) here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/private-coaching/

    Check out my Heartbreak Merch Store! There's a breakup affirmation deck, T shirts with boss bitch energy, emergency breakup kits & downloadables as well! A little retail therapy never hurt anyone right? Add to cart here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/shop/

    Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/howtohackyourheartbreak
    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtohackyourheartbreak/
    Follow on Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@howtohackyourheartbreak

  • Hi there and welcome!

    Firstly Id like to start off by saying that I’m so sorry we have met under these circumstances. Breakups are incredibly painful and life altering and on the stress scale there is only the death of a loved one that rates higher- however for what ever reason the rupture of a romantic relationship seems to feel like its very much a solo journey,.

    I’m here to change that by not only giving you tools- emotional, nutritional and practical to help you navigate your way through this but I’m also super passionate about creating a community of like minded people who are committed to moving through and growing from the pain of a breakup (even if it was unceremoniously dumped in your lap).

    I created How to Hack Your Heartbreak to give you some wisdom, empowerment and some all important laughter at this time. Its not all sugar and spice and it’s a bit sweary in spots- but Im all about keeping it real.

    There are some warm fuzzy hugs, some sass and at times some tough love in these messages. You’ll need all of them at different points in your breakup recovery journey. I really hope you find them useful and they lift you up just a little.

    I hope to remind you of what a fabulous king or queen you are. And I hope when you emerge from this breakup cocoon into the fabulous butterfly you are becoming- even if it feels dark and suffocating right now.

    Putting broken hearts back together is my mission.

    Lets Get Started!
    Loads of Love

    You can access my self paced mini courses that walk you through the break up process here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/mini-courses/

    You can book a private coaching session (with a variety of pricing options as low as $25) here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/private-coaching/

    Check out my Heartbreak Merch Store! There's a breakup affirmation deck, T shirts with boss bitch energy, emergency breakup kits & downloadables as well! A little retail therapy never hurt anyone right? Add to cart here: https://howtohackyourheartbreak.com/shop/

    Follow on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/howtohackyourheartbreak
    Follow on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtohackyourheartbreak/
    Follow on Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@howtohackyourheartbreak