Glass Balloons je podcast, kjer Zala Gajser in Nejc Košir v sproščenih pogovorih odkrivata svet mladih ustvarjalcev in proaktivnih posameznikov, ki jih imenujeta "konglomerati." Vsaka epizoda je priložnost za kvaliteten čas, ki ga lahko preživite sami s sabo, morda ob kavi, medtem ko prisluškujete zanimivim pogovorom. Počutili se boste, kot da sedite v kavarni zraven in poslušate navdihujoče zgodbe, ki vas bodo spodbudile k lastnemu ustvarjanju.
Welcome to Smashing The Ceiling, the show where we showcase the lives of women with interesting, unusual and inspiring careers, those who have achieved amazing things, some who've got a really cool or unusual job, and some who've just had a fascinating life.
Each week I sit down with one amazing human to dig a little deeper into the HOW of it all - how did they get where they are, how they picked themselves up when things didn’t go right, and how their mentors, motivations and mistakes have led them to achieve the things they have. -
Mit dem Vordenker Podcast kannst du dabei sein, wenn wir mit Vordenker:innen, Innovator:innen und bekannten Persönlichkeiten aus ganz Deutschland über alle gesellschaftlichen Trends und Zukunftsthemen sprechen, in denen Innovationen unser tägliches Leben verändern - egal ob im Bereich Wirtschaft, in der Politik, der Bildung oder Industrie.
Im Fokus steht dabei der:die Vordenker:in: Das sind für uns Personen, die sich durch ein besonders progressives, innovatives Mindset kennzeichnen und über besonderes Wissen in zukunftsrelevanten Megatrends verfügen. Als Moderatorin begrüßt euch Helen Bielawa.
Über Open Innovation City: Das OIC-Projektteam arbeitet seit 2019 daran, das Prinzip der offenen Innovation auf eine gesamte Stadtgesellschaft zu übertragen. Was ist Open Innovation: Das Prinzip der „Open Innovation“ steht für eine offene Innovationskultur, für gezielten Austausch und enge Einbindung der Menschen in Innovationsprozesse. Auf diese Weise soll in Zeiten schnellen technologischen und gesellschaftlichen Wandels die Wettbewerbs- und Zukunftsfähigkeit gestärkt werden. Auf der Unternehmensebene geht der Begriff zurück auf den US-Wirtschaftswissenschaftler Henry Chesbrough.
Open Innovation City wird unterstützt von den Projektpartnern Fachhochschule des Mittelstands (FHM), Founders Foundation, OWL Maschinenbau und dem Pioneers Club. Ein besonderer Dank gilt unserem Förderer, dem Ministerium für Ministeriums für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie. des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen. -
The Spirit of Lux is an original podcast hosted by Paul Jones, CEO of The Lux Collective. In each episode, we feature interviews with friends, thought leaders, and personalities from the Travel and Hospitality industry as we traverse through the topics on design, customer service, wellness, culinary, and many more.
Subculture drives pop culture. But how? Join University of Michigan’s Clinical Assistant Professor of Marketing and W+K Head of Strategy, Dr. Marcus Collins alongside Reddit’s Global Brand Ambassador, Will Cady as they identify and explore the subcultures fueling today’s hottest trends. Acting as your personal cultural anthropologists, they’ll identify the characters behind various subcultures and uncover the nuances, symbols, and systems that guide these communities. Curiosity: meet understanding.
Produced by Stefan J. Puente & Wieden+Kennedy NY
Original Composition by John Paul Louden (Squalzz) -
A look behind the scenes of the media industry and into the minds of the people behind it – that's what "A Drink with European Media Creatives" is all about. With one guest alone or with several European colleagues, our presenter discusses current topics, specific and personal backgrounds, professional careers and, last but not least, their favourite drink. Learn more about Eyes & Ears of Europe at
Instagram: -
Are you able to confidently spot the psychosocial hazards your team may be facing? Caitlin Ible, an employment law expert from MinterEllison, joins us to provide the practical tips every leader needs to quickly and easily identify and minimize their team’s psychosocial risks.
To stay a part of this important conversation, join us on LinkedIn -
Pamalogy is Awesomeology - we're building a truth machine and need your help. What's your idea of maximized awesomeness? We are a philosophical society that wants to incubate and support visionary entrepreneurs. Come explore the philosophy of awesomeness. Check our transcripts, sources and links at Sign up for our free Pamalogy 101 course so you can earn a top hat. Find out why so many have said we've blown their mind.
Jamz Supernova’s DIY Handbook, digs deep into the experiences that have shaped her personally and professionally, with a thoughtfully curated set of admirable guests that have inspired her, gone through similar situations, or have reached her end goal. With genuine advice and real-life anecdotes woven throughout each earnest and deeply insightful yet relatable conversation, no stone is left unturned.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Coffee with a friend is like capturing joy in a cup. Welcome to the Coffee with Genny B Podcast. Hosted by Genny B, a lover of all things coffee. Each week Genny will chat about connecting over coffee, what brings her joy and everything in between. A lot can happen over coffee so grab a cup, sit back and enjoy!
This podcast comes to you thanks to SozialMarie, Europe's first prize for social innovations. We aim to highlight the work and stories of social innovators from our vast European network. We invite you to explore stories of awarded social innovators each month, answering these three curious questions: Why did they start? Why did it work? Why to persist?
We want their stories to inspire and connect:
Inspire: get ideas and empower yourself! Connect: reach out to successful social innovators and their ventures, and find ways of interaction and cooperation. Transfer and scale up: Learn how civil society in other countries tackles widespread and common social problems.If you are a social innovator and want to learn more about what we do, drop us a message, or let's talk
Your host: José Antonio Morales.
Welcome to 'Manipulation Games: Psychology & Marketing,' a podcast that explores the intricate dance between the human psyche and the world of marketing. Join hosts Gene and Darren as they explore how psychological principles influence marketing strategies, and vice versa, revealing the subtle art of persuasion that shapes our decisions and behaviors.
Each episode of 'Manipulation Games' will take you on a journey through fascinating topics at the intersection of psychology and marketing. From the role of storytelling in brand creation to the psychological triggers behind consumer behavior, Gene and Darren unpack the tactics and strategies used by marketers to captivate their audience.
But it's not just about marketing. 'Manipulation Games' also shines a light on how understanding these principles can lead to personal growth and better decision-making. Through insightful discussions, expert interviews, and real-world examples, this podcast will equip you with the knowledge to navigate the manipulative tactics in marketing and everyday life.
Whether you're a marketing professional seeking to refine your craft, a psychology enthusiast curious about the power of influence, or someone interested in the ethical implications of manipulation, 'Manipulation Games: Psychology & Marketing' promises a thought-provoking exploration of how we are shaped and motivated by the world around us. Join us as we unravel the mysteries of the mind and the market, one episode at a time. -
We’re back!
Tune in every Wednesday to hear what stories, tips and insights our guests have to help you create amazing teams at work.
Season Two will be launching next month - 12 brilliant guests sharing stories and insights to help you create terrific teams where you work.
Season Two is now in production and we will be launching in the New Year. Yay!
We're sad to say that Season Two of Highly Relational has had to be delayed due to Robert's health. He is keen to get back in the studio as soon as possible.
Do you want to unlock the secrets of successful teamwork and bring your people together in a way that realises their full potential?
Highly Relational is a brand new podcast for business leaders, HR professionals, coaches, consultants and trainers, looking to create, lead and develop great teams at work.
Join executive coach and team development consultant Robert Digings each week, as he speaks to some of the most accomplished CEOs, executives, coaches, authors and all-round brilliant minds in the business world.
Highly Relational is a podcast teeming with actionable advice and no-nonsense tips that will inspire you to connect and collaborate more deeply.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to the Giving Business Soul Podcast - where business acumen and spiritual depth converge to redefine leadership.
Each episode invites you into conversations with extraordinary entrepreneurs who are pioneering a new caliber of leadership at the intersection of commerce and spirituality.
Our guests are not just business leaders; they are visionaries who infuse their entrepreneurial endeavors with wisdom, foresight, and higher purpose.
Join us as we delve into their transformative journeys, uncovering the practices that empower them to lead with integrity, innovate with wisdom, and inspire a movement of conscious business practices.
If you're drawn to the idea of conscious entrepreneurship, this podcast will be your guide you towards becoming a leader who not only succeeds in business but thrives in all areas of life. -
A podcast about product management hosted by Ben Erez & Brandon Lucas Green, two PMs who need to talk some things out. -