On April 16, 2013 an unknown number of gunmen attacked and caused more than 15 million dollars worth of damage to the Metcalf Electrical Substation in California. They were never captured, and their motives remain unknown.
Write to us at horsemanfive@gmail.com Comments, criticisms and suggestions are always welcome.
Write to us at horsemanfive@gmail.com Comments, criticisms and suggestions are always welcome.
NSA Archive: South Atlantic Mystery Flash
NSA Archive: The Vela Incident; Nuclear test or Meteoroid?
Science and Global Security
New York Times: US monitors signs of Atom Explosion
Science and Global Security: The Double Flash
Saknas det avsnitt?
Many urban legends contain only the barest grains of the truth. In the Soviet Union, however, the ghost cars known as the Black Volga had a much more present and real fear behind them.
The Black Volga- Child Abductions
Black Volga- A Kid's Nightmare from the 60's
Black Volga in the Hypermarket
Black Volga and other City legendsUrban Legends: the Black Volga
Why were Russians crazy about the Volga carA kidnapping in Poland
During a riot in England in 1985, police escorting firefighters to put out an inferno were attacked by a mob wielding machetes and molotov cocktails. Constable Keith Blakelock was set upon by at least 20 men, and murdered in the street, despite efforts of his fellow officers to save him. Now, 35 years and three trials later, we are no closer to finding the murderers. Who killed Constable Blakelock?
Who Killed PC Blakelock
Newsprint Articles
Old Police Cell Museum
Slaughtered in the line of duty: the unsolved murder of PC Blakelock
Brixton not so far from the rage of 1981
In the shadow of the Past
Heroes or Anarchists?
Fall Guy
Murdered PC's officer son says pain 'will stay forever'
The Killing of Constable Keith Blakelock
UVB 76, also frequently known as the Buzzer, is a shortwave radio station that has been broadcasting from inside the nation of Russia since the days of the Cold War. But who runs her, and to whom is she calling out?
Art by TiredTenebris
Music by Rav Can
Comments criticisms and suggestions are always welcome. Write to us at horsemanfive@gmail.com
March 8, 1966: in a corner of Elizabeth, New Jersey, a deranged man walks down the streets, assaulting several women and young girls before fatally stabbing seven year old Wendy Sue Wolin. He then disappears, despite police being on scene within literal minutes, and a national manhunt finds nothing.
Art by TiredTenebris
Music by Rav Can