In this guided prayer meditation, Laura helps you relax and experience the peace of being enfolded in the Blessed Mother's mantle.
Join Laura in starting your day with Christ the Bridegroom. In this episode, Laura prays Morning Prayer from the Hope's Garden book, Prayer of the Hours with Christ the Bridegroom. In the style of the Liturgy of the Hours, Morning Prayer includes readings from Psalms, the Song of Songs, and common Catholic prayers as well as original prayers inspired by the Song of Songs and devotion to Christ the Bridegroom.
You can purchase a paperback edition of the Prayer of the Hours with Christ the Bridegroom on Amazon.
Learn more about Christ the Bridegroom at Hopesgarden.com
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In this special episode, I am delighted to offer our listeners a free audio version of our book, Consecration to Christ the Bridegroom: Enthroning Christ as the King and Spouse of Your Heart. People all around the world are making the Hope's Garden consecration to Christ the Bridegroom and deepening their understanding of the covenant relationship they entered into upon their baptism. Claim Christ as your first love - the love from which all others flow. Enthrone the Divine Bridegroom as the King and Spouse of your heart today.
You can purchase the paperback edition on Amazon.
Visit the Hope's Garden Shop for the ebook and a selection of gifts, clothing, art, and home goods all dedicated to the Bridegroom.
Join Laura in praying for the healing and restoration of marriage. May our marriages reflect the mutual self-giving, life-creating love of the Holy Trinity as embodied by Christ the Bridegroom and Mary the Bride.
You can learn more about the spousal love of Christ the Bridegroom at Hopesgarden.com
Laura prays the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary with added prayers for the Bridegroom's Roses. Jesus's Roses are women who have experienced the pain and grief of spousal abuse in any form including betrayal. At Hope's Garden, we offer Jesus's Roses a safe place to share their stories, seek healing, meet Christ as their Divine Bridegroom, and come together in prayer.
If you are one of Jesus's Roses, I invite you to come bloom in His love at Hopesgarden.com.
Take a break from the busyness of the day and rest with Christ, Shepherd and Bridegroom.
Join members of Hope's Garden as we pray Noon Prayer with the Bridegroom.
Noon Prayer with the Bridegroom is from the Hope's Garden book, Prayer of the Hours with Christ Bridegroom. All our prayer books are available on Amazon and digital copies are available in the Hope's Garden Shop.
In this imaginative prayer based on the story of Jesus' miracle at the wedding feast of Cana, Laura guides us in bringing our broken hearts and wineskin full of tears to Mary and Jesus. Come along and experience the healing power of Jesus' love as He transforms your tears into wine.
Journey into your interior castle and discover the secret chamber in your heart where Jesus the Bridegroom waits for you.
Join your heart and your voice with your sisters in Christ and start the morning by praising Christ the Bridegroom. The Hope's Garden "Prayer of the Hours with Christ the Bridegroom" is a Liturgy of the Hours style prayer inspired by the Song of Songs.
The book contains Morning, Noon, Evening, and Night Prayer and is available on Amazon.
Jesus is Merciful Love. In this Song of Song inspired prayer, we leave all our mistakes, sins, and guilt at His feet and allow Him to restore and refresh us in His Merciful Love.
The Hope's Garden Prayer book contains the Chaplet of the Bridegroom's Merciful Love along with many of the prayers on this podcast illustrated with Laura's artwork. It is available on Amazon.
Learn more about the Bridegroom and the Song of Songs at hopesgarden.com
"If there is only one mother of Christ according to the flesh, all are begetting Christ according to the faith.” St. AmbroseThe virginal womb of our Blessed Mother has been so beautifully described as "the womb more spacious than the heavens" for it contained the Creator of all that exists. If our hearts are to have room for Jesus, we must surrender to His gentle healing, purifying, and stretching of our hearts. Our hearts must become more and more like Mary’s virginal womb. I wrote these prayers to accompany the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary to deepen my own understanding of the unique way the Father is inviting me to participate in the eternal and spiritual annunciation and incarnation event. I desire to offer my heart to Him, purified, available, and receptive, a virginal womb, in which the love of Christ may be birthed anew into this time and place, into the lives of those whom He entrusts to me.May praying this Rosary bring you joy and courage as you too make a womb of your heart for our dear Savior.
Join us as we console the Sacred Heart of Jesus the Bridegroom with our prayers. The Five Hidden Wounds Chaplet reflects on wounds inflicted upon His Heart during Holy Week.This chaplet as well as more prayers dedicated to the Bridegroom are available in the Hope's Garden Prayer Book.https://www.amazon.com/Hopes-Garden-Prayer-Laura-Ercolino/dp/B0BKS8SRXM/ref=sr_1_1?crid=2ERADCUC6Z7AZ&keywords=Hope%27s+Garden+Prayer+Book&qid=1687745339&sprefix=hope%27s+garden+prayer+book%2Caps%2C130&sr=8-1
The Seven Joys of the Bride and the Bridegroom is a Song of Songs Scriptural Rosary. Praying this beautiful Rosary brings deeper understanding of the Song of Songs and in particular of Mary as the Bride.The book with original artwork is available on Amazon.https://www.amazon.com/Joys-Bride-Bridegroom-Scriptural-Rosary/dp/B0C2S4MNQL/ref=sr_1_6?crid=2IYJRI3R3DEDS&keywords=laura+ercolino&qid=1684631317&sprefix=laura+ercolino%2Caps%2C117&sr=8-6
Laura reads St. John of the Cross' poem "The Spiritual Canticle" set to peaceful music.
Laura reads the Jerusalem translation of The Song of Songs set to peaceful music. Relax, breathe, and let the Bridegroom sing over you.For more resources on the Song of Songs including our heart-led Scripture study visit:https://hopesgarden.com/song-of-songs-scripture-study/
"Mother Mary wrap His Roses in your mantle of comfort and protection."Our Lady of Guadalupe, gather all of Jesus' wounded Roses in your tender arms and carry them to the Heart of your Son. Amen.Learn more about the Catholic healing resources and support available at Hope's Garden on our website:https://hopesgarden.com/coaching-and-healing-prayer-groups/
Join Laura and Marian in praying for the men in our lives and asking Mother Mary, Mystical Rose of God, to teach them to love as Jesus the Bridegroom loves.You can find the Chaplet for Holy Bridegroom's in the Hope's Garden Prayer Book, available on Amazon.Prayer cards are available at Hopesgarden.com/shop
Join Laura and Marian as they lead you in a Song of Songs inspired examination of conscience.
The Hope's Garden Examination of Conscience is available in our Prayer of the Hours with Christ the Bridegroom prayer book. This Liturgy of the Hours style daily prayer book is filled with prayers inspired by The Song of Songs and the spirituality of Christ the Bridegroom. Available on Amazon.
Join Laura and Marian as they pray the Hope's Garden Prayer of Unceasing Praise, Love Me into Full Bloom Litany and Litany in Honor of Christ the Bridegroom.
Join Laura and Marian as they pray the Hope's Garden act of consecration to Christ the Bridegroom through Mary, Mystical Rose of God and an Act of Spiritual Communion.You can find the text to these prayers in the Hope's Garden Prayer Book available on Amazon and on prayer cards with original artwork in the Hope's Garden Shop.https://hopesgarden.com/shop/