Raquel is our youngest daughter. She was a junior in high school when her life (and ours) was suddenly turned upside down. She became very ill. She shares her journey to find a diagnosis, the disappointments along the way but most importantly she shares how she ultimately found joy! We pray anyone who is ill will find healing and hope as you listen to her story.
Katie shares her journey as a single woman giving up the wrong man and her desire to return to college. Instead she goes on an adventure with God. She was called to move to Haiti to care for orphans and that was not her original plan but she did it anyway. She shares how God revealed His Faithfulness to grant her the desires of her heart in His timing. What she gave up is not to be compared to what she ultimately received. His plan is SO MUCH BETTER! Have you experienced loss? He can give it back to you.
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Tannon and Cristina Herman took a leap of faith, moved and lived where few would. Tannon joins Dr. Angela to share how he and his team showed practical love for his neighbors by cleaning up trash and beautifying the neighborhood. Weaved in that story is how he, his family and ministry were given a literal mansion. Bottom line - you can not out give God. His story of getting the mansion was amazing! However what was even more amazing was their consistent service to others. We recorded this episode online in the very beginning of our being asked to stay at home due to the COVID-19 crisis. I hope you are inspired and remember to serve someone less fortunate than yourself. I know it is difficult for so many around the world right now. I am praying for provision, protection, and health for you. If you want to find out more about his ministry go to www.wildheartministries.net and check out his book "Stories From Home." Be safe my friend, Sincerely, Dr. Angela
Would you leave your country, people and parents home for a country you did not know? Edgar and Yadiera did and they lost everything, until years later they experienced a Suddenly of provision.
I’m busy preparing for my interviews for season three. For now, here’s a continuation of season two to start the new year and I’ll be back with a brand new focus for season 3. We have fun and share some personal stories covering the Childbirth and Childrearing years and end with Empty Nest Years. Listen for your Hope Keys and I would love for you to share them with us on Instagram @dr.angelamcampbell or Facebook @drangelamcampbell.
This episode is the season II finale of Hope and Encouragement for Your Journey podcast! This season has been about Relationships! We’ve had some heavy challenges that my guest have gone through and beautiful victories. Each have shared with such transparency. For this final episode with a focus on relationships, my husband, Rodson joins me and so do Rick and his lovely wife Jolene Pickens. We spend an hour sharing insights and answering questions about the seasons of being Single, Engaged & Early married life. We have fun and share some personal stories along the way all for the purpose of handing out Hope Keys to make your life better. Listen for your Hope Keys and I would love for you to share them with us on Instagram @dr.angelamcampbell or Facebook @drangelamcampbell. We even have a Bonus covering the Childbirth and Childrearing years and end with Empty Nest Years. For information on obtaining the Bonus Podcast go visit my website Drangelamcampbell.com MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR 2020! Now I'm off to prepare for an exciting Season III just for you!
After a harsh upbringing in a “Christian home” and the trauma of a failed marriage at a very young age, Lori finally found a new beginning with a new husband. There was excitement and a new adventure with God as she and her husband felt called to move out of the United States into another country where they could serve God and care for orphaned children. They cared for very sick children and babies that others had given up on and abandoned. This would be a beautiful new chapter in her life, however Lori soon found herself abandoned by her husband unexpectedly. The trauma she has endured, and the process of overcoming shows the scarlet thread of redemption protecting her along the way. Perhaps you have been abandoned and need hope that your life will begin to heal. If so, listen to Dr. Lori Carlson share her journey with us on Abandoned but Never Alone.
There are singers and then there are worshipers. Pastor Ricardo White is a Worshiper. His life’s journey to become a worshiper is fascinating. However the deep, longing that draws the Lords presence comes in part from living through an unexpected trial of walking through the death of his first wife. Words in print could never convey the trauma of losing a spouse leaving him alone to parent their 17 year old son and 22 year old daughter. Yet worship was his way through the trauma and into Freedom. For this episode he is joined by his beautiful wife, Elizabeth who has also walked through unexpected twists and turns that lead to her becoming a worshiper as well. If you have lived through a trauma, such as the death of a spouse, or even divorce, separation or any trauma and you want hope then listen to their story. My question to you is will you choose to hold on through the storms of life to see the victory? If you do not quit, you win! Will you choose worship as an anchor to your soul and a way through the storm?
Find out about their individual journeys and how God brought them together. God is the ultimate comforter. You can also dive deeper into Ricardo’s life by purchasing his book The Anchor: Holding on Through Trial to True Victory. You can also find Ricardo’s music online through his own website http://www.ricardowhitemusic.com/ or his latest songs of worship with Life Center Worship (LCW) found on apple music. Follow on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lifecenterworship/ -
There are many assumptions made when people decide to marry. One is the ability to conceive around the time that is desired. Although all married couples do not want to have children, it is probably a question many newly married couples get; “So, when are you going to have children?” Imagine the pain at the time they begin to realize there is a problem with conception. Cyle and Leslie Nunemaker take us on their journey to marriage, through infertility to the expansion of their family. If you need Hope to hold onto as you long for marriage or for children, then listen to this podcast on Marriage & Infertility with the Nunemaker’s.
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People from different countries, ethnicities and races have greater opportunities to interact with one another. We attend school, church, work and socialize together. Even beyond that, we can meet online which strips away almost any hindrances. Many boundaries and social constraints to intercultural and interracial unions no longer exist. Still there can be unique challenges when two cultures merge in marriage.
Today’s podcast dives into the journey of Daniel and Elisha Chege from Kenya & West Virginia, USA. Daniel was a young man who had gone through a major disruption in his life in Kenya, where political unrest and tribal alliances demanded this family uproot quickly and leave their home. Meanwhile Elisha was a joyful but exhausted single mother of three children. Fate brought these two together. They share the issues leading up to an interracial and intercultural union, such as the reservations of family and even their own hesitancy as they approached their decision to marry. They also share hope keys for those who are approaching the merging of cultures in their own lives. Today they are joyful in marriage & the proud parents of 4 beautiful children.
If you are looking for a Christian Marriage and Family counselor in central PA, feel free to contact BarryMcClay@gmail.com He even does home visits! -
For this episode we will hear the journey's of two beautiful women (Sharon Spirk & Wendy Crane) who have walked to forgiveness after one's marriage was disrupted by the other. I honor them for their honesty, vulnerability and transparency. Not many would reveal what is often hidden in the dark.
Forgiveness is often easier said than done particularly when we feel our hurt and bitterness are justified. Still I recommend you contemplate who you need to forgive while listening. Perhaps it will be yourself. Regardless, forgiveness is always for you not the other person. I'm not saying the hurt or grievance that you suffered was not valid. Nor am I saying you will "feel" like forgiving anyone. I'm saying as an act of your will, forgive and let go of the hurt so you can begin the journey towards your own freedom.
I’d like to add, please make sure you are not listening in judgement against either woman. They are both beautiful and aren’t we all glad when we received forgiveness it was unconditional.
Finally, please excuse the sound as we had technical difficulty on this episode. Sincerely, Dr. Angela -
He’s attractive, wanted to be married and he had a job. In fact, he was a Pastor. He had plenty of attractive women interested in him. However, no one felt quite right. There was not one single women he wanted to ask to become his wife. Was something wrong with him? Was he just too picky? That is exactly what his close friends were saying. His 20’s came and went and so did his 30’s. Now, this not so young anymore Pastor, wondered whether he would ever feel “free” to marry anyone. During what may have been the 100th time of him seeking the Lord regarding marriage and the answer to the question, “who is my wife?” he finally received an answer. The answer was his old friend’s ex-wife with two teenage children. I am sure there was a celebration because he finally had an answer to his decades old question but after the celebration he had to think, wait… what?!
Does God’s direction for your life leave you shaking your head in disbelief? Are you single and the wait has been longer than you expected for marriage? Take some time to dive into Pastor Tim Spirk’s story and listen out for his Hope Keys. This is a wild, sometimes humorous journey that is full of the challenge of waiting and ultimately the victory of waiting for the right one.
If you like listening to stories like Pastor Tim’s then check out my book God Did It: Answered Prayers for Love and Marriage. The first 6 chapters are stories you may relate to. Look for Chapter 3 “Margo Taylor’s God’s Appointed Time “ and Chapter 4 Deb Fuller’s “It’s Time To Wake Up.” Both of these stories are about the author’s journey’s from being Single to Married. Each story will stir your heart to hope once again.
If you listen don’t forget to leave a review about the podcast. I really would appreciate it! -
Sharon and her husband were a young, well-loved couple serving as the worship pastors in a fairly large church. Life was good even though they had the normal ups and downs of marital life and some unexpected issues with infertility. Still overall life was good until another beautiful talented singer joined the worship team. After___ years of marriage, Sharon found she had been betrayed. What should she do? What would you do? The bottom line is we do not know unless we walked in her shoes.
She shares her journey from love to betrayal then to ultimate freedom. Along the way she shares her emotional challenges, separation, eventual forgiveness, and her brand new start. This journey is a windy one with unexpected twists and turns, sharp declines into deep valleys, and sharp inclines toward mountain top victories. If you are walking through betrayal or the uncertainty of a relationship even someone who is torn between two opinions such as love vs. hate, acceptance vs. rejection then you will want to listen to this episode. The bottom line is, you are not alone and victory is possible and healing is possible.
I suggest you listen to Sharon’s journey. Subscribe and leave a podcast review. This month allow Sharon’s story and suggested hope keys begin to bring healing into your own heart and mind. Dr. Angela ~ Offering Hope and Encouragement for Your Journey!
Jodi was young and beautiful when he stepped into her life. He was exciting, older but the problem was, he had a secret. The next years of her life were filled with both joys and sorrows that are unspeakable. The highest joy was new life and the deepest sorrows was death. Please join Jodi and I as we talk through her twisty journey from deception into His marvelous light. Her strength and undeterred joy will lift you into the possibilities of hope. Please subscribe to and leave a written review for Hope and Encouragement for your Journey Podcast. I'd really appreciate it! Let’s spread the HOPE around! Join us next month for the Journey through Betrayal.
If you are or someone you know is in an emotional crisis, please call: 1-800-273-8255. The webpage for the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline is https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org The most important thing to remember is you are not alone even when it feels like it. Someone cares. Give someone a chance to prove they care by calling or even texting one of these hotlines. If you prefer text, then Text "START" to 741-741 or call 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Grab hold to HOPE and do not let go. -
When the wait is longer than expected. Laureen and John expected to have children without any issues but life did not unfold for them that way. This podcast is about their journey to six children. What about you? What have you been waiting for? Employment, Increased Salary, Marriage, or a better relationship, health, home ownership, children? The list could go on and on.
Today's podcast is about the discovery of pregnancy difficulties, infertility and adoption. You may not be interested in adopting a child but you should be interested in finding out what to do during your own wait. In this episode you can find hope to apply towards whatever you find yourself unexpectedly waiting for. Listen and subscribe to Hope and Encouragement for Your Journey Podcast. -
She was careful when it came to marriage. She dated and eventually married the son of her pastor. Together they moved across the country away from everyone and everything that they knew. Unfortunately, this exciting journey culminated with the introduction of another person who was inserted into their marriage.
What do you do when your spouse is unfaithful, unrepentant, the girlfriend is emboldened and you have young children? Join Dr. Angela and Regina as she shares her journey through and some hope keys for surviving unfaithfulness.
Brent Good was a great guy who grew to love a single young woman pregnant with another man’s baby. They eventually married and he was both a great husband and father but there was a secret that threatened to ruin literally everything. In fact, it almost did. Find out what they did to rebuild their union after pornography infiltrated their marriage.
A lot of people deal with this dirty little secret. Many lie to themselves that pornography is innocent and harmless. Don’t be fooled, it isn’t. Little by little it erodes the foundations of a healthy relationship, shifts the expectations of intimacy and makes what should be a beautiful union, impersonal. Trust is broken with just a glance, insecurities rise, affection and attraction change among other things. Join Dr. Angela, Jodi and Brent Good, as they take on the hot topic Pornography.
www.Talkspace.com is an online therapy community that you can use regardless of location as a starting place to get help. My book God Did It: Answered Prayers for Love and Marriage. It will make a great gift of Hope for Relationships. -
Join Dr. Angela as she introduces her technical producer Pastor Rick Pickens as they discuss the journey from dreams to reality. They also share some of the highlights from season one and the amazing God stories lined up for season two beginning in the new year. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone! One of Rick’s dreams: www.uptoons.com Visit Rick’s cartoon channel that portray seven historical events and leave a message of thanks for helping make HEYJ possible. http://www.uptoons.com One of Dr. Angela’s dreams: My book God Did It: Answered Prayers for Love and Marriage. It will make a great gift of Hope for Relationships. https://www.amazon.com/God-Did-Answered-Prayers-Marriage/dp/1732100101/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1533408334&sr=8-1&keywords=god+did+it+dr+angela+m+campbell
Shawn and Stephanie Russell had just buried her beloved father and spent hours in a hospital, so a nagging back pain could have been caused by stress. However, it turned out to be stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer with a terminal diagnosis. Shawn and Stephanie share their victorious journey from diagnosis to a plant-based diet and ultimately to healing and a thriving life within a year! They share the beautiful signs of life they received along the journey. Shawn is now certified through Forks over Knives online cooking course and is planning to become certified in nutrition as well. If you are interested in conversing with Shawn or Stephanie, then come on over to my @drangelamcampbell Facebook page and join the Hope Team for more of their information. https://www.amazon.com/God-Did-Answered-Prayers-Marriage/dp/1732100101/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1533408334&sr=8-1&keywords=god+did+it+dr+angela+m+campbell
ndrew a soft spoken, 6’5” recent high school graduate was about to embark on a new chapter in his life. He had completed High School, taken some time to travel abroad and he had an appointment to attend college orientation. His life quickly changed after taking a few jumps on a trampoline during a late summer afternoon. Hear his journey from spinal injury to standing tall once again, with a little help. Sometimes something unexpected occurs that derails all of our best made plans. Listen, find some hope keys on bouncing back from the unexpected and please leave a review. https://www.amazon.com/God-Did-Answered-Prayers-Marriage/dp/1732100101/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1533408334&sr=8-1&keywords=god+did+it+dr+angela+m+campbell
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