Climate action.
Words that can inspire a declaration of ‘I haven’t got time for that!’… as you juggle the kids, PE kits, lunch boxes and your other half, who you seem to have mislaid somewhere between the front door and the car.
A squeal of ‘Where do I even staaarrrt?’ as you cry into your pillow in overwhelmed despair.
Or a dismayed ‘What’s the point? It’s too late!’ as you cry frozen tears into your comforting ice cream.
We hear you.
We all want a better, greener, fairer future for the kiddies in our lives, but the conversation can be so gloom filled and depressing, eh? And all that doomy gloom in the room just leads to action paralysis.
Well not here.
If you care about our magnificent planet and want to protect it for the next generation, but prefer to ENJOY the process, to be filled with HOPE, inspired to ACT and to CELEBRATE the actions we take, then this is the podcast for you.
Join the glorious combination of Aussie and Northern England accents provided by hosts Sally Giblin and Helen Hill. We chat to fabulously knowledgeable peeps who are taking action and giving us hope in all corners of the (errrm, round) globe.
These conversations will inspire you to stay optimistic and feel part of an ever-growing movement. To take actions that fit into your busy family life - which can turn ripples into waves.
Whether you’re a planet-conscious parent, groovy grandparent, fab foster carer, terrific teacher, awesome auntie or any other member of the extended family... all are welcome in our Mad-HATter (Hope. Act. Thrive-rs…geddit?) tribe.
And if you still can’t get enough of us you can also hang out with us at:
Instagram: @bethefuture.earth
Twitter: @bethefuturearth
Website: bethefuture.earth