
  • In this heartwarming episode, we journey through the vivid memories and emotions that encapsulate the essence of childhood. From the excitement of birthday parties filled with balloons, presents, and delicious sweets, to the simple joy of making friends through play, this episode reminds us of the pure imagination and wonder that defines our early years.

    Listeners are taken back to a time where the smell of freshly sharpened pencils and the company of imaginary friends brought immense joy. We explore the innocence and bravery of a child's world, where colors are seen in new dimensions and every day is a new adventure.

    Join us as we celebrate the inner child within us all, honoring the timeless spirit of joy and love. This episode is a beautiful reminder to cherish those moments of happiness and to embrace the playful essence that remains a part of us. Happy Birthday to the little inner you!

  • In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the intricate dance between passion and consistency. Have you ever admired someone and pursued their path with fervor, only to feel your enthusiasm wane? You're not alone. Our host shares personal experiences of diving deep into various practices like trauma-informed methods, Akashic Records, and Tarot, only to find that the initial spark often fades.

    Discover the concept of 'seasons'—where interests ebb and flow, allowing for periods of intense focus followed by stepping back to gain fresh perspectives. This episode challenges traditional notions of consistency, suggesting that adaptability and evolving habits are at its core. It's not about rigid repetition, but about finding ways to keep moving forward, regardless of life's obstacles.

    Join us as we explore how embracing these seasons can lead to a deeper understanding and a more fulfilling journey. We invite you to reflect on your own path and consider how adaptability can be the heart of your consistency. Share your thoughts and experiences with us, and let's continue this journey together.

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  • In this episode, the host explores a newfound excitement for wildlife and nature, reminiscent of childhood wonder. This enthusiasm contrasts with a previously uneasy relationship with nature, suggesting a shift towards a serene appreciation as part of aging.

    The host reflects on the concept of happiness, proposing that true happiness is found in peace and serenity. This episode invites listeners to consider whether they too are beginning to cherish the simple, natural joys of life and to find beauty in the world around them.

  • In this thought-provoking episode, we delve into the mysterious world of dreams and the thin veil between our reality and the unseen. Our host shares a vivid and otherworldly dream where they converse with a dearly departed loved one, exploring themes of reincarnation and the cosmic connections reflected in one's eyes.

    The episode raises intriguing questions about the future of human perception and the possibility of a world where the living and the dead coexist visibly. Join us as we ponder what it would be like if everyone could see the unseen and share your own experiences and thoughts on these fascinating topics.

  • I've spent some days by the sea recently, and this particular body of water was very gentle and generous, warm, colorful, calm. And something really curious started happening as it was kind of almost unfolding.

    I was in the water floating. It was very easy to float, I guess, because it was very salty. And I went into kind of a meditative state, I would say. And as I was looking at the tiny waves coming up and down, I almost noticed the boundary between the water and the air was none. And for a split second, I started to feel the oneness of everything.

    I kind of almost merged to the whole. Because as I was also in the water, I was a part of that whole. And since the boundaries were meshing kind of blending with each other every time I saw that little wave coming up to the sky almost it was one and the same. The curious thing is that it was different in the quality of the ingredient, so to speak, the quality of the, yeah, the ingredient, I would say, but it was the same thing with a different flavor of it, if that makes sense.

    Have you ever had these instances in which you merge with a whole and you almost lose your sense of being in separation? Not completely because I still felt I was myself and I was in a body. But that unique experience almost like an open-eye meditation. I would love to hear your experiences about that. Because I think that's a little key to a whole portal of a different depth in experiencing life. What do you think?

  • This week, I engaged in two conversations with friends and observed a subtle yet profound transformation within them. It was a kind of maturing or quickening that seemed almost imperceptible, much like the gradual changes you notice in a child only when you step back and reflect.

    In these moments, I realized how this transformation is something you can't plan for. It’s a natural process, akin to the cycles of life: creation, maintenance, and destruction. While we often set goals and intentions, true maturation and consolidation happen autonomously, beyond our direct control.

    This episode delves into the timeless quality of our soul's evolution, the ever-present inner critic, and the relentless cheerleader within us. Join me as I explore the importance of perspective and becoming an observer to truly acknowledge these milestones in our lives and the lives of those around us.

  • In this enlightening episode, we delve into the concept of the emotional wave and its impact on business and energy sustainability. Inspired by a thought-provoking post from David Bedrick, we explore how creative and highly sensitive individuals can reframe their understanding of emotional fluctuations. Rather than viewing these waves as obstacles, we discuss how accepting and harmonizing with them can lead to a more sustainable and fulfilling business life.

    We share personal experiences and insights on how to navigate the highs and lows of energy cycles without self-judgment. By embracing the natural ebb and flow of emotions, we discover new ways to support our unique needs and create a business environment that thrives on these dynamic energy patterns.

    Join the conversation and reflect on your own experiences with the emotional wave. Have you found a way to harmonize with your energy cycles? How do you relate to the idea of balancing versus unshaming? Your insights and stories are welcomed as we collectively seek a path to peace and sustainability in our professional lives.

    Join www.francamunoz.com

  • Last week, I shared with my community the profound impact of mood swings during menopause, perimenopause, and post-menopause. It's not just a fleeting feeling but can feel like a slingshot into the abyss, leading to a shutdown mode devoid of vitality. I struggled during this period and was unprepared for its challenges. However, the support and shared experiences from other women made me realize that we don't have to navigate this journey alone.

    We often overlook how menopause affects highly sensitive people, creativity, and spirituality. Personally, connecting with spirit becomes difficult during these times of shutdown. This time around, I embraced the void instead of rushing out of it, viewing it as a seed planted deep in the dark. It’s a place of preservation and detachment, much like shutting out the summer sun to find a cooler, more settled room.

    My therapist’s question, "What will feel nourishing right now?" has become a mantra. Nourishment can take many forms, whether it's binge-watching Netflix, drinking more water, or simply being a good friend to yourself. I created a playlist to accompany you during these moments, designed to sit with you rather than solve the problem.

    I'm also working on a PDF with resources that have been incredibly helpful during this transition.

    You can listen to the playlist NOURISHING in SHUT DOWN on Spotify. Meanwhile, I invite you to connect with others, even if you feel like isolating yourself. Many of us are on this journey, finding our new becoming. This is an individual journey, but we can do it together.

    Sending you all my love. Until next time. Thank you.

    Join www.francamunoz.com

  • Welcome to "Honest Tea," a heartfelt space created by Franca. In this episode, Franca shares her vision of intimate conversations over a cup of tea, focusing on the experiences of highly sensitive people, artists, and those still searching for their true calling in life.

    Imagine relaxing in a cosy corner or under the trees, discussing what it means to seek harmony and belonging, even when you feel out of place or not good enough. Join Franca for those deep, meaningful talks reminiscent of post-dinner chats with friends or quiet moments of self-reflection. Welcome to Honest Tea, where you can find a sense of belonging every time you tune in.

    Join www.francamunoz.com