Whenever you decide to do something new, lean into your purpose, head towards something God is pulling you towards.... Challenges start flying at you!
Does the Challenges Slow you Down? Change your Course? Make you Quit?!
In this episode, I'm here to encourage you that You are a Superwoman too!
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YES! Mamas! It's just as Important for YOU to be Socializing (like your kids). Plus it you are now the Example for them.
Download My gift to you: Unschooling & Deschooling Packet Here:
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Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com
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When your body starts to break down, it's actually telling you that you NEED more than just REST.
In this episode we'll talk about How these things affect your body too:
- the Season that you're in
- the Relationships you have with the things in your life (& it's more than the relationship you have with people)
- things you can DO to help Heal your body
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Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com
Most of us have been taught or only teach our kids about the Negative effects of Peer Pressure. Did you know that there are Positive Benefits of Peer Pressure too?
Teach your kids about BOTH! WHY? because when your kids are socializing and building relationships, they will be faced with BOTH.
Let's talk about it.
Download My gift to you: Unschooling & Deschooling Packet Here:
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com
Download My gift to you: Unschooling & Deschooling Packet Here:
Socialization includes EVERYONE that your child (intentionally & unintentionally) interact with. Which includes Strangers.
In this episode, I'll be talking about the difference between Stranger Danger & Tricky Strangers. How Stranger Danger instills Fear and makes EVERYONE look like a Suspect. Versus Tricky Strangers and how it Allows you to Teach your Kids to be AWARE, CAUTIOUS & PREPARED.
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com
Sometimes we get caught up in Making a Living that we Forget to Make a Life.
Has god been pushing you towards a Purpose & have you NOT taken a Step?
Have you (unintentionally) placed your Daydreams into Park instead of just slowing down to take a break?
There have been times in my life where I did the same, but now, I'm living my own Daydreams and I hope to reignite it in you too.
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com
Is transitioning into Summer easy for you? Do you have it planned or do you just eventually Stop?
In this episode I'll teach you how we transition into Summer where Learning still happens, Fun is Included and Starting back up again in the Fall isn't Hard.
Download My gift to you: Unschooling & Deschooling Packet Here:
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com
There are quite a bit of benefits to socializing your kids with different age groups!
From learning patience, how to teach other kids, to having empathy, to being able to learn from different perspectives and so much more.
In this episode we'll talk about it so that you can find ways for your kids to have the opportunity to gain these benefits too.
Download My gift to you: Unschooling & Deschooling Packet Here:
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com
Socialization doesn't have to be a "Hard thing to do". There are Simple ways to integrate it into your daily lifestyle. In this episode I'll tell you how and how to teach your kids how to do it. Building their Life Skills in Communication, Relationship building & their Confidence.
Download My gift to you: Unschooling & Deschooling Packet Here:
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com
Socialization is one of the TOP Objections that many people have when it comes into jumping into Homeschooling. In this 6-part Series we will dissect Socialization....
1. How it doesn't happen Only in School
2. How to Integrate it to your Everyday Lives
3. Benefits of Socializing with Different Age Groups
4. Stranger Danger vs Tricky Adults
5. Peer Pressure
6. Making Friends as Adults
Hit the Subscribe button so you'll get notified when the next episode drops!
Download My gift to you: Unschooling & Deschooling Packet Here:
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com
Download My gift to you: Unschooling & Deschooling Packet Here:
This might seem obvious, but think about anytime you have taken advice from someone who never had direct experience, training or an adequate amount of time in that area. Were they REALLY the best Resource for learning about that subject?
In this episode, you'll learn about simple questions to ask someone when you hear advice. That'll help you determine whether or not you should take it.
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com
Wanted to share Our Top 10 Marriage Tips. Take what speaks to you and your hubby, integrate it into your life and see what happens.
Download My gift to you: Unschooling & Deschooling Packet Here:
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com
I was searching for a "Balanced Life" myself and realized that it wasn't serving me and it probably isn't serving you either.
In this episode you'll learn about how striving for a "Balanced Life" will always leave you feeling like you're at the edge of stress. Instead I'm going to give you a new perspective on what to strive for in your life, so that you can do more and it'll FEEL right.
Download My gift to you: Unschooling & Deschooling Packet Here:
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com
Recently got asked: How will you still Homeschool? Will you be sending your kids to public school?
There is so much Freedom in Making Homeschool Fit INTO Your Life vs Your Life Conforming to your Homeschool Schedule. & YESSSS... Homeschool can fit into your schedule no matter what Life changes (going back to college, new career, new opportunities) come. Listen in to see How....
Download My gift to you: Unschooling & Deschooling Packet Here:
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com
Holidays can be stressful & decorations can be a reminder of that!
Here's why taking down your Holiday Decor will do so much greatness for your New Year goals, homeschool and even for your wellbeing.
Plus you still can Download My gift to you: Unschooling & Deschooling Packet Here:
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website ->http://www.kawaiahquin.com/
Here's some things to Ask yourself:
Not only What are you achieving
How are you incorporating Rest
How are you Taking care of your soul
What are you Speaking or NOT
Are you Pleasing Others, Comparing or Distracted
Do you have Boundaries
How are you spending your time?
Do you just TALK about something, or do you DO something about it
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com
Fill in the blank: She is so Good at....
What have you've been told and what you've been trying to Live up to? This image has been molded around the person that people perceive you as. Because you are probably GOOD at those things. But in a society where it's Looked down on or people are Shamed for Sharing their struggles, now You feel like you can't SHARE it. It's going to RUIN that Fake Image. You're Feel like you're Going to LET your Loved ones Down. Disappoint them. So, Now YOU need to be the Good Girl.
But You don't even recognize that person.
It's Hurting you because you become isolated.
You close doors, you don't ask for help. YOU CAN FIGURE THIS OUT on your Own.
Let's get rid of the Good Girl....
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com
Here's the activties!
Let them Bake! (Measurements, Home Ec, Doubling Recipe,
Let them Shop for a Gift! (Budget, Taxes, Research, Plan it, Wrap it)
Learn & Perform for the Family (song, poem, puppet show, acting)
Plan a Family Outing (Scheduling, Planning, Budget, Meals, Drive time)
Plan a Game Night (Games, Food, Prizes, Timeline, Group Work, Responsibility)
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com
Here's a way to continue to share gratitude in your family during this season.
Give each person enough post-it notes for each member of the family
Write down something they're grateful for about each person.
If kids can't write, be their recorder (have them talk and write it down for them).
Start with One family member at a time and each person shares why they're grateful for that person
Make a keepsake:
Grab a blank note book & place all the post-its into it. Add to it each time you do this activity
Make a collage out of it
keep it in a jar & add to it each time
Do it over a certain number of days
once a week for the month
Add it to part of your Kids Journaling
Let's be Friends! -> https://www.instagram.com/kawai_ahquin
Website -> http://www.kawaiahquin.com
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