
  • The Spring Proving that happened in May of 2024 was very different to the Fall 2023 proving that I shared with you in Narratives 103-107. The Trituration Handbook - into the heart of homeopathy is a great book to use when starting your own trituration proving. The substance is revealed at the end in case you are one of those who would like to guess what substance is being proven. As a triple blind study, the raw substance was only revealved after the month was over. This is the first of 4 parts discussion the process and outcomes of the proving and the amazing insights triturating to C4 brings to the provers and supervisors alike. If you need to contact me please email me at [email protected] and it would be a pleasure to share. Also you can find these podcasts that are slowly taking physical form at www.mychwg.com/materia-wire where you can subscribe for free to the weekly articles being published on the web on miasmatic medicines and natural medical options.

    All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.

    The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

  • Homeopathy has the concept of an obstacle to cure; this means that a well-indicated remedy can stop working or not work as well as intended due to things that we do that have nothing to do with the remedy. This happens especially when we have chronic disease and the body is too ill to take on more ‘opponent’. In this state, Hahnemann recommends in the Organon to be aware of such obstacles, especially, nutrition. Today we have obstacles to function that go as deep as DNA and RNA interference that can completely prevent homeopathy from working. Luckily we have remedies like RNA and Carc. Which sometimes help the body circumvent the obstacles to cure. Nutrition is vital in allowing the body to have the capacity to use the remedies, and in aphorisms 259 to 263 Hahnemann lays down some groundwork, which, had he lived to write his 18th version of the Organon would have included the avoidance of GMO and any artificial and synthetic food sources, including farmed salmon.

    All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.

    The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

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  • Hospitalization is often needed, but exactly what they are doing is not what they think they are when it comes to how the body reacts to injected substances versus ingested medications. This is a discussion on the placebo effect according to allopathy versus the homeopathic response to a ‘distractor;.

    All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.

    The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

  • Skin issues are difficult to navigate. When a remedy sends a rash away instantly the patient is thrilled, but the homeopath is not; while when the Similimum brings out a rash and the breathing improves the patient is horrified and the homeopath is thrilled! This is one of the biggest challenges a homeopath has to face: how to explain to a patient that the elimination of something through the skin is not a disease, but the progress of healing. Coming to us with a child with a rash shows the child’s healthy reaction to an injected substance or any other substance they may have come into contact. When an adult comes with a rash it can be an acute exacerbation of the chronic disease or a substance they came into contact with, other way they want to get rid of this itchy scratch pesty experience. We can use the skin symptoms in the totality of symptoms, but if we give a remedy because they want one then it will be superficial and not long lasting.

    All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.

    The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

  • A rash is one of the hardest conditions to heal because it is not a condition, but rather the body’s attempt at healing a deeper more serious condition. As a result, patients often cannot understand that more of a rash means the body is healing itself, and that only once all internal healing is done will the rash go away. And due to the level of chronic dis-ease in society – the chance of that happening in one life-time once the chronic state has been worsened with more injected substances is becoming lower and lower. Looking at the increase in babies with serious severe eruptions just shows the equal amount of poisons and ‘drugs’ that the parents consumed before, during and after the pregnancy! Homeopathy is the only option such patients need, but often it is them and the practitioner who cannot seem to come to an understanding of what is happening in their chidren.

    All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.

    The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

  • Water is life means that for substance like water or mother's milk from any animal you cannot equate the natural substances with man-made purification and remineralization as humans do not understand how to re-enliven water after they have destroyed it. As a result, children are being given non-water water and non-milk milk. The impact today on children drinking water that has been desalinated or re-mineralized is seen in the lack of dental growth and the lack of other growth still to be determined. Real milk and real water no matter how 'polluted' is still better than a man-made replacement!

    All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.

    The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

  • Acne remedies are very helpful for the skin because acne is very often the inability of the body to finish off its elimination of the inflammation seen as pus. The skin is the elimination organ and the remedy helps it understand how to continue to release the pus and clean out the system. The remedies therefore are often ones that help the elimination of pus from the skin in cases of abscesses, boils and other lesions.

    All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.

    The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

  • Skin issues around acne is the first narrative of many to be covered. When we have a skin problem it should be a welcome sight as it is proof your body is working on something and using its elimination organ, namely, the skin, successfully. Nevertheless, acne especially for teenagers is horrifying. Homeopathy as well as food and environmental factors play a large role in having acne. This episode will discuss different issues around skin as well as begin looking at how single remedies can work to help the body finish its eliminating action.

    All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.

    The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

  • Experiential is about the real world while scientific testing is about figuring out whether what we expected to be the outcome is or not the outcome. So, materialistic science sees itself as only one or two senses that are more important than others and are proof of the real physical world which does not include parts of the world that are not connected to these two senses. We have carbon series connected to the touch, silicium series is about taste, silver on hearing, gold on seeing and lanthenides on seeing on vision and light. Limiting our experience is why science has become limited to non-experiential and as a result non-real and no longer related to a reality that can be appropriately explained.

    Please excuse the dogs in the background – please tell me at [email protected] what your thoughts are on this subject.

    All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.

    The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

  • When you look at the meaning of miasma theory and germ theory you realize that virus is Latin for toxin, and infection (inficere) is Latin for spoilt and stain. The miasma theory is about using the 5 senses to experience the ‘spoilt and putrid’ nature of the environment when not hygienic, while the germ theory is supposed to be about germs and pathogens out to infect us, yet ‘infect’ means to spoil and stain. Miasms are seen in nature as plants carrying the varies miasms within one plant family. What does this mean when we say Nature provides us not only with remedies that help with our specific rare and peculiar perception, but also with the ‘pace’ of our existence as seen in the miasm that is running our DNA. Nature has solutions for our DNA – what a wonderful thing to know and contemplate as we try to continue understanding what nature has to tell us about how nature heals.

    All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.

    The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

  • This narrative is a discussion on how the body uses its healing kit and how we can better understand what is happening in our body or a family members when we see the body in action using its inflammatory response, pain receptors and fever and chills. A good idea would be to listen to Narrative 34, The Body’s Natural Tool Kit – inflammation, fever and pain, to better understand this episode.

    All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.

    The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

  • Dreams in homeopathy and homeopathic case-taking play a large role in reaching a well-indicated remedy. This episode includes the following points in relation to dreams: in your dream most of the people are you; dreams are a level of experience just like the physical, emotional and mental planes of existence; dreams and reality often share similar experiences and so your source words and the rare and peculiar would be in the dream world too; dreams and nightmares change and as we take a person’s case we can use these changes to monitor curative and new symptoms from a prescribed remedy; and last, but no least, bad dreams and nightmares should be a thing of the past when you have a good constitutional remedy. When new ones resurface they can indicate an acute, or a need for a constitutional change.

    All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.

    The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

  • Pondering the imponderables shows us that the world is made up of waves that impact us and can be seen through the human consciousness when a remedy is made by picking up the wave in alcohol and dynamizing it into a potentized form. Provings on imponderables were first done by homeopaths Allen and Hahnemann. This episode will begin trying to explain how the material is not the only thing will substance, and that something like x-ray and wi-fi can also be potentized and then proven as homeopathic remedies.

    Nuala Eising has done provings using alcohol that picks up the waves from vaccum to mobile phone to then be potentized through liquid potentization. I wonder whether they could also be picked up with sugar, or a sugar liquid. This may be too much pondering!

    Source Recommendation: 3 different volumes of which 2 have imponderable remedies

    Eising, Nuala. Provings Vol 1 Emryss Publishers, 2012

    Eising, Nuala. Provings Vol 2 Emryss Publishers, 2013

    All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.

    The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

  • Homeopathic concepts are not always easy to understand especially if you have been brainwashed into believing Nature cannot teach you anything. The misconceptions in homeopathy have been used to debunk it, lie about it and spread falsehoods about how it works. This episode focuses on some of the important misconceptions we need to remember when dealing with homeopathic medicine, its remedies and its modes of action.

    All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.

    The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

  • Homeopathic remedies are handed out following the three main laws of homeopathy- like cures like, infinitesimal dose, and taking into account a totality of symptoms of the individual. When we look at remedies there are three main types and each of them can be better understood looking at case studies.

    All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.

    The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

  • Many people choose to use homeopathy once they begin to see how well it works for both humans and animals; however, there are always those that choose not to use this system of medicine. This episode discusses the role of drug-based narratives as well as the burned of responsibility on patients using this form of medicine and the impact of these factors, among others, on choosing homeopathy.

    All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.

    The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

  • Fear plays a role in disease. Homeopathically there are different fears experienced by different remedies, and when fear is not immediate and in our lives to activate the startle, or fight-or-flight response then we are irrationally experiencing something that is not real. We need to live more and concentrate less on others who are self-proclaimed 'experts' claiming they can alleviate life and make us safe. Being stuck and unable to enjoy life is often the product of the irrational fears of people who are not well and would rather take the supposed safe option, and are always looking for solutions to life. Life is something to live, not be solved.

    All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.

    The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

  • The Earth does not like to be meddled with and if we begin changing weather and imposing our will on nature, it will respond by fixing the problems we have created, and it is this correction that is the secondary response. We see it in everything that lives on Earth, and we see it and use it in Homeopathy to ensure our remedies and methods bring about the body’s healing principle without the impact of drugs and their side effects.

    All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.

    The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

  • When doing a proving, it is important to prepare the prover. Taking part in clinical trials for homeopathic remedies is a responsibility. Hahnemann sets out aphorisms that state these exact responsibilities. This episode covers aphorisms 118 to 139 that explain the responsibilities of provers taking part in a proving. In Spring of 2024, the second McQuaby Trituration Proving will take place and this narrative will help them prep for a trituration proving. Here I have explained, as Hahnemann wanted, how important it is to maintain the highest integrity in both the proving substance, the prover and the process. For the provers of the McQuaby proving this is an extra resource to better understand what they are being asked to do. For anyone doing a proving, especially a trituration proving, this will be helpful for their provers too as well as for those preparing to do the ultimate activity needed to better understand a remedy, a proving, this narrative will serve as the cornerstone to ensuring the provers know what is expected of them.

    All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.

    The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.

  • Nature always ends our interactions with nature in our favour. With the Globalist intervention intended by WHO to make human health a global general reality instead of a regional experience we are setting ourselves up to have complete regional areas extinguished as happened when the European population came upon the indigenous groups in North and South America. These groups did not have an endemic strain to the pathogens brought by the Europeans and as a result died. The only thing that can help create an endemic strain is the interaction between an individual and the pathogen while both learn from each other, but the individual organism finding away to ensure survival despite the harm the pathogen can create. I believe nature does this to ensure the survival of a species living in a certain region with the impact of the fauna and flora on each other. You can get involved in making sure your country understands that nature is the only thing that can help the human learn from its environment, and no artificial intelligence with our lack of common sense that is evident in how we are programming these AI’s will be able to do it better.

    In Canada you go the Canadian Health page on the Government Website for Canada and look up CSIMS which is the Consultation and Stakeholder Information Management System set up the Public Health Agency which is part of the Federal Health Program. There you will see what the CSIMS does, and how you as an individual Canadian or an organization can make your case in consultation on a variety of subjects. In the end only nature can end a pandemic no matter who started it!

    All views presented are based on credible sources, but they are explained through the individual’s viewpoint. Doing your own research while integrating new information is always important when forming your own viewpoint.

    The information in this podcast is not meant to address individual health needs, it is general in nature and should not be used as medical information for your health unless used in combination with your health practitioner.