
  • Become even more powerful by enlivening your subtle senses - access your intuition.

    This means first opening up to feel all of your feelings to be able to detect those subtle impulses.

    Moksha is an audio mentoring container - like a best friend in your back pocket - upgrading your mindset and approach to life.

    There are only a couple more days to jump into to Moksha and gain access to an entire year of audio trainings for just $90.

    Its very low risk - you can cancel at any time - so come and try it out and if after a month you’re not interested anymore - you can leave.
    It’s that freeing.

    If you want to learn Vedic meditation - or have me come and teach a course in your city for your family and friends get in touch www.tracyalexander.co

    If you’d like to connect with me on Instagram my handle is tracyalexander__ and if you’d like to learn more about my mentoring, meditation, stress management and mindset coaching, head to my website www.tracyalexander.co.

  • This is a story about taking FULL RESPONSIBILITY for your life - standing up for your truth in the face of public criticism and choosing to use your privilege to help others.

    Today's every day hero is Leila Centner.

    Leila is the co-founder, with her husband, of the Centner Academy - the first happiness school in the United States - as well as Centner wellness and spa - Miami's premier destination for wellness.

    Leila Centner’s story is incredibly powerful. She came from humble beginnings and went on to build an empire… and while she had everything she thought she wanted - she still felt empty.

    This led her to India to begin a deep healing journey…

    What she has created as a result of her spiritual awakening gives me chills throughout my body when she speaks about it.

    Check out the Centner Academy here.

    Visit Centner Wellness and Spa here.

    If you want to find out more about working with me, head to my website - www.tracyalexander.co

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  • This everyday hero episode is with an anonymous meditation student.

    I happened to press record on my voice notes for our session - and what came out for her felt nice to share with you.

    My client’s story is one of years of ongoing trauma & high levels of stress and demand.

    No amount of healing was helping her uproot the repetitive cycles in her mind, keeping her locked in the past and in a state of hopelessness and overwhelm in the present and fear about the future.

    On both an individual and global level, this client was feeling like she was beyond help - although clearly not, because she's continuing to show up!

    These are bits and pieces to talk us through the healing journey and why meditation is a super tool to help us move out of overwhelm and back into a position of power.

    If you are a Vedic Meditator and you have fallen off your practice, this is for you…

    If you haven’t learned to meditate yet, this is for you…

    If you are struggling to find your way during times of challenge and potential overwhelm - this is for you…

    If you want to find out more about working with me, head to my website - ⁠www.tracyalexander.co.⁠

    Not sure what where to start? Go ⁠here⁠.


    Do you tend to see a lot of options and fall into a state of overwhelm?

    This is the classic case of seeing abundance and turning it into lack.

    This was a huge reframe I learned from one of my own mentors, who was vital even in the generation of a new monthly membership I created, to help people feel they could always be connected with the higher perspective.

    Get an inside look into how the membership began and hear actual recordings that I've taken from the container to give you a sense of how human, easy and supportive a resource like this can be.


  • Ashley Shapiro is a sound healing practitioner, ecstatic dance DJ, and facilitator of healing spaces for cultivating inner peace, resolving stuck emotions, feeling grounded in the body, enhancing creativity, and exploring altered states of consciousness.

    With a Master’s in Creative Arts Therapies, she weaves into her work the knowledge she has acquired over almost a decade of investigating the power of play, nervous system regulation, somatic work, storytelling, and vibrational medicine.

    And the reason Ashley shares this outside of her day job is because she feels this is her service to the world…

    Ash is one of my meditation students and I have used her sound healings in my retreats.

    Once you experience her - you can’t not be moved by her devotion, her authenticity and the fact that she just radiates honesty inside of who she is.

    She is an everyday hero for me - the way she lights up the world with her generous heart - sharing what changed her life and enlivens her heart, with the world.

  • In this episode I sit down with Jaclyn Goldis.

    If you feel like you're living a life that's out of alignment - you feel like an actress in your own life, living by the standards and values of others - and you wish to live a life more authentic to you - this episode will inspire.

    See what can happen when you get out of your head and move into what feels good.

    See what happens when you learn how to follow your joy.

    Jaclyn is the author of the recently released mystery/thriller THE CHATEAU that is making a major splash - named a most anticipated or best thriller of 2023 by Apple Books, Goodreads, and more. I’m not allowed to spill any secrets about the future of this book… but let’s just say the plot isn’t the only thing giving me the chills.

    Truly it’s the story of the author herself.

    7 years after graduating from University of Michigan and NYU Law, Jaclyn left her high flying job as a Chicago based lawyer to travel the world and begin her dream career as a novelist.

    Jaclyn, then, was 32 years old and no one in her personal context was making those kinds of decisions… but as she looked around her… life felt dull and she felt like an actress in her own life.

    So she made the bold move of leaving the seeming security of the status quo… for a life of her own design.

    She culled her possessions into only what would fit in a backpack… traveled for over a year until settling in Tel Aviv - where she writes books from cafes by the beach.

    Talk about ideal.

    And now, after 20 years of writing for passion & pleasure with a deep desire to do so professionally… Jaclyn is the overnight success that heroes who never give up, become.

    Jaclyn is a Vedic Meditator… and she says this was the tool that supported her in changing her life and continues to support her creativity.

    If you want to learn https://tracyalexander.co/https://tracyalexander.co/, or take my Body + Mind Stress Management course or dive deeper in my 1:1 Alignment Mentoring System where you will experience a true rebirth around how you see yourself and show up for life - write to me on Instagram @tracyalexander__ or email [email protected].

  • What does fulfilment mean? Is this an experience exclusive for wise gurus, monks and sages?

    The answer is no.

    If you have a nervous system, you are capable of experiencing inner fulfilment.

    It is not a pie in the sky, far away pursuit - in fact it is much closer for us when we look inside for fulfilment than if we continue to search outside ourselves for it.

    We will, in fact, never find fulfilment outside.

    But how can we experience such a thing?

    How does it change our lives once we make contact with it?

    How long will it take us to learn that the experiment we've been running, so far, will not bare the fruit we hope it will.

    Come and explore with me what causes us to look outwards for happiness...

    Why we might not choose to look within for what we seek...

    and how everything changes once we change our focus from outside to inside.

    I’m a Vedic Meditation teacher and founder of the Alignment System - helping you connect your body and mind so you can show up as your best - to live the life you say you want.

    If you want to learn Vedic Meditation, take my Body + Mind Stress Management course or dive deeper in my 1:1 Alignment Mentoring System where you will experience a true rebirth around how you see yourself and show up for life - write to me on Instagram @tracyalexander__ or visit tracyalexander.co.

  • As I remove the conditioning which led to my perfectionism, the need for approval of others, the stories that I am not good enough and find more and more love for myself - I discover more and more freedom.

    It's a freedom which I could never have imagined I would be able to experience in this lifetime.

    I could never have known it would feel like this… or look like this… I could never have predicted the journey.

    When I started down this path, all I knew was that I was in pain. I was riddled with anxiety and couldn’t sleep for the late night panic and self loathing.

    I knew I wanted freedom from that feeling - that’s what prompted me to learn Vedic Meditation…

    Not because I was interested in a spiritual journey.

    Sure, the idea of being a monk meditating at the top of a hill felt like the kind of feeling I wanted - but without having to be the monk on the hill or do the things that a monk does to feel that feeling!

    I knew I wanted that feeling of DEEEEP SOUL RELAXATION.

    A feeling of that big exhale… that I can trust in me and trust in life.

    But …. I didn’t ACTUALLY think I’d ever feel it.

    I couldn’t have even imagined what that feeling would be!

    It was more a longing.. or an idea…. but that I could be the one actually teaching people how to access this… because I’d made contact with that place myself… no way did that ever occur to me back then.

    This is a free-flowing share about how "spiritual" path can help you access flow, freedom and liberation that goes beyond the reasons some people are drawn to meditate.

    Follow me on Instagram and keep up with Home Of Sapiens.

    Learn more about Vedic Meditation and my stress management programs.

  • How afraid are you of dying?

    This fear... is what causes so many of us to stay in situations that are causing us pain... and not taking the steps that will allow things to change.

    In every hero's journey there's a moment where they have a decision to make.

    The movie that never gets made is the one where the main character knows what he needs to do... and just never takes action.

    The movie that we watch and relate to and get inspired by and tell our friends to go and see is the one where despite the fear, regardless of the doubt, in the face of what seems like insurmountable challenge, danger and things that could go wrong... the hero makes a go of it.

    They put themselves out there and follow what they know is the right thing to do.

    They demand more for themselves and the world.

    They stand for something.

    They decide that it is necessary, that they matter, that they are worthy of triumph and even if it's not going to work out in their favour... it's worth trying.

    This episode is about the courage to step forward and embrace change when it's clear that's what's needed.

    This is a "where are they now - ONE YEAR LATER" episode.

    Just over a year ago I made the choice to deconstruct my life.

    I left my partner, my home and it just so happened that was the same year I was to be completing my studies as a Vedic Meditation teacher.

    That process was deep and intense... and was the peak moment of "death" - where my old self was pulled out by the socket... and then came the process of rebuilding my identity, my life and constructing a new reality for myself. A true realignment.

    So how did I navigate it?

    That's what this episode traverses.

    It dives into why we fear change and stay stuck - even when our current situation is causing us pain.

    P.S Change doesn’t have to be drastic and almost total. It can be in the smallest ways - but the needed ways. This is what stops the suffering - moving with and allowing the change to happen that you can see needs to happen.

    Follow me on Instagram and keep up with Home Of Sapiens.

    Learn more about Vedic Meditation and my stress management programs.

  • She's coming out from behind the Instagram shield of perfectly curated posts to get real.

    This is why Georgia is an everyday hero.

    She is a Self-Love coach - and has taken that seat that the table despite continuing to find greater liberation from a once crippling eating disorder.

    Nowadays she is SO MUCH MORE FREE... yet... she continues to heal... and even though she's still finding more love for herself... doesn't let that stop her from guiding others towards it too.

    Georgia's story is so relatable - and she challenges the notion that you have to be 100% of the way through your challenges, to have a valuable contribution to the conversation.

    She's also brave enough to stand up and call BS. She's been coached by coaches who have perfect social media profiles... but once she'd signed up to work with them, hoping to find the magic pill that lies in their hands.. she's discovered - wow! They don't have their shit completely together... and there's no "perfect place" to get to. She wants you to know not to be fooled by any airs of perfection and not to feel "less than". You're doing great... and there is only but more to learn - for all of us.

    Connect with Georgia: Instagram and join the self love club here

  • Itai is an award winning Israeli correspondent and documentary filmmaker - famous for his intelligent & thought provoking coverage of conflict zones around the world.

    For the past 30 years, Itai has been risking his life to bring us the human stories from the most dangerous places on earth.

    As an Israeli journalist - entering into countries like Syria, Iran and even the region of Gaza many of his contemporaries would call CRAZY - but Itai thinks he’s the normal one.

    Itai’s cool approach in the field has led to UNBELIEVABLE moments like interviewing captured ISIS members - pinning lapel mics onto their collars as they sat blindfolded with their hands tied behind their backs.

    This man has had more spine chilling encounters in the past three decades, than many humans would be able to digest in their lifetime.

    And the impact of his coverage has led to humanitarian missions and charity drives which have changed people’s lives.

    What can we learn from Ita about overcoming fear, maintaining humility and staying connected to our own humanity?

    This story is about how we keep our hearts open after witnessing so much cruelty and pain…

    How we can process the atrocities we encounter… how we can highlight what is working without ignoring what’s not…

    and it’s about the heroes that Itai has discovered unintentionally shining their light in some of the darkest places on the planet.

    Follow me on Instagram and keep up with Home Of Sapiens.

    Learn more about Vedic Meditation and my stress management programs.

    Links to Itai's documentaries -

    ALONE IN DONBAS (2023)

    Inside the trenches with a Ukrainian platoon, a few hundred meters from the Russians,

    and the story of the civilians who are trying to survive in Bakhmut, the most dangerous city in Ukraine.



    Women guerrilla fighters against ISIS in Syria and Iraq

    The link: http://vimeo.com/117970512

    Password: heaven 2014



    LEBANON - a battle between IDF and Hezbollah (2006)




  • Episode 1 talks about why stress is our kryptonite and how to regain our power in a fast paced, demanding, unpredictable world. 

    This series is about identifying our power as individuals.

    How can we truthfully, honestly harness our experiences and become our very own heroes?

    These conversations remind us of our humanity, our ability to get through the daily challenges that life throws at us… and most importantly - it reminds us that we’re not alone.

    These episodes are the matches that will spark the hero’s fire inside of you - the hero that knows - that the HARD PART is not where the story ends. 

    This is where we rise.

    Today’s episode we’ll be talking about one of the biggest barriers to us showing up as the version of ourselves that we dream of being.


    Here's the thing - the problem is not getting stressed. The problem is staying stressed.

    You'll gain a deeper understanding about the mechanics of stress, our relationship to it and how we can train our minds and bodies to be able to hack the demands of the modern world without burning out.

    We'll talk about a tool that'll help you go stronger for longer - Vedic Meditation.

    I’ll also be busting some misconceptions about meditation that cause us to say "I can’t meditate", "I’m not a good meditator" or "meditation’s not for me," which then becomes a barrier to you integrating one of the most profound tools for physical and mental health into your life - which would be a shame.

    We’ll learn about - 

    Why you might be finding it hard to fall asleep and stay asleep  Why it is you’re feeling stuck, lethargic, full of worry, foggy, overthinking Why you're finding it hard to make decisions Why you're feeling super dependent on people, food or substances.

    There are reasons for all of it - and the good news is - there’s nothing wrong with YOU. 

    YOU are not the reason. It is simple neurophysiology.

    I’m a Vedic Meditation teacher and founder of the Alignment System - helping you connect your body and mind so you can show up as your best - to live the life you say you want.

    If you want to learn Vedic Meditation, take my Body + Mind Stress Management course or dive deeper in my 1:1 Alignment Mentoring System where you will experience a true rebirth around how you see yourself and show up for life - write to me on Instagram @tracyalexander__ or visit tracyalexander.co.

  • How do we trust ourselves?

    How do we know what we’re doing… and whether we’re making the right decisions?

    How can we trust the future and navigate huge changes?

    How do we trust the process?

    And how do we trust that voice inside that’s telling us to make a move… even when the move doesn’t seem clear or convenient?

    TRUST is a huge player in pacifying fear and living a TRULY ALIGNED LIFE… and it’s a critical piece for getting through HARD TIMES - when perhaps we think things will NEVER GET BETTER… or that THINGS HAVE BEEN RUINED FOR GOOD… and in terms of mobilizing us towards something BETTER - so that we don’t stay stuck in places, relationships and states of mind that don’t serve us anymore.

    So we’ll look at WHAT IT IS THAT WE’RE TRUSTING IN - is it our intuition - and how do we access that…?

    Is it the Universe - and how do we trust that it’s got our back?

    Is it ourselves - that we’ll be able to hack whatever comes our way…?

    So here’s the framework:

    A lot of people always ask me how I managed to leave my job as a news anchor and "start again".

    I’ve been told that by giving some BEHIND THE SCENES action of how I’ve navigated big change… my clients find it very VALUABLE…

    So - that’s why - I thought to share some more of that story today.

    This is a story of fractured faith — and the will to give G-d a second chance.

  • It's a long episode - but well worth it, because today's guest brings us a wealth of wisdom.

    In this episode we’ll be talking about TALK THERAPY.

    What is the point of it?

    How does it feed into being resilient?

    When people say they’re going to therapy… what are they really doing?

    Is therapy for people who have lost their crackers - or have something really wrong with them - or that don’t have their shit together…

    Or is it the complete opposite ?

    Is it for people who GET IT - who are ahead of the curve because they’re taking responsibility for their lives, how they want to feel and who they want to be in the world?

    Adir Cohen is a psychotherapist, social worker and musician living in Tel Aviv and serving the English speaking community through individual, couples and group work.

    He uses behavioral and narrative therapies, non-duality and physical consciousness… to show people how to heal themselves through understanding of values and the love of truth.

    So - what can talk therapy look like in this era of "new-age" psychotherapy - which is really, in many cases, simply science coming to verify ancient wisdom.

    Talk therapy has evolved over the years - as we learn more and more about the nervous system, cognitive processes, attachment styles, the subconscious mind and the impact of trauma on the body.

    As a result, once LEFT OF CENTRE approaches and more esoteric, spiritual or holistic approaches to treatment and support are being infused into this very traditional method of mental healthcare…

    And the practitioners who are bringing more to the table, so to speak, in that space - are seeing that their clients are experiencing INCREDIBLE results… meaning - greater autonomy and independence through self-awareness.

    In this episode Adir talks about how having your expectations in check when beginning the therapeutic journey is HELPFUL - because sometimes we’re gonna fall off the wagon and revert to behaviours we know aren’t in alignment with where we say we want to go.

    To work with Adir - visit https://therapytlvclinic.com

  • How do we tap into bravery? What does it mean to live bravely?

    I hope you’re hungry because this episode is RICH with GOLDEN NUGGETS that will undoubtedly inspire you to connect with your truth, find your voice, become a visionary for your life and build your dreams step by step.

    BUT here’s the clincher…. you’re going to learn how to do this while holding space for ALL OF YOUR VERY HUMAN FEELINGS… and this idea is what today’s guest calls LIVING BRAVE.

    Shoshanna Raven is using her own story of resilience, self-transformation and overcoming, to guide women through the journey of radical self-expression and business growth, to amplify their impact & income, and quantum leap towards their unique vision.

    Hers is a story of GOING FOR IT… asking for more from life… digging deeper into the psyche and the soul… by holding both self-belief and self-doubt in one hand.

    Shoshana talks us through what it takes to step out into the unknown, with confidence. 

    In 2015, Shoshana traded corporate consulting for a one-way ticket to India. After a yoga teacher training, traveling through more than 30 countries, and experiencing a successful career in business journalism, she launched the Living Brave podcast… which expanded into a community of thousands, sold-out international retreats and signature coaching programs.

    Shoshana’s humble beginnings grew from a 1-woman show to a $7 figure/year business & a global team in 1.5 years.

    Plus - Shoshana’s life began changing in a major way thanks to a bold but subtle and hard to predict turning point; it was the moment she started sharing publicly about living with Herpes Simplex Virus. This  prompted the Living Brave podcast which took the world by storm. 

  • In this episode we’re diving deep into the neuroscience of trauma.

    What are the adaptive and maladaptive responses to stress and how can we understand the necessary mechanics behind coping with cataclysmic events like war… as well as identifying the very healthy and natural processes of grief so that we can bring more awareness, accuracy and compassion to the healing journey.

    We address the ways we can break through the stigma around when things AREN’T feeling so good.

    We discuss how we, as individuals in society, can intervene so that we can be less private about our struggles… which we’re all going through… so that we can create a safer emotional world for us all.

    Dr Rachel Yehuda is an Endowed Professor of Psychiatry and Neuroscience of Trauma.

    She is a recognized leader in the field of traumatic stress studies having authored more than 500 academic papers, chapters, and books in the field of PTSD and intergenerational trauma.

    Dr. Yehuda's research on cortisol and epigenetic mechanisms has revolutionized our understanding of the neurobiology and treatment of PTSD.

    Last year, Dr. Yehuda established and now directs the Center for Psychedelic Psychotherapy and Trauma Research, and has been named one of the most influential women in the psychedelic field.

  • Honesty and humility gives us the ability to discover what our weaknesses and strengths are and to use them to our advantage.

    This conversation with David Bederman starts off in a vulnerable place to give us all permission to be honest about where we’re at.

    David Bederman is an executive coach and a motivational speaker and trainer who helps people break through their unconscious personality-blocks, unlock more purpose, power and fulfillment in their lives - and he helps them do it - quickly.

    In this episode David talks about how we can identify our own PERSONALITY CODE and how once we understand what that is… we can start to take ownership of our lives.

    David’s methodology is steeped in Kabbalistic wisdom - and I loved ping ponging powerful life-hack analogies with him and sharing insights with each other that we’ve both drawn from ancient bodies of knowledge…

    So - if you’re a spirituality and personal growth nerd, you’ll REALLY love this episode because it will add some extra JUICE to your worldview… PLUS help you get better at failing, find the power in vulnerability and… you’ll learn the best and most efficient way to grow a healthy mango tree.

    You'll see :)

  • If you’re into Kripsy Kreme’s you’ll love this conversation because we talk about DONUTS a LOT…

    Although this time its in the context of the reslience donut - a model that Lyn Worsley - the founder of the Resilience Centre developed.

    Lyn Worsely is a Clinical Psychologist and Registered Nurse with vast experience in teaching, youth work, early childhood, hospitals and correctional services.

    She is also the author of “The Resilience Doughnut Book – The Secret of Strong Kids” and “The Resilience Doughnut Book – The Secret of Strong Adults”.

    Lyn’s Specialty Areas Include:

    Adolescent Depression Child Anxiety Child Behavioural Assessments Family Crisis Work Post Natal Depression ADHD, and ADD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Panic Disorders

    This is a conversation about the power of community… the power of people… and a real correction in our thinking that disassociation, substance use and addiction are not character flaws and a lack of resilience - but actually very much needed players for some of us, in the resilience dynamic.


    In this chat we can see HOW CRITICAL COMMUNITY is - how we can become part of someone else’s’ resilience story… and how vital it is that adults are given the opportunity to become emotionally skilled… if the next generation is to stand a chance in this rapidly changing, not yet post-pandemic world - which is CREAKING under the pressure of technology’s impact on social dynamics.

  • How does meditation boost resilience?

    Meditation has become somewhat of a synonym. When people say, "I can't meditate" - it's like saying "I can't eat food". 

    Which food? How have you prepared it? What are you eating it for?

    Just like food fuels us and is necessary for our healthy and sustained functioning - so too, is meditation. But not all meditations are the same. 

    Master Vedic Meditation teacher, Charlie Knoles, breaks down how the style of meditation that he's been practicing since 4 years old, creates the basis for a healthy, regulated, flexible nervous system. Charlie teaches teachers how to teach meditation correctly - using many different styles, suited to the different mind-types of individuals... but the CORE of his knowledge is around VM - the technique, which changed MY life.

    How do mind-body practices like Vedic Meditation sustain us? How can they show us a more graceful way? How does it help us become fearless, adaptable and just more POWERFUL as individuals?

    I loved chatting with Charlie about the Vedic Worldview... we even talked about the purpose of adversity, war and conflict.

  • Today’s episode is about triumph over addiction and transcending the near life-threatening realities of living with mental illness.

    It’s about how through bio-hacking we can reset our nervous systems so that our lived reality can be completely transformed - by reworking our inner engineering.

    Chels runs The Enerchi Exchange on the northern beaches in Sydney Australia.

    From Corrective Exercise, Dance and Freedom Movement, Himalayan Breathwork, Yoga and Tai Chi, Ice Baths, and Reiki, Chelsea is on a mission to show others how we can liberate ourselves from the shackles that trauma can leave inside our system… OR… just find ways to enliven their lives and connect more authentically and joyfully with themselves.

    In this chat - we’ll learn all about how we CAN go from hating our body, hating our personality - feeling like we have no reason to live… to becoming a beacon of light, love and strength to others… while being able to get high on your own supply…. sand by that I mean YOUR BREATH… and the LOVE THATS INSIDE OF YOU - just buried underneath piles of junk.

    Chels gives us the what’s, why's and how to’s and makes it simple and accessible to start TODAY.