Man Catholic speaks to men about living as a Christian man in our current day and age. Send us topic ideas at [email protected].
Avec “Les Mots Imposés”, nos invités disposent d’une minute pour s’exprimer sur un mot qu’ils découvrent juste avant de prendre la parole. L’exercice n’est pas simple. Il fait surgir une image mentale parfois étonnante et toujours pleine de saveur et de personnalité.
Nos invités, acteurs de la solidarité et de l’engagement en faveur des autres nous livrent ainsi chaque jour un peu de leur intimité, une sorte de pépite de pensées et de sentiments entremêlés qui viennent déposer un rayon de soleil et d’espoir au quotidien. -
God’s Goodness Podcast exists to encourage and highlight God’s goodness and modern-day miracles. Every episode is Holy Spirit-led, from the guests we feature to the incredible testimonies they share. God is guiding us to the right stories at the right time, revealing His power and faithfulness in extraordinary ways.
If you’re looking for real-life testimonies of healing, breakthrough, and divine encounters, this podcast will strengthen your faith and remind you that miracles still happen!
New episodes Tuesdays. If this podcast blesses you, please follow, review, and share to spread the message of God’s goodness!
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The Middle East is the crossroad of civilizations and the birthplace of Christianity. This region and its people have witnessed history’s most consequential triumphs and tragedies. The ancient and richly diverse Christian communities native to the Middle East are characterized by their rich tapestry of traditions and nuanced histories. They’ve played a central role in shaping, and enriching, world civilization—eastern and western—through centuries of religious, cultural and intellectual contributions. Unfortunately, in recent centuries—and most notably the twentieth and twenty-first centuries—these native Christian communities have been persecuted and pushed to the brink of extinction.
Who are these Christians? What’s their origin story? Where are they headed? What are the stakes? What can be done to interrupt this destructive historical course? And how can their rich legacy be preserved, invigorated, and shared with the world?
We’ll tackle these questions, and more, on In the Middle: A Podcast on Christianity in the Middle East, presented by In Defense of Christians. I’m your host, Richard Ghazal, and I invite you to join me on this contemplative endeavor, as we dive deep in discussion on a broad spectrum of issues touching Christianity in the Middle East, yesterday and today. We’ll ask the tough questions and engage in candid, thought-provoking discussions with some of the world’s foremost experts spanning a variety of fields, including religion, history, U.S. foreign policy and the Middle East.
In the Middle will hit all major podcast platforms—including Spotify, Apple, Android, Google Podcasts, and on YouTube—beginning in January 2023, with new episodes dropping monthly. We look forward to having you join us In the Middle. -
Fr. Conor Donnelly is a priest of Opus Dei. He qualified as a medical doctor in University Dublin in 1977 and worked for a year at St. Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin. After ordination he spent 22 years doing pastoral work in Asia, in the Philippines and Singapore. He is currently an assistant chaplain at Kianda School in Nairobi, Kenya. He has produced these podcasts to help you pray and grow in your relationship with God.
- siekia pristatyti intelektualiai pagrįstą krikščioniškąjį tikėjimą bei atsakyti į jį nukreiptą kritiką, tuo pačiu skatinant civilizuotą dialogą su prieštaraujančiais. (Į)kūrėjas: Laurynas Jacevičius, filosofijos mokslo daktaras, religijos studijų magistras (VU).
Patinka, ką darome? Paremkite misiją:
Mūsų veikla įmanoma dėl tokių žmonių, kaip Jūs! -
„Kelionė Biblijos puslapiais“ - tai kasdienis 30 min. trunkantis radijo pasakojimas, kuriame pamažu keliausime per visas Biblijos dalis - Senąjį ir Naująjį Testamentą. Šio pasakojimo metu susipažinsite su praeities tikėjimo didvyriais bei sužinosite, iš kur kilęs krikščioniškas tikėjimas.
„Kelionė Biblijos puslapiais“ eteryje skamba jau nuo 1967 metų ir pelnė milžinišką radijo klausytojų pripažinimą. Remiantis klausytojų laiškais galima teigti, jog daugeliui ši programa turėjo didžiulį teigiamą dvasinį poveikį.
Daugiau informacijos -
Katechezei ir apskritai krikščioniškajam švietimui skirta laida. Susipažinsite su svarbiausiomis katalikų tikėjimo tiesomis ir tradicijomis, būsite įvesti į mįslingą liturgijos pasaulį, pagilinsite Šventojo Rašto suvokimą, pastebėsite naujas Bažnyčios spalvas – trečiadieniais ir penktadieniais 17.30 val. per LRT KLASIKĄ. Ved. Jūratė Grabytė.
An Orthodox Christian audio prayer-library, supplying the daily morning and evening prayers, the liturgical Hours and other services of the Orthodox Christian Church, for the spiritual benefit of faithful Christians throughout the earth. These resources are provides in English, Greek, Romanian,Russian and other languages. We also recommend our podcasts: Daily Orthodox Study Bible Reading, Daily Orthodox Bible Study, Daily Catechism of the Orthodox Church, The Ministry of the Word, Words of Life, Daily Prayer with Holy Cross Monastery and Daily Hours of the Orthodox Church: The Horologion.