
  • Could subconscious work be the secret to building your dream business? In today's episode, we dive into a story that's nothing short of inspiring! Meet Daisy Robson Wright, my wonderful client who turned her business and personal life around in just three months of mindset coaching. She shares her journey of how she went from feeling overwhelmed and burnt out to becoming a true CEO of her business.

    Throughout the interview, Daisy shares how the subconscious work not only propelled her business to new heights but also changed her personal life. You'll hear about structuring workdays, drawing boundaries, and navigating emotional challenges—all through the lens of subconscious work. Daisy will also share how we used different mindset tools to not just achieve but actually sustain her success whilst navigating emotional waves and created a business that truly aligns with her values and reflects her passion. Tune in now and find out what your business can look like when you put in the subconscious work!

    Topics covered on Subconscious Work:

    How did Daisy transform her mindset and business within just three months of working together through subconscious work?What strategies helped Daisy overcome the challenges of sustaining success in her entrepreneurial journey?Daisy shares how she learned to structure her workdays, leading to her mental and financial stability, and how subconscious work helped her in the process.Finding contentment in your current business state rather than always chasing the next level through subconscious work practices.In what ways did timeline therapy contribute to Daisy's personal growth and business success?How did Daisy start attracting a higher calibre of clients?What unique strategies does Daisy employ to create transformative experiences for her clients?In what ways does Daisy's approach to website design differ from that of other web designers?

    Connect with Rebecca Haydon:

    Apply to work with meThe Higher Self Society MembershipCome say hi on Instagram  | Facebook | YouTube

    Find the full show notes & more resources at www.rebeccahaydon.com/podcast/subconscious-work-behind-sustaining-success-with-daisy-robson-wright

  • Are you ready to dive deep into the world of subconscious work and find out how it can transform your business from the ground up? Join me in today's episode where I give you all the secrets to stepping into your CEO shoes. I sat down with the phenomenal Mills Gray, a mentor who has mastered the art of generating leads and cash without the hustle of aggressive bro marketing.

    Mills shares her inspiring journey from scuba diving around the globe to coaching hundreds of women into business success. We'll explore how she broke free from money mindset blocks and stepped into a new version of herself that magnetises success effortlessly. She'll tell you all about how to align your business with the lifestyle you desire, and you'll learn strategies for lead generation that work while you're living your life – not just when you're glued to your desk.

    Today's client success story is a roadmap to reaping rewards without working more. So tune in to hear Mills' story and get ready to revolutionise the way you approach your business and subconscious work!

    Topics covered on Subconscious Work:

    How has Mills transformed her business while we worked together?What strategies can help you attract more leads without aggressive "bro" marketing?The results Mills saw once she started doing the subconscious work.Mills' journey of evolving into different versions of herself as an entrepreneur through our work together.What did Mills do to bring in high-cash months in her business (without increasing her workload)?What are Mills' favourite mindset practices that help her grow as a person and business owner?How does Mills help business owners generate more leads?

    Connect with Rebecca Haydon:

    Apply to work with meThe Higher Self Society MembershipCome say hi on Instagram  | Facebook | YouTube

    Find the full show notes & more resources at www.rebeccahaydon.com/podcast/how-will-your-business-transform-once-you-do-the-subconscious-work-with-mills-gray

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  • What if I told you baking a cake could be the secret ingredient to scaling your online business to 500K in 2024? Sounds too sweet to be true? Well, then you should tune into today's episode where I'm spilling the secrets of how taking intentional rest and aligned action can be the CEO move to scaling your online business to 500K this year! Join me as I share the story of a client who did exactly that, kicked the hustle mentality out of the window, and opened the door to multi-six-figure success.


    I'll dive deep into the power of intentional rest and aligned action, and how changing your mindset about downtime can actually fuel your business growth. I'll share techniques from neuro-linguistic programming that will help you change the way you think about work and rest. Plus, we'll tackle those sneaky subconscious beliefs that trick you into overworking. So if you're ready to say goodbye to the hustle and step into a world where rest equals success, this is the episode for you!

    Topics covered on Scaling Your Online Business to 500K:

    Can baking a cake really help you scale your online business to 500k?The belief that "hard work equals success" actually hinders your business growth.Why is rest so important, and how can it look different for each entrepreneur?The importance of changing your language and thoughts around rest.How can intentional rest help you scale your online business to 500k?How to understand what you really need so you can avoid procrastination in your business?

    Connect with Rebecca Haydon:

    Apply to work with meThe Higher Self Society MembershipCome say hi on Instagram  | Facebook | YouTube

    Find the full show notes & more resources at www.rebeccahaydon.com/podcast/what-if-i-told-you-baking-a-cake-could-be-the-secret-ingredient-to-scaling-your-online-business-to-500k

  • Are you unknowingly addicted to struggle in your business? It's a sneaky habit that can hold you back without you even realising it. Now it's time to shake off that victim mindset and step into your power as a badass CEO! 

    In today's episode, I'll dive deep into why we get addicted to struggle in business and the mindset work that's essential for breaking free from this cycle. I'll share my personal journey of overcoming my addiction to being a "hot mess" in business, and how this pattern is more common among business owners than you think. We'll explore the comfort zone of struggle, the fear of success, and the identity crisis that can come up when you want to change. Plus, I'll reveal the strategies that have helped me and many of my clients to let go of that struggling business owner identity. 

    Get ready to break free from the chains of struggle and embrace the CEO you're meant to be.

    Topics covered on Are You Addicted to Struggle in Your Business:

    Why might you be subconsciously resisting the very change you desire?How can you recognise if you're unknowingly addicted to struggle in your business?Identifying your comfort zone patterns that keep you addicted to struggle.How can you adopt a new identity that serves you better?Finding out what you are really gaining from staying addicted to struggle.How can you let go of the addiction to struggle and move towards your higher self?

    Connect with Rebecca Haydon:

    Apply to work with meThe Higher Self Society MembershipCome say hi on Instagram  | Facebook | YouTube

    Find the full show notes & more resources at www.rebeccahaydon.com/podcast/are-you-addicted-to-struggle-in-your-business-without-even-knowing-it

  • Is it possible to keep running your business while pregnant and still smash your cash goals? Yes, it is! Dive into today's episode where I reveal how I navigated my three biggest cash months during the early stages of pregnancy. I pull back the curtain on the strategic moves and mindset shifts that powered my business forward, even as I was growing a tiny human inside me.

    You'll discover the importance of preparation and why having a rock-solid system in place is non-negotiable for any business owner, especially when life throws you a curveball like pregnancy. Also, you'll learn how a crystal-clear vision can not only guide your business decisions but also empower your team to support you through thick and thin. And find out why detaching your self-worth from your business's performance is a must for both your mental health and business success.

    Join me as I get real about the challenges, the identity shifts, and the ultimate triumphs of entrepreneurship during one of life's most transformative phases. Whether you're expecting, planning to be, or just looking for ways to future-proof your business, this episode is packed with tips you won't want to miss.

    Topics covered on Running a Business While Pregnant:

    How do I run my business while pregnant and what were the biggest challenges so far?How did I manage to have three of the highest cash months in my business while pregnant?What are the three key strategies that allowed my business to thrive despite personal challenges?Why is having a solid system and structure ahead of time crucial for business success?How can a clear vision transform the way you build and run your team?In what ways does subconscious work help separate personal worth from business outcomes?What steps am I taking to ensure my business remains visible during maternity leave?

    Connect with Rebecca Haydon:

    Apply to work with meThe Higher Self Society MembershipCome say hi on Instagram  | Facebook | YouTube

    Find the full show notes & more resources at www.rebeccahaydon.com/podcast/running-a-business-while-pregnant-my-3-biggest-cash-months-yet

  • Are you ready to supercharge your growth mindset and step into your higher self so you can make your big dreams a reality? Dive into the juiciest episodes of Higher Self & I, where I've cherry-picked the crème de la crème of the past year just for you! In this special episode, we'll revisit the golden nuggets that have inspired thousands of listeners. From mastering self-discipline to embracing the thrill of discomfort, these top five segments are your roadmap to a millionaire life!

    You'll discover how tiny habits can lead to huge success, why avoiding business growth could be happening subconsciously, and how the Reticular Activating System can be your secret weapon in achieving your goals. Plus, you'll learn to balance the fire of ambition with the warmth of gratitude, and find out why stepping out of your comfort zone might just be the best move you'll ever make. Join me today as we relive the breakthroughs and awaken the CEO within you!

    Topics covered on Mindset Growth Tips:

    How can tiny daily actions transform your self-discipline into a powerhouse for business success?What is one of the signs that you might be unknowingly avoiding your business growth?Understanding your brain's filtering system, Reticular Activating System (RAS), a.k.a. the secret to making your dreams a reality and cultivating a growth mindset. Why is it so important to find a sweet spot between being grateful for now and hungry for future achievements?Why is feeling discomfort actually a good thing?

    Connect with Rebecca Haydon:

    Apply to work with meThe Higher Self Society MembershipCome say hi on Instagram  | Facebook | YouTube

    Find the full show notes & more resources at www.rebeccahaydon.com/podcast/

  • Are your emotions calling the shots in your business? Then we need to fix it! Today, I'll talk about what is emotional intelligence in business and why it's so important that you master it if you want to achieve those big, juicy goals you've set for yourself. Because if you let your limiting beliefs and negative emotions take over, then you are setting yourself up for failure (and we don't want that!).

    I'll take you through my own journey from being a reactive entrepreneur to Rebecca Haydon 2.0. You'll learn about the crucial role of self-awareness and self-regulation in business, and I'll introduce you to 'parts work', an approach that I use in my 1:1 containers that help you understand the different parts of yourself that can either hinder or skyrocket your progress. 

    Tune in and equip yourself with the tools to navigate the highs and lows of your business with grace and strategy. Your business (and sanity) will thank you!

    Topics covered on Emotional Intelligence in Business: How to Self-Regulate for Success :

    What is emotional intelligence in business?Why is emotional intelligence important for your business success?How does being reactive hinder your business?The steps to processing and responding to emotions effectively.What role do self-awareness and self-regulation play in mastering your business mindset?What is 'parts work,' and how can understanding different aspects of yourself lead to better emotional control?

    Connect with Rebecca Haydon:

    Apply to work with meThe Higher Self Society MembershipCome say hi on Instagram  | Facebook | YouTube

    Find the full show notes & more resources at www.rebeccahaydon.com/podcast/

  • Are you caught in the relentless cycle of goal-chasing, never pausing to celebrate your wins? Today, I talk about a trap many high achievers fall into: the inability to savor the moment and acknowledge their successes. It's a common struggle—always reaching for the next milestone without ever feeling satisfied with the present. But here's the twist: what if I told you that this constant pursuit could be robbing you of joy and gratitude in your journey?

    Join me as we explore strategies to break free from this pattern, find a balance between ambition and gratitude, and learn to embrace the incredible achievements you've worked so hard for. Whether it's hitting a new record in your business or changing someone's perception of success, it's time to give yourself permission to say, "Wow, I did that!" and truly appreciate that moment. Tune in to discover how to enjoy your journey to success and celebrate your wins, no matter how big or small. Let's go, baby!

    Topics covered on Breaking the Cycle of Constant Goal Chasing:

    Why do high achievers struggle to celebrate their own success?How does constant goal-chasing hinder your ability to feel satisfied?What is destination happiness, and why is it a flawed concept?The comparison trap and never feeling good enough.What role does self-validation play in recognizing your accomplishments?A simple practice that can shift your focus from constant goal-chasing to present gratitude.How can creating an evidence bank help you appreciate your journey?

    Connect with Rebecca Haydon:

    Apply to work with meThe Higher Self Society MembershipCome say hi on Instagram  | Facebook | YouTube

    Find the full show notes & more resources at www.rebeccahaydon.com/podcast/how-to-break-the-constant-goal-chasing-start-celebrating-your-successes

  • If you are a loyal listener of Higher Self & I, you've heard me talk about subconscious marketing in the last couple of episodes, and I can't stop because I have so much more to tell you that you NEED to know.

    Today, I'll peel back the layers of neuromessaging and how to tap into the power of your ideal client's subconscious mind so you can turn total strangers into immediate clients! You'll discover the secrets of subconscious marketing and learn why nurturing for years isn't the only path to conversion. I'm talking about instant rapport, emotional connections, and the art of storytelling that makes every piece of content a magnet for your ideal client.

    Plus, I'll share my own and clients' success stories that prove these methods work like a charm, baby! If you're ready to make sales the easiest part of your business and show up like the queen you are, this podcast episode is for you.

    Topics covered on How to Turn Dreamy Strangers into Instant Clients with Subconscious Marketing:

    How can understanding subconscious marketing transform your approach to content creation and sales?What's the secret to turning strangers into clients without years of nurturing?Why is building rapport with potential clients crucial from the moment they find you?How can mirroring your ideal client’s body language and speech patterns accelerate trust?Why are storytelling and emotional connections so powerful in influencing client decisions?How can providing value and simplifying decision-making processes lead to more sales?What subconscious marketing strategies can help you overcome a client's natural aversion to loss when considering your offer?

    Connect with Rebecca Haydon:

    Apply to work with meThe Higher Self Society MembershipCome say hi on Instagram  | Facebook | YouTube

    Find the full show notes & more resources at www.rebeccahaydon.com/podcast/how-to-turn-dreamy-strangers-into-instant-clients-with-subconscious-marketing

  • Have you wondered how some entrepreneurs just seem to effortlessly attract high calibre clients while you're stuck in a cycle of the same old client base? In today's episode, I'm going to reveal the secret to attracting high calibre clients and the biggest challenge I see entrepreneurs facing when they are moving into a higher calibre client base.It's not about having the flashiest content or the latest marketing strategy. It's about breaking through subconscious programming that keeps you tethered to the clients you're ready to outgrow.

    I'll guide you through understanding this subconscious programming, how you can overcome it, and share insights on how to shift your mindset so you can attract those high calibre clients. So, are you ready to break free from the old patterns that hold you back and claim your freaking millionaire life? Trust me, by the end of our chat, you'll be equipped to start attracting the high calibre clients you've always dreamed of!

    Topics covered on The Biggest Challenge with Attracting High Calibre Clients:

    How can you break free from the comfort zone of attracting the same type of client and attract high calibre clients instead?What's the real reason behind your struggle to connect with high calibre clients (spoiler alert: it's not about your content or strategy)?Why do you need to be crystal clear on who your ideal client is, and how does a lack of clarity affect your business growth?How can understanding your client's deep-seated beliefs and desires transform the way you market to them?What is Magnet, and how can it help you master subconscious marketing to attract high calibre clients?How do your own subconscious beliefs impact your ability to attract high calibre clients, and what can you do about it?Why is consistency key in messaging, and how does it build trust with your audience online?

    Connect with Rebecca Haydon:

    Apply to work with meThe Higher Self Society MembershipCome say hi on Instagram  | Facebook | YouTube

    Find the full show notes & more resources at www.rebeccahaydon.com/podcast/the-biggest-challenge-with-attracting-high-calibre-clients

  • What if I told you that you can train your audience to buy from you? Yes, that's right! In this episode, I pull back the curtain on the subconscious marketing techniques that will shift your approach from giving away too much value for free to creating a magnetic desire for you and your services!

    I'll take you through the fascinating world of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) and show you how it can make selling the most effortless part of your business. You'll learn about NLP concepts like future pacing, mirroring language, and anchoring emotions—tools that will change the way you show up and connect with your audience. And that's not all! I'm also giving you an exclusive glimpse into my upcoming 21-day mini-mind program that will teach you my unique subconscious selling process that has attracted clients to me like moths to a flame!

    So are you ready? It's time to transform how you show up for your audience and start attracting those high-caliber clients who can't wait to work with you!

    Topics covered on How to Train Your Audience to Buy From You:

    How can you train your audience to buy from you with subconscious marketing?What's the secret to providing value while also guiding your audience toward making a purchase?Why should you shift from focusing on pain points to desire points in your content?How does Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) play a pivotal role in training your audience to buy from you?NLP techniques that can help you craft content that resonates deeply with your audience.How can you learn the art of subconscious marketing to make sales the easiest part of your business?

    Connect with Rebecca Haydon:

    Apply to work with meThe Higher Self Society MembershipCome say hi on Instagram  | Facebook | YouTube

    Find the full show notes & more resources at www.rebeccahaydon.com/podcast/how-to-train-your-audience-to-buy-from-you

  • Do you want to know how you can subconsciously sell to your audience without pushing sales on them or feeling like a sleazy salesman? Then you are in the right place, baby! Because today, I'm spilling the secrets of subconscious marketing!

    Join me as I share with you how understanding the neuroscience behind marketing can transform the way you connect with your audience. I'll tell you more about how 95% of buying decisions are made in the subconscious mind and how you can tap into that to build trust, connection, and bring in aligned clients without hustle or bro marketing.

    By tuning in, you'll get a sneak peek into the strategies that have helped my clients step away from icky sales tactics and show up in a way that clients can't help but throw money at them. So, if you're ready to learn how to make yourself irresistible and find out more about subconscious marketing, this episode is for you!

    Topics covered on Subconscious Marketing: How to Become Irresistible to Your Ideal Clients:

    How can understanding the neuroscience behind marketing transform your business?What is subconscious marketing, and why has it been a game-changer for my clients?How does the emotional center of the brain—the amygdala—influence buying behavior?What are the risks of relying too heavily on pain point content in your marketing strategy?How can authenticity and transparency in your content build trust with your audience?Why is storytelling a powerful tool in creating memorable content, and what role does the hippocampus play in this?How can positive brand association and consistent branding lead to a surge in sales?What upcoming opportunity will allow you to master subconscious marketing?

    Connect with Rebecca Haydon:

    Apply to work with meThe Higher Self Society MembershipCome say hi on Instagram  | Facebook | YouTube

    Find the full show notes & more resources at www.rebeccahaydon.com/podcast/subconscious-marketing-how-to-become-irresistible-to-your-ideal-clients

  • Did you know that you can program your subconscious to switch on and off your powerful selling energy? Yes, you read that right! Today I dive into the secret of switching on your powerful sales energy with a SINGLE mindset hack – and it's easier than you think!

    Join me to discover how to train your mind to tap into the high-energy state that magnetically draws your ideal clients to you. I'll walk you through a powerful NLP technique called "anchoring" that can instantly allow you to show up in your powerful selling energy so your clients can't help themselves but throw money at you!

    I know it sounds a bit woo-woo, but it's not just a theory. It's a mindset hack that I have seen work OVER AND OVER AGAIN not only in my business but in my clients' too. Are you ready? Tune in now and let's unlock your selling magic together!

    Topics covered on Switch On Your Powerful Selling Energy:

    How can you train your subconscious to switch your powerful selling energy on and off?In what ways does your energy affect your audience?Is it possible to tap into your powerful selling energy at any moment?How can anchoring, an NLP technique, transform the way you show up in your business?Real-life examples of how anchoring has worked for me and my clients.What simple exercises can you do right now to call in your most powerful selling energy?

    Connect with Rebecca Haydon:

    The Higher Self Society MembershipLEAD The Subconscious MastermindCome say hi on Instagram  | Facebook | YouTube

    Find the full show notes & more resources at www.rebeccahaydon.com/podcast/switch-on-your-powerful-selling-energy-with-this-simple-mindset-hack

  • Are you ready to unlock the secret to success that sets apart the action takers from the dreamers? It's all about having strong self-efficacy!

    In today's episode, we are going to dive into the magic of believing in yourself, your own abilities, and your potential. Because I guarantee you that if you study the most successful people, how they show up in their life and business, how they act, how they think... you will find out that they have insanely strong self-belief. Now it's time for you to step into your power of self-efficacy and make all your dreams come true!

    We'll chat about the nitty-gritty of neuroscience, the whispers of your subconscious, and how these can shape your journey towards self-efficacy. As always, I'll be dishing out some juicy, actionable steps to help you start flexing your self-belief muscles today. So, if you're tired of being shackled by a victim mentality and ready to soar, this is the episode for you. Your future self will thank you!

    Topics covered on The One Thing That Most Successful People Have in Common:

    Why are self-belief and self-efficacy more crucial than a strategy for achieving success?How can you flex your self-belief muscle?What is the definition of self-efficacy, and what are its key components?The neuroscience behind self-belief explained.How does self-efficacy impact your ability to accomplish your goals?Why is emotional resilience vital for entrepreneurs, and how is it linked to self-belief?What transformation can you expect when you focus on building strong self-efficacy?

    Connect with Rebecca Haydon:

    LEAD The Subconscious MastermindThe Higher Self Society MembershipCome say hi on Instagram  | Facebook | YouTube

    Find the full show notes & more resources at www.rebeccahaydon.com/podcast/the-one-thing-that-most-successful-people-have-in-common-self-efficacy

  • Yes! You read that right! I'm pregnant!!! I'm so excited to finally share it with all of you. You have no idea how hard it was to keep it a secret!

    So today's episode is all about what's been happening behind the scenes and how I navigated the first trimester and business. Spoiler alert: it was horrible! You'll hear the real deal on the tough parts, like dealing with tiredness and depression while running my business. I'm also chatting about the magical moment Jack and I decided to grow our family and the surprise Christmas gift of finding out we were going to be parents. 

    This isn't just a pregnancy update though; I'm sharing my top tips for handling big life changes without dropping the ball in your business. So whether you're expecting, planning a family, or just facing your own life shake-ups, this episode is full of stories and strategies that'll help you through. So grab a cuppa, get cozy, and let's dive in!

    Topics covered on Navigating the First Trimester & Business:

    What's been happening behind the scenes at Rebecca Haydon Headquarters?How was the first trimester, and what did I struggle with most?What strategies did I use to navigate the first trimester and business?Did my pregnancy change any business plans?What will happen to my business when the baby is here?What advice do I have for you for navigating the first trimester and business?

    Connect with Rebecca Haydon:

    Apply to work with meLEAD The Subconscious MastermindCome say hi on Instagram  | Facebook | YouTube

    Find the full show notes & more resources at www.rebeccahaydon.com/podcast/im-pregnant-how-i-navigated-the-first-trimester-business

  • Are you ready to finally overcome the fear of being seen and judged? It's time to break free from playing small! In today's episode, I'm diving deep into the uprising of women who are done with their own bullsh*t excuses. So if you've ever felt the pressure to perform and you hold yourself to impossibly high standards, just so other people don't judge you, this one's for you!

    I'm sharing my story of facing the fear of being seen, how I fight it, but also the four big subconscious fears that often hold back women entrepreneurs: the terror of the spotlight, the trap of second-guessing, the hunt for external approval, and the question that haunts us all – "Am I enough?" Together, we'll tackle these head-on!

    So if you're craving to lead, to be seen, to be known, and to become a celebrity in your industry without feeling unsafe, you need to tune in! Let's unlock that next level of success and step into your power. Are we doing this? Let's go, baby!

    Topics covered on How to Overcome the Fear of Being Seen & Judged:

    Steps you can take to overcome the fear of being seen and judged.Why should you focus on finding worth within yourself instead of relying on external validation?How can you cultivate a sense of enoughness that isn't tied to money in your bank account?Strategies that can help you trust your decisions and avoid second-guessing.How does building self-belief help you overcome the fear of being seen and judged by others?

    Connect with Rebecca Haydon:

    Apply to work with meThe Higher Self Society MembershipCome say hi on Instagram  | Facebook | YouTube

    Find the full show notes on the website at www.rebeccahaydon.com/podcast/stop-playing-small-overcome-the-fear-of-being-seen-judged-by-others.

  • Are you ready to scale up your business and smash those 7-figure income goals? Dive into this episode where I reveal a client's journey who is on the path to making £500k this year and how I'm supporting her along the way! If you've been stuck in hustle mode, using tactics that drain you more than they benefit your business, then this episode is for you. We'll explore how to shift from bro marketing to creating content that resonates deeply with your ideal clients, all while aligning with your core values.

    You'll also get an insider look at refining your operations to run like a 7-figure CEO—streamlined, strategic, and smart. Plus, we're unpacking the power of a well-structured product suite that guides clients through a natural progression of your offers as they grow. And most importantly, we'll tackle the art of mindset sustainability to ensure your success isn't just a flash in the pan but a steady climb to the top!

    This episode isn't just about hitting targets; it's about exceeding them with confidence and calm. So, if you're ready to scale up your business to $500k this year, tune in now and let's take that next big leap together!

    Topics covered on How to Scale Up Your Business to 500K This Year:

    What do you need to focus on if you want to scale up your business to $500k this year?Are you tired of aggressive bro-marketing? What's the better way to attract clients?How to work smarter rather than working harder?What is a subconscious marketing strategy, and how can it connect you deeply with your ideal clients?What does a seven-figure CEO's operations look like for a growing business?How can a strategic product suite help your clients grow with you?How important is mindset sustainability if you want to scale up your business to $500k?

    Connect with Rebecca Haydon:

    Apply to work with meThe Higher Self Society MembershipCome say hi on Instagram  | Facebook | YouTube

    Find the full show notes & resources at www.rebeccahaydon.com/podcast/how-to-scale-up-your-business-to-500k-this-year

  • You know you are capable of huge things, extraordinary things actually! 

    With the impact you are here to create, who you are here to become and the change in lives you can absolutely make... 

    But it's THAT , that terrifies you. 

    You come with the surface level beliefs of... 

    "What if it just doesn't work for me""I'm behind where I should be""The success I desire isn't meant for people like me"

    But actually deep down, right now, you subconscious is linking your success to DEEP FEAR baby.

    What if I can't handle it, What if I burn out, What if I loose people, What if it's too much responsibility, What if I have it all.

    So I know you’re going to make multi 6 figures this year if you know in your soul that you’re meant to be massive but you’re holding yourself back, and join me in today's episode where I share 4 tell tale subconscious beliefs that you are playing into.

    Connect with Bec:

    Apply to work with meThe Higher Self Society MembershipLet’s connect on Instagram baby! @_rebeccahaydon_Follow me on Facebook: Rebecca Haydon – Mindset Coach & HypnotistCatch me on YouTube: Rebecca Haydon
  • Today I'm going to answer the question that SO MANY OF YOU have been asking, "How do I manage to launch new offers while vacationing abroad?" If you follow me on Instagram, you've probably seen that I launched my mini-mind Power Up while I was living my best life in NYC and got engaged in a helicopter!! How crazy is that!? 

    I want to tell you all about it, so join me as I dive deep into all the juicy details of how I strategically planned the launch of Power Up weeks in advance and how I used automation systems to make it look like I'm online 24/7 (even though I'm working less than I ever have before). I discuss the importance of striking a balance between my life and business, debunking the myth that non-stop work is the key to success. Then we'll explore the subconscious beliefs that may be holding you back from reaching your full potential and how to overcome them so you can step into your next level CEO. 

    Plus, I'll introduce you to my Power Up program, specifically designed to help overcome similar mental blocks. So are you ready to hear all my secrets? Let's tune in!

    Topics covered on Launching While Vacationing in NYC:

    How did I manage to launch my mini Mind Power Up while vacationing in New York City and living my best life?The benefits of launching while vacationing abroad.Reflections on my systems and behavior patterns in 2023.What are the systems that helped me work smarter, not harder, and enjoy life while running a multi-figure coaching business?Why is being ahead in planning crucial for a stress-free launch?How does embodying the lifestyle you promote to your clients contribute to your success?What subconscious beliefs might be hindering your success, and how can you overcome them?How can Power Up help you tackle mindset issues blocking your progress?

    Resources mentioned:

    Power Up Mini Mind

    Related episodes:

    Embodiment in Business: Your Clients Learn From You by Observing YouEmbodiment Allows You to Becoming an Energetic Match to Your Ideal Clients

    Connect with Rebecca Haydon:

    Apply to work with meThe Higher Self Society MembershipLet’s connect on Instagram baby! @_rebeccahaydon_Follow me on Facebook: Rebecca Haydon – Mindset Coach & HypnotistCatch me on YouTube: Rebecca Haydon


    "I am building my business to not only enjoy my business and be in my business but equally to have an incredible life alongside it." - Rebecca Haydon

    More about Higher Self & I:

    Higher Self & I is the podcast for ambitious female entrepreneurs who are ready to achieve and sustain mind-blowing results in their biz. It’s a show that will release you of your victim mindset and give you complete freedom and energy to jump...

  • Are you ready for another client success story full of breakthroughs, self-discovery, and business transformation? Then you are in the right place! In today's podcast episode, I sit down with Hayley Curtis, my gorgeous client I worked with last year. After leaving her teaching career due to chronic illness, Hayley embarked on a radical journey of deep self-discovery that led her to start her own business. Now, she guides other women back home to themselves through deep inner work.

    During our conversation, we dive deep into our 1:1 time working together, Hayley's biggest breakthroughs, what motivated Hayley to radically rebrand her business, and the challenges she faced along the way. Hayley shares how, despite losing over 1000 followers after the rebrand, her income remained steady. But that's not all! We also talk about how Hayley helps her clients unlock their true potential through the transformative power of Gene Keys, I share my experience of working with Hayley as her client, and what transformation I experienced. You don't want to miss this episode, so let's tune in now!

    More about Hayley Curtis:

    After hitting rock bottom with chronic illness in her mid-twenties, Hayley Curtis left her career as a primary school teacher and embarked on a radical journey of deep self-discovery. After experiencing the most life-changing breakthroughs and transformations, she couldn't help but start her business where she now Guides other women back Home to themselves through deep inner work.

    Topics covered on the Journey of Self-Discovery & Business Transformation:

    Hayley Curtis's self-discovery journey from being a primary school teacher to becoming a guide who helps women through deep inner work.The impact of chronic illness on Hayley's career and personal life.How has working with me impacted Hayley's business and self-discovery journey?What were the biggest breakthroughs Hayley experienced during our time working together?The importance of aligning business with personal growth and authenticity.Why did Hayley decide to rebrand from Soulful Journaling to The Journey Home?What was Hayley’s biggest challenge during her business rebranding, and how did she overcome it?What are Gene Keys and how do they play a crucial role in Hayley's work?How does Hayley use the Gene Keys to help her clients unlock their highest potential?

    Connect with Hayley Curtis:

    Instagram: @thejourneyhome.tjhMembership: https://tjh.co.nz/membershipWebsite: https://tjh.co.nzTHJ Podcast: on Apple Podcasts and on Spotify

    Connect with Rebecca Haydon:

    Apply to work with meThe Higher Self Society MembershipLet’s connect on Instagram baby! @_rebeccahaydon_Follow me on Facebook: Rebecca Haydon – Mindset Coach & Hypnotist