
  • This is part three of a three-part series on how to build wealth. If you haven't listened to the first two episodes in this series, make sure to listen to those two episodes first. This week's episode will really give you the meat of how to build wealth. But in the first week, I showed how in order to become wealthy, you have to change your mindset. That step is critical.

    Last week, I showed you how to increase your income. I covered how to ask for a raise as well as how to use the gig economy to get out of debt.

    Also, for the last couple of weeks, I've mentioned that we were on the precipice of a huge economic disaster. If you are in debt, that economic crash is going to be very painful. So, your time to prepare is very, very short. If you have credit card debt or some other type of short-term loan debt, you have to do whatever it takes to get out from under that burden. And your time to do this is now very, very short.

    However, that same economic disaster will actually be a windfall for anyone who has a nest egg stored up. We are on the verge of an opportunity of a lifetime (maybe three lifetimes) if you have just a little wealth stashed away.

    And as I mentioned last week, I'm not selling anything. I'm not a stockbroker or financial planner. I'm just a small business guy who can read economic data. My only reason for covering this topic is to help you capitalize on this opportunity.

    So, hopefully, you can take a few of the ideas I present here and build wealth for you and your family.

  • This is part two of a three-part series on how to build wealth. If you haven't listened to last week's episode yet, make sure to stop the recording and listen to that episode first. Last week, I showed how, in order to become wealthy, you have to change your mindset. That step is critical.

    As a review, building wealth involves three simple steps. These steps are simple but not easy because each step takes a lot of discipline. Right now, we are on the precipice of a huge economic disaster. If you are in debt, that economic crash is going to be very painful. So, your time to prepare is very, very short. However, if you prepare properly, we are also on the precipice of the opportunity of a lifetime (maybe three lifetimes) if you have just a little wealth stashed away.

    Keep in mind that I'm not selling anything. My only reason for covering this topic is to help you capitalize on this opportunity. I'm not a stockbroker or financial planner. I'm just a small business guy who can read economic data. So, hopefully, you can capitalize on a few of the ideas I present here and build wealth for you and your family.


    If you like the content of the podcast, make sure to leave me a review on your podcast app and subscribe to the podcast so your phone automatically downloads each episode.

    Also, make sure to check out our YouTube channel @leadersinstitute or just search for The Leaders Institute in the YouTube search bar.

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  • A couple of years ago, I covered a topic on the show about how to build wealth. At the time, we were in the process of coming out of the pandemic, and the economy was growing like gangbusters.

    The episode series gave three simple steps -- simple but not easy because each step takes a lot of discipline. I covered the topic because I knew that, based on what I was seeing in the business world, the huge increase in the economy was temporary. And we were on the precipice of a huge economic disaster.

    However, that economic disaster is currently creating the opportunity of a lifetime (maybe three lifetimes) if you have just a little wealth stashed away.

    So, I thought I'd re-release those three episodes over the next few weeks. The tips that I give you will help you not only weather the current storm but also come out the other side wealthier.

    Hopefully, over the last few years, you've been taking my advice and paying off consumer debt, your mortgage, your car loans, etc. If you have, hang onto your saddle because you are in a fantastic position to become extremely wealthy in the next few years.

  • This week, I cover a slightly lighter topic. I started researching this topic about a year and a half ago, and what I found out was fascinating.

    One of my customers asked me to put together a workshop on the communication styles of the different generations in the workplace.

    As I put it together, I started to realize that there is a reason why Millennials prefer to chat or text rather than call or Facetime. I also realized why Baby Boomers and Gen Z folks are more likely to talk to coworkers in person rather than call or chat.

    In fact, when you look at the technology available when each generation grew up, the answers are pretty obvious.

    So in this episode, I show you how people in each of the generations prefer to receive information -- how each generation likes to communicate. When you understand this, you can improve communication with your team, with your customers, and with your vendors.

  • If you've seen the news or any business publications lately, that impending recession that everyone has been warning about is here. But, you don't have to participate in it.

    This is part two of a two-part series on how to find new customers by networking. Networking (word-of-mouth advertising) is the absolute most cost-effective way to generate new business for yourself or your company.

    In part one, I covered what networking is and how to develop skills to become a center of influence in your community or industry. In this episode, I show you where to network and how to find venues where your potential customers gather.

    A really big mistake that a lot of small business people and salespeople make is that they are networking with spheres where their customers will never be. You can be a fantastic influencer, but if the people you are influencing can't buy your product or service, you're wasting your time!

  • For the last few weeks, I've talked about the looming recession and how you don't have to participate in it. Last week, and the week before, I gave you some tips about how cold calling doesn't work -- especially in a recession. And we talked about a few simple ways that you can generate more customers in a recession.

    In fact, a couple of weeks ago, I mentioned an earlier episode called How to Get Customers from Business Networking Events. So, I figured this would be a great time to recover some of those great tips.

    This week, I'll give you tips on HOW to network. I'll show you how to become a sphere of influence and generate referrals.

    Then, next week, we'll cover WHERE to network. I'll help you determine where your customers gather so when you network, you'll be networking with the right people.

  • This is part three of a three-part series on how to build small business revenue during a recession.

    This series is a follow up to the episode a few weeks ago where I talked about how the recession that everyone has been talking about is already here. And my goal is to show you how you don't have to participate in the recession.

    A couple of weeks ago, we talked about mistakes that small business owners tend to make that cause them to turn off customers. Then, last week, I gave you a few tips to keep from making these huge lead generation (revenue generation) mistakes.

    Today, I'm giving you a few of the easiest and most effective ways to generate new customers. So, I cover how spamming and cold calling won't really get you quality customers. However, these things really will!

  • In the last episode, I covered a few small business lead generation mistakes that, if you eliminate them, you can increase sales and revenue for your company (even in a recession.) This series is a follow-up to the episode a few weeks ago where I talked about how the recession that everyone has been talking about is already here. And my goal is to show you how you don't have to participate in the recession.

    These tips are things you can do to generate new customers -- even in a down economy. I mentioned last week that Mark Cuban once said, "Sales fixes everything." As long as you keep revenue coming into your company, you can survive the recession and be stronger -- and more profitable as the economy recovers.

    This week, I'm going to continue the topic of a few big lead-generation mistakes that small business owners make. I'll also give you tips to keep from making these huge lead generation (revenue generation) mistakes. Then, in part three, next week, I'll give you a few of the easiest and most effective ways to generate new customers.

  • In the last episode, I covered details about how a huge recession (maybe even depression) is not only imminent, but I believe has already started. I even started the episode by talking about how I usually like to be uplifting and positive, but the topic was so heavy that it is difficult, as a small business owner, to keep positive when we are confronting something so negative.

    The good news about all the negative stuff that we covered in the last episode, though, is that if we really are in a huge recession, you don't have to participate. You see, the companies who survive downturns in the economy will come out the other side stronger and with fewer competitors in the marketplace.

    So, for the next couple of weeks, I'm going to cover ways to generate new customers -- even in a down economy. Mark Cuban once said that "Sales fixes everything." As long as you keep revenue coming in to your company, you can survive the secession and be stronger -- and more profitable as the economy recovers.

    This week, I'm going to cover a few big lead-generation mistakes that small business owners make. I'll also give you tips to keep from making these huge lead generation (revenue generation) mistakes. Then in part three, a couple of weeks from now, I'll give you a few of the easiest and most effective ways to generate new customers.

  • I usually like to cover topics that are uplifting and positive. But this week, I have to spread the word about something very dier.

    If you are a small business owner or know a small business owner, please, please, please forward this episode to as many people as you can.

    I'm not trying to be dramatic, but the Department of Labor has just published new rules for overtime payments that are likely to kill most small businesses in less than six months.

    If you are not a small business owner but work for one in some type of professional capacity like sales, marketing, design, accounting, engineering, or computer work of some type, your job description and the way that you get paid are likely to change pretty dramatically in the next couple of months if you don't get laid off.

    I'm calling this episode The Looming Catastrophe for Small Businesses. And if the DOL gets away with this, that recession that everyone has been warning about for the last year or two is going to hit the US economy like a firestorm by the end of 2024.

    Show Notes: Prepare for the Recession in 2024

  • This week I interview a very fun High Impact Leader, Christian Boucousis who is an ex-fighter pilot who now owns a fantastic team building and speaking company called Afterburner. He is a real-life Top Gun. Just like in the movies, Christian's friends and team members call him by his call sign "Boo."

    After spending some time with Boo, I'm not sure if the call sign was created as a funny way to scare the enemy or just because his last name was too hard for his team to pronounce, though. (But then again, with a name like Staneart, who am I to talk, right?)

    During the interview, Boo introduces the concept of "moments" that shape our lives and businesses. He explores how seemingly small decisions, akin to sliding doors, can significantly impact our destinies. We also talk about the critical role that these pivotal moments have in overcoming fear, taking risks, and making investments.

    He offers insights into creating a strong belief system that guides us to make the right decisions in these crucial moments. Join us for a captivating conversation on the power of influence, purpose, and seizing the right moments.

    This was a very fun interview that I think you will really enjoy!

    Connect with Boo at https://callmeboo.com/ or https://www.afterburner.com/christian-boo-boucousis/

  • This is the final episode in our six-part series called Five Steps to Build a Solid Team from the Ground Up.

    So far in the series, we covered steps 1-4 including creating a cohesive vision for your team, building trust, dealing with conflict better, and then, last week, how to build a cooperative team that is synergistic.

    Just to quickly review last week's content, we talked about seven principles to guide your leaders so that you can create a team where the sum is more effective than the parts.

    This week, I'm going to cover the final step in building a solid team: creating fantastic leaders at all levels of your organization. Just as an FYI, most executives and managers want to start with this stage. But remember what we covered in episode one of the series—each step is progressive. The later steps will only work as the early steps are implemented effectively.

    If, at any stage in the process, your team struggles, you have to back up a step and refocus on the earlier stage. For instance, if you practice the conflict principles that we covered in part three of the series and the team is resistant, back up and build up the trust level first.

    The process only works if all the earlier pieces are in place. Going back to the first analogy I gave you in part one, at this point, we are building the penthouse. But if you have no electricity, plumbing, steel beams, lower levels, foundation, or even a blueprint... well... good luck.

    So, if you haven't listened to the earlier episodes, make sure to stop the episode and listen to the early steps first.

    By the way, this episode is brought to you by leadersinstitute.com. For leadership or team-building ideas, please visit our website at www.leadersinstitute.com

    If you like the podcast's content, please leave me a review on your podcast app and subscribe to the podcast so your phone automatically downloads each episode.

  • This is part five of a six-part series called the Five Steps to Build a Solid Team from the Ground Up.

    In the first few episodes, I discussed the importance of having a solid mission and vision for your organization so that everyone is on the same page. Next, we discussed the importance of building solid trust and developing rapport among team members. Last week, we focused on how conflicts, when handled properly, can create breakthroughs in your organization.

    This week, I'm going to cover how to build a cooperative team -- basically, I'll show you how to create synergy within your team so that they accomplish more.

    So, in this episode, I'll give you seven turnkey principles that will help you build cooperation and teamwork throughout your organization.

  • This is part four of a six-part series called the Five Steps to Build a Solid Team from the Ground Up.

    Last week, we discussed how important it is to build trust where your team likes and respects each other. This step is the foundation for building a team culture. If your team doesn't trust each other and doesn't trust management, nothing else that we cover will have any value. This is the foundation.

    This week, we cover how to deal more effectively with conflicts in the workplace. Early in my career, I taught how to resolve conflicts or even avoid them. However, today, I have a different take on conflict. Over the years, I've realized that conflicts in the workplace are the catalyst that creates breakthroughs.

    So, in this episode, I'll give you seven simple things that you can do to encourage positive conflicts without harming that solid level of trust that we focused on in the last episode

  • This is part three of a six-part series called the Five Steps to Build a Solid Team from the Ground Up.

    Last week, we covered how important it is to create a shared vision and goals for your team. I explained the difference between a corporate vision statement, a corporate mission statement, and corporate values. Each of these has a specific purpose and, if used properly, will help you and your team make better decisions when growing your business.

    What we covered in step one is valuable because it creates the blueprint for your team. It helps them visualize their purpose and determine whether their decisions align with the corporate philosophy.

    This week, we cover the second step in the five-step process—building trust and fostering a more cohesive team culture. This step is vital to a healthy corporate culture. If your team doesn't trust each other and doesn't trust management, nothing else that we cover will have any value. This is the foundation.

    In this episode, I'll give you seven simple things that you can consistently do for and with your team to build trust within your organization and improve communication.

    By the way, this episode is brought to you by leadersinstitute.com. For leadership or team-building ideas, please visit our website at www.leadersinstitute.com

    If you like the podcast's content, please leave me a review on your podcast app and subscribe to the podcast so your phone automatically downloads each episode.

  • This is part 2 of a six-part series called the Five Steps to Build a Solid Team from the Ground Up.

    Last week, I gave you an overview of all five steps. If you recall, I mentioned that this five-step process was like building a skyscraper. Everyone wants to visit the Penthouse once the building is completed. But there is a lot of work along the way to make sure the structure is solid. What we covered last week would be similar to the blueprint to building your corporate skyscraper.

    It's always good to have a clear picture of where you want to go before you start a journey. So if you haven't had a chance to listen to last week's episode, it might be a good idea to listen to that episode before jumping into this one.

    This week we dive into step one which is about create a shared vision and goals for your team. Going back to our building a skyscraper analogy, this step is like digging a solid foundation. If you try to build a skyscraper but just set it on flat Earth, it will fall over very easily. Your Vision, Mission, and Values are the backhoe digging the foundation of the skyscraper. The deeper you dig, the higher you can build the building.

    In this episode, I'll explain the difference between a corporate vision statement, a corporate mission statement, and corporate values. Each has a specific purpose. And, if used properly, each will help you and your team make better decisions when growing your business.

  • Today, we are starting a new six-part series called the Five Characteristics of Highly Effective Teams.

    Today, I'm going to give an overview of the entire process. Hopefully, as we cover the different steps, you'll see a lot of resemblance to what you are experiencing within your own office.

    Think of this five-step process like building a skyscraper. Everyone wants to visit the Penthouse once the building is completed. But there is a lot of work along the way to make sure the structure is solid.

    So, on this episode, I'll give you the blueprint to building your corporate skyscraper. Then, in the next five weeks, we'll go into each step in more detail.

    By the way, this episode is brought to you by leadersinstitute.com. For leadership or team-building ideas, please visit our website at www.leadersinstitute.com.

  • On today's episode, I'm going to explore the concept of experience being the best teacher. It is true that people learn by doing. We've actually built our coaching practice on that concept. When a good coach helps someone develop a new skill and the person has a success, his or her confidence will grow.

    But the concept of experience being the best teacher is also absolutely false. And if you don't understand why, you may be inadvertently lengthening your learning curve when you try something new.

    So today, I'm going to cover a few things that, once you understand them, will increase your success level pretty dramatically. They are the concepts that helped me go from a broke, really in-debt college kid to a multimillionaire in just a few years.

    Show Notes: Experience is NOT the Best Teacher (How to Shorten Your Learning Curve.)

  • Poor leadership skills can ruin team morale. As a manager, you hold more power than you might think. Obviously, you can hire and fire your subordinates. You can also promote them… or not promote them. You may also have the ability to approve a raise. If not, you at least have the ability to conduct the annual review.

    In essence, your leadership skills and moral compass have a direct impact on their career. Even if you treat everyone fairly, your impact on their lives is unmistakable. This is why having a great boss is the number one wish of most employees. They often rank this above more vacation time and a bigger paycheck.

    However, some managers can inadvertently destroy the confidence of their employees. When this happens, it can permanently damage morale. Low morale then creates poor employee retention.

    Even the best executives avoid committing these bad leadership behaviors.

    Full Shoe Notes: 5 Ways that Poor Leadership Skills Can Harm Morale (and How to Fix Them)

  • Today I'm covering part two of a two-part series on updating your resume and LinkedIn profile. Last week, I covered how you want to customize your resume for every company (and every interviewer) that you apply to.

    If you just send out a generic resume to hundreds of people, you'll likely just be disappointed with the results.

    This week, though, I'll cover how to do better research before you go on the interview and also how to update your LinkedIn profile.

    Create a Stunning LinkedIn Profile that Proves You Are the Expert.

    Once a potential employer receives your resume or application, he or she will scan it quickly. Then, the person with Google you. So as important as the resume is to a good first impression, your internet activity is even more vital. For most of us, our LinkedIn profile will rank toward the top of any internet search. So spend some time making your appearance on LinkedIn inviting to a prospective employer. This episode covers a few simple things you can do to update your LinkedIn profile in 2023.

    Show Notes: How to Update Your LinkedIn Profile is 2023