Eavesdrop on three Jungian analysts as they engage in lively, sometimes irreverent conversations about a wide range of topics as they share what it’s like to see the world through the depth psychological lens provided by Carl Jung. Half of each episode is spent discussing a dream submitted by a listener.
Want help for your real-life relationship problems? We address issues that couples face every day and provide tools to deal with: affairs, limerence, sexual rejection, lying, communication issues, and much more. If you want to know how to make your relationships stronger - this podcast is for you.
Kun Rosanna Kulju ja Niko Saarinen pistetään samaan studioon, voi syntyä mitä tahansa. Syntyi Kulju x Saarinen. Eli uusi podcast, joka yhdistää kaksi ykkösrivin somevaikuttajaa ja kuuntelijat. Rosanna Kulju ja Niko Saarinen keskittyvät joka jaksossa yhteen teemaan, johon myös kuuntelijat ovat osallistuneet ääniviesteillä. Luvassa on tunnustuksia ja hauskoja tarinoita muun muassa kännimokailuista, kaameista lahjoista sekä salaisista teoista ja paheista. Taatusti tunteita herättävä podcast.
Sibling Revelry explores the sibling bond, family dynamics, the human mind, and so much more. Kate and Oliver dive deep into the things that interest them and talk to other siblings in a free-formed, wide open, relaxed conversation to not only have some laughs, but to maybe inspire some people along the way with universal tales of what it’s like to grow up with brothers and sisters.
This Podcast is dedicated to sharing, learning, and discovering the fundamentals of Nonviolent Communication based on what I have learned from Marshall Rosenberg's classic book "Nonviolent Communication" and many of his videos. It is my intention to share what I have learned and to help those who truly want to become better communicators to avoid some of the common mistakes I see over and over when people attempt to practice NVC. It is truly an amazingly powerful way of speaking and being and I am excited to go on this journey with you.
Smut Drop is a weekly podcast with host Miranda Kane from touching on sex, dating and relationships.With no holds barred, it’s the home of sex positive chat where Miranda will be joined each week by sexperts and special guests to explore the world of the erotic.So strap in. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to By the Bi, a podcast for anyone interested in learning a bit more about bisexuality, the swinger community, open relationships, BDSM, and everything else your vanilla friends refuse to talk with you about. Join your hosts, a bisexual expat couple in Sydney Australia, as each episode we chat about ourselves, our experiences, and our relationships. We look forward to addressing specific questions or issues that you might have as well; so pull up a chair, grab a cocktail and listen in. Oh and, by the by, we're glad you're listening. Get bonus content on Patreon
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This Simpsons podcast is, without a doubt, the worst podcast ever. Rest assured, we expect that you will be on the internet within minutes registering your disgust throughout the world.
We’re Eat My Shorts: A Simpsons Podcast, who the hell are you? Hosted by Nacho Nova & Irvin Castellanos, Eat My Shorts is a Simpsons review podcast where we pick a Simpsons episode and share our thoughts on it. -
When a bride accepts a proposal, they’re not expecting to say yes to distress. But wedding planning can be the most stressful time in any relationship — families collide, personalities clash, and wallets empty even before your mother-in-law adds her entire bridge club to the invite list. Good thing Betches Brides is here to help you laugh (cry?) through it all. Each week, stand-up comedians Selena Coppock — the mind behind the @nytvows parody account — and Chelsea White meet to swap stories about their own wedding journeys, while answering listener emails to help you not trip down the aisle. Selena and Chelsea are here for all Betches Brides and newlyweds in need of advice, empathy, and laughter — including themselves.
Doctor Who fan Hoai-Tran Bui has never seen Star Trek. Now, these two friends and fellow pop culture enthusiasts are on a new continuing mission: to watch, understand, and hopefully enjoy the biggest science fiction franchise they have never seen...and talk about it with someone who has.
I podden ”Alex coachar en människa” bjuder Alexander Holmberg in olika personer med en utmaning i livet där de får möjlighet att bli coachade live. Har du en utmaning du vill ha hjälp med eller vill du nominera någon du känner? Skicka din anmälan till [email protected]
Alexander Holmberg är en av Sveriges främsta coacher som har stöttat och väglett många människor i sina karriärer och livsval.
Han driver dessutom Sveriges främsta ledarskapsutbildningar som du hittar på
Vill du bli coachad? Då kan du anmäla dig genom att klicka på: Boka här på Alexander Holmberg & Vänner hemsida.
Vill du lära dig att coacha? Då kan du anmäla dig till Det Coachande Ledarskapet - Steg 1 som äger rum mer eller mindre en gång varje månad i Stockholm.
Har du gått Steg 1 och vill fördjupa dina kunskaper i coachande? Då kan du anmäla dig till Det Coachande Ledarskapet - Steg 2.
Vill du lära dig hantera drama och konflikter? Köp onlinekursen Dramamodellen!
Följ Alexander Holmberg & Vänner:
HemsidaInstagramLinkedInFacebookHosted on Acast. See for more information.
Welcome to The eX-Files, an episodic rewatch podcast in which Jenny Owen Youngs & Kristin Russo dig into every episode of The X-Files, spoiler free, one at a time. Jenny grew up watching The X-Files when it aired, but Kristin has only ever seen the pilot episode. (Her review: "hot.") The podcast’s title — The eX-Files spelled with an “e” — is a credit to our relationship: in addition to being longtime business partners, we are also ex-wives. *cue spooky music*
The eX-Files is part of the Buffering: A Rewatch Adventure network of podcasts. -
In the Everyday Disciple Podcast, we'll show you how the good news of the Gospel, and our Christian faith, can naturally and confidently be woven into any and every area of life. We'll help you make discipleship a lifestyle and gain greater spiritual freedom and relational peace.
Each episode is pretty fast-paced, and even though it's serious stuff, it can be funny too. We always wrap up with clear action steps for you to get started with the "Big 3" takeaways.