Hosted by Laura Cathcart Robbins, a writer and a recovery thriver and survivor, Laura found herself in an all too familiar position. In September 2018, she was the only black woman in the room at Brave Magic, a famed writer’s retreat. After it was over, she wrote about her “only one” experience in The Huffington Post and comments started flooding into her DM. These comments were from people from all races, ethnicities, creeds, and nationalities who had felt “othered”. Laura beautifully interviews a person about their Only One story each episode and addresses as many of those DM’s as possible in the process. In this podcast, you’ll hear raw, vulnerable accounts from people who are, like most of us, just eager to connect. Our hope is that The Only One In The Room will inspire a change of perspective in how we all see and hear each other’s stories. We want you to think twice before judging the person standing next to you at a party, in the pick-up line at school, or in a crowded subway car. This is a podcast for anyone who has ever felt alone in a room full of people – which is to say, that this podcast is for everyone.
Sophie Elise + mikrofon 💕 Hver mandag, året rundt!
For annonsering og samarbeid: [email protected]
Wisdom delivered for the 21st century. Interviewing someone different every episode, some average, some not. Our goal is to be of service to everyone, men especially, to identify actionable wisdom received from out ancestors and/or role models and then share that info with others to encourage us to be the best possible versions of ourselves and thereby set an example to those around us. Join us as we learn about relationships, fatherhood, responsibilities, beliefs, and how we might be better for those we care about.
Episoden bygger på hverandre og bør høres i rekkefølge 1-6
Bli med å starte bølgen av mental innovasjon!Podkastserien tar opp temaer som kan være nyttig for alle. Serien setter fokus på hvordan vi tar det personlig, og hvordan vi håndterer at andre tar det personlig.
Lyst til å trene på "En prat" eller har tanker rundt podkasten? Send oss en mail på [email protected] alle tilbakemelding er verdifulle for oss.
Takk for at du lyttet til oss 😊 Cecilie og Tina -
Growing up in Zimbabwe in the 80s as the first generation of 'born frees' as we were called, was quite the trip! From the colonial segregation of our parents before and during the Rhodesian war era, being born into a newly-freed rainbow nation of hope and prosperity... all the way to the epic fall of a super young but promising country. My childhood was nothing short of a gargantuan emotional (and traumatic) roller coaster!
In this podcast series, I will be travelling back in time to converse with my younger self at various key points of my childhood, to support him in ways he really needed back then but couldn't access. From the perspective of his now future self, who has figured out a lot of kinks in this volatile world of humans. Things that if he had known back in the day, would have made the trauma less debilitating and allowed him to believe in himself much more. Shaving off years of struggle from his magical journey towards the dream that he is still in the process of spectacularly carving out in his early 40s. In a modern world that his 5-year old self would not even recognise if he was here right now.
There's a healing that occurs when you can go back to provide your inner child the specific support and understanding that was needed in those formative times. Back when parenting was more about being fed, being clothed, being housed and being educated. Basically keeping you alive, but very little about your emotional state or inner well-being. Back when no one really knew or acknowledged that the entire country was in a state of complex collective trauma, as taboo as it still may be to talk about today.
Being born at independence, I am the same age as my country Zimbabwe (pretty cool!), though I'm not quite sure which of us is currently in better shape than the other!
Psychologically and emotionally, when it comes to a parent giving a child what is needed. They often cannot give what they themselves were not given, or do not have to give in the moment! What becomes normalised may be collectively damaging.
For example, how do you demonstrate and show up as a healthy masculine role model if you yourself grew up without a father, or with one who was physically there but emotionally a ghost? How do you show up as a grounded and healthy feminine role model if you yourself grew up around traumatised or abused women?
Let's re-parent our inner children and integrate that newly-acquired peace and wisdom, so that we may continue to show up in a way that reassures and empowers us in the present, also benefitting those we interact with and relate with in everyday life. Our essence is contagious to those around us.
When it comes to the evolution of the human race, children tend to grow up to become the superhero that would have saved their parents. A massive deficiency can create the deep desire to manifest the solution in order to fill the traumatising hole within the generational tapestry.
Can you identify what your own adulthood cape is, the one you wear to make sure certain generational challenges are not to be repeated?
Let's discuss!
Follow or subscribe to this podcast so you can come along on this metaphysical journey of inner healing and personal growth.
Ryan - The Soul Mechanic ✨
How Can I Help You?
Hi, my name is Ryan. As the Soul Mechanic, I enjoy helping people tap into their true potential by first addressing what's blocking them from within. This happens through fast and deep change by the rewiring of your neural pathways. It's like finding out what the unique you-shaped tool is that you need in order to confidently continue to transform and free up your own life.
I also teach you how to keep conquering your fears or habits on your own as you go about your day to day.
If you would like to book a call to discuss how I can help you change any unhealthy habits or patterns that are holding you back, or to help you get unstuck in your love life or your career, please email me on [email protected]
More info: -
Mitt navn er Per Erik Arnesen. Jeg er utdannet psykolog og har praktisert i 45 år, både som individual- og parteapepeut, men også som organisasjonspsykolog, lederutvikler og prosjektleder.
I 2018 gav jeg ut boken «Å skape seg selv. Et psykologisk perspektiv på de syv dødssynder». I boken prøver jeg å vise hvordan de såkalte dødssyndene – stolthet, misunnelse, grådighet, sinne, lyst, likegyldighet og fråtseri spiller inn i dannelsen av vårt selv. Jeg prøver å vise hvordan denne selvdannelsen er blitt et vår tids viktigste personlige prosjekter.
I denne podcasten som jeg har valgt å kalle Dannelsesreisen, fokuserer jeg på hvordan de såkalte kardinaldydene (utviklet av den katolske kirken i tidlig middelalder) har betydning for dette dannelsesprosjektet. Disse dydene er de 4 greske dydene fra antikken : måtehold, rettferd, mot og visdom samt de 3 teologiske dydene tro, håp og kjærlighet.
Dannelsesreisen produseres av Mottaket Media. -
Welcome to Empath Unplugged, a frequent release podcast of raw & philosophical reflections on holistic wellbeing, relationships, & the meaning of life. 🎧🧘🏻♀️🏝
Brought to you with love from your host – Esther Bertram – Founder of The Insel – A Rejuvenation Island for empaths. (Wellbeing Hub | Empath Community | Retreat Space)
Insel means “Island” in German.
As this ship of relation crosses the ocean of emotion, you are invited to jump aboard, listen in, and have a rest on The Insel’s safe and nourishing shores.
Empath Unplugged is a refuge for when life feels overwhelming, or you just want to vibe along with a fellow empath.
With frequent new episodes, traversing the universe with Esther gives you a chance to explore reality and our place within it, and gain a new angle from the perspective of a philosophical empath.
The Insel and our resident podcast, Empath Unplugged, are both sanctuaries where you can rejuvenate your body, heart, mind, and soul, while you reflect on your purpose and find your joy.
Expect topics such as philosophy, psychology, art, culture, spirit, science, and holistic health to be part of your wonder ride down this island rabbit hole.
And as a unique bonus feature, you can chill out to song or story time at the end of each episode, with special impromptu live musical performances should the mood arise – after all, it wouldn’t be an island holiday without an occasional beach fire song:) 🔥🎸🏝
Escape the ocean of emotion and rejuvenate on our safe shores at
For access to exclusive patron only updates and community and to join the inner circle, become a patron.
I podkasten "Thomas og Harald skriver dagbok" vil Thomas Numme og Harald Rønneberg dele sine dagbøker med hverandre og med deg som hører på. Thomas er ganske fersk i dagbok-gamet, men Harald har fylt mange bøker med minner og mer eller mindre gjennomtenkte refleksjoner siden tv-eventyret startet med Idol i 2002.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Er det mulig å forutse fremtiden til en gjest, basert på det livet de har levd til nå? I denne splitter nye Kamille-podkasten blir vi kjent med spennende og interessante kjendiser og deres liv hittil, før vi går inn i gjestens 80-årsdag og hører hvor de endte opp!
Summa Summarum ledes av journalist Kjersti Kvam, og med seg i studio har hun den anerkjente psykologen Ragnhild Bang Nes. Kjersti og gjesten samtaler om livet gjesten har levd til nå.
Basert på samtalen underveis, samt spennende og beskrivende tankeøvelser, skriver Ragnhild en tale til gjestens 80-årsdag. Dette gjøres «live» under innspillingen.
I slutten av hver episode leker vi at vi er i gjestens 80-årsfest, og hun eller han får høre talen om hvordan livet «ble». Talen er altså en slags kvalifisert spådom om hvor deres egenskaper, kvaliteter og verdivalg faktisk kan se ut til å bringe dem videre i livet.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
I podcasten BabyBoom følger vi Jamina Iversen og Samantha Skogrand på reisen som gravide og småbarnsmødre. Selv om de følger hverandre tett, har kontrasten og de ulike erfaringene knyttet til graviditet og barseltid dem imellom vært stor. Podcasten er blanding av det nære og ærlige, og det lette og morsomme. Jentene har snakket om forandringer i kroppen, redsler, gleder og fødsel.
Takk og lov er en podkast om dagsaktuelle og mer varig aktuelle problemstillinger fra jussens verden ledet av Anine Kierulf. Takk og lov presenteres av Juristenes Utdanningssenter og Juridika.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Life is freaking hard. We are all doing hard things every single day – things like loving and losing; caring for children and parents; forging and ending friendships; battling addiction, illness, and loneliness; struggling in our jobs, our marriages, and our divorces; setting boundaries; and fighting for equality, purpose, freedom, joy, and peace.
On We Can Do Hard Things, Glennon Doyle, author of UNTAMED; her wife Abby Wambach; and her sister Amanda Doyle do the only thing they’ve found that has ever made life easier: Drop the fake and talk honestly about the hard things including sex, gender, parenting, blended families, bodies, anxiety, addiction, justice, boundaries, fun, quitting, overwhelm . . . all of it.
We laugh and cry and help each other carry the hard so we can all live a little bit lighter and braver, free-er, less alone. -
Norsk for Beginners is a podcast aimed at beginners of Norwegian (A1-A2). The episodes are structured in two parts: One Norwegian speaking part and the second in English, explaining the Norwegian part and examining some Norwegian vocabulary used in the episode. I speak Norwegian in a clear, slow and deliberate manner, perfect for beginners. Get some listening practice by listening to "Norsk for Beginners"!
Kunnskap og åpenhet om barnløshet til de som kjenner seg igjen og til alle andre. Alle vet vi om noen som ikke har barn men sjelden historiene bak. Dette temaet må vi kunne snakk åpen om! Selv er jeg strevd med å få barn i ti år. Her intervjues forskere, folk som reflekterer og andre som deler sine egne erfaringer. Vi lever i et samfunn som er veldig familiesentrert, det å ikke ha barn kan føre til et utenforskap. Jeg vil bidra til å fjerne fordommer, forventninger og tabu. En hjelp til deg som strever med å få barn og økt innsikt om et sårbart, viktig og samfunnsaktuelt tema til alle dere andre.