
  • Jack and trauma expert, Peter A Levine, PhD, map the path to healing through imagination, curiosity, somatic experiencing, and loving awareness.

    Want fresh Jack teachings delivered to your inbox? Join Jack's newsletter for weekly free content from JackKornfield.com – guided meditations, Dharma Talks, articles, and more! Sign up at JackKornfield.com/newsletter

    “Healing has to be coming together through the minute particulars in the body and in the story that’s actually our experience and not some idea about it.” – Jack Kornfield

    In this fresh conversation, Jack and Dr. Levine dive into:

    Mapping trauma and the path to healing sufferingA relaxing Jack “Just Here: Guided Meditation” on loving awarenessHow An Autobiography of Trauma led to Peter’s powerful healing journeyWorking with the astrological and Jungian archetype of Chiron, the Wounded HealerSomatic Experiencing and the roots of healing trauma in the bodyThe transformative aspects of meeting trauma with loving kindness and persistenceCuriosity as a necessary factor of enlightenmentHow the gift of Jack’s childhood trauma led him to discover BuddhismImagination and Peter’s mystical meet-ups with Albert EinsteinMiracles, intuition, and psychic premonition/knowingWhat Jack shared with his scientific-materialist atheist father on his deathbedOur inseparable connection and recognition that it’s always “us” in this web of life

    “The whole notion that we are separate is a fabrication. We are in a field of consciousness.” – Jack Kornfield

    About Peter A Levine, PhD:

    Dr. Peter A. Levine has worked in the field of stress and trauma for over 40 years, is the developer of the Somatic Experiencing method, and founder of the Ergos Institute of Somatic Education. To connect more with Peter’s teachings, pick up a copy of his illuminating book, An Autobiography of Trauma: A Healing Journey, and sign up for his upcoming classes and programs at SomaticExperiencing.com

    This conversation was originally filmed on 5/24/24 by the Ergos Institute of Somatic Experiencing as a community health somatic support benefit for MathMoms in Cape Town, South Africa. Learn more about this compassionate initiative here at mathmoms.co.za

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • Harmonizing to the 'music of the spheres' & sharing gardening tips from Buddha, a blissful Jack unveils the possibility of sudden awakening.

    This episode is brought to you by Betterhelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/heartwisdom and get on your way to being your best self.

    "You don't want to wait until you float out of your body when you die and look back and say, 'Wow, that was an amazing incarnation, wasn't it?' You actually want to have it now." – Jack Kornfield

    In this fresh video episode, Jack blissfully illuminates:

    The wisdom of the Music of the SpheresEnergies of the 2024 Solar EclipseAlan Watts on why 'life is like music'The enlightening present momentHarmonizing life's opposites like the TaoDancing with life's changing rhythmsTo be married to amazement and mysteryThe beautiful revelation of sudden awakeningBeing at the still point of the turning worldSudden realization, gradual practice, and ZenReleasing from the body of fearBuddha's gardening wisdomThe fruits of inner well-being

    "That's what meditation does, it makes space. We step out of the thrall of our plans, thoughts, reactions, how it should be, what's happened, and what should happen; and out of the fears and the confusion, sadness, excitement, and all those things; and we become the space of loving awareness that says, 'Yes.' It's an act of love." – Jack Kornfield

    This Dharma Talk originally took place 3/25/24 for Spirit Rock Meditation Center's Monday Night Dharma Talk and Meditation. Sign up for Jack's next one at JackKornfield.com/events

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

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  • Revealing how to disentangle your illusions and let go of old identities, Jack paves the way to the mystical present moment.

    Join Jack online Sat June 22 for The Awakened Heart: Mindfulness and Compassion Practices for Living a Wise and Free Life – a special live daylong retreat exploring lovingkindness, compassion, joy, and peace. Register here.

    “Part of the joy of selflessness is that as we become selfless much greater forces of what life is move through us.” – Jack Kornfield

    In this episode, Jack mindfully explores:

    Disentangling your illusionsOpening to the paradox of self and no-selfThe yogic practice of asking, “Who am I?”This mystical present momentHow the entire universe is inside your mindExperiencing selflessnessWhy you can’t just ‘no-self’ it awayMoving past your inner-critic, shame, and unworthinessListening to, accepting, and loving the shadowThe strength of being grounded on EarthWorking with meaninglessnessLetting go of old identitiesLove as the work of a lifetime

    “You can’t just ‘no-self’ it away.” – Jack Kornfield

    “All that you need to do is to keep coming back to the present and what needs to open in you will. You can really trust that.” – Jack Kornfield

    This Dharma Talk estimated to be recorded on 4/23/1990 was originally published on DharmaSeed.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • Exploring life as a flowing, dynamic process, Jack shares the jewel of Buddha's awakening by unraveling the paradox of self and no-self.

    This episode is brought to you by Betterhelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/heartwisdom and get on your way to being your best self.

    "Each of those sets of words, 'self,' and 'no-self,' are concepts or ideas or words that we use in a very crude approximation of pointing to some mystery of this process of life that's neither self nor no-self." – Jack Kornfield

    In this episode, Jack mindfully illuminates:

    Unraveling the paradox of self and no-selfThe Jewel of the Buddha's AwakeningAnattā (selflessness) and how it connects with respectTales of a Magic MonasteryLiving in the reality of expansion and contractionWhy Ajahn Chah shared 'self' and 'no self' both aren't trueThe word "happy/sad" in JapaneseOpening to our life as a flowing, moving processBecoming aware of selflessnessInterdependence, interconnection, codependent arisingLearning to respect ourself and nourish beneficial qualitiesDeveloping yourself while also "losing yourself"Discovering your True SelfThe importance of integrating our spiritual practice into our livesLearning to live in your body and love well

    "To be really present is to connect with the mystery." – Jack Kornfield

    "You develop yourself as you lose yourself." – Jack Kornfield

    This Dharma Talk estimated to be recorded on 4/23/1990 was originally published on DharmaSeed.

    Learn the Dynamic Art of Interactive Guided Meditation with Jack Kornfield in an online masterclass! To take part in the two live online Q&A sessions, register by June 9 at bit.ly/InteractiveCohort

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • Sharing the blueprint for how to unlock true abundance, Jack reveals the secrets of letting go of greed, embracing generosity, and appreciating simplicity in life.

    Learn the Dynamic Art of Interactive Guided Meditation with Jack Kornfield in an online masterclass cohort this June! Join the journey.

    "Abundance isn't about how much you have, but how much you appreciate. – Jack Kornfield

    In this episode, Jack mindfully explores:

    How to let go of our greed and live in true abundanceThe Buddhist notion of "dana" – generosity, service, open-hearted caringGreed as a strategy of impoverishment, rejection, and incompletenessTransforming our 'endless wanting' into a beneficial awakened dance with the worldExpressing the Tao, the harmony of the universe, through our beingThe Dharmic alchemy of the Bodhisattva Meditation, listening, and finding out what we truly want in this lifeWhere Suzuki Roshi meets Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.How abundance of the spirit connects with simplicity rather than thingsA personal story of Jack taking his unique Bodhisattva Vows in the Rocky Mountains while teaching at Chögyam Trungpa's Naropa UniversityTaking your strong, grounded, noble seat that can handle it allHow being there for others is abundance in their lifeThe generosity and delight of authentically giving – things, space, silence, listening, attention, commitment, honesty, smiles, blessingsRam Dass and Maharajji's lesson of "feed people, love people."Is "selfless service" actually selfless?

    "Abundance of the spirit doesn't mean things; it means discovering a kind of simplicity of our life where we're abundant in any circumstance." – Jack Kornfield

    This Dharma Talk estimated to be recorded on 3/1/1990 was originally published on DharmaSeed.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • Unveiling how to grow your heart as big as the sky, Jack shares the spiritual antidote for aversion, negativity, and fear.

    This episode is brought to you by Betterhelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/heartwisdom and get on your way to being your best self.

    "Let your heart be as big as your whole experience, like the sky." – Jack Kornfield

    In this episode, Jack mindfully explores:

    Overcoming aversion by "bringing it into your heart" rather than your rational mindTouching into emotions, fears, and judgements with compassion instead of aversionUsing techniques like "noting/naming" for moving past intense feelingsLoving your negatives states as you would love your own childSeeing clearly the karma, value, and consequence of your personal patternsWho would you be if you dropped your opinions, views, identity?Growing your heart to the size of the skyPracticing the 'art of letting go'Learning to live in the reality 'the Now'Why Buddha had a better time than mostPainting as a doorway to spiritual experienceTransmuting difficulties by dropping our resistance to themHow to hold healthy views without being attached to them

    "In this space of Now, it's not necessary to have fear. In this place of Now, we can rest." – Jack Kornfield

    "If we want to create peace, or if we want to live free from greed, hatred and delusion, the place to start is in ourselves." – Jack Kornfield

    Learn the Dynamic Art of Interactive Guided Meditation with Jack Kornfield in an online masterclass cohort starting this June.

    This Dharma Talk originally recorded on 1/1/1989 at Spirit Rock Meditation Center was originally published on DharmaSeed.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • Illustrating how to free yourself from fear and opinion, Jack reveals how to overcome suffering by cultivating a pure heart.

    This episode is brought to you by Betterhelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/heartwisdom and get on your way to being your best self.

    "The only Zen you find on tops of mountains is the Zen you bring there." – Robert M. Pirsig

    In this episode, Jack skillfully illuminates:

    Skillful ways to free yourself from stuck views and opinionsRam Dass's teaching advice to JackBalancing life's sufferings with life's joysZen wisdom on how to drop your viewsAccepting what you see and rejecting what you thinkOvercoming suffering by living with a pure heartBuddha's 'Fire Sermon' teachingsThe way attachment connects to fear, and how to get to the rootHow views and opinions keep you separate, ego-focused, and defensiveWorking with racism and fear by imbibing wakefulness and mindfulnessOvercoming opinions and and views by the method of noting/naming

    This Dharma Talk originally recorded on 1/1/1989 at Spirit Rock Meditation Center was originally published on DharmaSeed.

    Learn the Dynamic Art of Interactive Guided Meditation with Jack Kornfield in an online masterclass cohort starting this June!

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • Uncovering how to find joy and freedom in any situation, Jack shares the roadmap for discovering peace within yourself.

    Learn the Dynamic Art of Interactive Guided Meditation with Jack Kornfield in this online masterclass cohort starting this June! Learn more and register at bit.ly/InteractiveCohort

    This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/heartwisdom and get on your way to being your best self.

    “Peace is the cessation of your struggle, it’s putting down the burden and letting things be as they actually are.” – Jack Kornfield

    In this episode, Jack mindfully explores:

    Learning to be at peace with yourself and the worldHow to meditate when it feels like you can’t meditateThe way emptiness connects with compassionReconciling where peace meets strugglePeace as an internal state you can bring with youBeing Here Now, opening to life fully, and becoming intimate with all thingsHow we can find joy, liberation, and freedom in any situationDharma stories of the Buddha as well as the Bodhisattva VimalakīrtiComing to terms with the First Noble Truth of suffering, disappointment, and changeThe transformative power of meeting life exactly as it isWhat we can learn from both a “Duck Meditation,” “Goose Poem,” and a Tibetan PrayerLove and it’s connection with courage

    “We can’t come to rest because we’re at war with what’s actually here.” – Jack Kornfield

    “To enter into the unknown is really to enter into the moment.” – Jack Kornfield

    This Dharma Talk originally recorded on 12/01/1989 at Spirit Rock Meditation Center was originally published on DharmaSeed.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • Jack and the ‘Grandfather of Gratitude,’ Brother David Steindl-Rast, delve into sacred reflections on death, where Buddha meets Jesus, the power of compassion, the positive side of grief, and beyond.

    Stay up to date with Jack and his stream of free offerings by signing up for his email newsletter teachings at JackKornfield.com/newsletter

    “The process of grieving that breaks this little heart, which closes itself in itself, opens us to the heart that we all share, the one heart that we all have in common.” – Brother David Steindl-Rast

    In this sacred dialogue, Jack, Brother David, and Frank Ostaseski reflect on:

    How Christianity and Buddhism fit together spirituallyThe compassionate smile of Buddha meeting the sacred heart of Jesus ChristThe positive side of grief: opening to the collective heartDeath and grace in both traditionsDeconditioning from a difficult motherHarnessing the power of your common senseA funny story about the Pope, and how to awaken to who we already areJack’s journey to the Temple of the Coconut MonkHow to handle pain like a Burmese MasterHow to forgive yourself and overcome remorseDiffusing suicidal tendencies by cultivating self-compassionGuided meditations and sacred chants from Jack and Brother David

    “In a meditative way, one of the big pieces of being able to love, or touch, or open, or live, is really the work of forgiveness, grace, and receiving yourself in all of your complexity and loving.” – Jack Kornfield

    “Compassion, loving kindness, and understanding are our true nature, our true state.” – Jack Kornfield

    This conversation recorded on 6/30/1988 was originally published on DharmaSeed.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • Fantastic Fungi's visionary director, Louie Schwartzberg, joins Jack to explore the profound connection between psychedelics and mindfulness. 

    This episode is brought to you by BetterHelp. Give online therapy a try at betterhelp.com/heartwisdom and get on your way to being your best self.

    “You can’t separate psychedelics from life.” – Jack Kornfield

    In this fresh conversation, Jack and Louie spelunk the depths of:

    The connection between psychedelics and spiritualityPsychedelics as a gateway to wonder, curiosity, and the sacredHow tripping on psychedelics informed Louie’s filmmakingAlbert Einstein and psychedelics as the intersection between art and scienceThe universe and life as a constant transformation of light energyBuddha’s “Flower Sermon” and Zen Master Suzuki Roshi’s “Beginner’s Mind”Jack “exchanging maps” with famous LSD researcher, Stanislav GrofStudies showing the combination of psilocybin mushrooms and Louie’s time-lapse nature imagery as a powerful therapeutic tool for helping addiction and PTSDThe importance of “set and setting,” community, and integrationHow psychedelics actually fit into the Buddhist preceptsHonoring biology and the feminine aspects of natureThe gifts of sacred attention and loving awarenessFinding beauty wherever you are, and how Louie’s films heal by sharing patterns of nature for the soul to connect with

    This conversation was originally recorded on 3/29/24 by Banyan Together – an online mindfulness community started by Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach. To join the community and learn more, visit BanyanTogether.com

    “A lot of the work I do is to make the invisible visible. And that’s the perfect description of what a psychedelic journey is like, making the invisible visible.” – Louie Schwartzberg

    “We live in a culture that’s almost defined by the absence of the sacred. And so we feel this yearning, this intuitive wish to connect—whether it’s going high in the mountains, or making love, or taking psychedelics, or meditating.” – Jack Kornfield

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • Inviting in calm, strength, and steadiness, Jack leads a guided meditation into the heart of mindful loving awareness.

    This guided meditation was originally recorded on 2/19/2024 for the Spirit Rock Monday Night Dharma Talk and Meditation. Register to join Jack's next livestream at JackKornfield.com/events

    "Feel the weight of your body, gravity, and how the earth completely supports you when you let go into your seat. You're met by the strength and steadiness of the earth itself. You can rest on her. – Jack Kornfield

    In this fresh episode, Jack leads a guided meditation for:

    Inviting in a sense of ease and calmRelaxing into mindful loving awarenessFinding a steady, grounded, rooted postureKeeping a natural, soft, and flowing breathQuieting the mind and watching experience unfoldNoticing the arising and passing away of all phenomenaAllowing yourself into rest, trust, and relaxation

    Learn to live beautifully with Jack Kornfield and Dr. Dan Siegel in their new online journey, Living Beautifully: Transformative Science and Mindfulness Practices to Cultivate a Wise Heart

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • Exploring the great mystery of life and existence, Jack shares enlightening insights on the playful nature of wisdom.

    Today's podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. Click to recieve 10% off your first month with your own licensed professional therapist: betterhelp.com/heartwisdom

    "The beautiful thing is, wisdom is gracious." – Jack Kornfield

    Fresh from an adventure in Costa Rica, Jack offers wisdom on:

    Spelunking the great mystery of life Wisdom as inherently gracious and playful Balancing compassion with emptiness How to speak with suffering people Joanna Macy and the "Great Turning" of human civilization Ram Dass, Ajahn Chah, and Stephen Levine "Central Casting" and the human experience How Jack and his colleagues handle their own aging

    "It's all empty and it all matters." – Jack Kornfield

    "Meditation is not about gaining or attaining something, it's about seeing the world with the heart of wisdom." – Jack Kornfield

    This Dharma Talk was originally recorded on 2/19/2024 for the Spirit Rock Monday Night Dharma Talk and Meditation. Register to join Jack's next livestream at JackKornfield.com/events

    Learn to live beautifully with Jack Kornfield and Dr. Dan Siegel in their new online journey starting April 15, Living Beautifully: Transformative Science and Mindfulness Practices to Cultivate a Wise Heart

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • Offering compassion for our human flaws, Jack relays how to stop being so loyal to our suffering, and helps uncover the heart of the Buddha living within each of us.

    Learn to live beautifully with Jack Kornfield and Dr. Dan Siegel in their new online journey, Living Beautifully: Transformative Science and Mindfulness Practice to Cultivate a Wise Heart

    In this episode, Jack mindfully explores:

    Living the Divine Abodes to uncover the heart of the Buddha within yourselfHow to live in loving kindness, compassion, joy, and equanimity/peaceRam Dass, the Chicken and Rice Man, and selfless serviceHow the circle of compassion is not complete until it includes self-compassionViktor Frankl and the boundless freedom of the human spiritDavid Roche and The Church of 80% SincerityMoving beyond looks and into the reality of unconditional loveTurning off the news and doing something enjoyableHow to stop being so loyal to your suffering

    This Dharma Talk from 12/10/2007 at Spirit Rock Meditation Center was originally published on DharmaSeed.

    “You can search the tenfold universe as the Buddha and not find a single person more worthy of love and care than the one seated right here in your own body.” – Jack Kornfield

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • Shining light on the Divine Abodes, Jack shares how we can navigate the world from the goodness of our hearts.

    Today's podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. Click to recieve 10% off your first month with your own licensed professional therapist: betterhelp.com/heartwisdom

    "Luminous, says the Buddha, is this heart and mind." – Jack Kornfield

    In this episode, Jack mindfully explores:

    The Divine Abodes (Brahmaviharas) as qualities of the Awakened HeartNavigating the world from the goodness of our heartsLoving kindness, compassion, joy, equanimity/peaceWhat is possible for us as human beingsDiscovering who we really are and what really mattersStories of Jack's Buddhist teacher, Maha GhosanandaThe spirituality of neuroscience's "Mirror Neurons."Sharon Salzberg, Metta practice, and the power of attentionRam dass, and the heart as the doorway to love

    Learn to live beautifully with Jack Kornfield and Dr. Dan Siegel in their new online journey, Living Beautifully: Transformative Science and Mindfulness Practices to cultivate a Wise Heart

    "What we give our attention, that place will flower and blossom. So if we give our attention to love, it grows." – Jack Kornfield

    "Loving Kindness is like the rain that falls on all things, the just and the unjust, equally without discrimination. That love, when it grows within our heart, has a quality of nurturance, moisture, opening ,sweetness and constancy to it. It's an expression of the heart that's unencumbered by fear." – Jack Kornfield

    This Dharma Talk from 12/10/2007 at Spirit Rock Meditation Center was originally published on DharmaSeed.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • Jack shares miracle stories and personal lessons from Dipa Ma – the luminous, compassionate and unshakeable spiritual master.

    Want to learn how to follow the Buddha’s path to freedom in the modern world? Sign up for Jack’s new online course Walking the Eightfold Path with Jack Kornfield. The live version begins March 18! Sign up here: https://bit.ly/3T7Aafp

    "You had a sense from this very sweet, mild-mannered old lady of a kind of unshakable inner strength, an incredible sense of stillness and strength in her being." – Jack Kornfield

    In this episode, Jack lovingly reflects on:

    His times with the great yogi and spiritual master, Dipa Ma Barua Miracle stories and spiritual lessons of Dipa Ma How the suffering in Dipa Ma's life drew her to Buddhism and meditation Dipa Ma's siddhis (spiritual/psychic powers) and compassionate shining heart A life-changing story of Jack being blessed by Dipa Ma Her grandmotherly loving kindness Dipa Ma's favorite spiritual questions

    "Dipa Ma's teaching was to always keep people in your heart, to give of your love to the people, and the earth and the world around." – Jack Kornfield

    "Of all of the possibilities that one can do with the heart and mind, Dipa Ma was a great master of them." – Jack Kornfield

    This Dharma Talk from 11/01/1989 at Spirit Rock Meditation Center was originally published on DharmaSeed.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • Talking Kabir, breakups, LSD, and Ram Dass, Jack shares how we can unfurl from the suffering of our expectations in order to live the mystery.

    Today's podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. Click to receive 10% off your first month with your own licensed professional therapist: betterhelp.com/heartwisdom

    "Awareness has this quality of allowing change or openness to take place, because you're not trying to make it a certain way... you're observing it." – Jack Kornfield

    In this episode, Jack mindfully explores:

    - Kabir and waking up in this very life

    - Grief, breakups, disappointment, and letting go

    - How expectation creates suffering

    - Meditation and "manufacturing the light"

    - Expectations, battling reality, and opening to the mystery

    - How the mind measures, but the heart loves

    - What Ram Dass told Jack about dealing with the death of his father

    - Moving past the content of mind, and truly experiencing life

    - The essence of Buddha's practice of mindfulness

    - Labeling/noting feelings as a way to release them

    - Albert Hoffman and LSD

    - Relationships and how to make commitment without expectation

    Want to learn how to follow the Buddha’s path to freedom in the modern world? Sign up for Jack’s new online course Walking the Eightfold Path with Jack Kornfield. The live version begins March 18! Sign up here: https://bit.ly/3T7Aafp

    "Now, what's interesting to discover in meditation, is as you pay attention inside, it's the mind which measures, the mind with thought. The heart doesn't measure, the heart doesn't have that capacity, actually." – Jack Kornfield

    "This is an amazing thing—bodies, and life, and cars, and planets hanging in space, and big balls of fire that we name stars and no one knows where they come from...beetles, insects, and strange things. What is this? So we sit and make ourselves a little bit quiet in order to turn the heart and the mind together to face directly this reality, this changing reality of birth and death, of change of life." – Jack Kornfield

    This Dharma Talk from 10/10/1988 at Insight Meditation Society was originally published on DharmaSeed.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • Going back to the basics, Jack explores how we can skillfully navigate our dynamic mood states by experiencing them as clouds of the mind.

    Want to learn how to follow the Buddha’s path to freedom in the modern world? Sign up for Jack’s new online course Walking the Eightfold Path with Jack Kornfield beginning March 18!

    "Moods are actually kind of mysterious and quite impersonal. They're like the weather. It's been kind of cool this year, then we get our rainstorms, and the sun comes in between, and the wind comes and dies down, and we don't have any control over it whatsoever. It just comes. It's due to certain conditions." – Jack Kornfield

    In this episode, Jack compassionately illuminates:

    Experiencing moods as clouds or weather—arising and passing naturally from impersonal sets of conditions The six flavors of experience in Buddhism Finding the middle ground between acting on feelings and suppressing them The "vipassana romance" and understanding the "siren call" of desire Diffusing desire with humor, mindfulness, and noting Moving past attachment and aversion by leaning into them Techniques for overcoming doubt Letting go and becoming more happy and more live

    "The optimist wakes up and says, 'Good morning, God!' And the pessimist wakes up and says, 'Good God! Morning...' It's the same experience, but the mood somehow changes it." – Jack Kornfield

    "One sits and practices, and let's these experiences come and fill us. We bow to them, name them, soften in the heart and say, 'Okay, show me your stuff, give me the whole thing.' And you know what happens after a while? If you make this spaciousness in the heart and that still point, at some point it ends. Because everything does. You say, 'Wow that was a big storm of desire, wasn't it?' And there you are, and there's this sense of freedom that comes that that's not who we are most fundamentally." – Jack Kornfield

    The Dharma Talk from 4/1/1988 at was originally published on DharmaSeed.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • Illuminating the subtle but crucial difference between codependence and compassion, Jack outlines how to set boundaries and live from our unique truth.

    Today's podcast is sponsored by BetterHelp. Click to receive 10% off your first month with your own licensed professional therapist: betterhelp.com/heartwisdom

    "Codependence means being an accomplice, a kind of complicity with someone who's acting in a self-destructive way, being dependent on their behavior, or supporting it somehow for your own security." – Jack Kornfield

    In this episode, Jack sheds mindful light on:

    The subtle but crucial difference between compassion and codependenceTrying to fix it or save someone instead of allowing them to taste the fruits of their karmasFeeling locked into supporting someone's destructive behaviorThe lack of feeling secure leading to needing to over-controlNeeding to fix someone else's problems because we can't live with it in ourselfHow we are all accomplices to a codependent societyMother Teresa and seeking to love the world instead of trying to fix itThe necessity of balancing compassion practice with equanimity practiceThe spiritual importance of disharmony and the value of sufferingBoundaries and the ability to say "no"Ownership, possessiveness, and the trouble with believing our rolesThe Bhagavad Gita and acting from our hearts without attachment to the fruit of the actionLiving our our unique truth amidst the mystery

    Want to learn how to follow the Buddha’s path to freedom in the modern world? Sign up for Jack’s new online course Walking the Eightfold Path with Jack Kornfield beginning March 18!

    "We are all heirs to our own karma, we have created our own lives. We can love and assist others, but in the end, no one can create a life for someone else, no one can change another person's fate. We are the ones that create what will happen for us." – Jack Kornfield

    "Can we seek to love the world instead of trying to fix it? It is possible to be in a codependent relationship with the ills of the society, so we have to start looking within ourselves. What does it mean to do good? Mother Teresa taught in her work in Calcutta in the death and dying centers, 'We're not social workers. Our work is not to take people off the streets and clothes them and feed them. The government could do that. Our work is to bring to the people that we touch the spirit and the love of God that has touched us. The rest of it is just the vehicle to communicate that spirit.' It's a very different way of approaching solving a problem.'" – Jack Kornfield

    This Dharma Talk from 9/1/1989 at was originally published on DharmaSeed.

    See Privacy Policy at https://art19.com/privacy and California Privacy Notice at https://art19.com/privacy#do-not-sell-my-info.

  • Sharing spiritual wisdom on meditation, abundance, intimacy, and the astral body, Jack helps us cultivate the courage to recognize truth.

    Want to learn how to follow the Buddha’s path to freedom in the modern world? Sign up for Jack’s new online course Walking the Eightfold Path with Jack Kornfield beginning March 18!

    "In one important sense, meditation is an exercise in truth, an exercise in opening to what is true, to what is here in front of in the most direct and obvious ways." – Jack Kornfield

    In this episode, Jack compassionately illuminates:

    Meditation as an exercise in truth Jesus and the Buddha following their deepest inner truths Dharma and direct seeing from the heart Buddhism's three characteristics of life: impermanence, suffering, selflessness Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche's view on the rebirth of our bad habits The difference between our physical 'fear body' we inhabit during the day, versus our expansive 'astral body' we expand into at night Mindfulness, spaciousness, and Buddha Nature Abundance and intimacy in spirituality The 16th Karmapa as the Dharma King A beautiful (and funny) story of an end-of-life guided meditation

    "Somebody asked Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche, the Tibetan Lama, 'If there's no self, what is it that is reborn in Buddhism?' He smiled and said, 'I hate to tell you this, but what's reborn is your bad habits.'" – Jack Kornfield

    "To note what's present is the first task. The second task is to see or sense what happens to it. These are both important. So, sadness comes and you note, 'Ah, here's the feeling of sadness.' And then you name it for a while, you stay with it and see what it does, 'Sad...sad...sad.' Maybe you name it five to ten times and it disappears. Then itching comes and you name, 'Itching...itching...' You don't just name it and hurry back to your breath. You name it and see what it does, 'Itching...itching.' Then, it spreads and your whole face is tingling, 'Tinging...tingling... I'm gonna die if I don't scratch this... Dying...dying...' Then if you stay with it, dying passes, tingling passes, itching passes. If you let yourself stay with things, naming them as long as they are there and seeing them happen, they show their true nature—which is to arise, change, and pass." – Jack Kornfield

    This Dharma Talk from 7/11/1990 at was originally published on DharmaSeed.

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  • Illuminating the deepening levels of spiritual practice, Jack explores how to let life breathe while setting your heart on gold.

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    “What we’re doing in practice is feeling the actuality of how life is pulsing, moving, flowing and swirling, fast and slow, rhythmically, within our own body, within our own direct experience.” – Jack Kornfield

    In this episode, Jack mindfully explores:

    How to let life breathe while setting your heart on goldThe importance of balancing our concentration, effort, and equanimityHow the quality of presence can help the gold of the heart and mind shineRiding the body’s rhythm of breath as our main focus of attention and restTo feel of how life is pulsing, moving, and flowing through our experienceWorking with our loneliness, suffering, grief, fear, and longingsAwakening into the present moment to see past the body of fearHow recognizing spaciousness and impermanence helps us overcome our difficultiesThe power of trust, letting go, and letting life breathe

    “People sometimes feel like it’s not worth it to practice. In the beginning it seems like you’re here 2% of the time, but if you continue and look honestly, you might be here 4% of the time. In one way, that’s discouraging statistically that you’re off 96%, but in another way it says you are now here alive and present twice as much as you were two days ago.” – Jack Kornfield

    “The insight into the true path comes when we discover that we’re not trying to hold onto a single thing, not a perception, not a pleasant experience, not the calm of meditation—those are all parts of the waves of experience that rise and pass in space. The idea isn’t to hold your breath when you get something good to see how long it can stay, that doesn’t work very well. The idea is to let all of life breath. As we do, we let go moment by moment, more fully. We learn to trust, like the goldsmith, blowing on it, sprinkling water, softening, cooling, and a lot of time just giving presence so it’s beauty can start to show.” – Jack Kornfield

    This episode from 10/09/1983 at Insight Meditation Society was originally published on DharmaSeed.

    Want to learn how to follow the Buddha's path to freedom in the modern world? Sign up for Jack's new online course Walking the Eightfold Path with Jack Kornfield beginning March 18!

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