
  • #81: Growing in Faith Through Parenting

    Ever feel like there's no time for you to grow spiritually because you're always busy with the kids? In this episode, I look at this a different way because the truth is being a parent can actually help you grow closer to God. As we deal with all the busy and all the exhaustion we can try and do it on our own, or we can press into God. The thing is - the more we depend on God the more like Christ we become - and that, as we’ll find out is God’s purpose. Tune in to find out how you can strengthen your faith and become more and more like Christ - because you are a parent, not inspite of it!

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    On Instagram: @belindaletchford

    On Facebook: facebook.com/heartfocusparenting

    Email Belinda: Contact Form

    Please leave a comment and let me know how this has helped you in your parenting.

  • #80: How to be a Consistent Parent without the Guilt

    We all know it – Being consistent is important as a parent. But we also know it is one of the biggest challenges we face – and it is one of the biggest guilts we deal with. But what does consistency look like? We tend to see it as being 100 percent the same – always; but, that can look like legalism or being authoritarian. Out of reaction, we swing the pendulum the other way – and find ourselves inconsistent! There has to be a balance, a middle road somewhere that makes consistency doable without the guilt of being human.

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    Download Heart Booster Reminder Posters - a set of posters to print out and have on your wall to remind you to be intentional, relational and heart-focused. Download here

    Plus you will be added by the Heart Booster email list for weekly emails digging deeper into the heart-focus topic so you can make real change in your family. AND Resource Library Pass for more printables and support material.

    Private Coaching:

    Get one-to-one help with coaching. Start with a free Jumpstart session see details


    On Instagram: @belindaletchford

    On Facebook: facebook.com/heartfocusparenting

    Email Belinda: Contact Form

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  • #79 How To Help Your Children Do The Right Thing: My goal as a Christian parent was to raise children who loved God, loved others and who were able to make wise choices as they lived in their community using their passions and talents to be a blessing to others. Sounds good on paper - but how do we raise our kids to do the right thing - to even know what the right thing is and then to have the strength of character to do it? In this episode I talk about 4 practical things we can do that will help our children do the right thing. When you start adding these heart-focused parenting strategies to your parenting toolbox you are laying the groundwork for your kids to be able to step up with integrity and responsibility.

    For full transcript: How to Help your Child do the Right Thing

    Coaching: Get one-to-one help with coaching. Start with a free Jumpstart session see details

    Join HEART-BOOSTERS (free) here.

    Weekly email digging deeper into the heart-focus parenting topic so you can make real change in your family. PLUS Resource Library Pass for bonus printables and support material.


    On Instagram: @belindaletchford

    On Facebook: facebook.com/heartfocusparenting

    Email Belinda: Contact Form

    Please leave a comment and let me know how this has helped you in your parenting.

  • #78: Discipline is a big topic - and one that sparks lots of intense feelings. I thought it time to address what I believe about discipline because we use a word - and it may not mean what you think it means. Or at least you may not know what I mean when I use the word. Discipline is understood to be a big part of parenting - if we do it wrong it really does hurt our children - and I don’t mean just physically but emotionally, relationally and even spiritually. This is an area you really have to think about and not just do whatever. We must be intentional when it comes to discipline.

    For full transcript: How to Discipline Your Child And Stay Heart-focused?


    Get one-to-one help with coaching. Start with a free Jumpstart session see details

    Join HEART-BOOSTERS (free) here.

    Weekly email digging deeper into the heart-focus topic so you can make real change in your family. PLUS Resource Library Pass for bonus printables and support material.


    On Instagram: @belindaletchford

    On Facebook: facebook.com/heartfocusparenting

    Email Belinda: Contact Form

  • #77: If you have older teens, or young adults living at home then you want to listen in today as I talk about a key parenting strategy that will help your young adult child move into adulthood well, but it will also help you make the transitions you need to as a parent. If your young adult is living at home you need to have what I call a Rites of Passage conversation. Listen in as I explain it and give you the words to say.

    Transcript: Have This Important Conversation When Your Child Becomes An Adult

    This conversation will help you navigate chages in parent-child dynamics when your child becomes an adult.

    Further Reading/Listening:

    Supporting your Teen and Young Adult Children as a Mentor: Parenting changes and becomes more like mentoring as our children grow older and become teens and young adults. Are you making the shift?


    Get one-to-one help with coaching. Start with a free Jumpstart session see details

    Join HEART-BOOSTERS (free) here.

    Weekly email digging deeper into the heart-focus topic so you can make real change in your family. PLUS Resource Library Pass for bonus printables and support material.


    On Instagram: @belindaletchford

    On Facebook: facebook.com/heartfocusparenting

    Email Belinda: Contact Form

  • #76: Today we're talking about three words that changed my parenting: love, mercy, and grace. As Christian parents, we are probably very familiar with those words. But do we let them change how we parent?

    For full transcript: 3 Words that Changed my Parenting

    Further Listening

    What does it Mean to be a Christian Parent: The truth about Christian parenting isn’t in the things we teach our kids but rather in how we respond. Do we respond as followers of Christ?

    Pursue Peace in Your Heart and Home: When we pursue the things of peace, our choices reflect Christ's righteousness and our right standing with Jesus, brings joy and peace every day.

    How to be Calm, Gentle and Positive Towards your Children Every Day: 5 keys mindsets for parents to be calm, gentle and positive. When you change your beliefs you change your actions. You can be a gentle and positive parent.


    Get one-to-one help with coaching. Start with a free Jumpstart session see details

    Join HEART-BOOSTERS (free) here.

    Weekly email digging deeper into the heart-focus topic so you can make real change in your family. PLUS Resource Library Pass for bonus printables and support material.


    On Instagram: @belindaletchford

    On Facebook: facebook.com/heartfocusparenting

    Email Belinda: Contact Form

  • #75: Feelings of inadequacy can stop Christians from sharing gospel with children. Learn to distinguish conviction from condemnation and how to be in a place where you can confidently talk to your kids about Jesus.

    For full transcript: I’m a Christian, but feel Inadequate to talk to my Children about Jesus

    Further Listening:

    Jesus is our Example as we Disciple our Kids: Jesus gave us the 'Great Commission' and that includes our children. Our Children need to Meet Jesus - and We Should Make the Introduction: As Christian parents we want our children to love Jesus and follow God’s word so we have to be wise in how we teach our children about sin and mercy and grace.


    Get one-to-one help with coaching. Start with a free Jumpstart session see details

    Join HEART-BOOSTERS (free) here.

    Weekly email digging deeper into the heart-focus topic so you can make real change in your family. PLUS Resource Library Pass for bonus printables and support material.


    On Instagram: @belindaletchford

    On Facebook: facebook.com/heartfocusparenting

    Email Belinda: Contact Form

  • Are you tired of feeling like you have to do it all to be a "good Christian family"? We are very quick to judge ourselves as not doing the right things, or not doing enough things to be a good Christian family. This is a false standard. What is a good Christian family anyway! Our goal should be to create a space where our children grow in their faith and in their confidence to be who God made them be, our goal needs to be peace and harmony in our home - not just copying what other Christian families do. When we know what is important to us, we can find the right way to make that happen in our family. But we have to remember, every family is different. And trying to keep up with the Christian Jones’s is never going to work!

    For full transcript: Stop Doing All the Things Good Christian Families are Doing

    Further Listening:

    10 Ways Parents make Parenting Hard - Harder than I has to be: We can make it harder than it has to be by the habits we get caught up with but you can catch yourself and start responding differently. Pursue Peace in your Heart and Home, and have a Good Day: When we pursue the things of peace, our choices reflect Christ’s righteousness; our right standing with Jesus, brings joy and peace every day. 3 Little Changes that will make a Big Difference in your Family Life: Sometimes it is the little things that we can change in our family or parenting that will make the biggest difference.


    Get one-to-one help with coaching. Start with a free Jumpstart session see details

    Join HEART-BOOSTERS (free) here.

    Weekly email digging deeper into the heart-focus topic so you can make real change in your family. PLUS Resource Library Pass for bonus printables and support material.


    On Instagram: @belindaletchford

    On Facebook: facebook.com/heartfocusparenting

    Email Belinda: Contact Form

  • #73 As Christian parents, we all want our kids to know Jesus - and Easter is a time to create meaningful spiritual moments for our children, but we often get overwhelmed by chocolate and other things. In this episode, I’m talking about the importance of planning how you will approach Easter with intentionality and faith so that your children can grow in their knowledge and faith of Jesus Christ and all He has done for them. As an intentional parent - you need to start thinking about this now.

    For full transcript: Preparing Your Family for a Faith-Centered Easter Celebration

    Free Download: Easter Heart Booster (Jelly Bean Story and Easter Faith based prompts)

    Further Listening/Reading:

    Celebrating Easter is about Jesus - are you Ready to Talk to your Kids? (podcast/blog)

    Our Children need to Meet Jesus - and We Should Make the Introduction (podcast/blog)

    Easter Lessons for Older kids (blog only)


    Get one-to-one help with coaching. Start with a free Jumpstart session see details

    Join HEART-BOOSTERS (free) here.

    Weekly email digging deeper into the heart-focus topic so you can make real change in your family. PLUS Resource Library Pass for bonus printables and support material.


    On Instagram: @belindaletchford

    On Facebook: facebook.com/heartfocusparenting

    Email Belinda: Contact Form

  • #72: We all dream of a family home overflowing with love, laughter, and fun. And yet the reality is daily chaos and trying to balance all the things we have to do along with teaching and training our kids! This week I’m sharing a journaling moment that changed my heart, changed my perspective which in turn changed our family - way back when my kids were little. I don’t know about you but for me the Holy Spirit has a way of taking a Bible verse that I am very familiar with and making me really think about it, and and question whether I am living it out. That’s is what I’m talking about this week. A Bible verse that changed how I engaged with my kids. Listen in.

    For full transcript: Parents are you Cultivating a Family Culture of Love and Caring?

    Further Listening:

    Building a Relaitonship with your Child will Lead to Friendship Later: It is important not to get relationship and friendship mixed up as we parent our children. We start with a relationship and enjoy friendship later on.

    Being a Good Mum isn't about Getting Everything Done Today: A busy mum tries to do all the things and finds she can’t. Follow these 5 principles and find balance so you can focus on what is important.

    Five Things Parents can do to Help their Child Feel Secure: When our children feel secure they are more confident to engage with their world - learning and growing as they do.


    Get one-to-one help with coaching. Start with a free Jumpstart session see details

    Join HEART-BOOSTERS (free) here.

    Weekly email digging deeper into the heart-focus topic so you can make real change in your family. PLUS Resource Library Pass for bonus printables and support material.


    On Instagram: @belindaletchford

    On Facebook: facebook.com/heartfocusparenting

    Email Belinda: Contact Form

  • #71: Social media is here to stay so it is something that we as parents have to get our head around. To be honest, regardless of what you think about social media, there is every likelihood that your teen will think something different. How are you going to prepare them to walk wisely? This whole topic is huge and can be daunting. In this epiosode I’m talking about ways that help you navigate from a heart-focus perspective. Regardless of how old your kids are - social media is something you are going to have to think about so I hope you find this episode helpful as you establish your family guidelines for online interactions - and in particular social media.

    Full Transcript: The Most Important Thing For Parents to get Right when their Teens want Social Media

    Further Listening:

    Online Technology & Social Media are not the Real Problem for our Kids

    How to Help Adult Children Living at Home with Screen Time Habits

    Supporting your Teen and Young Adult Children as a Mentor


    Get one-to-one help with coaching. Start with a free Jumpstart session see details

    Join HEART-BOOSTERS (free) here.

    Weekly email digging deeper into the heart-focus topic so you can make real change in your family. PLUS Resource Library Pass for bonus printables and support material.


    On Instagram: @belindaletchford

    On Facebook: facebook.com/heartfocusparenting

    Email Belinda: Contact Form

  • #70: 10 practical steps for intentional, relational, heart-focused christian parenting that you can start implementing today.

    I know that it is hard to stay intentional in the middle of all the chaos that happens in family life - but ironically intentionality is the key to overcoming the chaos. Not aiming for perfect, but aiming to live life with purpose and in ways that honour and obey God. When we tackle one thing at a time, with intention, change can happen.

    This episode is kind of like a summary of 10 things that I feel we did well and that influenced the outcomes of our family life - its a bit longer than usual, but I hope you find it helpful and find something in all this that you can start doing in your family.

    Links to Resources:

    Full Transcript / Blog: 10 Things we Did as Intentional Parents, that Made our Family

    Signup to Heart Boosters (free): weekly email digging deeper into the heart-focus topic so you can make real change in your family. PLUS Resource Library Pass for bonus printables and support materials.

    Other helpful episodes

    Top Tip for Parenting the Heart – In Any Situation Create a Family Vision Unique to Your Family 10 Ways Parents Make Parenting Hard – Harder than it has to be! Know how to Help your Child Grow with an Intentional Plan


    On Instagram: @belindaletchford On Facebook: facebook.com/heartfocusparenting

    EMAIL BELINDA: Contact Form

    COACHING: Book a free Jumpstart Call - see details

  • #69: It is about this time of the year that I start going through a mental wrap up. The end of the year is close, Christmas is pretty much sorted, and now my mind goes to planning next year. And we’ll start to see a whole pile of whoo-ha about setting goals on our socials. How do you feel about that? Does this make you groan, knowing everyone is going to be talking about setting goals, but they just don’t work for you - you know it - and yet it seems like they should work for you but truth be told, you’ve been setting the same goals for years and not really getting anywhere.

    Something has to change! Listen in as I talk about the importance of goals (the right goals), and how to make them work for you - even when you are a busy, tired and overwhelmed Mum.

    >>>FULL TRANSCRIPT/BLOG: How to set goals as a Busy, Tired, Overwhelmed Mum

    Goals-setting for busy mums can be soul-destroying. Instead follow my heart-focused approach for life-changing goals & self-improvement.

    >>>Join HEART-BOOSTERS (free) here.

    Weekly email digging deeper into the heart-focus topic so you can make real change in your family. PLUS Resource Library Pass for bonus printables and support material.


    On Instagram: @belindaletchford

    On Facebook: facebook.com/heartfocusparenting

    Email Belinda: Contact Form

    >>>COACHING: Book a free Jumpstart Call - see details

  • #68 Thinking back over Christmases Past have you ever felt like you're juggling Christmas chaos, traditions and decorations and invitations - and your children’s behaviour! In the middle of all that chaos going on you just wish your kids had a different attitude and be making different choices. Today I’m sharing 3 character traits that could totally spoil your christmas vibes if you aren’t careful. The reason why I’m talking about these 3 character traits is so you can identify the biggest one for your family and start addressing it now - a few weeks before Christmas. Listen in…. 3 Character Issues you don’t want to spoil your Christmas

    >>>FULL TRANSCRIPT/BLOG: 3 Character Issues you Don’t Want to Spoil Your Christmas

    Addressing these 3 character issues before Christmas will help your children do well at Christmas time. Be a heart-focused parent even in a busy time of year.

    >>>Join HEART-BOOSTERS (free) here.

    Weekly email digging deeper into the heart-focus topic so you can make real change in your family. PLUS Resource Library Pass for bonus printables and support material.


    On Instagram: @belindaletchford

    On Facebook: facebook.com/heartfocusparenting

    Email Belinda: Contact Form

    >>>COACHING: Book a free Jumpstart Call - see details

  • #67…I want to end the year well - don’t you? And yet it is so busy, here in Australia we have the end of school, and with that comes concerts, and graduations, and parties. We have Christmas - and all that comes with that. A lot of people head off on holidays to catch up with family or just visit somewhere new. It is a crazy busy time of year. Oh yeah, and while all this happens, we still have to parent. We still need to be intentional, relational, and heart-focused parents. So how do we stay connected with our kids, doing the important things, doing these fun things, and these things that build memories and not be distracted? That is what I’m talking about today - how to be fully present at this time of the year.

    >>>FULL TRANSCRIPT/BLOG: How to be Fully Present in December as You Plan Christmas

    Prepare for Christmas and be a fully present parent with these practical tips. Useful for end-of-year madness too.

    Email Belinda at any time, but especially if you'd like to talk about how to make self-care happen in your day. Email using this form: Contact Form

    >>>6 Days to a Heart Focused Christmas: There's still time for this short free email course to help you get to the heart of why you celebrate Christmas. Sign up here


    On Instagram: @belindaletchford

    On Facebook: facebook.com/heartfocusparenting

    Email Belinda: Contact Form

    >>>COACHING: Book a free Jumpstart Call - see details

  • #66 ..Having time for a Christmas Bible study – that the whole family can do together is one way to keep Christmas about Jesus and to make it heart-focused. And yet ironically, or unfortunately, it is something that we often push to the side, and regret later that we didn’t do something more specific about Jesus this year! Today I’m sharing some tips on finding a bible study that will help you focus on Jesus, but also some ideas, that if you have left it to the last minute there are some things that you can do - pretty much by the seat of your pants, on the run, and yet, still focus on Jesus. Listen in!

    >>>FULL TRANSCRIPT/BLOG: Christmas Bible Study Ideas for the Whole Family

    Doing a Family Bible Study at Christmas time is one way to keep Jesus in Christmas even if it is last minute.

    BUY: Family Faith and Fun Advent Guide: These prompts help you focus on Jesus, being a blessing to others and having fun as a family.

    >>>Join HEART-BOOSTERS (free) here.

    Weekly email digging deeper into the heart-focus topic so you can make real change in your family. PLUS Resource Library Pass for bonus printables and support material.


    On Instagram: @belindaletchford

    On Facebook: facebook.com/heartfocusparenting

    Email Belinda: Contact Form

    >>>COACHING: Book a free Jumpstart Call - see details

  • # 65 This week my one of my daughters shared her testimony at her mid-week Bible study which got me to thinking about the benefit of parents sharing their testimonies or God stories with their children. Listen in as I share some of my reflections this week.

    >>>FULL TRANSCRIPT/BLOG: Do you talk about your Faith and Share your Testimonies with your kids

    Christian parents nurture their kids faith when they share their authentic testimonies and stories of what God has done in their life.

    >>>Join HEART-BOOSTERS (free) here.

    Weekly email digging deeper into the heart-focus topic so you can make real change in your family. PLUS Resource Library Pass for bonus printables and support material.


    On Instagram: @belindaletchford

    On Facebook: facebook.com/heartfocusparenting

    Email Belinda: Contact Form

    >>>COACHING: Book a free Jumpstart Call - see details

  • #64 This week’s episode is titled: Preparing for Christmas - and yes, it’s that time again! I want to encourage you to start planning for Christmas early (and if you aren’t celebrating - listen to the first little bit cause there’s something you need to start thinking about too!) For those who are celebrating - if we want to be intentional, relational, and heart focused we need to start planning now. Today I’m sharing three different things for you to consider before it gets too close to December.

    >>>FULL TRANSCRIPT/BLOG: Preparing for Christmas (Yes, its that time again)

    Start planning for Christmas now so you can create a celebration that touches your child's heart and nurtures relationships. Make Christmas meaningful and memorable for your family this year.

    Extra Listening or Reading: Episode #24 Growing our Children's Faith at Christmas Time

    Because Jesus is the reason for Christmas it is a good time to teach our children about Jesus and grow their faith.

    >>>Free Christmas Course: 6 Days to a Heart-focused Christmas

    Create a Christmas celebration for your family that addresses the heart but a Christmas like that won't just happen - you have to plan for it and put in the work.


    On Instagram: @belindaletchford

    On Facebook: facebook.com/heartfocusparenting

    Email Belinda: Contact Form

    >>>COACHING: Book a free Jumpstart Call - see details

  • #63 My mum used to talk about the little man sitting on my shoulder making me uncomfortable if I did something wrong, or was about to.

    This was my conscience.

    I define the conscience as the work of the heart telling me when my choices are about to go against what I believe is right.

    We need to teach our children about their conscience. We need to teach them to listen to it.

    This is what I’m talking about t his week - as I ask the question - Do your Kids listen to that inner voice of their Heart?"

    >>>FULL TRANSCRIPT/BLOG: Do your Kids Listen to that Inner Voice of their Heart?

    When our children know how to listen to the voice in their heart - their conscience - before they act - they will start to make wise choices.

    >>>Join HEART-BOOSTERS (free) here.

    Weekly email digging deeper into the heart-focus topic so you can make real change in your family. PLUS Resource Library Pass for bonus printables and support material.


    On Instagram: @belindaletchford

    On Facebook: facebook.com/heartfocusparenting

    Email Belinda: Contact Form

    >>>COACHING: Book a free Jumpstart Call - see details

  • #62 Are you caught in the comparison trap, constantly measuring what happens in your family against others? That is not helpful and it needs to stop. This week I’m talking about living by our priorities as a parent - we can’t do it all, let’s just be honest - and instead work out what is important and put our full efforts into that! I really want parents to create a fulfilling family life - and for that to happen you have to let some things go and hold onto other things. Let’s talk this issue some more…

    >>>FULL TRANSCRIPT/BLOG: You can't do it all - No-one can - So Stop Comparing

    When parents live by their values and priorities they create a fulfilling family life instead of one driven by comparison and judgement.

    >>>Join HEART-BOOSTERS (free) here.

    Weekly email digging deeper into the heart-focus topic so you can make real change in your family. PLUS Resource Library Pass for bonus printables and support material.


    On Instagram: @belindaletchford

    On Facebook: facebook.com/heartfocusparenting

    Email Belinda: Contact Form

    >>>COACHING: Book a free Jumpstart Call - see details

    1st Coaching call: Jumpstart - free

    2nd Coaching call: Moving Forward - $30aud

    3rd+ Coaching call: Accountability - $20aud