Is there a big revolution about to start in healthcare?
We think yes. And we saw it – thanks to a directive by President Trump – that requires hospital transparency when it comes to patient billing.
Even if you are not a fan of this President, you need to hear this podcast.
Because – we think -- this is game changing -- when it comes to your healthcare and healthcare costs.
We will speak to the doctor who spoke at the White House with the President -- about the executive order.
Her name is Dr. Elaina George.
So the executive order forces hospitals and payers to release information based on their privately negotiated rates. Plus, providers would have to give patients estimates of their out-of-pocket costs before a procedure.
Elaina is an ear nose and throat specialist in Atlanta. Her book is one we recommend. It is Big Medicine: The Cost of Corporate Control and How Doctors and Patients Working Together Can Rebuild a Better System. You can get the book here. http://drelainageorge.com/ -
Medicare and Social Security are going broke.
That is the word from the trustees.
A big reason is healthcare costs.
And it should scare you.
We have to reduce healthcare costs.
One way to do that is to stay healthy. Make sure you use preventative care. Understand that 90% of what ails us can be cured or controlled by lifestyle changes like exercise, diet, sleep, and stress reduction.
This is the healthcare secrets podcast. Check us out at healthcare secrets podcast dot-com. You can also get Jud’s book – the Big Book of Healthcare Secrets. It will save you thousands. It is available on the website. You can catch us on Facebook, Twitter, and YOutube. -
Saknas det avsnitt?
Why Medicare for all is going to remain a hot issue. What you need to know.
Let's bat around some thoughts on Medicare for all, so people can see a wider view of the issue. Because we are getting a lot of notions both for and against – and not a lot of reality or facts.
We’ve been hit with a ton of media about Medicare-for-All. Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders is pushing it – even on a Fox News town hall. And Medicare for all is getting traction from a sizable percentage of Americans. Some polls have it at 50-percent. But other polls show it at 10-percent if it means getting rid of all private insurance – which leads to my stand – which is – it’s ok as a choice but not a mandate. Tell me what you are seeing.
First of all, it’s not Medicare for all.... It’s actually Single Payer Healthcare
JD: But it doesn’t have to be. Look at the majority of Americans who want to keep their private employer insurance. -
We’ve talked about Health City Cayman Islands. We told you it is one of the world’s top destinations for medical tourism – especially for Americans since it is so close in the Caribbean. But in this episode, instead of just hearing from us, we will talk to someone from Health City Cayman Islands.
Hi, everyone. John Daly here along with Jud Anglin. And our guest today is Mary Jones. She is the director of the US region for Health City Cayman Islands.
Mary tells us more about the philosophy of Health City Cayman Islands and why it will save you thousands on medical procedures. -
It’s a healthcare secret that involves the NFL and Mother Theresa. But it has many hospital CEOs shaking in their boots. We are talking about Health City Cayman Islands. This is one of the great medical facilities in the world. It is a healthcare secret. And we’ve mentioned here before. But it is nearby for Americans. You and I have been there. We can attest to how great this facility is – and how it works for many Americans.
1 hour flight from Miami. Everyone speaks English. They accept American dollars. It’s like traveling to another US state, but you are on a beautiful tropical island paradise. HCCI is on the Eastern end of the island, which is very quiet, and relaxing. A perfect location to health your heart, body and mind. www.healthcitycaymanislands.com -
The political fight over Obamacare. And the resulting healthcare evolution we see developing. What does it mean for you? We have the unbiased perspective from behind the scenes that the media is not telling you. And in the short term it is not pretty. But we have advice.
Hi everyone. JD here with JA on the HCSP.
So you’re hearing about repeal of Obamacare. 20 red states are going to federal court to repeal Obamacare. The trump administration is joining them. Legislatively, President Trump is backing off his own repeal until after 2020 as GOP senate realizes they can’t run on it. -
Out of network could mean out of pocket – unless you know some healthcare secrets.
Hi, everyone. John Daly here along with Jud Anglin.
Welcome to the Healthcare Secrets Podcast.
Jud, you found this great story in the Boston Globe on March 25 2019. And frankly, we have heard others.
It’s about a woman who was almost forced to pay 12-thousand dollars out of pocket for her son’s tonsillectomy – even though she had insurance.
That’s because they were trying to tell her she was out of network.
Before we get into the secrets, explain what out of network in health insurance means.
Get it in writing. Leave insurance and get medical cost sharing, namely Liberty HealthShare. -
Who says you can’t figure out pricing when it comes to healthcare?
Well you can.
And that is another healthcare secret we will give you today.
Hi everyone John Daly here along with Jud Anglin.
Welcome to the healthcare secrets podcast.
And this is a good one that comes out of Jud‘s book the big book of health care secrets.
If you have no insurance or if you have a high deductible plan, then you need to listen to this.
And if you are involved in medical cost sharing where you have to be concerned about your medical cost on fellow members, then this is also a must listen. -
We introduce you to our show. We have examined healthcare and why it is not working in the US while it does in other less progressive countries. We have our expert, Jud Anglin, who knows medical tourism but he has also written the book called The Big Book of Healthcare Secrets which is loaded with things you can do to make yourself healthy that a lot of the healthcare industry doesn't want you to know because it hurts their profits. Just go to our website at www.healthcaresecretspodcast.com
If you or a family member have problems with Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis, or thyroid problems, you need to listen closely.
Plus, you may even find a way to avoid the flu and colds.
If you want the specifics about this secret – which is low dose Naltrexone – then go to our website which is healthcare secrets podcast dot-com and check out the blog posting. We direct you to links for even more info.
Jud, you write about this low-cost revelation in your book, The Big Book of Healthcare Secrets. And our guest is the medical expert who gave you this healthcare secret – that you benefit from -- called LDN.
Let’s spell it for you. It is low dose Naltrexone which is spelled N-A-L-T-R-E-X-O-N-E. It looks like NAL-TREX-OWN. Take the time to do some research. But first listen here.
So let’s meet the man behind this revelation.
Paul Battle is a physician assistant who combines both traditional and non-traditional medical treatment to maximize patient health.
He has more than 30 years of physiology, medical and surgical experience. He obtained national certification by the American Academy of Antiaging Medicine in 2010. -
What should healthcare reform look like?
Hi, everybody. Welcome to the health care secrets podcast. I’m John Daly along with Jud Anglin.
We’re not going to get political on you. But we are going to look at what is wrong with healthcare and the lack of real reform in America.
And we’re going to tell you the things that people are not telling you about.
Because your life depends on this.
Jud, you touch on this in your book The Big Book of healthcare secrets. I want you to scare the crap out of all of us.
What are we looking at in the next 5 to 6 years?
So, what are the main problems that are not being addressed?
Jud: healthcare is set up as a for profit industry not to help people with better healthcare and
Aging society. -
Is Medical tourism right for you?
Hi, everyone. John Daly here along with Jud Anglin.
Welcome to the Healthcare Secrets Podcast.
We’re going to talk about medical tourism today.
You will hear if it is right for you.
And you will also hear things that traditional healthcare does not want YOU to know about.
What you should know is that Jud is THEE Expert on medical tourism.
Jud, talk about how you got started in medical tourism in 2003.
And if you want to explore medical tourism, check out Med Retreat dot-com or contact us here on the site – at info@healthcaresecretspodcast.com
So why would someone use medical tourism? Let’s explore the reasons. The first reason is a hospital or doctor that has a specialty you need. -
JD: So you’ve decided that medical tourism is right for you. What next?
Welcome to the Healthcare Secrets Podcast.
Hi, everyone. John Daly with Jud Anglin.
And we are talking about one of Jud’s expertises – medical tourism.
Check out his company at Med Retreat dot-com.
Jud, the last time we spoke about whether medical tourism is right for you.
And today we will get into how to plan the logistics of a medical journey outside your area.
And you have three basic rules.
But before we get to them, talk about why planning is so important to a good outcome. -
This is one of the best books -- about the worst of the healthcare industry. It’s called
An American Sickness, by Elizabeth Rosenthal.
Jud, we both have read this. And we have both seen exactly what she’s talking about. The American people are being hoodwinked and scammed by the healthcare industry. That doesn’t mean all people in the healthcare industry are evil, but it certainly means they are stuck in a system that is working purely for profits and not for your healthcare outcomes.
It was released in 2017 is a real shocker about what goes on behind the healthcare industry’s closed doors.
She lays out the “Economic Rules of the Dysfunctional Medical Market.”
Although there are 10 rules, we’ll discuss only the first 3 here...
Let’s go through them.
1. More treatment is always better. Default to the most expensive one. Some people will say this is because of malpractice suits.
The second economic rule of a dysfunctional medical market is -- A lifetime of treatment is preferable to a cure. She documents a researcher at Harvard medical school who believed she was only steps away from curing diabetes. And yet -- no pharmaceutical company or nonprofit would step forward – to fund her research -- including the juvenile diabetes Association.