Pharmacy Revenue Cycle News aims to provide you with helpful tips, resources, and emerging updates that can improve your pharmacy revenue. We have one very simple goal. We take complex and ever changing rules and regulations to bring you awareness and practical tools that can help you understand and enhance your pharmacy revenue cycle. Our website is full of resources, tools, explanations and links that can help you navigate the pharmacy revenue cycle. Each newsletter provides you with practical tips for you to put into your practice.
Each episode, host/salonnière Kara Snyder talks with a modern woman about how they navigate BS and side-step burnout. It's a pedestal-free zone chock full of real talk among real women across different industries about real obstacles and real solutions for the real world. It's a soul-soothing space for all of the secret, frazzled Type-As, perfectionists, and over-scheduling addicts to recharge a little. Don't miss this effervescent exchange of ideas, perspectives, and often unconventionally resourceful advice.
GuardianMD and Guardian Test Prep are dedicated to helping students prepare for and pass the NREMT. Our Back to Basics podcast was created to make what are sometimes complex medical topics easy to understand and retain for students of emergency medicine. Learn more about GuardianMD at
The SOGC Women’s Health Podcast aims to inform listeners and facilitate discussions on a variety of topics pertaining to the fields of obstetrics and gynaecology in Canada and globally. For medical professionals and anyone with an interest in topics related to women’s health.
Le Balado sur la santé des femmes vise à informer les auditeurs et à faciliter les discussions sur une variété de sujets liés aux domaines de l’obstétrique et de la gynécologie au Canada et dans le monde. Pour les professionnels de la santé et tous ceux et celles qui s’intéressent aux sujets liés à la santé des femmes. -
Les systèmes alimentaires actuels sont appelés à disparaitre. L'enjeu est de créer des modèles spécifiques et visionnaires qui intègrent : bas carbone, filière maitrisée, transparence alimentaire, et vitalité des territoires.
Les consultants de Soliance Alimentaire prennent le pouls des filières agricoles, des solutions durables pour nourrir le monde et donnent leur point de vue dans ce nouveau podcast.
Manger c'est changer le monde, vous propose chaque mois un éclairage précis, documenté et instructif sur les systèmes et les acteurs qui s'engagent pour une alimentation durable !
Retrouvez-nous sur linkedin ou sur notre site
Réalisation Sonore : Antoine de Boutray
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
Mental Health Today… is hosted by Ken Stearns and aims to raise awareness and reduce the stigma around mental illness through open discussion, education, and tools. The show will feature guests who share their experiences within the mental health field, including treatment professionals, funding experts, activists, advocates, patients, and policy makers.
Each episode is LIVE across Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube.
Mental Health Today is sponsored by Jar Foundation LLC, a non-profit organization dedicated to reducing mental illness and improving access to mental health resources. The show will help to build the foundation's strategy, structure, and direction while raising awareness and promoting education about mental health. -
Photographer and blogger AJ Martens will bring a unique and informative guest to each episode of Don't Burn The Day otherwise known as DBTD. The host of the show has not let the diagnosis of cerebral palsy slow him down from what it is he wants to pursue and in this podcast, you will find out many of the ways that he has succeeded In life.
We invite you to join our Patreon community by going to
The DBTD team thanks everyone for your continued support. join us at Support this podcast
Mission of DBTD:
The " Don't Burn The Day'' team strives to be a podcast that motivates and inspires our listeners to pursue their passions, never forgetting that you only get one life, therefore what you do with it is up to you! Life is precious, DON'T BURN THE DAY! -
Chào mừng các bạn đã đến với Healthy Vietnamese Podcast. Hiện nay có rất nhiều thông tin về y dược và sức khoẻ không chính xác được chia sẻ trên các mạng xã hội, gây ảnh hưởng tiêu cực tới cộng đồng. Nhân (dược sỹ ở Úc) & Giáp (bác sỹ ở Mỹ) quyết định tạo ra podcast này nhằm bổ sung kiến thức về sức khỏe cho người Việt ở mọi nơi. Để tìm hiểu thêm về podcast, các bạn có thể truy cập vào website: Support this podcast:
Y khoa là lĩnh vực thay đổi từng ngày, vì vậy việc cập nhật Y khoa cũng cần được thực hiện liên tục. Rất nhiều kiến thức mới thông qua các nghiên cứu bằng chứng được đăng tải mỗi ngày trên thế giới. Tuy nhiên việc tiếp cận còn khó khăn bởi ngôn ngữ và hình thức. Vì vậy nhóm Hệ sinh thái Y khoa thực hiện dự án MED UP! - Cập nhật Y khoa mới nhất với hoạt động chính là dịch thuật - hiệu đính và xuất bản bài viết - video về kiến thức y học mới nhất mỗi ngày. Các thông tin mới về COVID-19 (trước đây) và các đại dịch không lây nhiễm trong thời đại mới.
Eating at a Meeting explores a variety of topics on food and beverage (F&B) and how they impact individual experience and inclusion, sustainability, culture, community, health and wellness, laws and more.
The mission of Eating at a Meeting is to share authentic stories that illustrate the financial, social, emotional, and mental impact food and beverage have on individuals, organizations, and the earth. I see it being threefold:
● Help individuals and organizations understand how F&B
impacts employee, customer and guest experience, the
planet and the bottom line.
● Help those growing, producing, preparing, and serving
F&B understand the duty of care they hold in food safety
and inclusion as well as the opportunity they have to
create experiences that are safe and inclusive.
● Support those with dietary needs by gathering their
insight on eating at a meeting with dietary needs,
helping them better advocate for themselves and
educating them on the processes found on the other
side of the kitchen door. -
Welcome to the Will BrownKingsage (WBS-Podcast), where we explore life experiences, travel, and mental health. Join us as we delve into the depths of personal growth, wanderlust, and the importance of nurturing our minds. Get ready for thought-provoking discussions, captivating stories, and uplifting conversations. This podcast is a sanctuary for those seeking inspiration, guidance, and a touch of tranquility in their lives. So, sit back, relax, and let the journey begin. 🎙️
Real World Talk with COTA brings together healthcare leaders to discuss the importance of real world data in accelerating drug development and improving cancer care. Real World Talk is brought to you by COTA, a company that combines oncology expertise with advanced technology & analytics to create clarity from fragmented and often-inaccessible real-world data.
The Women In Radiology Education, or WIRED, podcast was created with our group’s mission in mind: empowering, supporting, and inspiring women. We intend to interview women in all stages of the path to a career in radiology—young ladies interested in STEM, medical students, residents, academic attendings, and community practitioners—and share their insight and wisdom with our listeners in hopes of ultimately reducing the overall disparity regarding women in radiology.
As rheumatologist I do my best to learn balanced approach to work and life. The art of wellbeing is to continue and perform well at what you love professionally, and otherwise, with healthy attitude on time off and need to tune out. Listen to this insightful talks that I hope will enrich your life. My gusts will be other doctors, health practitioners, and my own podcast on issues of interest e.g. time off, gardening, art, poetry and definitely health.
Der Kardio-Podcast von Boehringer Ingelheim und Lilly bietet exklusive und fachlich fundierte Einblicke aus der Welt der Kardiologie. Jeden Monat spricht Prof. Dr. David Duncker mit renommierten Expert:innen über kardiologische Themen, wie diagnostische Tools, neueste Therapiemöglichkeiten, interventionelle Kardiologie oder Zeitmanagement im Klinikalltag. In einem unterhaltsamen Dialog berichten sie von ihren persönlichen Erfahrungen, ihrem Praxisalltag, interessanten Fallbeispielen und geben praxisrelevante Updates aus der Wissenschaft. Jetzt reinhören und in Sachen Kardiologie up-to-date bleiben!
Weiterführende Informationen für medizinische Fachkreise zu den besprochenen Themen werden in den Episodenbeschreibungen verlinkt. Besuchen Sie gerne auch unsere Servicewelt: -