
  • In this week's Heads Together podcast episode I ask the important question of how close is the business you have now to the vision you had for your business at the beginning?


    Opportunities and distractions in equal measure (one sometimes disguised as the other ) can mean your business meanders along until it bears little resemblance to what you'd originally dreamed it would be.


    How often do you step back from the day to day of market, serve, repeat to look at what's working for you now and what's not. What feels aligned and what doesn't. How often do you dare to consider a change of direction, a big pivot. Do you regularly consider what no longer serves you and perhaps needs letting go of?


    Time to work on our business is SO important, and Summer is the perfect season to do just that. Like I said last week, the sleepier summer months are perfect for intentionally lowering your energy, turning down the dial to a mild simmer, so you can reflect, consolidate, plan.


    This is why I'll be offering you something very special later this month. I've created the perfect virtual solo retreat for you. An opportunity to have 5 days out from your business (or at least from client work) to work ON your business. Within the self guided container, you'll spend each day reflecting, journaling, reviewing a different part of your business. This is just a teaser as I'm still working on some of the beautiful content that will be there for you inside your virtual retreat.


    If this sounds like something you'd be interested in, go to https://www.gillmoakes.com/RYB-register-interest and I'll be sure to keep you posted.

  • Welcome back to the Heads Together podcast! This week, I'm talking about a topic that's been on my mind: Aligning your energy with the seasons.

    I explore how different seasons affect our energy levels: spring and autumn are high-energy, "doing" seasons, while summer and winter encourage us to slow down and reflect.

    I explain the importance of giving ourselves permission to adjust our pace with the seasons, and how this can benefit our overall well being and business sustainability.

    Are you curious about aligning your energy with the seasons? Apply for a free breakthrough session at Gillmoakes.com/apply. 

    Thanks for listening! Join me next week for another insightful episode of the Heads Together podcast. 

    If you enjoy these episodes, please rate and review on Apple Podcasts. Your feedback helps others discover the show.

    Connect with me:

    Email: [email protected]

    Website: Gillmoakes.com

    Instagram: @Gillmoakes.


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  • Welcome back to the Heads Together podcast. This week, I'm talking about what it really means to "play big" and be unapologetic.

    Spoiler alert: It's not about how big your dreams are, but how fulfilled you feel while chasing them. Whether you're aiming to run a mega-corporation or raise alpacas in the countryside, it's all about owning what you truly want. Get ready for an inspiring episode that challenges the go big or go home mentality and champions authentic, unapologetic living.

    Playing big isn't about the size of your dreams but the fulfillment they bring you. It's about pursuing what truly makes you happy, whether that's a bustling business or a serene lifestyle. Claim what you want unapologetically, even if it doesn't fit the mainstream narrative of success. Your dreams are valid, no matter their shape or size. Stop comparing your journey to others. Focus on your vision and what success means to you. Remember, everyone's path looks different.

    I loved hearing from those who connected with me on LinkedIn after the last episode. It was joyful receiving your messages and knowing you're out there listening. It’s moments like these that make everything worthwhile.

    Have a fantastic week, and see you next time!

  • Welcome back to the Heads Together podcast. I’m so grateful you’re here with me, can you believe we’re already at episode 115? Amazing, right?

    In this episode, I explore whether starting a podcast is the right choice for you. I address common questions about podcasting, share insights from my own journey, and discuss the benefits and challenges of creating a podcast.

    I explain the importance of establishing a content platform such as a blog, podcast, or YouTube channel to position yourself as an expert in your field. Why I prefer podcasting and the advantages of each platform, including visibility and thought leadership, networking, and audience connection.

    However, there are challenges to podcasting, including the long-term commitment required for growth, consistency, and patience. Managing the extensive workflow, from planning and recording to editing and promoting, is also demanding. Despite these challenges, the supportive nature of the podcasting community and the potential for collaboration make it worthwhile. Using a podcast to attract the right clients and build a loyal listener community is essential.

    If you’re considering starting a podcast and want more in-depth guidance, apply for a breakthrough session with me: gillmoakes.com/apply

    Thank you for listening! Don't forget to subscribe, rate, and leave a review. See you in the next episode!

  • Welcome back to the Heads Together podcast! This week’s episode is a quick one, but it's filled with insights that struck me while I was driving – yes, I had to pull over to make a note!

    I'm exploring the challenge of earning business because t's not as easy as it used to be. Consumers are more discerning, and earning their business means truly connecting with them. It's all about the know, like, and trust factor – that timeless trio we can't ignore.

    I also share my thoughts on balancing automation with genuine connection. While automation has its benefits, there's something special about real time engagement. Posting live, reacting to current events, and sharing authentic stories can make a big difference.

    If there's one thing I'd love for you to do after listening, it's to connect with me on LinkedIn. Send me a direct message saying you listened to Episode 114, and let’s start a conversation. Who knows, you might even end up as a guest on the podcast!

  • Welcome back to the Heads Together podcast, I’m thrilled you’re here again. Today, I’m explaining what six things might be holding you back from growing your dream business.

    These are super common issues, and we all fall into these traps sometimes. But the great news is that we can change them. We just need to recognise them and take action.

    I’ve been working with a coach myself recently - shout out to Deborah Driscoll at Big Life Magic - and it’s been eye-opening. This coaching is all about energetic alignment and intuition, and it’s really tuned me into my own gut feelings. It’s made me realise how tough it can be to build a business if you’re not in tune with your intuition.

    Are you constantly looking for others to validate your decisions? This can seriously stifle your progress. Trust yourself! No one is as invested in your success as you are. Tune into your intuition and let it guide you.



  • In this week's Heads Together podcast episode, I had the pleasure of chatting with Ian Sanders, a  storyteller, author, speaker, trainer and coach, who's passionate about storytelling and its power to transform our work and lives. Ian's career has been a fascinating journey, spanning over three decades, where he's navigated various roles and ultimately found his calling as a storyteller.

    We discuss the essence of storytelling and its connection to curiosity. Ian highlights how curiosity serves as a superpower in storytelling, emphasising the importance of paying attention and noticing the world around us. He shares insights on how individuals, regardless of their profession, can harness curiosity to craft compelling narratives about their experiences.

    Ian encourages listeners to tell stories that resonate with them on a personal level, rather than focusing solely on audience engagement metrics.

    Join us as we explore the transformative power of curiosity in storytelling and uncover the beauty of sharing authentic narratives that connect us on a deeper level.

    Learn more about Ian Sanders:

    Website: www.iansanders.com

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/iansanders

  • Welcome back to the Heads Together podcast! I am thrilled to have you join us again or ff it's your first time here, a huge welcome!

    I'm diving into why we coaches sometimes feel the pressure to become digital marketing wizards when, in reality, our focus should be on what truly matters: helping people. It's about those genuine connections, those heart-to-heart conversations that make all the difference.

    I'll be honest, I might get a bit passionate about this topic—it's something I truly believe in. But stick with me, because I promise it's worth it. We'll explore why building relationships is the real secret to growing a thriving coaching practice.

    So, if you've ever felt overwhelmed by the endless demands of digital marketing or wondered if there's a simpler way to attract clients, this episode is for you. Let's cut through the noise and get back to what coaching is really about: changing lives, one conversation at a time.

    Tune in and let's dive deep into the world of coaching, connection, and creating a business that truly lights you up.



  • Welcome back to this week's episode of the Heads Together podcast. I am freshly back from the north Norfolk coast where I had the loveliest long weekend break. If you are in the UK or across the pond, Norfolk is a must to visit.

    Now let's dive into this week's topic, this is a talk I gave recently to the Institute of Coaching Studies, where I obtained my ICF accreditation. The Institute is the ONLY coach training provider I recommend because, quite simply, it's the best!  If you're interested in training to be a coach, or, like me, want to formalise your training and gain accreditation, then do check out the Institute: 

    The talk I gave there was all about the Coach's Offer Pyramid. Picture it like a tiered structure where each level represents a different way coaches can add value to their clients. One-to-one coaching should be our initial focus, it’s where we refine our craft, build our reputation, and create fans who will sing our praises to anyone who will listen.

    If you're loving what you're hearing, would you do me a huge favour and leave a five-star review on Apple Podcasts. It's like giving me a virtual high-five and helps spread the word about the podcast far and wide.

    If you'd like to brainstorm what your signature offer could look like, wy not apply for a 60 minute breakthrough session with me: gillmoakes.com/apply

  • In this week’s episode of the Heads Together podcast, I'm joined by Abi Adams, a speaker, mentor, movement coach, and visionary founder of Project Woman. Abi shares her personal experiences with yoga, Thai massage, and studying MMA in the States, which all contributed to her deep understanding of the body.

    Empowering women to make informed choices about their health is at the core of Abi's mission. We discuss topics like menopause and hormone replacement therapy, emphasising the importance of holistic approaches that help the body's natural rhythms.

    Throughout our conversation, Abi highlights the significance of embracing authenticity and prioritising rest and self-care. We discuss the power of finding balance and honoring our bodies' needs in today's fast-paced world.

    Find out more about Abi Adams:

    Website: www.weareprojectwoman.com

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/abiadams_projectwoman

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/abi-adams-3191bb2a

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/abigail.adams.90281

    Project woman:

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/AbiAdamsMMA

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/company/83282293/admin/feed/posts

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/we_are_project_woman

  • In this weeks episode of the Heads Together podcast, I'm joined by Kris Burbank, parent, coach, and author, for a heartfelt discussion about parenting a child with disabilities. Kris shares her personal journey, from transitioning to leadership coaching during the pandemic to co-writing the book "Embracing Another Normal", focusing on resilience for families with children with special needs.

    As you may, or may not know, this is a topic close to my heart, as my son, James, is autistic, and Kris and I have formed a deep friendship based on our shared experience.

    We discuss the challenges of parenting and the importance of building supportive networks. Kris reflects on the struggles she faced and the power of vulnerability in storytelling. She discusses the genesis of her online course, aimed at providing hope and guidance to families navigating the complexities of disability.

    Throughout the episode, we emphasise the realities of parenthood, celebrating the joys while acknowledging the hardships. Listen in for an inspiring discussion on navigating parenthood and disability with courage and resilience.

    On 6th May, Kris will be hosting a FREE webinar - Six Secrets to Finding Fulfillment and Feeling Whole.You can register here: https://kris-burbank.mykajabi.com/may-6-webinar


    To find out more about Kris Burbank:

    Website: www.krisburbank.com

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/anothernormal

    Newsletter: https://anothernormal.substack.com

  • In this weeks Heads Together podcast I talk about self-worth and success. have you ever found yourself holding back on a big dream, thinking it's just not realistic for someone like you? It's time to shake off those limiting beliefs.

    As we navigate through life, especially during midlife, many of us experience a surge of ambition and a desire to fulfil our true potential. It's a pivotal moment to reassess our self-imposed limits and pursue what truly lights us up.

    Have you downloaded my FREE Vision & Goal Setting bundle yet? Sign up here: 



  • In this week's episode, I'm joined by Ursula Capell, a coach and consultant, who brings a wealth of experience from the creative industries to the realm of co-creative leadership.

    Ursula shares her journey, detailing how her background in the creative sector has shaped the work she does today. Through her transition into coaching, she discovered the pivotal role of trust and collaboration in effective leadership.

    We explore the balance between fostering collaboration and avoiding the pitfalls of excessive consensus-seeking. Ursula emphasises the importance of creating a safe space where team members feel empowered to contribute authentically, leading to genuine innovation and progress.

    Throughout our discussion, Ursula highlights the transformative power of co-creative leadership, not only in organisational settings but also in personal growth and development. By embracing vulnerability and fostering a culture of openness, leaders can unlock the full potential of their teams and drive meaningful change.

    COMING UP...

    Ursula will be offering a FREE masterclass on co-creative leadership, so I highly recommend you opt in to her newsletter for more details of the date / time. Best way to do that? Download her free Level of Trust audit tool here: https://www.cocreativefuture.com/signup and you'll automatically get updated about all the good stuff coming up!

    To find out more about Ursula Capell:

    Website: www.ursulacapell.com

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/ursula-capell-msc-cpcc-421411/

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/ursulach

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/ursulacapellcoaching




  • A six-part business builder powered by yours truly. I'm taking my business bestie, and the founder / CEO of Stoned Fruit (THE place to go for copy that converts), Rebecca Gunter on a journey to rewild her business...

    Are you tired of being force-fed someone else’s definition of success? Do you want to cultivate courage and plant the seeds of radical authenticity and self-belief? Want to regenerate time and energy?

    Do you need the space to discover which areas of your business need change, clear away what no longer serves, and allow what does to thrive?

    Here's what Rebecca had to say: "I’ve been creatively-stifled and entrepreneurially-frustrated too long. Meet the answer to my prayers: Rewild Your Business, a self-directed intensive retreat by Business Coach (and entrepreneurial activist) Gill Moakes. Gill thinks that we owe it to ourselves to be selfish. She wants freedom-seeking women lacking clarity and confidence within the sound of her voice to “rewild their business.”

    What does that mean? It means stripping away all of the clutter and confusion. “Deconstruct the idea that there is only one right way to do it,” she advises. In other words, stop getting choked out by one-size-fits-all-advice and design your own unique ecosystem, redefining what success feels like. I volunteer; I volunteer as tribute. Take me on an excursion into the wild to find the balance and the bravery to make decisions large and small.

    In 6 guided sessions, Gill will show us the way to stop overcomplicating EVERYTHING and keep it simple, feel good about marketing, and stay in an abundant money mindset. Rewild Your Business is here to help us reimagine our vision, goals, and a business model that represents what we actively want from our business.

    This is a rallying cry for those compelled to do work that matters to them and embody the brand values and North Star statement that speaks to who we really are. She challenges us to dare not be inauthentic by identifying when the fruits of our labor are overcultivated, undervalued, and outside of ourselves—because simple is sublime.

    Reclaim trust in your intuition and infuse an injection of hope in 6-sessions? Yes, please.

    🍒🍑 Learn more about Stoned Fruit https://www.stonedfruit.com

    👉Learn more about Gill Moakes https://www.gillmoakes.com

    📚Read Simplicity in Business: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Thriving Amidst the Noise https://www.gillmoakes.com/blog/ 

    ☝️Get on the Waiting List for the launch of Rewild Your Business - the solo 7-day virtual, self-directed intensive retreat by emailing [email protected]

    Series Produced by Tony Porreco of SoundGround Productions

  • In this weeks episode of Heads Together, I'm joined by Angela Rakis, founder of Favorite Daughter LLC, to explore the importance of business boundaries.

    Angela shares the story of Favorite Daughter LLC, explaining how the company's unique name originated from a classic dad joke. What starts as a technology fail turns into a fortuitous mistake that helps her build her business. We discuss the lesson behind Angela's experience, the importance of embracing mistakes and turning them into opportunities for growth. Angela explains how her company name often becomes a talking point in client interactions, sparking curiosity and engagement.

    Angela's story shows the power of organic conversations, highlighting how natural, unplanned interactions can lead to opportunities and connections in business. We also discuss the significance of being open to these moments and how they can shape a business.

    You can find out more about Angela here:

    Website: www.favoritedaughterllc.com

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/angelarakis

    Instagram: www.Instagram.com/angrakis

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/FavoriteDaughterllc



  • A six-part business builder powered by yours truly. I'm taking my business bestie, and the founder / CEO of Stoned Fruit (THE place to go for copy that converts), Rebecca Gunter on a journey to rewild her business...

    Are you tired of being force-fed someone else’s definition of success? Do you want to cultivate courage and plant the seeds of radical authenticity and self-belief? Want to regenerate time and energy?

    Do you need the space to discover which areas of your business need change, clear away what no longer serves, and allow what does to thrive?

    Here's what Rebecca had to say: "I’ve been creatively-stifled and entrepreneurially-frustrated too long. Meet the answer to my prayers: Rewild Your Business, a self-directed intensive retreat by Business Coach (and entrepreneurial activist) Gill Moakes. Gill thinks that we owe it to ourselves to be selfish. She wants freedom-seeking women lacking clarity and confidence within the sound of her voice to “rewild their business.”

    What does that mean? It means stripping away all of the clutter and confusion. “Deconstruct the idea that there is only one right way to do it,” she advises. In other words, stop getting choked out by one-size-fits-all-advice and design your own unique ecosystem, redefining what success feels like. I volunteer; I volunteer as tribute. Take me on an excursion into the wild to find the balance and the bravery to make decisions large and small.

    In 6 guided sessions, Gill will show us the way to stop overcomplicating EVERYTHING and keep it simple, feel good about marketing, and stay in an abundant money mindset. Rewild Your Business is here to help us reimagine our vision, goals, and a business model that represents what we actively want from our business.

    This is a rallying cry for those compelled to do work that matters to them and embody the brand values and North Star statement that speaks to who we really are. She challenges us to dare not be inauthentic by identifying when the fruits of our labor are overcultivated, undervalued, and outside of ourselves—because simple is sublime.

    Reclaim trust in your intuition and infuse an injection of hope in 6-sessions? Yes, please.

    🍒🍑 Learn more about Stoned Fruit https://www.stonedfruit.com

    👉Learn more about Gill Moakes https://www.gillmoakes.com

    📚Read Simplicity in Business: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Thriving Amidst the Noise https://www.gillmoakes.com/blog/ 

    ☝️Get on the Waiting List for the launch of Rewild Your Business - the solo 7-day virtual, self-directed intensive retreat by emailing [email protected]

    Series Produced by Tony Porreco of SoundGround Productions

  • I’m thrilled to be joined this week by Dr Kim Wilson, a medical doctor with many years of experience and a highly trained and an incredibly successful Deep Transformational Coach. Dr Kim helps people to really understand their own mind and then redesign the inner workings of their mind enabling them to profoundly let go of limiting beliefs and programs that have often plagued them for many years - such as fears/ anxieties, imposter syndrome, procrastination, people pleasing, stress, triggers, overwhelm and more.

    This enables anyone she works with to experience a profound and persistent sense of inner peace, calm, confidence, clarity, intuition and ability and the downstream effects of this on their relationships, career and physical health are incredible.

    Her work is truely life changing and she has worked with high level professional athletes and business leaders as well as an array of Individuals looking to finally understand and free their own mind and live their best life.

    We kick things off by delving into Kim's background as a doctor and how her experiences in the medical field are sparking her passion for deep transformational coaching. From witnessing the vulnerabilities of her patients to navigating the pressures of modern healthcare, Kim shares the pivotal moments that are leading her to reevaluate her approach to healing.

    Through her holistic approach to coaching, Kim helps clients dissolve these limiting beliefs and step into their true power. Kim sheds light on the importance of treating individuals as unique beings and addressing the root causes of their struggles rather than just the symptoms. She opens up about her own journey of burnout and self-discovery, highlighting the transformative power of mindset work and deep coaching.

    To find out more about Dr Kim Wilson: 

    Instagram: drkimwilson_coaching

    Website: www.drkimwilson.com

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/dr-kim-wilson-coaching/ 

  • A six-part business builder powered by yours truly. I'm taking my business bestie, and the founder / CEO of Stoned Fruit (THE place to go for copy that converts), Rebecca Gunter on a journey to rewild her business...

    Are you tired of being force-fed someone else’s definition of success? Do you want to cultivate courage and plant the seeds of radical authenticity and self-belief? Want to regenerate time and energy?

    Do you need the space to discover which areas of your business need change, clear away what no longer serves, and allow what does to thrive?

    Here's what Rebecca had to say: "I’ve been creatively-stifled and entrepreneurially-frustrated too long. Meet the answer to my prayers: Rewild Your Business, a self-directed intensive retreat by Business Coach (and entrepreneurial activist) Gill Moakes. Gill thinks that we owe it to ourselves to be selfish. She wants freedom-seeking women lacking clarity and confidence within the sound of her voice to “rewild their business.”

    What does that mean? It means stripping away all of the clutter and confusion. “Deconstruct the idea that there is only one right way to do it,” she advises. In other words, stop getting choked out by one-size-fits-all-advice and design your own unique ecosystem, redefining what success feels like. I volunteer; I volunteer as tribute. Take me on an excursion into the wild to find the balance and the bravery to make decisions large and small.

    In 6 guided sessions, Gill will show us the way to stop overcomplicating EVERYTHING and keep it simple, feel good about marketing, and stay in an abundant money mindset. Rewild Your Business is here to help us reimagine our vision, goals, and a business model that represents what we actively want from our business.

    This is a rallying cry for those compelled to do work that matters to them and embody the brand values and North Star statement that speaks to who we really are. She challenges us to dare not be inauthentic by identifying when the fruits of our labor are overcultivated, undervalued, and outside of ourselves—because simple is sublime.

    Reclaim trust in your intuition and infuse an injection of hope in 6-sessions? Yes, please.

    🍒🍑 Learn more about Stoned Fruit https://www.stonedfruit.com

    👉Learn more about Gill Moakes https://www.gillmoakes.com

    📚Read Simplicity in Business: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Thriving Amidst the Noise https://www.gillmoakes.com/blog/ 

    ☝️Get on the Waiting List for the launch of Rewild Your Business - the solo 7-day virtual, self-directed intensive retreat by emailing [email protected]

    Series Produced by Tony Porreco of SoundGround Productions

  • In this weeks episode of Heads Together, I had the pleasure of speaking with Melina Cordero, a passionate advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace. Melina shared insights from her journey in commercial real estate and her transition to focusing on DEI and leadership development. 

    Our conversation then turned to Melina's project, the Women on Work Project. This initiative emerged from her realisation of the structural obstacles faced by women in the workplace, especially during the pandemic. Melina's goal was to gather diverse experiences of women across different sectors, racial and ethnic backgrounds, and caregiving roles to paint a comprehensive picture of the challenges and opportunities for women at work.

    Melina highlighted the importance of awareness and education in addressing these issues within organisations. By recognising and acknowledging the invisible labor performed by women, leaders can create more equitable workplaces where all contributions are valued and rewarded. Additionally, Melina emphasised the need for specific training on topics like gender bias in communication to foster a culture of inclusion and respect.


    You can find out more about Melina on the following links:

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/melinacordero

    YouTube: www.youtube.com/@UncomfortableQuestions

    Website: www.melinacordero.com

  • A six-part business builder powered by yours truly. I'm taking my business bestie, and the founder / CEO of Stoned Fruit (THE place to go for copy that converts), Rebecca Gunter on a journey to rewild her business...

    Are you tired of being force-fed someone else’s definition of success? Do you want to cultivate courage and plant the seeds of radical authenticity and self-belief? Want to regenerate time and energy?

    Do you need the space to discover which areas of your business need change, clear away what no longer serves, and allow what does to thrive?

    Here's what Rebecca had to say: "I’ve been creatively-stifled and entrepreneurially-frustrated too long. Meet the answer to my prayers: Rewild Your Business, a self-directed intensive retreat by Business Coach (and entrepreneurial activist) Gill Moakes. Gill thinks that we owe it to ourselves to be selfish. She wants freedom-seeking women lacking clarity and confidence within the sound of her voice to “rewild their business.”

    What does that mean? It means stripping away all of the clutter and confusion. “Deconstruct the idea that there is only one right way to do it,” she advises. In other words, stop getting choked out by one-size-fits-all-advice and design your own unique ecosystem, redefining what success feels like. I volunteer; I volunteer as tribute. Take me on an excursion into the wild to find the balance and the bravery to make decisions large and small.

    In 6 guided sessions, Gill will show us the way to stop overcomplicating EVERYTHING and keep it simple, feel good about marketing, and stay in an abundant money mindset. Rewild Your Business is here to help us reimagine our vision, goals, and a business model that represents what we actively want from our business.

    This is a rallying cry for those compelled to do work that matters to them and embody the brand values and North Star statement that speaks to who we really are. She challenges us to dare not be inauthentic by identifying when the fruits of our labor are overcultivated, undervalued, and outside of ourselves—because simple is sublime.

    Reclaim trust in your intuition and infuse an injection of hope in 6-sessions? Yes, please.

    🍒🍑 Learn more about Stoned Fruit https://www.stonedfruit.com

    👉Learn more about Gill Moakes https://www.gillmoakes.com

    📚Read Simplicity in Business: An Entrepreneur's Guide to Thriving Amidst the Noise https://www.gillmoakes.com/blog/ 

    ☝️Get on the Waiting List for the launch of Rewild Your Business - the solo 7-day virtual, self-directed intensive retreat by emailing [email protected]

    Series Produced by Tony Porreco of SoundGround Productions