
  • Take yourself back a number of years, and picture the endless lines and groups of humans as they tried to escape the horrors of their homeland, and embark on a journey into a new country, a safe country. The refugee crisis was in full swing... young men, families with children... all striving for a better life, and in many cases, striving for life.

    The image captured from this was one that our guest, Rando Wagner, experienced first hand, and really gave him drive and strength. The surreal feeling he got from this situation is something that has stayed with him ever since.

    Rando Wagner's heart was touched, and a sense of solemness had thrust itself inside him... the sights he was seeing on the television was something else. The thoughts that entered into him were ones of horror and shock, and gave him chilling thoughts that reminded him of the history he'd been taught from days gone by in Germany.

    This alone, gave him the trigger to utilise his position as cabin crew, and the time he had available to embark on a journey that would help and support the most vulnerable people as they tried to make the treacherous journey away from their war-torn homeland to pastures new.

    Join us as Rando talks us through his project 'One Human Race', the stories he has lived through, and the amazing work that he and his team are doing.

  • Take yourself back a number of years, and picture the endless lines and groups of humans as they tried to escape the horrors of their homeland, and embark on a journey into a new country, a safe country. The refugee crisis was in full swing... young men, families with children... all striving for a better life, and in many cases, striving for life.

    The image captured from this was one that our guest, Rando Wagner, experienced first hand, and really gave him drive and strength. The surreal feeling he got from this situation is something that has stayed with him ever since.

    Rando Wagner's heart was touched, and a sense of solemness had thrust itself inside him... the sights he was seeing on the television was something else. The thoughts that entered into him were ones of horror and shock, and gave him chilling thoughts that reminded him of the history he'd been taught from days gone by in Germany.

    This alone, gave him the trigger to utilise his position as cabin crew, and the time he had available to embark on a journey that would help and support the most vulnerable people as they tried to make the treacherous journey away from their war-torn homeland to pastures new.

    Join us as Rando talks us through his project 'One Human Race', the stories he has lived through, and the amazing work that he and his team are doing.

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  • Having experienced a sometimes tough upbringing back in her home country of the Philippines, we chat with Zen who tells us a bit about her journey from her childhood until now as she enriches the lives of children across the country through her vision of 'Seed', and also enriches the lives of those who are struggling over in the Middle East.

    A simple memory of a kind-hearted person offering the young Zen a bowl of porridge while playing in the street has manifested a strong drive to want to give back to the community. Something small like this really triggered a chain reaction of goodness that Zen has acted upon through her faith in God.

    Zen, who lives in Dubai, utilises her networks from her employment as airline crew, from church communities, and through an amazing band of volunteers to make the lives of many who are either suffering from poverty that much better.

    Whether they be families who have lost income from Covid, or individuals who have had a tough time getting through life in general, or the children of the Philippines who need that extra help so they can get an education, and have that seed sewn into their lives so they can look forward to a beautiful life.

    Join us for a chat full of humility and grace, and a heartfelt thankfulness for the life Zen has been able to lead.

  • Having experienced a sometimes tough upbringing back in her home country of the Philippines, we chat with Zen who tells us a bit about her journey from her childhood until now as she enriches the lives of children across the country through her vision of 'Seed', and also enriches the lives of those who are struggling over in the Middle East.

    A simple memory of a kind-hearted person offering the young Zen a bowl of porridge while playing in the street has manifested a strong drive to want to give back to the community. Something small like this really triggered a chain reaction of goodness that Zen has acted upon through her faith in God.

    Zen, who lives in Dubai, utilises her networks from her employment as airline crew, from church communities, and through an amazing band of volunteers to make the lives of many who are either suffering from poverty that much better.

    Whether they be families who have lost income from Covid, or individuals who have had a tough time getting through life in general, or the children of the Philippines who need that extra help so they can get an education, and have that seed sewn into their lives so they can look forward to a beautiful life.

    Join us for a chat full of humility and grace, and a heartfelt thankfulness for the life Zen has been able to lead.

  • "The more you give, the more you get", mantra we should all live by... as per the quote on Nu Skin's website, and also as per the upbringing of our guest in today's episode.

    Maria, crew with Emirates Airline, has embarked on a journey taking in her passion of skincare and beauty, and gently blending it with her natural motherly and maternal instinct.

    Sounds like a strange blend, but in fact this is the unique concept coming from the company she has joined with while on unpaid maternity leave. Nu Skin are a company who not only deal with skin, but are a company extremely dedicated to enriching the lives of children in most need around the world.

    The concept, unique to them is 'Nourish The Children', and it is a concept we chat with Maria in depth about in this brand new episode of 'Hatrack Heroes!'. Maria is someone who wants to give her all, not only for her own children, but for the children of the world, and Nu Skin has given her this opportunity.

  • "Many of you have probably heard of the organisation we chat about today. They are most known for their amazing work with the eradication of Polio around the world, but also for fighting disease, promoting peace, and also disaster relief.
    Rotary International are a worldwide organisation doing many amazing things around the world, with the help of over one million members... one of whom we are speaking with today.
    Ana Mihai Schmidt is cabin crew with Emirates, but has been involved with Rotary for a number of years now starting back in her home country, Romania.
    After moving to Dubai, she became involved again with the organisation joining up with events visiting a disable children's home, and delivering Iftar boxes to the labour workers during Ramadan.
    She also embarked on a journey of self-discovery and growth by being the leader for her own project raising money at the Flea Markets.
    Ana, from experience, can really say that Rotary gives you the opportunity to grow, and to become a better person.
    Join us for a great chat, and maybe it'll give you the encouragement to embark on a similar kind of journey too."

  • Have you ever had a moment where you've felt vulnerable? A moment where you've felt uncomfortable and with what feels like a minimal amount of control over a situation?

    If you have, then you might have a small inkling about what the children of the small town of Senya-Beraku on the coast of Ghana, two hours from Accra feel. However, these children have grown up with this vulnerability staring them in the face every day pretty much from the moment they open their eyes into this world. Whether they are an orphan, or whether they've just been left in a room by the mother, to fend for themselves... just like the child our guest in this episode talks about.

    Alejandro Magalhaes is airline crew in the Middle East, and due to the current situation for travel (or lack of), he was able to take time out from his work to venture into the world of volunteering with Becky's Foundation.

    Hear his story on how he managed to find his way to Ghana, the planning he made for his journey, and then the eye-opening experiences that were thrust upon him when he arrived. Emotions can get the better of anyone, and with Alejandro it was no different, as he was able to find connections with many of the children in the foundation... from a football wizz, to fleet-footed dancers, to a little girl called Mary 'cheeky'.

    Alejandro also gives his thoughts on the trials and tribulations of volunteer work, and offers a warning to those of you who might be thinking of doing this kind of thing.

    Is volunteer work something for you? Find out more from Alejandro in this interesting chat.

  • We've been living in a strange and overall depressing kind of world for a while now... Covid has ripped lives apart, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight.
    Many of us have come to terms with the restrictions, and living our lives the best way we can, and this includes the many thousands upon thousands of airline crew who were made redundant throughout this whole time. Yes, they may have lost their jobs, just like many others, but one such crew saw an opportunity, a possibility to bring a beacon of light in dark times.
    Captain Emma Henderson MBE is our guest for part 2 of an amazing and uplifting chat that I believe will be one that you will all enjoy listening to, and especially relate to. Emma is the Founder/CEO of 'Project Wingman', a not-for-profit organisation run 100% by volunteers, mainly across the UK.
    'Project Wingman' is a collective of ex-airline crew volunteers, who may have been made redundant or furloughed, and are using there time to give back to those doing their utmost during these times - those being the workers of the NHS.
    Coined by Emma herself, she likes to refer to what these volunteers do as 'a hug in a mug', basically offering the simple thing of a tea or a coffee in a hospital based 'lounge setup', but arguably more importantly an ear... to listen, to show care, to show empathy... just giving someone the time, and letting them know that what they are doing for us is truly being appreciated on a personal level.
    What Emma has started is truly remarkable, and something that many in the NHS are so very thankful for right now.
    Throughout the chat, you can really feel how passionate and devoted Emma is to 'Project Wingman'. It is truly inspirational to hear what Emma has done since this pandemic started, and it was a real pleasure being able to chat with her, and hear first hand about all everything her and her remarkable team are doing.
    We hope you enjoy.

  • We've been living in a strange and overall depressing kind of world for a while now... Covid has ripped lives apart, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially, and there doesn't seem to be an end in sight.
    Many of us have come to terms with the restrictions, and living our lives the best way we can, and this includes the many thousands upon thousands of airline crew who were made redundant throughout this whole time. Yes, they may have lost their jobs, just like many others, but one such crew saw an opportunity, a possibility to bring a beacon of light in dark times.
    Captain Emma Henderson MBE is our guest for part 1 of an amazing and uplifting chat that I believe will be one that you will all enjoy listening to, and especially relate to. Emma is the Founder/CEO of 'Project Wingman', a not-for-profit organisation run 100% by volunteers, mainly across the UK.
    'Project Wingman' is a collective of ex-airline crew volunteers, who may have been made redundant or furloughed, and are using there time to give back to those doing their utmost during these times - those being the workers of the NHS.
    Coined by Emma herself, she likes to refer to what these volunteers do as 'a hug in a mug', basically offering the simple thing of a tea or a coffee in a hospital based 'lounge setup', but arguably more importantly an ear... to listen, to show care, to show empathy... just giving someone the time, and letting them know that what they are doing for us is truly being appreciated on a personal level.
    What Emma has started is truly remarkable, and something that many in the NHS are so very thankful for right now.
    Throughout the chat, you can really feel how passionate and devoted Emma is to 'Project Wingman'. It is truly inspirational to hear what Emma has done since this pandemic started, and it was a real pleasure being able to chat with her, and hear first hand about all everything her and her remarkable team are doing.
    We hope you enjoy.

  • Unconditional love is something we get from our parents as a child, no matter how naughty we are... Returning this love when our parents are of an age where they might find it more difficult to complete daily tasks, is something most of us might find tough to do. Yes, we love them... but going that next step and becoming a primary carer might not be our cup of tea.

    In this episode, we listen to one such son, and previous guest, Heinz Schiedemann who has taken on this role with his father. We take a journey through his father’s life until today, and learn about the man he is. We hear of the special bond that he and Heinz have created together, and how Heinz has formed a new understanding and appreciation of his father… particularly in the realm of taking your time, and learning to appreciate the world around.

    We do also hear about the negatives, but it really seems as though these are far outweighed by the plethora of positives that are experienced together.

    It's a joyful story, one of care and love... it may even bring a tear to your eye.

  • Stopping to invest in someone's life could be one of the most magnificent things you could ever do. They could be a stranger on the street, someone you've worked with, or someone you've decided to support on your volunteering journey; But... they could and should also be the people closest to your home.
    Our guest today, Simon, we will be continuing our chat in this episode about his journeys to varying parts of our world. We reflect some more about the intricacies of his travels in regards to being street smart, and gaining an appreciation of the world around us.
    He's also someone who has taken risks in the sense of jumping into volunteer and humanitarian work across multiple continents... from the Dominican Republic in Central America, to Zimbabwe in Africa, to Lebanon and Iraq in the Middle East.
    Simon tells us tales from over the years giving his time for these worthwhile organisations, where he had his eyes opened unto things that most of us would never want to see in our lifetime.
    It's an informative chat, and one that will hopefully make you want to get involved in some way, even if it's just on your doorstep.

    " To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived..." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • Have you ever just thought 'stuff it, time to just be spontaneous and dive into the deep end'? If YES, then you know the risk, the excitement, the scariness, the fun. If NO, then you've come to the right place.
    Our guest today, is a man of many talents... he's ex-cabin crew, ex-airline dispatcher, ex-ex-cabin crew, a drum teacher, currently works for the council, a husband, and a father of four.
    He's also someone who has taken risks in the sense of jumping into volunteer and humanitarian work across multiple continents... from the Dominican Republic in Central America, to Zimbabwe in Africa, to Lebanon and Iraq in the Middle East.
    Simon tells us tales from over the years giving his time for these worthwhile organisations, where he had his eyes opened unto things that most of us would never want to see in our lifetime.
    It's an informative chat, and one that will hopefully make you want to get involved in some way, even if it's just on your doorstep.

    " To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived..." - Ralph Waldo Emerson

  • Close your eyes for just a moment, whisk yourself away to a beach on the tropical island of Zanzibar, in the Indian Ocean. The wind is lightly blowing through your hair, you smell a fresh saltiness in the air as your feet gently sink into the sand as you walk. You hear the innocent laughter of the children playing in the distance and feel such freedom and joy as these moments are ones to treasure in times to come. Then comes a gentle touch on your leg as you walk, you turn and see a pair of beautiful eyes, and a smile so big your heart melts. A little voice speaks up and says... "Pencil?"
    This little story is a brief, romantic insight into life if you ventured down to this part of the world. However, there's a small part to the story that should really make you think... Why is there a child on a beach asking for a pencil?
    In this episode we chat with cabin crew Dalila about her experience down on Zanzibar with CR Hope Foundation. Dalila tells us the story of how the foundation began, and what they are doing on the island for the betterment of the children.
    Sadly, education in the country of Tanzania as a whole, isn't that great, so children are missing out on something so important in their lives. With CR Hope Foundation's core endeavours, and the help of volunteers and donations, they are taking huge strives in pointing the children of Zanzibar in a direction where they have the chance to succeed.
    As a volunteer, Dalila experienced some amazing moments from her time there, and can really recommend this as something that we can all do... and something we all should do at some point in our lives.

  • The age of technology is upon us! Everywhere we go, everything we do just about involves us using some kind of technology to survive. Whether it be the supposed simplicity of sending an email, or the more intricate and perhaps vital tasks of online banking or shopping.

    It seems, most of us in the Western world have grasped the change in the way we do things, and the majority take it for granted, and think that this is just the norm for everyone. But this is not the case, as we find out in this episode through our guest Dani, who took on the role of bridging the digital gap for migrants in Barcelona.

    Through Dani's life experiences, he felt the need to get involved in the organisation that is Caritas, a worldwide Catholic NGO who are striving to end poverty, promote justice, and restore dignity for those most in need.

  • As parents/guardians, we have a duty to set our children on a path of growth, of learning, of realising their full potential; The potential we see in them, but more importantly, the potential they see in themselves.

    We give our children opportunities to help guide them, including the choice of school, but also extra-curricular activities, whether it be sports or perhaps youth groups.

    One organisation in particular, who have been going strong for over 100 years is Girl Guiding UK, an organisation whose goal is to empower girls to be their best, and to face the challenges growing up today.

    In this episode we chat with Lee, ex-airline crew with Libyan Arab, and Virgin Atlantic. Lee has been involved with Girl Guiding UK since she was a Brownie through until now as a volunteer (minus her time away as crew).

    Join us as we learn from Lee about the many facets of Girl Guiding UK, why it's been going strong for so long, and what kind of positive effects in can have on your daughter.

    It's a great chat, one that brought back some fond memories of my time as a scout, and one that might really give you the impetus to give your daughter an amazing opportunity like this... or of course for you to become a volunteer with this fantastic organisation.

  • It's just one day of every year, one extra special day that we look forward to... maybe not the number attached to it, but a day where we look forward to being spoiled, to spending time with friends, to enjoying some nice food, to having a cake WITH of course candles, and maybe to a cheeky drink. We look forward to a celebration... no matter how old we are.

    Imagine this though... you have a child, it's their birthday in a week, but you've recently lost your job and you're finding it tough to pay the bills let alone put food on the table. How are you going to give your child the celebration they deserve? You know... a chocolate cake decorated with their favourite character, seeing their eyes light up as they unwrap their presents, playing games with all their friends... and all those happy, gooey feeling that we all love to feel. The feeling of helplessness in this situation no doubt would be unbearable... something none of us would like to experience, and something we never want our children to experience.

    This is where 'Birthday Bliss' come in... an organisation started in the UAE by a lovely lady named Mika. Mika, along with a group of giving volunteers are helping families who have suffered financially due to Covid. Birthday Bliss are giving children the chance to celebrate their special day, with presents, cakes, balloons... a real joyous occasion.

    In this episode, we chat with one of the amazing volunteers, Olivia, who is also cabin crew in the region. Olivia gives us an insight her role, an insight into what being a part of Birthday Bliss involves. From collecting gifts to blowing up balloons, but also celebrating with the child on their special day. Olivia also shares with us her experiences on a personal level, and also on how we can all get involved.

    Birthday Bliss is certainly a fantastic initiative, one that definitely deserves to be supported.
    We all deserve to celebrate, so let's help to give everyone this opportunity.

  • They say that learning a language is much easier for those at an early age... fewer inhibitions, more time to learn, less to learn, and a brain designed for language learning. If you're like me, you would've also found learning a language to be a difficult task too (due to being an adult), and that has been in normal circumstances.

    But can you imagine being 'forced' to move to a foreign country as a refugee, and NEEDING to learn a new language, but as an adult... where you have maybe the worries of trauma, of family, getting work, not knowing if you can stay etc etc.

    In this episode of Hatrack Heroes! we welcome back Heinz Schiedemann, who along with the very special work he did for the Sri Lankans in 2004, has also become a foreign language teacher in Germany.

    Heinz really gives us an insight in our chat into what it takes to be a foreign language teacher, especially to refugees. The need to be open, to be accepting, and the need to give someone an opportunity to learn in a positive environment, in order to give someone every chance to succeed.

  • From people to animals to nature to climate, our world is one of delicate and natural beauty. Something precious that we all need to look after and to take care of for the generations to come.

    Our guest in this episode is Shiela, Mrs Eco International 2019, and ex-crew with Emirates Airline. Her journey has taken her from the Philippines to Dubai and then on to the US, and through this journey she has really taken on board a responsibility of giving back to the world around us, and to the people that made her who she is today.

    The culmination of the journey is what we speak about together, and that is of her amazing achievement of becoming Mrs Eco International. Shiela speaks about what being a beauty queen means, and the expectation that is placed upon her in regards to being a leader in her community for something she is passionate about, and that is being an advocate for 'climate reality', for workers rights, and embracing the heritage of her homeland.

    Shiela truly is a person who has the desire to really make a difference, using her position as a beauty queen to inspire and influence the people around her and do her bit for this beautiful world we live in.

  • It's 6am, you're waking up to another normal day, if you celebrated Christmas, you are probably getting over the festivities of the day before.

    You have your breakfast with your family, and say goodbye to your husband as he heads off to work.

    You hear on the radio some news of goings on around the world, including an earthquake many thousands of miles away off the coast of Sumatra. You don't think much of it as it's now time to get on with your tasks for the day... making the children's beds, having a cup of tea, spending time with the children, and planning a visit in the afternoon to the local markets.

    The day starts to tick over, but then...





    ...and then an endless void.

    Sadly, this was the end to a worldly existence for thousands upon thousands on Boxing Day 2004. The earthquake off the coast of Sumatra created a catastrophic tsunami that wiped out huge parts of the Sri Lankan coast. It was nothing that anyone would've expected in their peaceful villages, but what they got was horrible death and destruction.

    Our guest in this episode is someone that has a close affinity with the country of Sri Lanka, and someone who did his utmost in such horrible circumstances. Heinz, Lufthansa crew, spent time living and working in Sri Lanka prior to this day, gaining many friends, acquaintances, and a general love for the country and its people.

    This relationship was the catalyst for him embarking on a journey of gratitude to the people as soon as he heard of the horrific news.

    Through his network, he was able to do so much in return for the people of Sri Lanka in the days following the disaster. With the aim of helping those most in need, he was able to generate a large sum of money, and personally go and do what he could with the money raised.

    The situation called for people to be special in this time of need, and Heinz really stepped up to this challenge, and really made a huge difference for those who had had their lives ripped apart. Hear as Heinz tells us his story of courage and determination as he lifts the people up with a 'never give up' attitude.

  • Charity work comes in many forms... from taking care of children to animal welfare to refugees. But, had you ever thought that it could involve fashion (besides of course your run of the mill op shop). Well, I for one had never thought about this, until I met ex-Emirates crew Shiela Teodoro DeForest.

    Based in Colorado, US, Shiela is putting her skills to perfect use, predominantly with two fantastic organisations... both of which are helping to enrich the lives of women through fashion.

    Bella Boutique in Denver believe that every girl deserves the chance to be a princess at least once in their life, and perhaps even queen. Supporting those girls who for one reason or another, aren't able to afford that prom dress for that one special night of the year.

    Dress For Success, a worldwide organisation, have a mission to empower women to achieve economic independence by providing a support network, professional attire, and development tools to help them thrive in life.

    Shiela, a model and beauty queen has had the privilege of being styled by others herself, so now she felt it time to share her experience with others. Joining up with these two organisations seemed a perfect opportunity for her to utilise her knowledge and her time with those who have been or are less fortunate than her.