It's our final message in our Sinking Ships series on relationships. Pastor Ron our Executive Pastor presents a great message on Truth & Lies. Have you ever been sure something was true only to later realize it wasn't true at all? There's a difference between your truth (which might change with time or experience) and the Truth, which never changes and is always reliable. If you’re new to Harbor or want to get connected in any way click this link to get your New Here gift, find upcoming events or get involved!https://tr.ee/9O78vC3Yib
It's our final message in our Sinking Ships series on relationships. Have you ever been sure something was true only to later realize it wasn't true at all? There's a difference between your truth (which might change with time or experience) and the Truth, which never changes and is always reliable. If you’re new to Harbor or want to get connected in any way click this link to get your New Here gift, find upcoming events or get involved!https://tr.ee/9O78vC3Yib
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Katie Rose is joined by Megan, who shares what she's learned about parenting 4 very different children, how she got past the awkwardness of adding prayer to her marriage, and how God uses real friendships to make us better in all of our relationships.
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Today's message cuts straight to what most of us need (but might not want) - real talk about how we're damaging our relationships and what we can do about it. You don't want to miss today's message. Pastor Josh is going to get into how sacrificial love is not mood based. It doesn't hinge on if you've had a good day at work or if you're stressed out. It isn't a function of how busy your schedule is or if you're in a bad mood. The truth is - we can all do better and you're bound to find something you can work on through this message! If you’re new to Harbor or want to get connected in any way click this link to get your New Here gift, find upcoming events or get involved!https://tr.ee/9O78vC3Yib
Relationships are HARD. And sometimes having boundaries with people in your life is necessary. How do you know when and if that's the next right step? Join Pastor Josh and Katie Rose as they explore how to recognize when boundaries are needed and how to align your relationships with God’s will for your life.
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Join us for a continuation of our relationship series. Today we're focusing on dealing with difficult people, which we're pretty much sure everyone can relate to! Sometimes it is tough to hear, but the mirror that shows your flaws is your friend. There's so much potential for our growth to be found in our hardest relationships! If you’re new to Harbor or want to get connected in any way click this link to get your New Here gift, find upcoming events or get involved!https://tr.ee/9O78vC3Yib
Join Pastor Josh and Katie Rose as they explore the power of forgiveness. They discuss what gets in the way of showing others love, and how holding onto unforgiveness distorts the way we see them. Just as we can't earn God's forgiveness, we can't make others earn ours. Join us as we reflect on the importance of open-handed forgiveness and what comes because of it.
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God has called us to be in relationships. He knows relationships are hard and He wants to bring healing and restoration to your relationships. For healing to happen, we have to be open and vulnerable, not guarded and defensive. Join us this week, along with our guest, Pastor Wes Morris as we continue our critical series on relationships! If you’re new to Harbor, want to give, or want to get connected in any way click this link to get involved!
Whether you're married, raising kids, working with colleagues, or just navigating everyday human interactions, relationships are everywhere—and God has a lot to say about them!Join Katie Rose and Allison Petty for this Second Helping episode, where they dive into what it really means to be intentional in our relationships—how to push past discomfort and truly invest in the people around us.
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Join us as we kick off a new sermon series this week! Believe it or not, the #1 predictor of happiness and health isn’t your age or your income; it’s your relationships! Pastor Josh is exploring core components of relationships and common relationship killers. These are crucial for ALL our relationships, not just romantic ones! Plus, we’re announcing an exciting new initiative at Harbor, so don’t miss the message! If you’re new to Harbor or want to get connected in any way click this link to get your New Here gift, find upcoming events or get involved!https://tr.ee/9O78vC3Yib
In this Second Helping, Katie Rose and Pastor Ron dive deep into the heart of prayer, exploring how meaningful change often starts with our own personal prayer lives. Tune in for insights that will challenge and inspire your faith journey!
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We're wrapping our sermon series on prayer and you don't want to miss this final message. Do you ever feel stuck around how to talk to God? Do you worry about saying the wrong words or feel like you're going through the motions but struggling to connect on a deeper level? This message is equal parts practical and inspiring - don't miss this opportunity to go deeper in your relationship with your Heavenly Father. If you’re new to Harbor or want to get connected in any way click this link to get your New Here gift, find upcoming events or get involved!https://tr.ee/9O78vC3Yib
What if you could get more clarity and deeper connection from your prayers? Fortunately, you can, and that’s what Pastor Josh is exploring in today’s message. What goes together like peanut butter and jelly? Prayer and ______ ? Don’t miss this message!
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Join Pastor Josh and Alyssa for an insightful conversation as they explore the differences in cultivating a heart of prayer, whether you're a seasoned believer or just starting your journey of faith. They share personal perspectives, practical insights, and wisdom to help deepen your connection with God at any stage of your walk.
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Do you feel unsure of yourself when you pray? Wonder if you’re doing it wrong or if you should be doing it differently? Join us for our second week in a sermon series all about prayer. If you’re looking for some clarity and guidance around approaching God, this is for you! If you’re new to Harbor or want to get connected in any way click this link to get your New Here gift, find upcoming events or get involved!https://tr.ee/9O78vC3Yib
New Year, new sermon series! During this Second Helping Pastor Josh & Katie Rose talk a bit about what it looks like to prioritize your prayer life and how most of us are getting it wrong.
If you’re new to Harbor or want to get connected in any way click this link to get your New Here gift, find upcoming events or get involved!
Happy New Year! This week we’re flying into a new sermon series called Airplane Mode. We’re exploring what it looks like to disconnect from the things of this world and reconnect with God. Grab a notebook and get ready to learn more about a healthy prayer life. If you’re new to Harbor or want to get connected in any way click this link to get your New Here gift, find upcoming events or get involved!https://tr.ee/9O78vC3Yib
Tune in for a brand new message from Pastor Josh, all from the comfort of your couch. Bundle up and let’s finish out this awesome Special Delivery series!
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Join us as Pastor Josh takes a deeper look at what it means to receive the gift of grace from God.
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