Listen to the latest insights from Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs—the world’s catalyst for ethical action. Tune in to hear from leading experts and thinkers from around the world who are tackling the most complex issues today and tomorrow, including the intersection of AI and equality, the governance of climate altering technologies, America’s changing role in the world, and the future of global migration. To learn more, visit our website at
Wil jij helemaal op de hoogte zijn van wat er speelt in de bouw- en infrawereld, luister dan elke twee weken naar een nieuwe aflevering van de Bouw maakt het podcast. Elke aflevering heeft presentator Iman de Vries een interview met een bouwer, expert of opdrachtgever.
De podcast wordt gemaakt door brancheorganisatie Bouwend Nederland. -
Ο δημοσιογράφος Γιάννης Παπαδόπουλος συναντά τους αθέατους πρωταγωνιστές της επικαιρότητας και μεταφέρει τις μαρτυρίες τους στη σειρά podcast της «Κ».
Podcast by Digital Minds
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Prison Show is a live radio program airing Fridays from 9 – 11 pm Central Time on KPFT FM 90.1 Houston, streaming at
The Prison Show on 90.1 FM KPFT in Houston uses the first hour to discuss issues of interest to convicts. The second hour features shout-outs from family and friends in the free world to their loved ones behind bars.
David Collingsworth is our Producer, and our Hostess is Dani Allen.
Ex-con and gay activist Ray Hill founded “The Prison Show” on Houston’s KPFT 90.1 FM station in 1980; Ray produced and hosted it for three decades and remained involved as a trusted advisor to the day he died. Lobbying by The Prison Show was instrumental in persuading the Texas Legislature to approve the installation of prison payphones for convicts in 2007. Texas was the last state to do so.
The Prison Show Gang is a motley crew of ex-offenders, teachers, professors, lawyers, chaplains, activists, ex-politicos, male and female who see the error in the current prison system and the worth in The American people lost but not forgotten inside. Every Friday since Ray created The Prison Show, the show has connected Texas prison inmates with their loved-ones and friends on the outside who cannot easily call or visit.
The Prison Show has through their staff brought together Texas Incarcerated Families Association, End Mass Incarceration Houston, ACLU, Texas Coalition To Abolish The Death Penalty, Death Penalty Action, Grass Roots Leadership and TAJ – Texas Advocates for Justice, Texas Prisons Community Advocates, The Cohen Parole Law Team, The Death Row Angels, Lioness: Justice Impacted Women’s Alliance, Texas Voices for Reason and Justice , Rusty Diamond Network, Pacifica Radio, and many more local businesses, churches, and organizations who's target audience are the offenders inside the walls of our prison system.
Marcel van Roosmalen en Gijs Groenteman bellen elke dag en praten je bij over de dagelijkse actualiteit. In 12 minuten nemen ze het nieuws door maar klagen tussendoor ook over het leven, vieren hun succesjes en halen herinneringen op. Elke dag opnieuw.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Aan wie kun je beter vragen hoe spindoctors in de politiek werken dan aan spindoctors zelf? Voormalig PvdA-adviseur Julia Wouters en politicoloog en voormalig campagnestrateeg bij de VVD Raymond Mens, 'ontspinnen' alle frames en spins in de politiek. Heb je vragen? Stel ze aan Julia en Raymond via [email protected].
Cryptocurrency Daily News | Crypto News Today.
Crypto news offering the latest coin, token, and cryptocurrency news & information. Cryptocurrencies, digital currencies, tokens, coins, and more. Daily cryptocurrency news, recaps, and predictions in under 10 minutes.
Discussing Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Stellar, among several other cryptocurrencies. -
Harvard Business School professors discuss and debate current events that sit at the crossroads of business and culture. Youngme Moon, Mihir Desai, and Felix Oberholzer-Gee engage in a spirited discussion on a range of topics torn from the headlines — from Facebook, to free trade, to the #MeToo movement. Informed by their unique expertise as professors at one of the world’s leading business schools, their takes are always surprising, unconventional, and insightful.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
GONZO is dé podcast waarin journalist en presentator Merel Westrik samen met oud-hoofdredacteur Frans Lomans praat met journalisten over dat ene verhaal in hun carrière dat hun altijd zal bijblijven. Waarom kiezen ze van ál hun verhalen juist déze? Hoe zijn ze te werk gegaan? Zijn ze tegengewerkt? Geholpen? Hoe vaak denken ze er nog aan terug? En wat was de impact van hun verhaal?
Vanaf 29 februari 2024 verhuist GONZO naar Podimo. Wil je niks van GONZO missen? Ga dan naar, en krijg je dertig dagen Podimo gratis.
'Komt een Blad bij de Dokter' is de podcast van over media, magazine, strategie en innovatie. Elke maand praat Carolien Vader met bladenmakers, hoofdredacteuren, uitgevers en influencers in de media. Ze geven een kijkje achter de schermen van hun mediamerken en praten over de toekomst van het vak.
Rabobank's expertise in Consumer Foods is as diverse as our global client base in confectionery, bakery, frozen food manufacturing, chilled food manufacturing, ambient food manufacturing, biscuits, breakfast cereals and snacks.
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Money Making Conversations is a weekly one-hour master class that promotes the success of small businesses and interviews successful celebrities, entrepreneurs, and influencers. It is hosted by brand architect Rushion McDonald, an EMMY and NAACP Image award-winning Executive Television and Film Producer. Money Money Making Conversations airs live every Tuesday in Atlanta, GA, on the HBCU campus of Clark Atlanta University, WCLK 91.9 FM, and is syndicated on their HBCU Radio Network (18 radio stations).
It is essential to understand that everybody travels a different path to success. That is because your brand is different. The challenges you face in your life are different. So stop reading other people’s success stories and start writing your own. The Money Making Conversations interviews will encourage you to lead with your gifts and never use age as an excuse when planning your goals.
Rushion McDonald is a two-time Emmy Award-winning and three-time NAACP Image Award-winning television and film, producer. He is a sitcom writer, social media influencer, brand architect, entrepreneur, and award-winning baker.