
  • In this episode we discuss actionable strategies for business owners to adapt and move forward in the current challenging economic environment, focusing on proactive measures to improve your bottom line.

    We touch on topics such as customers' struggles and prioritising value for existing customers, reducing cash flow strain, maintaining marketing efforts and more.

    This episode will provide you with some insights to help you build a competitive advantage when it’s needed most.

    You will learn:

    How to empathise with customers' struggles and adapt messaging and offerings during a recession Ways to reduce cash flow strain through expense review, flexible payment options, and various payment gateways How to provide value to existing customers and consider the entire customer journey to create loyal fans Why customer onboarding and building strong relationships with clients and suppliers is so important How you can deliver great customer service and build a competitive advantage

    Please rate the podcast on Spotify or leave a review on Apple Podcasts - you will make our day!

    PS. We are taking a break from Growth Curves after this episode - thanks for listening!
    Sarah & Wendy

    Get in touch:

    Sarah Burgess - Little Black Books

    Wendy Tibbotts - Zigzag Marketing

    Growth Curves Instagram - @growthcurvespodcast

  • Want to feel more in control of your finances? Sarah provides valuable advice on how to conduct regular money meetings. By analysing expenses, sales, and revenue streams during these meetings, you can track your progress, identify areas for improvement, and make timely changes to enhance your bottom line.

    You will learn:

    The importance of regular money meetings for business owners How to conduct effective money meetings to track profitability Ways to analyse expenses, sales, and revenue streams during money meetings How to use insights from money meetings to make informed business decisions Tips for increasing profits through regular financial review The benefits of staying on top of your finances as a business owner

    Are you looking for someone to assist you in running effective money meetings in your business? Sarah can help! Schedule a ‘Kick Off Meeting’ with her HERE.


    We love creating this podcast and want to continue bringing you great content. Reviews are important to boost the show, so we are trying to get as many as we can. Please rate the podcast on Spotify or leave a review on Apple Podcasts - you will make our day!

    Get in touch:

    Sarah Burgess - Little Black Books

    Wendy Tibbotts - Zigzag Marketing

    Growth Curves Instagram - @growthcurvespodcast

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  • It's so difficult to find time to get 'all the things' done! We understand the juggle of balancing business demands and home life, let alone personal health and wellbeing... it's a continual work in progress!

    In this episode, we're sharing our 5 productivity hacks that have helped us in both our businesses and personal lives. With the right tools and mindset, you can maximise your productivity and make the most of every hour.

    We're not talking about anything overly complicated here. These are simple, straightforward, and, most importantly, they work. From time-blocking techniques to prioritisation methods, there is something for everyone.

    So, join us as we share our experiences and insights, and discover how you can unlock your time and supercharge your productivity.


    We love creating this podcast and want to continue bringing you great content. Reviews are important to boost the show, so we are trying to get as many as we can. Please rate the podcast on Spotify or leave a review on Apple Podcasts - you will make our day!

    Get in touch:

    Sarah Burgess - Little Black Books

    Wendy Tibbotts - Zigzag Marketing

    Growth Curves Instagram - @growthcurvespodcast

  • Wondering if you're doing the 'right stuff' when it comes to marketing? In this episode, Wendy discusses her Marketing Essentials checklist - the top 10 activities businesses should focus on to get the best results.

    There is an overwhelming amount of marketing options and strategies available, and it's easy to feel lost in the sea of marketing advice. That's why we have broken this down into an easy to follow guide that simplifies the complexity, providing you with a much needed list of effective marketing strategies and tactics.

    The checklist is applicable to both online and brick-and-mortar businesses, and serves as a roadmap rather than a rigid set of instructions. Because we know that every business is different.

    If you've been struggling with marketing, this one is for you!


    We love creating this podcast and want to continue bringing you great content. Reviews are important to boost the show, so we are trying to get as many as we can. Please rate the podcast on Spotify or leave a review on Apple Podcasts - you will make our day!


    FREE Marketing Essentials Checklist - grab yours HERE

    Get in touch:

    Sarah Burgess - Little Black Books

    Wendy Tibbotts - Zigzag Marketing

    Growth Curves Instagram - @growthcurvespodcast

  • Ever felt stuck in a repeating pattern of overwhelm in your business? We’ve named this the 'Cycle of Despair,' from our own personal experience of managing boundaries and stress as we navigate business owner life.

    Characterised by a lack of enthusiasm and increased procrastination (doom scrolling anyone?!), this often stems from an overwhelming number of undesirable tasks and saying ‘yes’ to activities that no longer align.

    If you’ve ever found yourself spinning in this cycle, this episode will give you helpful advice on how to move from despair to delight in your business again. Go from people-pleasing to focusing on long-term goals so you can regain confidence and fall back in love with your work.

    You will learn about:

    The key factors that contribute to the cycle of despair Why it’s important to set aside time to think about the direction you want for your business How to create clear boundaries that align with your vision The value of external accountability and “bigger picture” thinking Why you should prioritise activities that yield the most results & examples of these Practical solutions for simplifying business processes & escaping the cycle of despair

    We love creating this podcast and want to continue bringing you great content. Reviews are important to boost the show, so we are trying to get as many as we can.

    Please rate the podcast on Spotify or leave a review on Apple Podcasts - you will make our day!

    Get in touch:

    Sarah Burgess - Little Black Books
    Wendy Tibbotts - Zigzag Marketing
    Growth Curves Instagram - @growthcurvespodcast

  • In this episode, we share the importance of creating a business plan and how it can drive your business forward, rather than leaving progress to chance.

    You may be thinking about your business plan as we approach the end of the financial year in New Zealand. Now is a great time to reflect and make changes where necessary – or if you don’t currently have a plan, grab that notebook as Sarah also shares the most effective ways to get started on one!

    You will learn about:

    What needs to happen to create a business plan

    How to break down your overall vision with specific action points

    The key benefits to your business when you have direction

    What it means to “stay relevant” in business

    How a business plan can unite your team

    The benefits of working with a business coach or advisor

    We love creating this podcast and want to continue bringing you content like what you heard today. Reviews are important to boost the show, so we are trying to get as many as we can. Please rate it on Spotify or leave a review on Apple Podcasts - you will make our day!

    Want to know more and grow your business, contact us below:

    Sarah Burgess - Little Black Books

    Wendy Tibbotts - Zigzag Marketing

    Growth Curves Instagram - @growthcurvespodcast

  • Today, Wendy dissects what brand positioning means and its significance in establishing a business's place in the market.

    So let's differentiate your brand from competitors, grab yourself a pen and paper as you learn fundamental strategies that will help you create a lasting impression in your customers' minds.

    You will learn about:

    Impact of personal behaviour on brand perception Aligning your product and Brand The importance of consistency Practical advice on market research Defining your target audience How to articulate a clear positioning statement

    We love creating this podcast and we are trying to get as many reviews as we can so please rate on Spotify and leave a review on Apple Podcasts - you will make our day!

    Want to talk? Check us out below:

    Sarah Burgess - Little Black Books

    Wendy Tibbotts - Zigzag Marketing

    Growth Curves Instagram - @growthcurvespodcast

  • The end of the financial year is fast approaching, so in this episode, Sarah runs you through 4 things she's doing in her business before 31st March 2024.

    Sarah discusses why it's beneficial to pay for expenses in March and reduce the taxable income for the current financial year, but only if it makes financial sense. She also talks about bonuses, debtors, and setting a financial budget for the next financial year.

    So if you want to influence a tax outcome, grab a pen and paper to take notes and get sorted before 31 March 2024.

    Thanks for listening to today’s episode. If you’re enjoying the podcast, you can rate the show on Spotify, or leave a review on Apple Podcasts. This will help other savvy business owners find us and learn more!

    If you feel someone else would benefit from listening to today’s episode, please pass it on.

    Get in touch:
    Sarah Burgess - Little Black Books
    Wendy Tibbotts - Zigzag Marketing
    Growth Curves Instagram - @growthcurvespodcast

  • In this informative episode, Wendy delves into the Ansoff Growth Matrix, a straightforward framework that shines light on identifying business growth opportunities.

    If you’re ready to expand in your business, tune in to hear the specific techniques that could set the stage for your next big growth spurt.

    You will learn about:

    The four core strategies within the matrix How you can develop new products & services for your market Ways to increase sales of your existing products How to explore new markets Weighing up the risks associated with diversification What activities can significantly drive growth

    Thanks for listening to today’s episode and supporting the Growth Curves podcast. You can rate the show on Spotify, or leave a review on Apple Podcasts. This will help other savvy business owners find us and learn more!

    If you feel someone else would benefit from listening to today’s episode, please pass it on.

    View the graphic that describes the framework discussed in this episode: Ansoff Growth Matrix

    Get in touch:
    Sarah Burgess - Little Black Books
    Wendy Tibbotts - Zigzag Marketing
    Growth Curves Instagram - @growthcurvespodcast

  • Today Sarah and Wendy dive into the essential business cycle, explaining the nuances of cash flow and profit within a business context.

    By better understanding and implementing the tips provided in this episode, you will learn how to use your business as a vehicle to achieve financial freedom and flexibility.

    You will also learn about:

    How to boost cash flow & eliminate unchecked overheads Common pitfalls in business Increasing sales vs. decreasing margins The benefits of negotiating better payment terms with suppliers How to intelligently invest for quicker returns

    Thanks for listening to today’s episode. If you feel someone else would benefit from listening to today’s episode, please pass it on.

    Are you enjoying the Growth Curves podcast? If so, don’t forget to rate and review so that more business owners can find us.

    Get in touch:
    Sarah Burgess - Little Black Books
    Wendy Tibbotts - Zigzag Marketing
    Growth Curves Instagram - @growthcurvespodcast

  • Today Sarah & Wendy come together to discuss the important topic of creating a marketing plan for business growth. We discuss how a marketing plan is not just a to-do list, but a strategy that gives you direction on how to make money and increase revenue in your business.

    You will learn about:

    What a marketing plan actually is How to understand what the best marketing strategy is for you How to be intentional with your marketing efforts Why it’s important to define your business strategy Ways to save time & move beyond tactical activities

    Thanks for listening to today’s episode. You can grab Wendy’s Marketing Plan Template HERE.

    If you feel someone else would benefit from this episode, please pass it on. And if you’re enjoying the Growth Curves podcast, don’t forget to rate and review so that more business owners can find us.

    Get in touch:
    Sarah Burgess - Little Black Books
    Wendy Tibbotts - Zigzag Marketing
    Growth Curves Instagram - @growthcurvespodcast

  • Having different types of offers can be really powerful when selling to your target audience. In this episode, Sarah and Wendy dive into how you can package your products or services, what the benefits are, and why it can be so effective.

    You will also learn:

    What a value ladder is and how to use it What you’re actually selling beyond your products or services The 4 main things your offer needs to be Why it’s important to be authentic when creating urgency How to move people through your sales funnel What type of add-ons you can offer your customers

    Thanks for tuning in!

    If you feel someone else would benefit from listening to today’s episode, please pass it on. And if you’re enjoying the Growth Curves podcast, don’t forget to rate and review so that more business owners can find us.

    Get in touch:
    Sarah Burgess - Little Black Books
    Wendy Tibbotts - Zigzag Marketing
    Growth Curves Instagram - @growthcurvespodcast

  • In this episode Sarah and Wendy dive into four powerful business strategies to embrace as we approach the new year. These will help you properly wrap up 2023 so you can relax over the break, and also support you in planning your 2024 goals.

    You will learn about:

    The importance of year-end assessments Why financial reviews are crucial and what key metrics to look at What to think about when evaluating your work-life balance How to reassess and consider necessary changes The power of visualisation for the next 12 months Why you need a well-thought-out budget The impact of having a coach or joining a support network

    Thanks for listening! Growth Curves will be back in the New Year. Make sure to subscribe to the podcast so that you're first to know when the next episode is out.

    Resources Mentioned:
    Episode 4 - Stats to Track: 10 Key Business Metrics

    Sarah’s Mini Course:
    Details coming soon!! Follow the @growthcurvespodcast on Instagram for more

    Get in touch:
    Sarah Burgess - Little Black Books
    Wendy Tibbotts - Zigzag Marketing
    Growth Curves Instagram - @growthcurvespodcast

  • In today’s episode Sarah and Wendy talk about how managing time is always a work in progress. They chat about how they effectively prioritise tasks, and how to make each day more productive in your business.

    You will learn about:

    Why you should focus on what’s important to you Creating a daily top three to move the needle in your business What 90-day goal setting is and how to do it How you can use time blocking and batching to your advantage Why you need to work on your business not just in it How to recognise where your energy is best used The importance of leaving ‘white space’ in your schedule

    If you’re enjoying these episodes, don’t forget to rate and review so that more business owners can find the podcast and learn how to create serious growth curves in their business too!

    Get in touch:
    Sarah Burgess - Little Black Books
    Wendy Tibbotts - Zigzag Marketing
    Growth Curves Instagram - @growthcurvespodcast

  • In this episode Sarah and Wendy discuss their versions of success, and how this has changed over time within their businesses and lifestyles.

    You will also learn about:

    Why success might look different in the beginning stages of entrepreneurship How your mindset and beliefs play a role in being “successful” What systems are and how they can help you work smarter not harder The importance of setting clear business boundaries What it means to feel aligned in your business and how to do it How your pricing can either hold you back or set you free

    Get in touch:
    Sarah Burgess - Little Black Books
    Wendy Tibbotts - Zigzag Marketing
    Growth Curves Instagram - @growthcurvespodcast

  • In this episode Wendy shares advice on messaging and how to attract the right customers for your business.

    You will also learn about:

    Why you shouldn't try to sell to everyone The importance of understanding your ideal customer How to differentiate between features and benefits Understanding what people want versus what they need The most game-changing mind switch you can implement to increase sales

    Get in touch:
    Sarah Burgess - Little Black Books
    Wendy Tibbotts - Zigzag Marketing
    Growth Curves Instagram - @growthcurvespodcast

  • In today’s episode we are diving into 10 important stats that we believe you should be tracking in your business. Focus on these metrics in your monthly business reviews.

    Here’s what you’ll learn about:

    Sales and average spend per customer Total revenue and hitting your targets What ‘debtor days’ are and how to decrease them Operating expenses and assessing trends Effective ways to look at your margins Retention rates and how to measure them Where your leads are coming from Conversion rates on marketing activities Which website stats to watch and why Email list metrics to measure

    Resources mentioned
    FREE Download - Stat Tracker for Monthly Reviews

    Get in touch
    Sarah Burgess - Little Black Books
    Wendy Tibbotts - Zigzag Marketing
    Growth Curves Instagram - @growthcurvespodcast

  • In this episode Sarah runs us through how to keep your business records in order and look at your numbers from a strategic point of view.

    You will also learn about:

    The 3 key areas to focus on when managing your books What you should outsource as a business owner and why How you can code your invoices more effectively Why you shouldn’t reduce your marketing costs in a recession The importance of understanding your cash movements What small adjustments in your margins can do How you can save money within your team

    Sarah’s Challenge for Listeners
    “My challenge to everyone today, as business owners, is to look at where you are spending and focusing most of your time. Then ask yourself where you want to take your business and what levers you can pull when looking at your cash and forecasting.”

    Resources mentioned
    Cashflow Profit and Improvement Meeting - Book HERE

    Get in touch
    Sarah Burgess - Little Black Books
    Wendy Tibbotts - Zigzag Marketing
    Growth Curves Instagram - @growthcurvespodcast

  • In this episode we dive into the importance of having a solid business plan and marketing strategy, and how to go about creating an aligned roadmap for your business.

    You will also learn about:

    Knowing when to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to marketing opportunities The difference between goals and objectives The difference between strategy and tactics What might stop you from growing your business Why you need to be intentional with your marketing activities How your target market plays a role in your marketing strategy How your ‘bestseller’ might change your overall plan Why you need to be really clear on your numbers

    Resources mentioned
    Marketing Plan Template - download HERE

    Get in touch
    Sarah Burgess - Little Black Books
    Wendy Tibbotts - Zigzag Marketing
    Growth Curves Instagram - @growthcurvespodcast

  • Welcome to the first episode of The Growth Curves podcast! Get to know us and learn more about the kind of content you’ll get in future episodes.

    You will also hear about:

    How we both started our businesses The balance between motherhood and business What our morning routines look like (in an ideal world) Our go to books and inspirational people The services we offer to help you grow your business

    Get in touch
    Sarah Burgess - Little Black Books
    Wendy Tibbotts - Zigzag Marketing
    Growth Curves Instagram - @growthcurvespodcast