Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.com and try the Practical Manifestation Course
VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Introduction: Vision Boards and Goals
00:38 Step 1: Dropping Specific Goals
01:30 Step 2: Feeding Your Subconscious
02:56 Step 3: The Power of Giving Up
04:16 Step 4: Taking Inspired Action
05:19 Practical Manifestation CourseLINKS ⇢🔗 The Eureka Factor: https://www.amazon.com.au/Eureka-Factor-Moments-Creative-Insight/dp/1400068541SHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.
Hey! This video is all about how to stop overwhelming yourself by completing a project audit.VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Introduction to Secret Projects00:23 Defining a Project00:53 The Impact of Secret Projects01:25 Identifying Secret Projects01:39 Conducting a Secret Project Audit02:37 Creating Project Lists03:41 Understanding Your Clutter Threshold04:42 Prioritizing Your Projects06:42 Band-Aid Solutions for Overwhelm08:08 Reccs of the weekLINKS ⇢🔗 Learn, Do, Become: https://www.youtube.com/@LearnDoBecome🔗 Making it All Work: https://www.amazon.com.au/Making-All-Work-Winning-Business/dp/0143116622 SHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.
Saknas det avsnitt?
Hey! This podcast ep is about one little mental tricks that helps with overthinking.VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Introduction to Mental Move Toolkit00:20 Understanding Overthinking01:22 The Bridge Mental Move Technique01:48 Applying the Bridge Technique02:20 Imagination vs. Reality03:52 Conclusion and Recommendations04:10 RECs of the WeekLINKS ⇢🔗 ICBT - https://icbt.online/🔗 Morty Lefkoe Recreate Your Life - https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/0615782388?ref_=mr_direct_us_au_au&showmri🔗 How Metacognitive Therapy Changed My Life (Another podcast ep on overthinking) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8Ys2bG9gHo&t=1s&pp=ygUpSG93IE1ldGFjb2duaXRpdmUgVGhlcmFweSBDaGFuZ2VkIE15IExpZmU%3D🔗 You're not insecure, you just think about yourself too much: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQ4-g4XyhwU&pp=ygUWb3ZlcnRoaW5raW5nIG11Y2hlbGxlYg%3D%3DSHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.
Hey! This podcast is all about the most impactful books that I read in 2024. VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Introduction to Impactful Books
00:12 Corkscrew Solutions: Problem Solving with a Twist
01:41 Little Treatments, Big Effects: Small Changes, Big Impact
03:35 Procrastination Decoded: Embracing Unstructured Time
05:44 The Power of Systems: Beyond Self-Focused Thinking
07:19 A Little Peace of Mind: Managing Thoughts and Feelings
08:23 The Art of Giving and Receiving: Embracing Limits
09:00 The Highest Goal: The Concept of a Live WithLINKS ⇢
Corkscrew Solutions: https://amzn.to/3PmLGkfLittle treatments, Big effects by Jessica Schleider: https://amzn.to/4a5UzrX
Procrastination Decoded by Dr. David Maloney: https://amzn.to/4j0MA3y
David Maloneys YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ7PZaSv1V6yJbj5y35jp_g
The Power of Systems: https://amzn.to/3BT0yns
Podcast episode: Maybe it’s not you - maybe it’s your systems: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5X8oNsxMtM&t=2s&pp=ygUbc3lzdGVtcyBncm93IHdpdGggaW50ZW50aW9u
A little peace of mind: https://amzn.to/40iqaDC
The art of giving and receiving: https://amzn.to/3BKER97
The highest goal: The secret that sustains you in every moment: https://amzn.to/3DQXdFSSHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.
Hey! This podcast ep is all about an alternative to SMART goals.VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Introduction: The Problem with SMART Goals
00:32 Understanding the Drawbacks of SMART Goals
01:17 The Concept of Competing Wants
01:56 When SMART Goals Work and When They Don't
02:16 Introducing Figure Out Goals
03:23 Examples of Figure Out Goals
04:02 How to Implement Figure Out Goals
05:06 Conclusion and RecommendationsSHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.
Hey! This video is all about one practical idea to apply to break a bad habit. VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Intro
00:10 Fundamental Belief About Change
00:25 Changing Reactions to Change Patterns
01:18 Example 1: Handling Kids' Requests
02:06 Example 2: Dealing with Alcohol Cravings
02:58 Example 3: The Two-Week Rule
04:38 "Not Yet"
05:03 RecommendationsLINKS ⇢🔗 Michael Neill: Two Week Rule : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxzixOk1FHkSHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.
Hey! This video is all about how to get better at tiny, daily choices.VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Introduction: The Power of Tiny Choices
00:30 Understanding Flexible Thinking
00:48 The Habit Before the Habit
01:28 Mastering the Pause
02:49 The Cloud Method for Flexible Thinking
04:14 The POP Method for Flexible Thinking
05:13 Recommendations and ConclusionLINKS ⇢🔗 Book: Corkscrew Solutions - https://amzn.to/4itig17🔗 Book: The Joy Choice - https://amzn.to/49x9vyW🔗 Podcast Episode with Michelle Segar: https://open.spotify.com/episode/3AyD7qwSHLA395ism92B8E?si=617457448c4a43d5SHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.
Hey! This podcast ep is all about reprogramming your brain with awareness (sounds weird until it doesn't!).VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Introduction and Frozen Spaghetti Story
01:08 The Power of Awareness
01:46 Reprogramming Desires and Behaviors
02:03 Understanding the Brain's Algorithm
03:08 Applying Awareness to Unhelpful Behaviors
03:43 The Non-Judgmental Approach
04:29 Reccs of the weekLINKS ⇢🔗 Book: Unwinding Anxiety Judd Brewer - https://www.amazon.com.au/Unwinding-Anxiety-Science-Shows-Cycles/dp/0593330447🔗 Podcast Ep: What You Resist, Persists - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2U9K3IcEykSHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.
Hey! This video is all about how the HECK to get something out of journaling when journaling just hasn't done it for you in the past!!VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Introduction: My Struggle with Journaling
1:03 Realization 1: Avoid Forcing Insights
1:38 Realization 2: Let Realizations Come to You
2:33 Realization 3: Balance Thinking and Surrendering
3:00 Realization 4: Separate Yourself from the Problem
4:15 Recommended Resources and ConclusionLINKS ⇢🔗 Podcast to Listen to: Surrender / The Power of "Giving Up" To Get What You Want: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL41wCovnpM&pp=ygUdZ3JvdyB3aXRoIGludGVudGlvbiBzdXJyZW5kZXI%3D🔗 Podcast to Listen To: Maybe You Aren't the Problem, Maybe Your Systems Are: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l5X8oNsxMtM🔗 Recc of The Week: A More Beautiful Question https://www.amazon.com.au/More-Beautiful-Question-Inquiry-Breakthrough-ebook/dp/B00GC53AG8SHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.
Hey! This video is all about some of the hopeless, helpful realisations that have really helped me.VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Intro0:42 Hopeless, Helpful Realisation 1 - BIG changes3:19 Hopeless, Helpful Realisation 2 - You don't pick your thoughts4:03 Hopeless, Helpful Realisation 3 - You'll never get it all together permanently5:26 Reccs of The WeekLINKS ⇢🔗 Book: Meditations for Mortals by Oliver Burkeman- https://amzn.to/3YUtwMt🔗 Podcast Episode: **Change your Thoughts to Change Your Life** - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ekzTjtmJnE🔗 Podcast Interview: Michelle Segar https://open.spotify.com/episode/3AyD7qwSHLA395ism92B8E?si=cee4d730efac4270SHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.
A short n' sweet ep about one way to tackle overwhelm.VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Intro
0:52 Knowing vs Choosing
2:09 An example
2:48 Reccs of The WeekLINKS ⇢🔗 Book: Time Warrior - https://amzn.to/3URADmc🔗 Episode: How to Pick "One Thing" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D_OJJS0iz5sSHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.
Hey! This video is all about how to prioritise when you suck at prioritising. VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢
00:00 Intro
0:28 The Cozy Comfort of Indecision
2:27 Accepting Uncertainty
4:25 Reccs of The WeekLINKS ⇢🔗 Book: The One Thing by Gary Keller - https://www.amazon.com.au/One-Thing-Surprisingly-Extraordinary-bestselling/dp/1848549253/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1C9S356T61J0I&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.8tfchWzIdp1_eMiBqyBVy39jCnRFQIRCSrc9b2I7N0AgNiZX_eaYv1YuekPoxyr42CMjOCphAfhRrqjkWnQHsoGDFRe4PAPouz43qoP6zpzvuOV0GbFqvkftHYgFflrRR-9TBJO09PlCYNbhaAwBmzNbYOXpl3TVLxeuCT-_AU2uxUEejTY2xEg2SsSULnMp6sF8YEzJMIYSqiP9UszreCNMwZlR1TF40mBNPhCgvFyMzzIHHAUQ8oft2nefOXOfo5a2VEXqewN1olFljKhfBPqVDLPzBzJuBM8gJ8DQ9zw.ABoTDv1u9AA1i0UkUssmF-6i2vxpS6SkC4E4gUfIcp0&dib_tag=se&keywords=the+one+thing&qid=1731191846&sprefix=the+one+th%2Caps%2C265&sr=8-1🔗 Book: Thinking in Bets by Annie Duke - https://www.amazon.com.au/Thinking-Bets-Annie-Duke/dp/0735216371/ref=sr_1_1?crid=FLJ8W6A5LKEF&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.p5cJ2lrFuRfb_Qe4Rfx02KZm8jKUTZHNm_WyTqkgNO_qtxCUS2W3dFHhCiXaz9O_t55x-TcVIIv30AP2ELbC0cx5BMTIyL9UL89qCmk6umFuoJNK8OwhkLN0rd5kQnu0FgoyJQq0khjzOtRxATEfoRhJihYM_wjgri_y8YBpwGTrLzlhnbvzBu8c9inb0M_cQThYQpLCOlyduA6hpBhUXgVs94_0-cdxc6UeHZf28Okip5Uk6hB4lHqXCzEik-vpBWKoValKEHFpPzMBqIirYw.yl9-_Zh7Np6JVAHMA0oLU280V-Ckgw63-Op4zyNYUXU&dib_tag=se&keywords=thinking+in+bets&qid=1731191831&sprefix=thinking+in+be%2Caps%2C358&sr=8-1🔗 Video: How to Create a Strategy for Your Life - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ekzTjtmJnESHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.
Hey! In this episode, I talk about a few different ways to train your brain.VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Intro
0:37 How to frame meditation
1:37 One of the more intense studies on what meditation does to the brain
1:50 Attention training brain results
1:56 Compassion meditation
2:33 Perspective-based meditation
3:00 An alternative to sit-down meditation
3:26 A different way to practice loving-kindness
4:11 How to take action on this podcast episode
5:33 Reccs of The WeekLINKS ⇢🔗 Article: Greater Good Article: What Type of Meditation Is Best for You?https://greatergood.berkeley.edu/article/item/what_type_of_meditation_is_best_for_you
🔗 Book: Altered Traits: Science Reveals How Meditation Changes Your Mind, Brain, and Body https://www.amazon.com.au/Altered-Traits-Science-Reveals-Meditation/dp/0399184384SHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.
Hey! This video is all about...VIDEO TIMELINE ⇢
0:28 Two common things you'll see in people who struggle with procrastination
1:04 Impulsivity and procrastination
1:33 How to tell if you struggle with all-or-nothing thinking
4:11 What to do about it all
5:56 The Stop Technique
7:40 Reccs of the week
8:46 OutroLINKS ⇢🔗 Book: Procrastination Decoded by David Maloney - https://amzn.to/3NC2IKq
🔗 Book: Procrastination Equation by Piers Steel - https://amzn.to/3BWVtdf
🔗 Article: Procrastination and the Perfectionism Myth by Piers Steel - https://www.psychologytoday.com/au/blog/the-procrastination-equation/201101/procrastination-and-the-perfectionism-myth
🔗 Podcast Episode: How to Build Better Habits with The Marble Mentality https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAQw2NkVWa8SHOP ⇢☁️ The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack☁️ Level up Your Life with The Life Map ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map☁️ Get The Intention App (On iPhone and Android) ⇢ http://www.theintentionapp.comFIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME ⇢🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://instagram.com/muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 The Grow With Intention Podcast ⇢ https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫 Please take with you from this video what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You know you best.
Hey! A quick lil ep about a new way to react to setbacks in your life, prompted by the book "The Power of Systems".RECCS OF THE WEEK✨ How to Create a Strategy for Your Life Episode on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ekzTjtmJnE✨ The Power of Systems Book : https://www.amazon.com/Power-Systems-Create-Life-Works/dp/1600252052WANT MORE?✨ Get The Intention App (iPhone and Android) ⇢ https://www.theintentionapp.com/✨ Get The Life Map - Set goals that pull you towards them and create a vision for your life ⇢ https://muchelleb.com.au/the-life-map-25FIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://www.instagram.com/@muchelleb🧚 TikTok ⇢ https://www.tiktok.com/@muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 My Main Channel ⇢ http://youtube.com/muchellebVIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Intro
0:42 The results you get in your life align perfectly with your systems
1:24 A new way to respond to setbacks
3:45 Reccs of the week💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫Please take with you from this episode what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You always know you best. My thoughts are always changing and evolving and I might get things wrong.
Hey! Here's a chat about how changing your thoughts isn't always the answer.
RECCS OF THE WEEK✨ The Inside-Out Revolution - https://www.amazon.com.au/Inside-Out-Revolution-Change-Forever/dp/1401942415/ref=asc_df_1401942415/?tag=googleshopdsk-22&linkCode=df0&hvadid=712374049148&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17376582095846823501&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=c&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1000339&hvtargid=pla-435011270280&psc=1&mcid=c2dde75b156330af81003c77a253bdee&gad_source=1✨ The Power of "Giving Up" to Get What You Want - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL41wCovnpM
WANT MORE?✨ Get The Intention App (iPhone and Android) ⇢ https://www.theintentionapp.com/✨ Get The Calm Productivity Notion Pack ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-calm-productivity-notion-pack✨ Get The Life Map - Set goals that pull you towards them and create a vision for your life ⇢ https://shop.muchelleb.com.au/products/the-life-map
FIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintention
CONNECT WITH ME🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://www.instagram.com/@muchelleb🧚 TikTok ⇢ https://www.tiktok.com/@muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 My Main Channel ⇢ http://youtube.com/muchelleb
00:00 Intro
1:40 Metacognitive belief #1: Insights
3:26 Metacognitive Belief #2: If you feel like trash, you’ll think like trash
5:23 Metacognitive Belief #3: Thoughts are something that happen to you.
7:27 Reccs of The Week
💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫Please take with you from this episode what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You always know you best. My thoughts are always changing and evolving and I might get things wrong.
Hey! This video is about the one mental block that will mess with any change that you want to create in your life: resistance. RECCS OF THE WEEK✨ The Power of Surrender (Actual Title: The Power of Giving Up to Get What You Want) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EL41wCovnpM&ab_channel=GrowWithIntention✨ One small idea that can change your life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pBeDoJOWu1M&t=299s&ab_channel=GrowWithIntentionWANT MORE?✨ Get The Intention App (iPhone and Android) ⇢ https://www.theintentionapp.com/✨ Get The Life Map - Set goals that pull you towards them and create a vision for your life ⇢ https://muchelleb.com.au/the-life-map-25FIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://www.instagram.com/@muchelleb🧚 TikTok ⇢ https://www.tiktok.com/@muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 My Main Channel ⇢ http://youtube.com/muchellebVIDEO TIMELINE ⇢
00:00 Intro
0:37 Shrinking episode
1:25 The pattern of resisting
2:54 How to STOP resisting
3:21 Identifying the habit loop
4:27 Reccs of the week
💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫Please take with you from this episode what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You always know you best. My thoughts are always changing and evolving and I might get things wrong.
Hey! This episode is based on a newsletter that I sent some time ago - all about giving in a way that doesn't create generosity burnout. See you all in October!! Appreciate you very much.RECCS OF THE WEEK✨ Adam Grant, Give and Take: https://www.amazon.com.au/Give-Take-Helping-Others-Success/dp/0143124986✨ Assessment: Generosity Burnout: https://hbr.org/2017/01/generosity-burnout-are-you-at-risk?ab=seriesnav-bigidea
✨ People Please Episode: https://open.spotify.com/episode/1tNnu6xR2vgtM7PxueNm6V?si=c69cff9fd9d24886WANT MORE?✨ Get The Intention App (iPhone and Android) ⇢ https://www.theintentionapp.com/✨ Get The Life Map - Set goals that pull you towards them and create a vision for your life ⇢ https://muchelleb.com.au/the-life-map-25FIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://www.instagram.com/@muchelleb🧚 TikTok ⇢ https://www.tiktok.com/@muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 My Main Channel ⇢ http://youtube.com/muchellebVIDEO TIMELINE ⇢
00:00 Intro
0:47 The two types of giving
00:59 Otherish givers
2:01 Selfless givers
4:22 How to beat generosity burnout
7:37 Reccs of the week💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫Please take with you from this episode what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You always know you best. My thoughts are always changing and evolving and I might get things wrong.
Hey! This podcast ep is a deep dive into "surrender" - what it means, what it doesn't mean and how to "do" it. RECCS OF THE WEEK✨ Master of Change by Brad Stulberg: https://amzn.to/3MiYd6U✨ You're not stuck: you want it too much (desperate energy video): https://open.spotify.com/episode/5YZWyNz75wD6zt5TD8t2F7?si=c9693c385cde41b2✨ The Intention App Surrender Session: http://www.theintentionapp.comWANT MORE?✨ Get The Intention App (iPhone and Android) ⇢ https://www.theintentionapp.com/✨ Get The Life Map - Set goals that pull you towards them and create a vision for your life ⇢ https://muchelleb.com.au/the-life-map-25FIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://www.instagram.com/@muchelleb🧚 TikTok ⇢ https://www.tiktok.com/@muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 My Main Channel ⇢ http://youtube.com/muchellebVIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Intro0:32 This is not a particularly spiritual podcast episode00:44 What surrender ISN'T1:05 Problems that solve themselves1:36 Trying hard to control an outcome is a form of stress slash insecurity2:14 The fun brain stuff3:24 How this links up with surrender4:11 The river analogy5:16 How to take action and "surrender"5:55 Step 36:43 Recs of the week💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫Please take with you from this episode what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You always know you best. My thoughts are always changing and evolving and I might get things wrong.
Hey! Here's a quick episode on a go-to idea that's helped me get "out" (you know what I mean!!) of many funky feelings.RECCS OF THE WEEK✨ Just a Thought: https://amzn.to/4fM8yWe✨ Metacognitive Therapy Podcast Episode: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8Ys2bG9gHoWANT MORE?✨ Get The Intention App (iPhone and Android) ⇢ https://www.theintentionapp.com/✨ Get The Life Map - Set goals that pull you towards them and create a vision for your life ⇢ https://muchelleb.com.au/the-life-map-25FIND GWI ⇢☀️ On Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2HqznNA2v9McYirvqmUVvO☀️ On Apple Podcasts: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/grow-with-intention/id1720890847☀️ On Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@growwithintentionCONNECT WITH ME🧚 Instagram ⇢ http://www.instagram.com/@muchelleb🧚 TikTok ⇢ https://www.tiktok.com/@muchelleb🧚 Website ⇢ http://muchelleb.com.au/🧚 My Main Channel ⇢ http://youtube.com/muchellebVIDEO TIMELINE ⇢00:00 Intro
0:59 The concept that changed everything for me
3:28 How I exited my slump era
7:47 Making things actionable
8:40 Recs of the week💫 A QUICK NOTE 💫Please take with you from this episode what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You always know you best. My thoughts are always changing and evolving and I might get things wrong.
- Visa fler