If you don't live near an active Domain Driven Design meetup, or just want to get more in-depth knowledge of DDD, please join this vast growing community! Anyone is invited here.
We strive to create a community of like-minded people eager to dive more into Domain Driven Design. We are going to organise panel discussions, community talks and more.
So feel free to join us! -
Welcome to our ‘Behind the Scenes’ podcasts dedicated to EU research and innovation. In this series, journalist Jennifer Baker spends time with some of Europe’s most brilliant scientists and innovators, whose discoveries are having a lasting and important impact on our daily lives.
From Atlantic ocean health checks, pioneering cancer vaccines and quantum computing games to zero-waste houses, new-breed organic farming, and recycling textile. These and other compelling stories await listeners in our latest pods.
Earlier in the series to celebrate the annual Research & Innovation Days we explored everything from the inner-secrets of biophysics, fungal architectures, robotics and automatic control, and we ventured to the outer-reaches of Arctic research, radio astronomy, and computer engineering.
Behind the Scenes SEASON TWO brings you inspiring science but also the stories and journeys of the people behind them.
This podcast series is an initiative of the European Commission. It brings together policymakers, researchers, entrepreneurs and the public to debate and shape the future of Research and Innovation in Europe and beyond.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
This podcast is a little get together to celebrate the soil, and the living and non-living beings residing within the pedosphere. With the help of wonderful guests, we investigate the privilege of the human in relation to the soil.
I am a bog-loving, bog-researching PhD candidate with a past in climate. You can read more about me at In the meantime, let's just get wet and dirty, talk about microbial processes and ombrotrophic spaces.
Old episodes can be found over at:
We broadcast live on [88.3FM in Amsterdam] some Fridays 5pm-7pm -
Nous sommes deux passionnés de géologie en pleine thèse doctorale en volcanologie et pétrologie des roches ignées. Nous avons pour objectif de partager notre passion et de la rendre accessible au plus grand nombre. Nous vous présenterons les différentes branches de la géologie avec des interventions périodiques d'intervenants en lien avec le domaine. Nous vous souhaitons une bonne écoute.
From the N.C. Plant Sciences Initiative at NC State comes a podcast that takes a 360° view of emerging agriculture technologies. Join the host, N.C. PSI Executive Director Adrian Percy as he speaks with academic researchers, industry experts, growers, producers, Extension specialists, and others in the agtech community.
The Great Adaptations Podcast from the The Glacier Trust is hosted by Dr. Morgan Phillips and features interviews with key thinkers on the topic of climate change adaptation. The podcast accompanies The Glacier Trust's first ever book "Great Adaptations - In the shadow of a climate crisis" by Morgan Phillips, published by Arkbound. For more information on the Great Adaptations project please visit The Glacier Trust website.
The aim of the book, the podcast, and the wider Great Adaptations project is simple: we want to get more people talking and thinking about adaptation. Adaptation is already happening and we can only expect to see more of it and more of its evil twin maladaptation. We want to shine a light on the great (and not so great) adaptations so that when people start designing and implementing their adaptation strategies, they adapt in ways that are socially just, compatible with mitigation efforts, and part of a wider transformative process. The adaptations to climate change that are already happening need to be scrutinised and celebrated in equal measure, Great Adaptations does that, but conversations about adaptation can’t exist in a vacuum, context is everything.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
La série "Les pieds dans les champs" donne la parole aux producteurs en conventionnel ou en agriculture biologique.
Chaque semaine, vous pourrez retrouver des producteurs de colza, tournesol, soja, pois protéagineux, féverole, lupin, lin oléagineux, lentille, pois chiche ou chanvre qui partageront leurs pratiques et leviers agronomiques pour faire de leur campagne une réussite en tout point (gains de rendement, marges économiques, bénéfices agronomiques...).
Une série proposée par Terres Inovia, l'institut technique de la filière des huiles et protéines végétales et de la filière chanvre. -
Et si quelques petits gestes changeaient notre monde… ?
Des idées simples redonneraient-elles espoir à notre climat, à notre planète, à notre environnement ?
Nos invités, eux, en sont les premiers persuadés. Ils nous expliquent pourquoi et nous présentent leurs grandes comme leurs petites actions en faveur de l’écologie.
Voici “Graines d’idées”, le podcast de RCF Bruxelles qui va à la rencontre des acteurs de la transition pour que nous puissions tous, comme le colibri, faire notre part.
A place for thoughts and science to raise awareness of climate change, and how the climate crisis affects our health, our ecosystems and our economy. We are running out of time and for every problem we face, the counter goes up. But there is still hope! All over the world, brilliant minds are finding new ways of slowing down climate change and reducing its negative impact on our society. Find out how you can contribute in saving your planet by looking at our solutions, and join us in our journey to tip the balance.
Welcome to the Deep Seed Podcast, your ultimate source for all things regenerative agriculture, soil health, and ecosystem restoration!
Join your host, Raphaël, on an exciting journey into the heart of sustainable farming and environmental resilience. The podcast is packed with inspiring conversations with regenerative farmers, cutting-edge innovators, and leading experts who are pioneering the movement towards a more regenerative food system.
Whether you’re a passionate advocate for sustainability, a professional in agriculture or environmental science, or just curious about the future of our food systems, the Deep Seed Podcast is your gateway to the vibrant world of regenerative agriculture.
Key topics discussed include:
Agroecology and its role in creating sustainable food systems
The power of agroforestry in boosting biodiversity and productivity
How carbon farming can fight climate change while benefiting farmers
The benefits of no-till farming for soil health and erosion prevention
Holistic grazing practices that restore ecosystems and enhance animal welfare
Crop rotation and polyculture for nutrient-rich soils and resilient farms
Exploring the potential of food forests and other nature-based solutions
The critical link between soil microbiology and plant health
Restoration agriculture and the future of land regeneration
Climate solutions that leverage regenerative practices to sequester carbon
Promoting biodiversity through sustainable farming approaches
Insights into the importance of sustainable diets and their environmental impact
Rewilding and its role in ecosystem restoration and preservation
Produced in partnership with Soil Capital, a leader in supporting regenerative agriculture and rewarding farmers for improving soil health, this podcast is a must-listen for anyone interested in sustainable farming and climate action.
Get in touch with me LinkedIn - Raphael Esterhazy
Hosted by Ausha. See for more information. -
Hanna et Juliette sont deux meilleures amies depuis l'enfance, toutes les deux jeunes ingénieures, elles sont parties en vélo sur les routes de France en quête de trouver des réponses. Elles vont rencontrer et vivre avec des paysannes et agricultrices de tout domaine qui pratiquent l'agroécologie, discuter de quête de sens, de l'agriculture de demain, de rythme et du futur qu'on souhaite construire.
Elles vous racontent leurs aventures dans cette première série de podcast écoféministe qui mêle témoignages, expériences de vie, chiffres et théories.
Prise de son, interview, écriture, montage : Hanna Cisaruk & Juliette Verdeil
La musique originale et la création sonore, signées par Rym Melano, confèrent à chaque épisode une ambiance unique et immersive.
À la fin de chaque épisode, vous pouvez découvrir des extraits des compositions musicales spécialement réalisées pour le podcast.
À ne pas manquer, l'épisode 4, "Cavalcades sur la colline," où toute la bande sonore a été habilement créée à partir d'échantillons sonores de porcs, symbolisant le passage de l'animal vivant à son état transformé dans l'industrie agroalimentaire.
Podcast auto-produit et indépendant
Avec le soutien de l'association Paroles de Paysans et le studio La Poudre de la Cité Audacieuse par la Fondation des Femmes
Hébergé par Acast. Visitez pour plus d'informations.
New episodes coming March 10, 2025!
Plant People explores the ways our relationships with plants are tied to current environmental issues, and how art and culture reflect our connection to the ecosystems we rely on to thrive.
Through lively stories and conversations with scientists, gardeners, artists, and experts, join the New York Botanical Garden (NYBG) for deep dives into everything from food systems and horticulture to botanical breakthroughs in the lab and the field, and the many ways our daily lives are sustained by plants. Then stay for discussions on how we can return the favor, protecting what we have—and cultivating what we need—to ensure plants and people continue to support each other for future generations.
Host Jennifer Bernstein, NYBG’s President & CEO, guides you through the role of humans in caring for our shared planet, whether you’re in your backyard garden, tending a window sill full of houseplants, or finding your love of nature in a concrete jungle. Let NYBG—rooted in NYC’s cultural fabric for over 130 years and a beloved respite in the heart of the Bronx, the city’s greenest borough—be your anchor for understanding how plants make a difference in your life, and our world, every single day—in ways both big and small.