
  • In this solo episode of Greatness From Small Beginnings, host Keith L. Callaway dives deep into the concept of perseverance. Drawing from his personal experiences and a powerful story about athlete Pat Manson, Keith explores how pushing through the toughest of times can lead to the most extraordinary accomplishments.

    Key points discussed include:

    Pat Manson’s story: Despite suffering a severe injury, Manson overcame adversity to win the national championship, exemplifying the power of perseverance.Facing the unknown: Keith reflects on how many of us face moments when the tunnel seems dark and collapsed, but through consistent effort and faith, we find the strength to take one more step.Practical advice: Keith encourages listeners to identify areas in their lives where perseverance is needed, take small but meaningful steps, and create a plan to overcome obstacles.Self-awareness and greatness: Keith emphasizes the importance of self-awareness, inspired by a challenge he saw on Instagram, and how it ties into achieving greatness by recognizing both strengths and areas for growth.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Quotes by Zig Ziglar on motivation and greatness.Reflections from Keith on self-awareness and perseverance.


  • In this episode of Greatness From Small Beginnings, host Keith L. Callaway opens up about the challenges of navigating stressful seasons in both life and business. Keith shares personal stories from his construction and paving business, touching on moments of anxiety, difficult customer interactions, and the lessons learned from past hardships like dealing with shingles in his youth.

    Key Points:

    Handling Stress: Keith delves into how stress manifests in physical, emotional, and mental ways, sharing his personal experiences and strategies for managing it.Healthy Conflict: The importance of having healthy conflict within leadership teams and organizations, and how avoiding it can stifle growth and success.Turning Setbacks Into Opportunities: Keith shares a story about a friend whose company underwent significant staff turnover, but used the opportunity to reassess and rebuild in a stronger, more effective way.Finding Joy: Keith explores how to maintain joy during stressful times, and the role of faith and personal growth in cultivating peace and fulfillment.Call to Action: Listeners are encouraged to reflect on their own challenges and view them as opportunities for growth, learning to choose joy, peace, and greatness amidst hardship.


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  • Show Notes:

    In this episode of Greatness from Small Beginnings, Keith L. Callaway explores the profound impact of emotional storytelling through a biblical story involving King David and the prophet Nathan. The episode delves into how Nathan used a powerful parable to touch David’s heart, leading to deep reflection and repentance.

    Key Points Covered:

    The Story of Bathsheba and David: A retelling of the biblical account, emphasizing David's moral failure and Nathan’s masterful storytelling approach.Emotional vs. Rational Logic: Keith highlights how Nathan’s use of emotional storytelling was more impactful than logical arguments might have been.Are You That Person?: A challenge to listeners to reflect on their own lives—are we, like David, blind to our own faults until confronted with them emotionally?The Role of Wisdom in Hard Conversations: Insight into handling difficult conversations by engaging emotions, making messages more likely to resonate and lead to change.Key Takeaway: The importance of emotional engagement when trying to inspire change, both in yourself and others.


    Biblical passage from 2 Samuel regarding David, Bathsheba, and Nathan.Quotes from Zig Ziglar on greatness and success.


  • In this insightful episode of "Greatness From Small Beginnings," Keith L. Callaway explores the profound topic of spiritual transformation and the journey toward personal growth.

    Reflecting on a sermon that deeply resonated with him, Keith discusses how true transformation is often a slow and steady process, driven by consistent effort and faith.

    Key Points:

    The struggle of balancing important tasks in a busy life.Reflections on a sermon and the writings of Christian author Mark Galli, who questions why deep transformation seems so elusive despite years of effort.The importance of consistent spiritual practices, such as daily scripture reading and prayer, in fostering personal growth.The role of faith in navigating inner darkness and the assurance that God is not in a hurry to transform us, but is always on time.Encouragement to actively participate in one's transformation through spiritual disciplines and resisting negative impulses.Scriptural references, including Philippians 1:6 and Luke 11:9-10, emphasizing persistence in seeking God's guidance and blessings.Closing thoughts on the journey of personal growth, acknowledging the long road ahead but encouraging listeners to stay committed.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Philippians 1:6Luke 11:9-10Writings of Mark Galli


  • In this powerful episode of "Greatness From Small Beginnings," Keith L. Callaway sits down with Dave Brown, a long-time employee and trusted friend at K&L. Their conversation delves into Dave's remarkable journey from a tumultuous past to finding purpose and redemption.

    Key Points:

    Dave's Early Life: Growing up in challenging environments in California and Chicago, moving to Nevada in 1979, and the impact of a strained family dynamic.Prison Time: Dave opens up about the choices that led to his imprisonment, spending over 25 years behind bars, and the pivotal moments that changed his outlook on life.Finding Purpose: The lessons learned during his time in prison, particularly the importance of values, self-discovery, and spirituality.Rebuilding Life: Dave's journey post-incarceration, including pursuing education, building a career, and becoming a loyal protector at K&L.Spiritual Insights: How spirituality and a sense of purpose guided Dave through his darkest times and continue to influence his life today.Final Message: Dave's heartfelt advice to listeners: "Don't be Dave—be the best version of yourself by learning from the mistakes of others."


  • In this episode of Greatness From Small Beginnings, Keith L. Callaway dives deep into the art of shifting your perspective, especially when life feels overwhelming. Keith shares personal experiences of high-pressure days and explores how a simple change in mindset can transform stress into a manageable force.

    Key Points:

    Mindful Thoughts: The importance of taking short breaks to breathe, move, and connect with the present moment.Gratitude Practice: How reflecting on even the smallest blessings can shift your focus to the positive aspects of life.Setting Intentions: The power of starting your day with clear priorities, ensuring that your actions align with your goals.Real-Life Application: Keith's insights on balancing daily tasks and maintaining focus on revenue-generating activities.Encouragement: The episode wraps up with an empowering Zig Ziglar quote, reminding listeners of their inherent potential for greatness.


  • Show Notes:

    In this episode of "Greatness From Small Beginnings," Keith L. Callaway delves deep into the concept of purpose and its role in guiding us through life’s most challenging tasks. Reflecting on a recent conversation about The Purpose Driven Life, Keith explores how our purpose on earth is linked to greatness and how it often requires us to endure and excel in tasks we may not enjoy.

    Key Points:

    Purpose and Greatness: A reminder that we are all here to achieve greatness, often starting from humble beginnings and overcoming inherited challenges.The Role of Purpose in Work: Keith emphasizes that the purpose behind our work should focus on the people we impact and the long-term goals we are striving for, rather than just the tasks we perform.Perseverance in Difficult Tasks: Keith shares his personal experience with a task he dislikes, discussing how perseverance and a commitment to helping others can drive us to continue, even when the work is hard.The Importance of the "Who" and "Why": The episode concludes with the idea that while passion is ideal, understanding who you are working for and why can be even more motivating.


  • Episode Summary:

    In this episode of "Greatness From Small Beginnings," Keith L. Callaway shares a compelling story about the flea experiment to illustrate how we often impose invisible limits on ourselves. Through personal anecdotes and motivational insights, Keith encourages listeners to recognize and overcome these self-imposed restrictions to achieve their full potential.

    Key Points:

    The Flea Experiment:Fleas can jump extraordinary heights.When placed in a jar with a lid, they learn to jump just below the lid.Even after the lid is removed, they continue to limit their jumps.Self-Imposed Limits:We often limit ourselves based on past experiences and negative feedback.These invisible lids prevent us from reaching our full potential.Personal Reflection:Keith shares his own struggles with anxiety and limitations at work.He emphasizes the importance of identifying and removing these limits.Spiritual Perspective:The significance of rejecting negative voices and embracing God’s purpose.The role of prayer and patience in overcoming life’s challenges.Call to Action:Listeners are encouraged to identify their own invisible lids.Practical steps to push beyond these limits and achieve greatness.

    Relevant Resources:

    Zig Ziglar’s quote: "You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness."


  • In this episode of "Greatness From Small Beginnings," host Keith L. Callaway dives deep into eight transformative ideas that can propel you toward personal and professional greatness. Drawing from a curated list of insights from various influencers and thought leaders, Keith explores how our thoughts shape our reality, the power of setting audacious goals, and the importance of being generous with everything except your time. He also shares personal anecdotes and practical advice on staying uncomfortable to achieve success and the value of optimism and accumulated wisdom.

    Key Points:

    You Become What You Think About:Importance of writing and reviewing goals regularly.Stimulating thinking and sensory engagement.Your Inner World Creates Your Outer World:Role of emotional intelligence in shaping your life.Balancing comfort with growth-oriented thinking.The Value of Discipline:Benefits of engaging in activities that promote well-being, even when uncomfortable.Reflecting on life’s priorities and regrets.Setting Monster Goals:The science behind the effectiveness of ambitious goals.Personal experiences and the impact of goal setting on success.Generosity vs. Time Management:Being generous with resources while guarding your time.Anecdotes on balancing service with personal priorities.Wishing for Optimism:The impact of optimism on personal and familial outlooks.Strategies for modeling and fostering optimism.Accumulated Wealth:Differences between earned and accumulated wealth.The importance of long-term wisdom and financial investments.Choosing Your Battles:Recognizing when to let go of unproductive conflicts.The broader benefits of prioritizing peace and harmony.

    Resources and References:

    Zig Ziglar's quote on greatness.Personal stories and insights from Keith’s life and experiences.Relevant scriptures and wisdom from long-term study and application.

    Call to Action: Reflect on your own goals and dreams. Set ambitious targets and take practical steps toward achieving them. Embrace discomfort, protect your time, and cultivate an optimistic mindset. Remember, greatness is a choice, make it yours.


  • In this solo episode, host Keith L. Callaway dives into the multi-faceted concept of greatness, sharing personal stories and insights on how small beginnings can lead to significant impact. Joined by his son, Paul Callaway, they discuss the importance of defining greatness, embracing suffering, and instilling values of hard work and resilience in the next generation.

    Key Points:

    Introduction of Paul Callaway: Keith introduces his son, Paul, and discusses their entrepreneurial spirits and shared business ventures.Defining Greatness: Exploring the idea that greatness is fulfilling one's greatest potential and walking the path that God has set.Small Beginnings: Reflecting on the Callaway family's modest beginnings and how their journey has shaped their current success.Layers of Protection: Discussing the multiple layers of support that insulate their family from suffering and how this contrasts with many people's experiences.Suffering and Sacrifice: The importance of choosing to embrace discomfort and suffering to grow and relate to the suffering of Christ.Teaching Children Resilience: Strategies for teaching children the value of hard work, discipline, and the ability to thrive in less comfortable environments.Practical Wisdom: Practical advice on building a mindset of greatness through consistent effort, such as the idea of practicing something for 18 minutes a day to achieve proficiency.The Long Game: Emphasizing that greatness is a long-term journey that involves building deep connections and instilling lasting values in children.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Zig Ziglar's quote: "You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness."Personal anecdotes and stories from the Callaway family.


  • Episode Overview: In this episode of "Greatness From Small Beginnings," Keith L. Callaway explores the concept of true freedom, reflecting on Independence Day and the broader meaning of liberty. Using scriptural references and personal anecdotes, Keith delves into the contrast between living out our pleasures and understanding the deeper, more profound sense of freedom envisioned by our founders and in the scriptures.

    Key Points:

    Reflection on Independence Day: Keith shares observations from the week of July 4th, drawing parallels between historical and personal insights.Scriptural Insights: Key passages from Ecclesiastes 3 and Ephesians 5 are discussed, emphasizing the balance and wisdom required to live a life of true freedom.Personal Anecdotes: A story about a poem handed to Keith at a restaurant serves as a catalyst for discussing the deeper meanings of freedom and liberty.Historical Context: The episode revisits the founding fathers' vision of freedom and how it aligns with biblical principles.Call to Action: Listeners are encouraged to seek true freedom through Christ and to embrace their designed potential for greatness.

    Resources and References:

    Ecclesiastes 3: A time for everything.Ephesians 5:15-20: Living wisely and making the most of every opportunity.Poem: "Let Freedom Rain" by DJ Johnson.Quotes from Zig Ziglar: Emphasizing the potential for greatness.


  • In this solo episode, Keith L. Callaway explores the theme of independence, providing listeners with ten practical and often surprising ways to embrace and enhance their independence. As we approach Independence Day, Keith reflects on personal routines, values, and lifelong learning, sharing insights that are both actionable and inspiring.

    Key Points:

    Keep Your Room Clean: The importance of a tidy space in creating momentum and purpose.Learn an In-Demand Skill: Continual learning as a pathway to independence and career growth.Always Be Prepared: The Boy Scout motto applied to life and business.Know Yourself: Understanding your purpose and values to live a fulfilling life.Stand Up for Your Values: The necessity of identifying and defending your core values.Give Your Work Your All: The link between hard work and future independence.Own Your Mistakes: The rare but crucial skill of acknowledging and learning from errors.Embrace Responsibility: Taking full responsibility for all aspects of your life.Embrace Curiosity: Cultivating curiosity to drive personal and professional growth.Always Be Learning: The critical role of lifelong learning in staying vital and engaged.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Admiral McRaven's Commencement SpeechDave Ramsey's Financial AdviceZig Ziglar's Quotes

    Call to Action: Reflect on these ten principles and identify one area to focus on in the coming week. Embrace the journey towards greater independence and share your progress with us on social media using #GreatnessFromSmallBeginnings.

    Go be great!


  • Introduction:

    Welcome and thank you for tuning in to the Greatness from Small Beginnings podcast.Introduction of the theme: The importance of mindset in achieving greatness.Mention of Father's Day and Men's Health Month.

    Key Points:

    The 1% Difference:Reference to a coach's book about the 1% difference between people.Emphasis on the potential to be great within everyone.Intentional Thinking and Mindset:Explanation of the catchphrase: "The best way to total health is intentional thinking."Importance of positive self-talk and mindset in achieving greatness.Examples from top tennis players and Kobe Bryant's work ethic.Personal Reflections:Keith shares personal anecdotes about fatherhood and grandfatherhood.Discussion on the importance of mental and physical health for men.Legacy and Long-Term Thinking:The importance of thinking about and planning for one's legacy.Challenges younger listeners to start considering their legacy early on.Retirement and Continued Contribution:Critique of the traditional concept of retirement.Encouragement to continue contributing and building legacy in later years.Call to Action:Encouragement to embrace a mindset of continuous improvement.Importance of health (physical, mental, and spiritual) in achieving one's potential.

    Resources Mentioned:

    References to studies and books on mindset and greatness.Mention of previous podcast episodes related to fatherhood and men's health.


    Summary of key takeaways.Encouragement to apply the discussed principles in daily life.Call to action to think deeply about one's legacy and make intentional efforts towards health and greatness.


  • Episode Overview:

    In this episode of Greatness From Small Beginnings, host Keith L. Callaway delves into the intricate world of fatherhood, sharing his personal journey and experiences. With Father's Day around the corner, Keith explores the concept of being a good father through the lens of servant leadership. He discusses practical tips, challenges, and the rewarding aspects of fatherhood.

    Key Points:

    Introduction to the episode's theme: Fatherhood and Servant Leadership.Personal anecdotes and experiences from Keith's own journey as a father.The importance of being a servant leader in the context of family and fatherhood.Practical tips for being a supportive and effective father.Overcoming common challenges faced by fathers.The impact of fatherhood on personal growth and development.Resources and references for further reading on servant leadership and parenting.

    Resources and References:

    Book: "The Servant: A Simple Story About the True Essence of Leadership" by James C. Hunter.Article: "The Importance of Servant Leadership in Parenting"Podcast: "The Dad Edge Podcast", focusing on fatherhood and leadership.


  • In this episode of "Greatness From Small Beginnings," host Keith L. Callaway delves into the concept of self-competition and its critical role in achieving personal and professional greatness. Inspired by an article from The Tuttle Twins magazine, Keith shares valuable insights on how to embrace challenges, overcome failures, and continually strive for improvement.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Introduction: Keith explains the inspiration behind the episode and the importance of discipline and competition.Article Reading: A reading of the *The Tuttle Twins* article on competition and perseverance.Self-Competition: The benefits of competing against oneself rather than others.Personal Experiences: Keith shares personal anecdotes, including his journey of running a marathon and the lessons learned from it.Practical Advice: Tips on how to practice consistently, set personal records, and achieve incremental progress.Encouragement: Keith's motivational message encouraging listeners to pursue greatness in their daily lives.

    Resources Mentioned:

    The Tuttle Twins magazineVarious social media platforms for finding motivational content

    Call to Action:

    Keith encourages listeners to think about what they want to achieve, set their own goals, and work diligently towards them. Remember, "you were built for more than average."

  • In this solo episode of the "Greatness From Small Beginnings" podcast, Keith L. Callaway delves deep into the emotional and psychological challenges faced by entrepreneurs and founders. Drawing from a poignant poem titled "I Am a Founder," Keith reflects on his personal experiences, sharing valuable lessons learned over his 40-year journey in business.

    Key Points:

    Introduction to the Episode:

    Launching on a Monday morning to inspire and set the tone for the week.Focus on the emotional and psychological struggles of founders and business owners.

    Reading of "I Am a Founder":

    A series of statements capturing the emotional journey of a founder.Exploration of themes such as the desire for admiration, avoidance of conflict, and the perpetual state of anxiety.

    Keith’s Personal Reflections:

    The conflict between wanting to be admired and achieving results.The impact of avoiding conflict on personal and professional relationships.Lessons from his own entrepreneurial journey, including contributions to "The Joyful Entrepreneur."

    Balancing Business and Personal Life:

    The concept of "dad guilt" and the pressures of providing for the family.Strategies for managing time and maintaining close relationships.Reflections on the importance of gratitude and a mindset shift post-COVID.

    Lessons Learned and Advice:

    The importance of planning and time-blocking to achieve balance.Encouragement to maintain close relationships and seek mentorship.Insights into dealing with anxiety and the importance of self-compassion.

    Closing Thoughts:

    Re-reading of "I Am a Founder" to encapsulate the episode's themes.Promotion of the Founder Conference in Virginia Beach, VA.Motivational closing with a call to action inspired by Zig Ziglar.

    Relevant Resources:

    "The Joyful Entrepreneur" on AmazonFounder Conference details


    Zig Ziglar quotes and motivational insightsEd Mylett's perspective on entrepreneurial guilt
  • Show Notes:

    In this episode of the "Greatness From Small Beginnings" podcast, host Keith L. Callaway delves into the intricacies of achieving greatness through focused thinking and strategic time management.

    Keith shares personal anecdotes and insights from renowned thought leaders like John Maxwell, offering valuable lessons on how to manage a busy schedule, time block effectively, and remove distractions.

    This episode also explores the concept of servant leadership and the importance of genuine connections in personal and professional growth.

    Key Points:

    1. Introduction to the Episode:

    Importance of flexibility in a busy schedule.Balancing passion projects with professional responsibilities.

    2. The Thinking Side of Greatness:

    Emotional and practical aspects of scheduling and time management.Personal reflections on balancing a podcast with professional duties.

    3. Insights from John Maxwell:

    Authenticity in leadership and public speaking.Key takeaways from "How Successful People Think."

    4. Strategies for Focused Thinking:

    Removing distractions and effective time blocking.Importance of focused thinking and goal setting.Tools and methods for maintaining focus and tracking progress.

    5. Personal Stories and Examples:

    Anecdotes from personal experiences and interactions with mentors.Lessons learned from balancing different aspects of life and career.

    6. Call to Action:

    Encouragement to listeners to assess their own thinking and goal-setting practices.Inspirational quote from Zig Ziglar to motivate listeners to pursue greatness.

    Resources Mentioned:

    "How Successful People Think" by John MaxwellQuotes and teachings from Zig Ziglar
  • In this episode of "Greatness From Small Beginnings," Keith L. Callaway explores the profound impact of servant leadership. Learn how putting others first can transform your leadership style, foster a collaborative work environment, and lead to personal growth.

    Keith shares personal anecdotes, insights from John Maxwell and Zig Ziglar, and a biblical story about King David and Saul. Tune in to discover how servant leadership can help you achieve greatness.

    Key Points:

    Humility and Selflessness: Serving others demonstrates key qualities essential for leadership.Building Trust and Loyalty: Prioritizing others' needs fosters respect and collaboration.Positive Work Environment: Valuing team members creates a supportive and productive atmosphere.Understanding Needs: Effective leaders understand and address their team's concerns.Inspiration and Motivation: Serving others drives team members towards a common goal.Empathy and Inclusivity: Creating a culture of empathy enhances team dynamics.Personal Growth and Fulfillment: Serving others leads to personal and professional growth.

    Resources Mentioned:

    John Maxwell’s teachings on leadershipZig Ziglar’s motivational quotes"A Tale of Three Kings" by Gene Edwards

    Biblical Reference:

    Keith relates the story of King David and King Saul, illustrating how David’s servant leadership and humility led to his eventual success as king, despite Saul’s opposition.

  • Join us on "Greatness From Small Beginnings" as we explore the powerful story of Eduardo and Aida Norell, whose journey from the streets of Cuba to the heart of America is nothing short of miraculous. In this episode, hosted by Keith L. Callaway, you’ll hear a tale of love, faith, and perseverance that challenges the very definition of greatness.

    Discover how their profound faith and humble beginnings have crafted a life of deep impact and purpose. Tune in to uncover the strength behind the struggles and the victories that often go unseen.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Eduardo and Aida's initial life and challenges in Cuba.The role of faith in Eduardo's transformative life decisions.Aida's transition from a medical professional in Cuba to working in a U.S. jail.The broader implications of their life choices on family and legacy.Insights into humility, service, and the true meaning of greatness.

    Mentioned Resources:

    The Bible (specifically the Book of John)References to influential Christian teachings and personal anecdotes that have shaped their lives.
  • Show Notes:

    In this deeply personal episode of "Greatness From Small Beginnings," Keith delves into the profound impact of daily scripture writing, focusing on 1 Chronicles 29:11-13.

    This episode explores:

    The Power of Daily Rituals: Keith shares his morning routine of writing down verses and the impact on his spiritual and personal growth.Reflection on Divine Majesty: Discussion of King David's prayer and its relevance to personal and spiritual greatness.The Concept of Dominion and Stewardship: Insights into taking dominion in life as instructed in the scriptures and its application in modern life.Importance of Recognition and Gratitude: How acknowledging God's sovereignty can align our daily intentions and actions.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Keith mentions several translations and interpretations of the scripture, providing a broader understanding of its meanings.

    Discover how integrating scripture into daily life can bring about a deeper understanding of greatness from small beginnings. Subscribe, like, and comment to join the conversation and deepen your own journey.