Take a look at our visit to some of the millions of stone circles in the northeast of South Africa.
Adams Calendar is a recent megalithic discovery that could force us to reconsider the truth about our past with some possible pyramids, circles connected by stone channels, stones that ring like bells and some fascinating artifacts have been discovered.
For more about Michael Tellinger's work - http://michaeltellinger.com/
To book a flight with Darryl - http://www.coastalfootprints.co.ke/
Everything we do is self-funded so please support us by sharing on social media or by backing us on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/ModernExplorers
Our Website - http://modernexplorers.co.uk/ -
Saknas det avsnitt?
#denderazodiac #ancientegyptastronomy #asabovesobelow
The Dendera Zodiac, when ancient Egyptian Constellations meets the Greek Zodiac most are familiar with today.
It takes a little As Above So Below thinking to make sense of the Dendera Zodiac.
Ancient Egyptian Constellations Part 1
Seshat Keeper of Records in Egypt playlist
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Sunday gatherings
KemetChat is here, KemetChat is Real. Download now at https://www.gekmovement.org/download
Click here to subscribe to our Youtube Channel @Great Empire of Kemet Bonabakhulu Enjoy the video and wealth of information as always?
For Great Empire of Kemet Videos and Podcast's follow the below links : To Purchase The Afrikan Calender and Ancestral Prayer Book see below:
🔴CONTACT GREAT EMPIRE OF KEMET: 📱 CALL/TEXT: +27 (0)82 674 0880📧 info@gekmovement.org 🔴FOLLOW: 🔴▶︎Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GEKmovement 🔴▶︎Twitter: https://twitter.com/GEK_Movement 🔴▶︎Instagram: https://instagram.com/gek_movement/ 🔴▶︎Official Site: https://www.gekmovement.org 🔴Official Site: https://www.zindzimandelafoundation.c... 🔴SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/c/GreatEmpire...
#gekmovement #zindzimandelafoundation #greatempireofkemet #rebuildingtheempire #afrikannewyear #afrikancalendar #afrikanroyalty #indigenoushealing #grandrising #hotep #thokoza #lesedi #kganya #camagu #hetheruseason #ankhlife #credomutwa #vusamazulumutwa #mkhulunsingiza #blackunity #blackeconomy #blackunityforblackeconomy #phahloclock #afrikanspirituality #kemet #hetheru #mamonontsha #mvundisikazi -
Originating in Southern Africa, the #mbira has long played an integral role in the #traditions and #cultural identity of Zimbabwe’s Shona people. It consists of a handheld hardwood soundboard (gwariva) affixed with a series of thin metal keys, which are plucked by the thumbs and forefinger. A large hollow gourd (deze) provides amplification, and materials such as bottle caps or beads can be affixed to the soundboard to create the instrument’s signature buzzing sound. #ZimbabweCultureWeek #bishopmaponga
Join us Every Sunday on #ConversationsWithDawnThandekaKing LIVE on Instagram and our Facebook Page from 19:30 pm. Mkhulu Nsigiza and Thandeka King explore the need for Ukushweleza.
🔴CONTACT GREAT EMPIRE OF KEMET: 📱 CALL/TEXT: +27 (0)82 674 0880📧 info@gekmovement.org 🔴FOLLOW: 🔴▶︎Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GEKmovement 🔴▶︎Twitter: https://twitter.com/GEK_Movement 🔴▶︎Instagram: https://instagram.com/gek_movement/ 🔴▶︎Official Site: https://www.gekmovement.org 🔴: 🔴SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/c/GreatEmpireofKemetBonabakhulu -
We dive into the Afrikan Calender and Celebrate Izibu a.k.a The Ceremony of The Lotus. Mkhulu Nsingiza dives into it's importance and relevance in the Kemet/Afrikan Calendar
23 Jan - 22 Feb. "Aah Heru" , "Aah Nkosana" , "Aah Nkosazana" !
Click here to subscribe to our Youtube Channel @Great Empire of Kemet Bonabakhulu Enjoy the video and wealth of information as always?
For Great Empire of Kemet Videos and Podcast's follow the below links : To Purchase The Afrikan Calender and Ancestral Prayer Book see below:
🔴CONTACT GREAT EMPIRE OF KEMET: 📱 CALL/TEXT: +27 (0)82 674 0880📧 info@gekmovement.org 🔴FOLLOW: 🔴▶︎Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GEKmovement 🔴▶︎Twitter: https://twitter.com/GEK_Movement 🔴▶︎Instagram: https://instagram.com/gek_movement/ 🔴▶︎Official Site: https://www.gekmovement.org 🔴Official Site: https://www.zindzimandelafoundation.c... 🔴SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/c/GreatEmpire...
#gekmovement #zindzimandelafoundation #zmf #greatempireofkemet #rebuildingtheempire #melanin #afrikannewyear #afrikancalendar #afrikanroyalty #indigenoushealing #grandrisingkingsandqueens #grandrising #hotep #thokoza #lesedi #kganya #camagu #ausetseason #nomkhubulwane #ankhlife #credomutwa #vusamazulumutwa #mkhulunsingiza #blackunity #blackeconomy #blackunityforblackeconomy #phahloclock #Heru -
Download the KemetChat by visiting https://www.gekmovement.org.
Get a copy of the african calendar from our online store https://www.gekmovement.org/shop.
23 Nov - 22 December. "Aah Djehuti" , "Aah Mlobikazi" , "Aah Mlomokazi" !
Click here to subscribe to our Youtube Channel @Great Empire of Kemet
Bonabakhulu Enjoy the video and wealth of information as always? For Great Empire of Kemet Videos and Podcast's follow the below links
To Purchase The Afrikan Calender and Ancestral Prayer Book see below: 🔴CONTACT GREAT EMPIRE OF KEMET: 📱 CALL/TEXT: +27 (0)82 674 0880📧 info@gekmovement.org 🔴FOLLOW: 🔴▶︎Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GEKmovement 🔴▶︎Twitter: https://twitter.com/GEK_Movement 🔴▶︎Instagram: https://instagram.com/gek_movement/ 🔴▶︎Official Site: https://www.gekmovement.org 🔴Official Site: https://www.zindzimandelafoundation.c... 🔴SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/c/GreatEmpire...
#afrikancalendar #afrikannewyear #afrikantradtionalmedicineday #mkhulunsingiza #indigenoushealing #medicine #afrikanroyalty #greatempireofkemet #gekmovement #djehuti -
Good Rising Royals
Let’s go down memory lane
Thank you for being part of the family, we are realising a black unity ✊🏾
23 April - 23 May "Ahh Anpu" , "Ahh Mqaphikazi", “Ahh Molebelli”
Click here to subscribe to our Youtube Channel @Great Empire of Kemet Bonabakhulu Enjoy the video and wealth of information as always?
For Great Empire of Kemet Videos and Podcast's follow the below links : To Purchase The Afrikan Calender and Ancestral Prayer Book see below:
🔴CONTACT GREAT EMPIRE OF KEMET: 📱 CALL/TEXT: +27 (0)82 674 0880📧 info@gekmovement.org 🔴FOLLOW: 🔴▶︎Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GEKmovement 🔴▶︎Twitter: https://twitter.com/GEK_Movement 🔴▶︎Instagram: https://instagram.com/gek_movement/ 🔴▶︎Official Site: https://www.gekmovement.org 🔴Official Site: https://www.zindzimandelafoundation.c... 🔴SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/c/GreatEmpire...
#gekmovement #zindzimandelafoundation #greatempireofkemet #rebuildingtheempire #zindzimandela #afrikannewyear #afrikancalendar #afrikanroyalty #indigenoushealing #pilgrimage #grandrising #hotep #thokoza #lesedi #kganya #camagu #anpu #goddess #ankhlife #credomutwa #vusamazulumutwa #mkhulunsingiza #blackunity #blackeconomy #blackunityforblackeconomy #phahloclock #anpuseason #afrikanspirituality #kemet #mqaphikazi #molebelli -
Mkhulu Nsingiza dives into the Afrikan Calender and expands on the Season of Anpu/Mqaphikazi/Molebedi 23 April - 23 May. "Aah Anpu"
We celebrate the season with Song & Dance
Click here to subscribe to our Youtube Channel @Great Empire of Kemet
Bonabakhulu Enjoy the video and wealth of information as always? For Great Empire of Kemet Videos and Podcast's follow the below links :
To Purchase The Afrikan Calender and Ancestral Prayer Book see below: 🔴CONTACT GREAT EMPIRE OF KEMET: 📱 CALL/TEXT: +27 (0)82 674 0880📧 info@gekmovement.org 🔴FOLLOW: 🔴▶︎Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GEKmovement 🔴▶︎Twitter: https://twitter.com/GEK_Movement 🔴▶︎Instagram: https://instagram.com/gek_movement/ 🔴▶︎Official Site: https://www.gekmovement.org 🔴Official Site: https://www.zindzimandelafoundation.co.za 🔴SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/c/GreatEmpireofKemetBonabakhulu
#afrikancalendar #afrikannewyear #afrikantradtionalmedicineday #mkhulunsingiza #indigenoushealing #medicine #afrikanroyalty #greatempireofkemet #gekmovement #het-her -
We dive into the Afrikan Calender and expand on the Season of Set & The Nub/Golden Opportunities at our disposal.
23 June - 23 July "Ahh Sekhmet" , "Ahh Mbhidlizi"
Click here to subscribe to our Youtube Channel @Great Empire of Kemet Bonabakhulu Enjoy the video and wealth of information as always?
For Great Empire of Kemet Videos and Podcast's follow the below links : To Purchase The Afrikan Calender and Ancestral Prayer Book see below:
🔴CONTACT GREAT EMPIRE OF KEMET: 📱 CALL/TEXT: +27 (0)82 674 0880📧 info@gekmovement.org 🔴FOLLOW: 🔴▶︎Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GEKmovement 🔴▶︎Twitter: https://twitter.com/GEK_Movement 🔴▶︎Instagram: https://instagram.com/gek_movement/ 🔴▶︎Official Site: https://www.gekmovement.org 🔴Official Site: https://www.zindzimandelafoundation.c... 🔴SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/c/GreatEmpire...
#gekmovement #zindzimandelafoundation #zmf #greatempireofkemet #rebuildingtheempire #melanin #afrikannewyear #afrikancalendar #afrikanroyalty #indigenoushealing #grandrisingkingsandqueens #grandrising #hotep #thokoza #lesedi #kganya #camagu #ausetseason #nomkhubulwane #ankhlife #credomutwa #vusamazulumutwa #mkhulunsingiza #blackunity #blackeconomy #blackunityforblackeconomy #phahloclock #Set #Mbhidlizi -
21/06/2020 We had our Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. Rutendo Ngara gave a profound and extensive lecture on the historical backgrounds of the principles and spiritual systems we have as Africans. How did our ancestors know about celestial alignment? What is Kemet? What is the essence of Ubuntu? All these are answered. #WinterSolstice #Africa #powerful
Mkhulu Nsingiza dives into the Afrikan Calender and expands on the Season of Anpu/Mqaphikazi/Molebedi 23 April - 23 May. "Aah Het-Her"
We celebrate the season with Song & Dance
Click here to subscribe to our Youtube Channel @Great Empire of Kemet
Bonabakhulu Enjoy the video and wealth of information as always? For Great Empire of Kemet Videos and Podcast's follow the below links :
To Purchase The Afrikan Calender and Ancestral Prayer Book see below: 🔴CONTACT GREAT EMPIRE OF KEMET: 📱 CALL/TEXT: +27 (0)82 674 0880📧 info@gekmovement.org 🔴FOLLOW: 🔴▶︎Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GEKmovement 🔴▶︎Twitter: https://twitter.com/GEK_Movement 🔴▶︎Instagram: https://instagram.com/gek_movement/ 🔴▶︎Official Site: https://www.gekmovement.org 🔴Official Site: https://www.zindzimandelafoundation.co.za 🔴SUBSCRIBE FOR MORE VIDEOS: https://www.youtube.com/c/GreatEmpireofKemetBonabakhulu
#afrikancalendar #afrikannewyear #afrikantradtionalmedicineday #mkhulunsingiza #indigenoushealing #medicine #afrikanroyalty #greatempireofkemet #gekmovement #het-her - Visa fler