In this episode Justin focuses on Acts 16:16-18, exploring the encounter between Paul and a slave girl possessed by a spirit of divination, identified as the "spirit of Python," linked historically to the Greek god Apollo, known for prophecy. Justin warns against the pervasive counterfeit of true prophecy which he describes as a demonic force that mixes truth with error to deceive, manipulate, and profit off people's fascination with the supernatural, a phenomenon he sees as increasingly mainstream today, much like in the Greco-Roman world where consulting oracles was a universal practice.
Justin emphasizes that this spirit attempts to infiltrate when one seeks truth or communion with God, as illustrated by the slave girl’s accurate yet misleading proclamation about Paul and his team, aiming to associate them falsely with pagan deities like Apollo rather than true salvation. Justin cautions against modern "prophets" who lack accountability to a local church, urging listeners to test prophecies rigorously, as Paul advised in 1 Thessalonians 5:20, and to rely solely on the Holy Spirit for genuine revelation about the future, contrasting this with the limitations of ancient sorcerers in Daniel 2 who couldn’t access divine secrets, reinforcing that only God, through His Spirit, holds true knowledge of what’s to come. -
In this episode Justin delves into the concept of discerning spiritual influences in our lives, particularly focusing on the "spirit of python." He discusses how the Bible describes the current era as a time of maturity where both good and evil are fully manifested, making it crucial for believers to distinguish between divine guidance and misleading voices. Justin emphasizes that the Holy Spirit communicates from within the believer, originating from the spirit rather than the mind, which can be swayed by external influences. He warns against the dangers of false prophecies and divination, which he equates with the spirit of python, advising listeners to be vigilant about the sources of their thoughts and the information they accept.
Justin also critiques the modern fascination with hidden knowledge and secret prophecies, likening it to a form of spiritual addiction. He highlights the pitfalls of following unverified or sensationalist predictions, often found in both secular and spiritual contexts, which can lead believers astray. He recounts personal anecdotes to illustrate how such misinformation can influence decisions and actions, ultimately leading to spiritual and relational harm. The episode concludes with a call to seek genuine spiritual guidance through prayer, scripture, and the Holy Spirit rather than being swayed by false prophets or mediums, urging listeners to be discerning and grounded in their faith. -
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In this episode, Justin discusses how individuals can discern between various voices influencing their lives: their own internal dialogue, advice from peers or mentors, and the deceptive whispers of the enemy. Justin introduces the concept of the "spirit of python," which relates to divination and false prophecy, warning listeners about the dangers of not discerning true spiritual guidance from counterfeit influences. He stresses the necessity of internal spiritual awareness to differentiate between divine guidance and external, potentially misleading voices. The main theme is the empowerment through spiritual discernment and living in accordance with God's word rather than being swayed by external opinions or negative thoughts.
In this episode, Justin emphasizes the importance of being heavenly minded to produce Godly outcomes on Earth. He argues against the notion that being focused on heavenly things makes one unproductive, referencing Biblical scriptures that encourage setting one's mind on things above.
The discussion includes insights on utilizing imagination as a powerful tool and its role in seeing the unseen, and how words and meditation can transform one's mindset. The podcast concludes with an invitation for listeners to engage in prayer and to align their thoughts with divine purpose for 2025. -
In this podcast episode, Justin discusses the concept of being 'Heavenly minded' as a way to invoke the presence of Heaven on Earth. He emphasizes that this mindset can lead to spiritual awakenings and refreshing moments in one’s life and ministry, especially as believers prepare for the return of Jesus. The podcast encourages focusing on divine mysteries and God's promises to experience His glory and power on Earth.
In this episode, Justin discusses the theme of loyalty, particularly focusing on undivided loyalty to Jesus. He reflects on the story of Judas Iscariot, emphasizing that it is not how one starts that matters, but how one finishes their journey of faith. The discussion transitions to the importance of applying scriptural teachings in our lives, especially in confronting sin within ourselves and others, promoting genuine compassion guided by truth.
In this episode of the Grace For This City Podcast, host Justin explores the themes of loyalty and narcissism, discussing how the latter often requires blind loyalty from others. He emphasizes the importance of distinguishing true loyalty from unhealthy attachments, cautioning against remaining loyal to those who betray Jesus-like values. By referencing Biblical figures such as Judas and teachings from 1 Corinthians, Justin argues that loyalty should first be to Christ and His word, rather than to individuals who exhibit morally questionable behavior.
In this episode, Justin discusses the importance of being mindful about the company we keep and how it influences our character, habits, and ultimately our life direction. He emphasizes evaluating the five closest people in our lives to ensure they align with our values and aspirations, cautioning that 'bad company corrupts good character.' The conversation also touches on the significance of seeking mentorship from those with more life experience, and prioritizing relationships that cultivate good habits and deeper character over mere potential or talent.
In this episode, Justin discusses the crucial role of the Scriptures as a source of authority and guidance for Christians, particularly in the context of a post-Christian society. He challenges the assertion that the authority of the Scriptures should be diminished and argues that both the Word and the Holy Spirit are essential for spiritual growth and discernment. Throughout the episode, he critiques prominent church figures who advocate for separating spiritual experiences from Biblical foundations and emphasizes the importance of a well-rounded understanding of scripture.
In this episode, Justin emphasizes the importance of being led by the Spirit of God in conjunction with a strong grounding in the Scriptures. He argues that the Bible should be considered the final authority for all matters of faith and life, and warns against the dangers of neglecting Scripture in favor of just spiritual experience. The episode aims to equip believers with strategies and motivations to effectively live out their faith, especially as they anticipate the return of Jesus.
In this episode, Justin discusses the importance of living a Spirit-led life as a mature believer in Christ. He emphasizes the need to cultivate a strong relationship with the Holy Spirit, discern internal promptings, and separate spiritual insights from natural inclinations. Through examining key Biblical Scriptures, he encourages listeners to trust their inner guidance from the Holy Spirit while navigating challenges in life, ultimately aiming for a deeper and more fulfilling Christian experience.
In this episode, Justin discusses the concept of being led by the spirit according to Biblical principles. He emphasizes the importance of foundational understanding, distinguishing between being led by one's spirit and the flesh, and highlights key scriptures that support being spirit-led as essential for a Christian life. Justin asserts that true believers are animated by the Zoe life of Christ, which resides in their spirit, and contrasts this with living according to the desires of the flesh.
In this episode of the Grace For This City Podcast, Justin discusses the fundamental aspects of living a spirit-led life, emphasizing the importance of a vibrant relationship with the Scriptures and the Holy Spirit. He explains how the Holy Spirit guides and instructs believers, highlighting the advantages of having the Spirit within us post-resurrection compared to the Old Testament believers who had the Spirit upon them. Through understanding and yielding to the Spirit's leading, believers can experience a deeper communion with God.